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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 16, 2024 9:45pm-10:00pm MSK

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marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency. and here is another example of good neighborliness from the same latvian politicians. they decided to divide the river with a thorn. floating supports have begun to be installed on the latvian-russian border in... the region, the installation of fence sections continues, after that they will install gates with barbed wire, local media report that they will complete the construction of a fence on the border with russia by the end of the year, on the border with our country already this month, the total cost of the project is almost 300 million euros, latvia wants more than 300 million invest in military strengthening of the border, including digging up roads, digging ditches and strengthening them with concrete and anti-tank mines. the actions of the west have led to the current
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tense situation in the world, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of our country stated this at the meeting, according to yuri ambrazevich, today western elites, including nato, are actually forcing countries to interact on the terms imposed on them. just look at the real war waged by poland on the border with belarus against migrants from southern countries with in dozens. killed by hundreds of maimed people by polish security forces. at the same time, despite our constant proposals, warsaw has completely refused to cooperate with minsk within the framework of legal assistance instruments for border management. knowing full well that only joint efforts will make it possible to effectively fight the criminals who exploit unfortunate migrants on their way from their countries. western europe and
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especially germany. yuri ambrazevich noted that the west abandoned multilateralism in resolving conflicts and tried as much as possible to use their advantages to exploit others, resistance to all this led to increased tension in international affairs, to the degradation of the system of international security, arms control and even to war in europe. and the united states has its own election war. it's officially donald trump now. us presidential candidate from the republican party, and, surprisingly, if trump wins in november, the once ardent opponent of the ex-president, senator j.d. vance, may become vice president. he is in favor of negotiations with moscow and against further support for kyiv. here's the problem: we've now spent $200 billion. what is the goal, what are we trying to achieve, is there a risk of escalation to nuclear war? there's just a lot of bullshit here in washington.
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summer is the season of vitamins, there is a real green boom now in the markets in stores, a wide selection of vegetables, berries and herbs, and at good prices, this result is also due to price regulation by the state, anton malyuta about the wide and affordable choice in belarus. not only residents, but also guests of the capital know exactly where i need to go get some vitamins. shopping
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weekday 9:00 am on minsk komarovka is a real sell-out, why do all the shopping roads in minsk lead here, people’s opinions are the same, good prices, i like them, much lower than in the store, blueberry in store 17, here 10 and 11, i like it go to a mosquito store, in the evening they lower the prices a little, but in any case it’s cheaper than in stores, there is more choice here, the market is a lot of competition, so in the fight for a buyer all legal... means are good if people don’t they take it, there is nowhere to sell it, then we drop the price to 100 rubles, not necessarily 20 rubles, because in our market here prices range up to one and a half rubles 20, that is , people are ready to meet halfway, of course, this is in any case, we we always weigh it, for example, if it weighs more than 10 rubles, it’s better to say 10 rubles in total. to prevent unreasonable price increases is the task of the authorities; many government agencies keep their finger on the pulse; they work all year, but especially closely during the high season. this year
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, no global violations were identified, but of course, there are slight price fluctuations, and this is normal. weather, yield, logistics , demand from buyers, all of this affects the final outcome in one way or another. the cost cannot be compared with the price in the package, the price of the same product, which is sold directly in the same cup with peat, with soil, increasing the time of sale of this product, and the same product in the weight segment, the consumer himself has the right to choose what he wants cheaper, which he will consume within one or two days, or something that he can save for the future... and if to speak more globally, not only about greens, on the shelves there are enough basic goods at minimal prices and gourmet delicacies, for which you will have to pay more money. agree, if there is such a choice, it means that the economy is working steadily in the interests of people, to say that our
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prices are rising, well, in general, is incorrect; if we compare growth, it means in relation to the consumer price index in relation to may, then somewhere less. compared to western countries, belarus is often several times cheaper, but of course there is still what to work on, for example, reducing dependence on imports. if we return to the same greenery, greenhouses are actively being built and modernized in the country so that belarusians always have tasty, high-quality, affordable and, most importantly, their own products on the tables. anton
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malyuta and grigory kristofovich, television news agency. belarus has lived under peaceful skies for 80 years and today grodno celebrates the anniversary of its liberation. from the nazi invaders. in july 1944, the city was the last outpost on the way to east prussia for its defense. the fascists deployed significant forces, but the troops of the second and third belarusian fronts knocked out the enemy on july 16. a detailed report by yuri kornilovich about heroic history and peaceful development. hundreds of citizens gathered at the monument to soviet soldiers and partisans in the central park of grodno, a solemn meeting, a minute of silence, laying flowers at the eternal flame,
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as gratitude from grodno residents to the heroes who liberated the city from the nazis. it's important for us to visit. such events, communicate with veterans, and of course, understand at what cost we got victory, at what cost did we get a peaceful sky above our heads, of course, we, like no one else, must preserve this, the city survived the occupation, the city survived difficult years and with dignity, was liberated, i love grodno, i am happy that i live in this time of peace, that 80 years for grodno is also the dawn, the city above dnemon was liberated in july forty something. at the second stage of the belarusian strategic offensive operation bagration. grodno was the last outpost on the way to east prussia, so the invaders came to its defense sent significant forces, but troops of the second and third belarusian fronts drove the fascists out of the right bank part
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of the city on july 16. there were still 8 long days of fighting ahead for the left bank part of the city; to strengthen the defense, the germans threw an elite ss tank division there, a death’s-head, to completely break the enemy’s resistance. the red army succeeded only on july 24. it is symbolic that on the day of its liberation , grodno welcomed the participants of the information and educational campaign along the roads of glory. representatives of civil society, public associations visit the places where the key battles of the offensive operation bagration unfolded, during which belarus was liberated from the german occupiers. together with the entire headquarters of the patriotic forces, we held a large-scale motor rally. now we are at the mound of glory, because... that we understand that, first of all, through the memory of those heroes who liberated, gave us a white, clear sky, modern ideological education, work with youth should take place, we understand today that as long as we remember, we will live, the city of grodno is over 80
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years of free life, of course, it has developed, more than one generation of wonderful people was born here, who today work in all spheres of our country, glorifying their beloved... native land. today grodno is a large industrial center that is actively developing, and the city above the neman is a tourist pearl of belarus. more than 150,000 guests come here every year, and a gift was prepared for them during the liberation; today the tourist information center began operating. this is maximum information on events, places accommodation, places to eat, organizing some kind of excursion services, any services, medical tourism. the liberation day of grodno also means dozens of festive locations, the city of masters has a rich concert program. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. yes, 80 years ago you are. days from june 23 to august 29 , the offensive operation bagration was going on, its success
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was based on the heroism of soviet soldiers, but in such a short period of time, the complete defeat of the enemy could not have happened without the ingenious decisions of the soviets generals. the history of the liberation of our country through the fates of these outstanding military commanders, the basis of a new project of the agency team, a galaxy of winners. watch the first episode about ivan bogramyan today in our evening. strategic thinking, intuition for a surprise strike, originality of design, ability to make decisions unexpected for the enemy, avoidance of the template and military cunning. the commanders of operation bagration in a special project of the television news agency, a galaxy of winners. huge role in
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the liberation of belarus was played by the partisans and 80 years ago, 2 weeks after the liberation of minsk, a parade of partisans took place in the capital. then 30,000 people's avengers took part in the solemn procession. and their mascot was a little goat, who soon led the parade. the baby helped the orderlies carry medications. and under fire, saving the lives of partisans. these days, the capital recreates the atmosphere of the first victory procession; a large-scale reconstruction of the parade took place in light of the anniversary of the liberation of belarus in 2019. in belarus may establish a new landmark date: partisan day... this was stated by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the partisan parade on the occasion of
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the liberation of minsk from the nazi invaders. the initiative is ready to be discussed at the upper palat of parliament, where the optimal date for this event will be chosen. they will also develop current approaches to perpetuate the memory of the feat of the belarusian partisans and underground fighters. fighting against the regular nazi army, being in forests and swamps. being underground, they sacredly honored the memory of the independence of our homeland, they knew that the only punishment that would follow for being underground with the partisans was death, but they survived, they did everything to ensure that our country was free, also today , representatives of the council of the republic laid flowers at the belarus-partisan monument in...
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from this city, from this country, from this republic, you are already more deeply immersed,
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and as a rule, probably, in the history of this city, because there are a lot of us schools conclude agreements and children come in classes, the next point of the route is marshamiran, minsk region, representatives of public associations, youth and veterans visited khatyn, laid flowers to the eternal.


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