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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 17, 2024 1:40am-2:01am MSK

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real knowledge, there is no real memory, it can be destroyed, there is a war against us, a hybrid war and they will not leave, this war has its own laws, the most important law of this war is to discredit the current government, and you know what the logic is next, here we are now we’ll capture them, rob them and live, this is their eternal, innate logic, but they won’t succeed, they’ll end up like their descendants. don’t miss the show on the belarus24 tv channel where they fight not with the help of physical force. let's stay on the topic of hockey and i'm first. just like that. let's try. khl team representing kazakhstan. kazakhstan - borys. absolutely right. we will play more lively, so quantity will turn into quality. name the athlete who is encrypted in this picture.
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this soviet athlete was recognized as the best hockey player of the 20th century according to the international hockey federation. sergey, i think vladislav trits. absolutely right, vladislav trits. watch the intellectual sports project "head game". on our tv channel.
1:42 am
we agreed on our love for the italian language. i was learning italian and i was getting a group new at the italian language school. and vitalik already knew italian. and in a conversation with another person, in the same office with him , i said that i would be italian. spoke to me in italian, and we were like, oh, cool, in general, everything turned out omoro in the end, then, yes, we started dating, got married, and uh, we started looking in the same direction, specifically, when they began, when he persuaded me to plant lavender here, but lavender was already in my life from the beginning, because my mother was just i grew lavender next to my house. we have
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a small little bed in brest, literally a flower bed of lavender, and for many years she couldn’t do it, in the end it worked out, by chance she planted the seeds, they sprouted, because who knows, it’s quite difficult to grow lavender from seeds, there many conditions need to be met, then this miracle happened, it grew, it grew, we decided to use it to save money in wedding decor, vitalik said, let’s do something else with it, we’ll plant a lot, a lot, here we have me at the station, provided...
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support, let's start with your parents, come on, come on, i think that these are wonderful people, i’m not doing this because they show my mother-in-law on tv, that’s it, no, in fact they ’re awesome, because they this site is not going anywhere, they support all our crazy ideas, and i understand that they are very much for us, well, they are rooting for us, worrying, worrying, yes, they are very cool, in fact, we have all our lavender in history 8 years old, our daughter is 6 years, it appeared almost immediately after... the appearance of lavender, probably even thanks to the fact that we got lavender thanks to the fact that we were here, resting, and we are very grateful to this place, we feel that it gave us this, my daughter visited here for the first time at 4 months old, we came with her, already the next year was, in my opinion, a year and a half, we began to come here constantly, such a small, little baby is with us all the time...
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on the hand there is the appearance of lavender,
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people like it, people want to slow down, especially from big cities, from minsk. there are a lot of visitors because it is a green city, of course, but this kind of freedom, when you see nature so close to you, there is no such thing there, especially with such an interesting fragrant plant, of course they immediately feel peace, some people come, of course everyone takes pictures at once, it’s faster to capture it all, someone sits down , just sits and just smells, well, here they will not feel anywhere in france how valando mixes with acacias and lindens. here all around here in general, well, all these aromas are mixed, forests, fields, grasses, in different times of the day, these are also different smells, then we also have the wind blowing from the black sea, so it reaches us, of course we want more, every year we want
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more, but lavender is such a thing, at first there was very little of it, there were small ones plants, but young plants in some third or fourth year, in my opinion, simply give a multiple increase in their volume. talk about the mistakes we made, we went to our barn, in which we dry, in the dryer, we once hung a lot, we collected bunches, we hung a lot of lavender, very densely, and the weather was humid, like tacos, just like the weather was like this now and we had a lot of mold, it’s just that we lost it, we just threw away our work, uh, vitalik’s mom was running, she read it, why is this being done, lord, my god, anya loves her bushes, she talks to them, i mostly just quarrel with them, that is, if half of the bush there has become somehow scary after the winter, that is, it’s frozen there or someone played this part, then we talk to him like this, if you next year or by spring you won’t be normal, i’ll cut you off, and i’ll go up to him, wait, wait, dude, everything’s fine, he
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won’t throw you out, everything will be fine, they’re alive, in general it’s already been proven that plants have a feeling; in general, bushes each have their own character, their own mood. there is a north, a south side, there is a desire to grow, there is a desire to die, and a lavender grower needs to be prepared for the fact that the bush may die, but this is very interesting, it is much more interesting than potatoes, it is exciting and in general, well, they are, well, they are, if you are i grew him from a small seed or cutting, it’s like children, he enjoys it, these are our first children, before sasha, these are all our first children, that is, we treat them very carefully, we cannot betray them very tenderly... when you feel that you cannot live without it, then well, this is the most high in life in general, you see, a sign from the sky for you, the rain confirms it,
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i don’t remember where i dreamed of standing, remember? that i dreamed of having a hairstyle like barbara bryska, all from childhood dreams, but my family was not connected with agriculture in principle, as it was a little bit concerning, my grandmother, and on my mother’s side, she was the chairman of a collective farm in the stavropol region, but here in brest, i myself was born and raised in brest, we didn’t have any special farm, that is, there was plot in the private sector, an ordinary vegetable garden, and of course my grandmother planted tomatoes, cucumbers there on a large scale, that’s all, the second grandmother, she also did the usual farming near the house, and well, since childhood i ’ve seen seedlings on window sills, then in the garden weed it all, but nothing like that
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there was no farming or any such agricultural direction in the family, all of them were engineers, my mother was generally a philologist, that’s why there was no such kind of direct special training in farming, the only thing i had was that my mother... then took me with with me into the garden, and because she said, i’m bored, come with me, well , apparently like this, now i ’m saying the same thing to my daughter, come with me, i’m bored, but my mother loved me very much, my mother loved me very much grow... any plants, some exotic ones, lemon trees, coffee tree, houses, indoor plants on the street, southern cherries, my mother herself grew up in the northern caucasus, that’s where the stavropol region has mineral waters, and all this southern stuff grew there, she really wanted to grow all this here too, for everyone, for all this , of course, well, she pushed me with her example, she comes from pinsk. from the pale, that's why we had an empty plot here, so somehow we ended up here, no, wait, you
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were there, there was one grandmother with a plot of 24 acres, a second grandmother with a lot of plot too tens of acres, well, it seems to me that he is more of a vitalik after all, he is being modest now, but in general in pinsk in polesie or in pinsk everyone is very enterprising, everyone really likes to grow things, and vitalik most likely saw all this, i so i haven’t seen much, it was the first time i saw such a village here. when you go to all the gardens in these greenhouses, we didn’t have any capital, that is , we don’t have such a goal here to create an agro-tourism complex or a company, that is, this is for our own pleasure, well, as a hobby, because well, as if i’m still working at my main job, this is such a product - when we were just starting out, we thought maybe we could plant a whole plot of cucumbers, put up a greenhouse, i say, vanya, you have to get up every morning to water it. to heat this cave, well, that is, and lavender is actually a flower that
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requires less uh reverent care, well, there are some seasonal things that need to be done, but this does not need to be done every day, that is, we we can safely leave, she is growing in the sunshine along the forest. in general it’s already scientific it has been proven that working with the earth, i’ll just say, when you dig in the earth, there are bacteria in the earth that work like endorphins and a person... gets physical pleasure, a feeling of happiness when he digs in the earth, many people feel this, but not they understand how this happens, of course, there are people who are purely urban, i also met such people and i know, even in my family there are people who live well for them as human beings, they don’t need land, that is, there are different people, and there are and i think they are most people who really like working with the earth, you really feel... peace, you feel, you don’t listen to extraneous noise, it’s not there, you listen to
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nature, even these birds, you dig, and after some time you see the results of your labors, it’s also such a thrill when you come, plow, plow, and then it starts to bloom, it’s actually so cool, or the fruits have grown. in our country, belarus, there are now all the conditions, in principle, to start some kind of business, let’s say, now it depends more. even different from a person who has initiative, if a person wants to take
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initiative, in principle no one limits him, that is, to do some business, given that the climatic conditions we have now, this does not depend only on valanda, for many crops, for many crops, yes, that is, early strawberries, that is, there are early cucumbers, tomatoes, everything that the south of polesie can do with the same and compete with the same strip with rostov, with someone in, well, i don’t know agricultural products are, in principle, now possible realize it, if in principle you have a desire, in general the main desire, the desire is already met with some opportunities, we basically have enough of everything to take and do, you always need to try, you never need to be afraid, you feel that you belong on your own land , you live calmly, you are happy, this is a very very important element in life, if this is... no, you don’t know where you are, and you’re lost, then this is very, well, i think it’s very strong
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leads to the psyche, and when you know that there is a corner of the earth, yours, cool, generally beautiful and smells good, with a place of power, then this is just happiness in this, it seems to me, very great, even the history of our family, our child, all this creates our common history on our land , it’s somehow very felt. very, very, very, very somehow very proud of this, i want to, in general they say that happiness loves silence, but for some reason i decided to share it all, don’t hide it. that's all, and it all resulted in a blog, and then from the blog it all resulted in a book, which is called a part among the lavender, and indeed i described completely randomly everything that happened to us over these years, while we were creating our farm, it turned out that these are very close stories to many people, it’s happiness, it’s like this
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, it’s fucking in you, it seems to me, just wherever you go, if you have it in you, well , it will bring your happiness to your family , a woman creates a very important atmosphere in the family and i can directly feel it, we have one , you can believe in it or not, but the condition of the vital and daughters, they feel this very much, it is very important for women to create this hearth, comfort, but you are like the center, you feel... this heart is the main one in the family, thanks to our work, again, thanks to the fact that we here in the house we are creating this, our family, the history of our family, our family, its continuation, and this is a very pleasant feeling, very important for a woman, for a man he also feels such, well, his importance, and for a woman you feel that you do something warm,
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something good, i want to wish it to many girls, women, still find... this is the proverbial female happiness, when everything is fine with you, you have a loved one, a favorite activity, a hobby, an outlet, and you are in harmony, this is very important for a woman especially, and it’s not easy to find it, you also need to preserve it, don’t be afraid of it, don’t hold back, share it, because when you share happiness, there’s more of it, well , yes, and if happiness speaks in the way that it is, well, like... boxes matches, yes, every match is our family happiness there at work i created something creative there, that is , some kind of vavandian, parents, well, healthy, everything is fine, that is, all this is completed; we have a very large, strong, happy family, a whole box, yes, a whole box.
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just one chance to show my strength, i remember there that minsk was mentioned for the first time in the chronicles in 1067. maybe you will remember in which chronicle this very first mention was made, i don’t remember the chronicle. demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. how does
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the abbreviation zms stand for? vitaly, honored master sports. master of sports, the smartest and bravest gather here, do you want to become either a physical education teacher or a dentist, don’t you think there is a colossal gap between the first and the second, how did it happen, why is this? you get into someone else’s mouth, you drill something there, insert it, drill it back, well , drill it, put it on, and they give you money for it, what’s wrong with labor, i just somehow, well, don’t like it, i like it better ...
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like the sunshine, the sunshine, the light of the sun, and how our life is built up from these fragments, we want to look at this light for everyone, and kozhny zen adkryvatsa for yourself is new, we geta so tsikava, where we work geta with anyone, with anyone yes... we greet everyone who is now with us, hello, yes.


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