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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 17, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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everyone is waiting for changes; from august 1 , the register of road transport of passengers in irregular traffic will begin to operate. the electronic resource will combine information about all dispatchers, drivers, and taxi cars. anyone who is not in this database will not be able to provide taxi services. let me note that the innovation provides for a presidential decree, which came into force at the beginning of this year, what will change for taxi drivers and passengers, how to get on the register, and who does not belong there. ilona volynets about why... to circumvent the law it won't work anymore. no one is safe from an accident, but when we get into a taxi, we expect professional and safe driving. but what do we know about those who transport us? in the best case, the driver’s last name, first name, and patronymic from the mobile application. i wonder if you would continue the trip if you found out that your driver has no driving experience and no medical certificate? and in general it works illegally.
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changes in legislation are intended to eliminate gray market participants. from august 1 , a register of automobiles will be launched in belarus. transportation, where everyone who wants to stay in this business must register. the common database will collect information about all dispatchers, drivers and taxi cars. from november 1, it will be prohibited to work without inclusion in the register. for this, carriers face confiscation of proceeds and vehicle. then registration will also become paid. two basic for the car, one for the driver and 100 for the dispatcher. in our opinion, the register allows us to make the market more transparent. firstly, the dispatchers who transmit orders, they will be obliged register on the territory of the republic of belarus. using the registry, any passenger, as well as the driver, will be able to see through which business entity their order is being transferred and, accordingly, find this business entity if they need to somehow resign their rights, that is, if their rights have been violated. medical certificate. one of the mandatory
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documents for inclusion in the register, its validity period will be monitored, plus drivers must improve their qualifications every 5 years, we are talking about specialized courses in which, in addition to the basics of driving, they will remind you of the rules for transporting passengers, the basics of ethics, the nuances of using taximeters for communication devices in cars; turning the steering wheel is not as easy as it seems at first glance, especially when someone’s life depends on you. after all , the state’s decision that it is necessary to restore order in this matter is correct. directly, because a huge layer of business is located in such a, this is not a gray zone, such a buffer zone, that is, it is not clear who exactly speaking, it manages all this huge traffic flow, because every day from 13 to 25,000 cars across the republic enter the line, which are employed in the taxi industry. as before, this will no longer be the case; according to the new rules, drivers must have an employment relationship with carriers. the contract is excluded only the contract, that is, to hack.
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there will no longer be free time from your main job, and the point is not that the state is trying to deprive you of additional income, the register will protect you from overtime, then there will be a work-rest schedule, which means taxi trips will become safer, plus fellow taxi drivers won’t complain that one-day bombers pick up their clients at advantageous hours. experienced taxi driver dmitry bogan says that in order to get on the register, all you have to do is take courses, all other requirements, he has a green light when you drive in a legal field... there is nothing to be afraid of, we have one nuance, no one knew about it, that every driver must take courses called advanced training in mechanical transport funds of category b, these courses of course cause, let’s say, fears, but why, because firstly, the courses cost a lot of money, that is, about 300-500 belarusian rubles, and this scares many people away; they do not go to take these courses. the rules are
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not to be afraid to go on the road. the new decree also requires the mandatory installation of cctv cameras in taxis. the footage must be stored for at least 15 days. ilona volynets, sergey korneev, area of ​​interest. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, then about the energy of the future. stay with us. according to the agreement with the northern financial group dated january 13 last year, apartment number 13 on chistoprudny boulevard, building 17 , is subject to foreclosure. dima, what's going on? sasha, i’ll explain everything to you now, okay, just don’t worry. let's say you have debts, but the apartment is not yours, how could you mortgage it? i am the buyer of this apartment, i came to you with an offer. i think he is a very good person. you don’t have the feeling that... you and i have known each other for a long time, so i
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’m experiencing something similar, i didn’t expect you i feel everything so acutely, i... everything, why are you looking at her like that, but no, wait, i ’ve already heard all this, i ask you to answer me, why did you put your ambitions above your family, watch the series windows on the boulevard on the belarus24 tv channel, this is the sphere. interests, we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, we will tell you how the rates have changed. the russian ruble has fallen in price, the dollar and yuan have risen in price. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 20 kopecks. the euro is now at the national bank exchange rate of 3.49. for 10 yuaniya they ask for 4.40, 100 russian
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rubles costs 3.62. for the first time, two belarusians were shortlisted for the prestigious international global energy prize, where experts recognize the most outstanding scientific research and development for. him of the day. among this year's nominees are innovators from europe, asia, africa, the ocean and the americas, two of our fellow countrymen, the founder of the belarusian scientific school in the field of thermal bodies, leonard vasiliev and alexander mikhalevich, who devoted his entire life to the peaceful atom. every year, experts recognize the best of the best. belarus on the world stage - worthy competitor. the volgograd region of russia, where we learned the names of the winners this year, is one of the examples of the synthesis of traditional and new energy. here is one of the oldest oil refineries in russia, the first liquefied natural gas production site in the south of the country, wind turbines, solar generators, and a hydroelectric power station. the largest
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hydroelectric power station in europe, at the time of construction, the most powerful hydroelectric power station in the world , at one time saved the soviet union from a shortage of electricity. in fact, it was here that the formation of a unified energy systems of russia. now a large-scale modernization program is being carried out here. the experiences and technologies of this site are also interesting to belarusians. the only phase-change complex in russia. can this be used not only at gas stations, but can it be used, for example, at nuclear power plants or somewhere else? it can be used at nuclear power plants, it can even be used at power plants, precisely where there is a need to relieve some sections, some lines. there was a request from the outside, and
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the works, cross-country ability, all-season capability, thanks to the manufacturers, i have been to all of your factories, a promising area of ​​cooperation is belarusian fish feed. on the territory of the volzhskaya gas station there is a sturgeon factory, where the animal wealth of the great russian river is replenished. compound feed from our bnbc may appear in their diet. with the construction of hydroelectric power stations on the volga, they are gradually coming off the shelves. disappear, the sitrino is sterilized, now the fish are bred in a special factory, ground and released into the water, about 3 million annually. this is humanity’s compensation for its industry. in the nineties there was a problem with the procurement of sires , it began, if earlier they approached
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the ges ward, then there was a decrease in the approach and therefore, in order not to depend, it was decided to create a replacement broodstock, which we now maintain here. hydroenergy. environmentalists don’t like it, including for this reason, but at the same time, at the moment, about 70% of all renewable energy in the world is generated at the hydroelectric station, and the prospects for the industry are brilliant, the production of the volzhskaya hydroelectric station allows us to supply the region, that is, the volgograd region, well about 70%. you can imagine the huge volgograd region, and that’s what our role in providing electricity means. without us, without hydropower. without nuclear power plants, without thermal power plants, well, not yet, alexander mikhailevich calls the commissioning of a nuclear power plant in belarus the greatest achievement in the field of energy in an independent country. today the institute is calculating where and when to build a second nuclear power plant. for his contribution to the development of global energy, the organizers of the award awarded
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an honorary diploma to our scientist. we'll see where we go. we have ahead of you and russian energy week in moscow in september. i have a desire, i would like to materialize, maybe carry it out. the founder of the belarusian scientific school in the field of heat pipes, leonard vasiliev, knows a lot about creating optimal temperatures. the second nominee for the award is doctor of technical sciences, professor at the lykov institute of heat and mass transfer. by the way, this is the only scientific institution in our country that is still studying the possibilities of practical application of hydrogen. scientists around the world associate a new light with it. the future of energy. multi-ton long distance is what they call it.
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hundreds of projects in various fields, the main task is to create breakthrough technologies and master them in production. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we're on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday with the biggest stories in the economy. see you.
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hello, viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda, let's begin. it was, of course, a hot weekend in the usa , donald trump was almost shot, only his ear was damaged, and, of course, he also suffered washington's reputation is around the world, regardless of...
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so guys, look, our troops need to be removed from the border, not counting weekends,
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no one will argue with the fact that the main event of last week was the slavic bazaar, including because this is, in general , our main festival, to compete with which in terms of scale and colorfulness, perhaps, perhaps, well, yes, alexandria, which, however, was initially conceived as a small holiday of hospitality, friendship and kindness, but this festival itself has grown to a very local to the level already and between. folk the slavic bazaar, by definition , was conceived long ago as a comprehensive holiday, because there are many slavs. at one time, the prospects for this forum were vague, because it was in the history of our country. the dashing page of the nineties, when it was proposed to save on bread and especially save on entertainment, this gave in as some kind of desire to minimize expenses in the name of a bright future, but for some reason i am sure that this is a lie if some political forces offer the electorate to save on things like everything, cancel everything, live ascetically and somehow not show off, this is almost always not for the sake
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of investing in the future, but for the sake of investing in the pockets of those who offer it, i don’t know a single ex-leader or... the leader of some average country who carried out some pro-democratic reforms, for the sake of which the people had to suffer and for him or her to now live in poverty, on the contrary, they, as a rule, are doing well, and golden times are coming for presidents in the west just after the presidency, here is a people who were supposedly temporarily deprived of bread and circuses without either one, remained much longer and much later than the moment when the one who promised a bright future... georgians and armenians went through this, now moldovans are going through this, and here in general another concept of development, alexander lukashenko is a man of a broad soul, as is customary among the slavs, we may not have anything, but on a sincere holiday with our family and
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friends we will always find everything we need, does the slavic bazaar cost a pretty penny in belarus, oh yes , this is true, and before, when there were a couple of kopecks in the budget, now they are flying in, when kopecks, rubles and pieces of paper, with a much larger denomination, we don’t have excess, of course, but quite a lot. in general, there are only two male concepts for filling the general budget, and for the family and for the state, they are identical, because the state is, well, one big family. some people prefer to save more so that they have x amount left each month. the latter tend to look for options on how to earn more so that the income remains the same every month. sum x, of course, there is a golden mean, but these are exactly what extremes are. belarus under lukashenko, obviously, is about the desire to earn more, and not about some kind of total economy, if we had otherwise we would not have had a socially oriented state, which then became a social state, but this is still not the same thing . there would not be such a large number of all kinds of benefits and benefits, although i
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personally agree with some experts that their excessive presence is not good for the economy and for... people in a working economy, there would be no state support, subsidies and much more another. yes, alexander grigorievich often says that you need to save every penny, but it is wrong to take this quote out of context. taking a prudent approach to money is yes, but you don’t have to huddle and be some kind of stingy person. and if we all, as the president asks, especially in the year of quality, because for the slavic soul there must be holidays, without holidays life becomes boring, pressy and generally somehow democratic. yes, the slavic bazaar is not just about a holiday, it is also an investment in priceless things in the friendship of peoples and peace between us, who knows, lukashenko did not preserve the slavic then, when everyone was looking for some kind of their own national path, how would the slavs interact today. president of the republic of belarus, alexander grigorievich
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lukashenko. i love such sincere fragments of human joy at the moment when people meet the president, and as a journalist of the presidential pool, i will add that this is always and everywhere in belarus, from the capital to the smallest settlements. by the way, when alexander lukashenko communicates with people somewhere, i like to be somewhere in people, and not take up space for the press, to make it a little better. feel the attitude of these particular people towards the fact that the head of state is communicating with them. i will share my own observations: for the vast majority of people, lukashenko’s arrival is a holiday, first of all, because many want to express gratitude to him for the work as president, which he has been successfully doing for 30 years. of course, there are people who are imbued with a personal attitude towards
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alexander grigorievich, in whom there is a little less politics, more well, humane, what's real. man, that he chops the truth , the womb and firewood, that he takes care of women and children, and so on. i will also say that there is always a small percentage of people in the crowd for whom the very fact of seeing the president of a sovereign country is a holiday, because this can be remembered for a long time and talked about for a long time, well, to everyone. i may surprise someone, but among these masses of citizens there are also those who, based on visual sensations, support lukashenko, say, a little less than others, but they still come because it’s interesting to see how... what he’s like in person, how he speaks, how he answers questions, in general what happens when he arrives, but for people a meeting with the head of state is still a common holiday, because that’s the kind of president we have, but...


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