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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] for some reason, none of the ardent supporters of democracy was outraged by the foreign affairs of the european union that he performed the functions rather of a minister of war and even allocated money for weapons for kiev from the fund for a second of peace, the money collected for peace was spent on stimulating war, it’s kind of like was also not accepted in diplomacy, was it? then a reasonable question arises for us: why the hell do we need to do what is accepted and not do what we need, if it is not accepted to do so. the task of the belarusian foreign ministry today is promotion of belarusian exports, substantive and specific, and not a general diplomatic handshake of those hands that are customary to shake, and for these tasks it is rather not a classical diplomat who grew up in the subculture of how it is accepted and how it should be, but decided, relatively speaking, by classical diplomacy - this is just an example of the work of diplomats who fled abroad in the twenties, there are meetings, declarations of intent, there are promises, there are words
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of support from western partners, but they have no mere trifle results, we only need results, especially in africa, where over the decades we have heard and seen enough of classical diplomacy, where we tried to do as is customary throughout the world, and the result, even if it was positive, was for anyone, but not for africa itself, our diplomacy is specific and based on decisions in the economy, if the president says : we will help with this, which means we must be ready to do this tomorrow, regardless of whether it is customary to do something from what... we are going to or not, you have taken on a very heavy burden of healthcare and children's food, rest assured that in this regard we will always be by your side, we will do everything necessary to improve the situation in zimbabwe with medical care for the population and food for children, this is substantive diplomacy, because the classic one is
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a search for compromises, mutual concessions, but minsk our cooperation with zimbabwe begins with the fact that first, without looking at our own benefit, we will help you solve the most important issues of children’s health and nutrition, and the person responsible for these issues must have only a toolkit for solving problems, it must have the tendency to create new opportunities in order to complete this task, because if we look for ways only where there are already rules, where this is how it is accepted, then we will not find anything in the world experience. there are no particular examples of states actually helping africa in child health and nutrition. there is experience of intentions, declarations of everything else, but these problems remain the same as they were. the whole world has no idea what and how exactly is needed to make it happen in zimbabwe. accordingly, in classical diplomacy there are no answers to the questions of how it should be done and what exactly should be done. because classical diplomacy will not solve these issues; it is not
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designed to create new opportunities. an apparatchik from the presidential administration headed by meade may be inclined to create these very opportunities, who is able to assess a situation in which it seems impossible to complete a task, but not talk to the top about it, create opportunities to solve the problem, taking responsibility for the consequences, i will say thus, our embassies on the territory of our allies should be less like diplomatic missions and more like export executive committees, and for ambassadors to resolve issues, they should discuss possible solutions at all levels. questions, in my opinion, what the president wants from the foreign ministry, how it will be, well, we’ll see, but for some reason i believe that it will be good, my name is igor tur, this was my propaganda,
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the television news agency presents: i’ll see who is there, hello , our good girl, good girl, everything is fine, why are you crying, everything is fine, fine, everything, don’t cry, everything is fine, come on, everything will be fine, don’t be upset, my
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dear homeland. other tours are supported by alexander ryhoravich lukashenka. dear. republic of belarus i unequivocally swear to serve
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the people of the republic of belarus, to extinguish the constitutional laws and laws of the republic of belarus, which have been carefully imposed on me . from now on, alexander ryhoravich lukashenka stepped up to the front of the president of the republic of belarus. the president of the country found himself in an unfavorable situation. peradvybarchyya
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abyatsnnі hello, but... i am deeply convinced that the belarusian people have everything they need for a decent life, state power is able to provide conditions for peace and prosperity of the republic. i understand that the victory that my team won in this massive battle was given to the current government of belarus due to the crisis that our republic suffered due to the apostasy bastards.
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we know how unbearable the life of the simpleton is to the people, how deeply our life 's social injustice has affected let's go out from the sklaўshaga stanovіshchа, аlе gеta don’t frighten nі mаne аsabіsta. i don’t think, as a young team, we are still strong and ready to work without distraction, so that life becomes easier for our people, so that our belarus becomes more rusty
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. we greet everyone who is now with us, hello, it so happens that this is a special day in our history, it explains a lot about us today, so let’s start with it: on july 10, 1990 , the second round of elections was held in belarus, they chose
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not easy. lukashenko, because he promised to restore cooperation ties, i believe that this is his greatest merit, the industry began to work, because many said that enterprises should be closed, they are ineffective
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enterprises. discredited by chatter, it was the worst
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option, you know, such a caricatured almost option, of an intellectual who promises a lot , but does nothing, and poznyak - it was just an ischadiada, even though he took third place there, but even those regions on which he counted on support, in which, they opposed him, there are amazing memories of his associate, sergei naumchik, how he went when they found out the results of the first round and it didn’t matter whether it was there or the second. and he drives around minsk and thinks, this is not my city, that is, they did not trust, did not believe in their people, they despised this people, that when the choice was made in favor of
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lukashenko, they treated him this way. for years he has been professing and ironically pursuing an anti-corruption position, which all these years of life, nevertheless, be that as it may, let's say frankly, his smile, his charm, his
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influence on people certainly played this role and exactly 30 years ago the era in which we live began, the era of alexander
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lukashenko, now 30 years later, look, i remember, it was practically impossible to find lukashenko at that time in minsk, i was then journalist, almost all the candidates had access, lukashenko was always in the regions, personal meetings, personal, in general , taking a personal discussion of problems that were, accordingly, face to face, as they are, quite seriously, this is the style, of course he fell in love, well, if we talk about programmatic things, they are also very important, yes, in fact, you already remembered about the bureaucratic market of kebich, which... has already realized itself, yes, that is, already in the ninety-second, ninety-third years in belarus he created a bureaucratic market that compensated this is the decline in industrial relations that happened, it worked its way out and somewhere in the ninety-four year it already began to come to an end, that is, it was necessary to start something new, in this regard
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, lukashenko’s project, a project of close integration with russia, which will, in fact, allow feed russia and sales markets and... you will agree, you will disagree, but it seems to me that it kind of leads to this, that it was precisely on the thirtieth anniversary of the institution of the presidency that we joined the shanghai
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cooperation organization in such a full status, a good sign, yes , of course, it’s a good organization, and many people say, that’s why we joined? what kind of organization is this? well, in order to understand what kind of organization this is, it was generally formed, so to speak, i remember, it’s very easy to remember, against what? thesis, anti against the fight against terrorism, the fight against extremism and the fight against separatism, abbreviated tez, it means that this organization was created in this way, and if you look even deeper into history, it did not even begin with the shanghai five, it began in the late sixties, when we were
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tense... well, how does it implement a protective function, including now showing exercises with the chinese, with the chinese army, that is, this is quite logical, we are already in this organization, so in any case they can come to the rescue and the armies of those countries that are part of this shanghai group, this is on the one hand, but on the other hand the task is to create a free trade zone, yeah, what is a free trade zone, this is when goods are moved without duties, imagine, we get such a market, this is 65% of the territory of eurasia, 25% of the world's territory,
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40% of the world's population lives in these regions, and accordingly we get such a powerful market, because when i talked about, we talked about the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency, and i said that the task was set restore cooperation ties, for us cooperation ties are important on the one hand, but on the other hand, when you
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create a product through cooperation, it is important for you. this organization is important to us both from the point of view of the initial goal of this organization, and from the point of view of the strategic task that is set to create, that is, a free trade zone, moreover, i’ll give an example, if you compare, well, compare, don’t compare, i’ll just give the example of kazakhstan . this is enough updated information, the point is that look, because
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the sco has gone through periods, several periods of expansion, initially it was created against separatism, against solving regional problems, then its number of members increased and the effectiveness of decisions fell sharply, because the principle of consensus, the principle of agreement between everyone and everyone, yes, that is, an inevitable process, as long as it lasts a new picture of the world and an idea of ​​how
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it should be developed there. formations of this western world, we will remain aloof from it, but a world based on sovereignty will also have to be rebuilt, it will also have to be done, and it’s a great thing that belarus found itself at the same table, at the round table, on equal terms at the moment when all these things need to be resolved, because these are the very important ideological things that are formulated in the first place, well, that is, how we in the cube at the beginning we sit, we say what the problem is and how we can solve it, and... then we move on to the level, and how will we solve this? so, if until now most of the foreign policy of belarus was faced with
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the question of how to do this, now it arises question: what to do, that is, the transition to the next level, and with this we can actually congratulate the belarusian president, and belarus as a whole, and the belarusian mit, because these are completely new ambitions, a completely new scope, compared to what was for this purpose, despite the fact that the previous task, it is clear, is also not going anywhere, here is one of the key players in the show of china, we are talking about this right now with you, but how does beijing see the belarusian accession, we asked ourselves this question, and up to our broadcast contacted our chinese colleagues, this is how it happened. so, connections beijing cgt observer, i greet you, well, how do you like this replenishment at the expense of minsk. hello, colleague, let me first of all congratulate you on your country’s accession to the shanghai cooperation organization. if we talk about the significance of this
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event, then it starts with minsk giving the status of full rights. constructive cooperation in the fight against the three evils, organized crime and drug threats; for belarus itself, full membership is worth more opportunities for interaction in the field of strengthening security and fighting crime in order to maintain the stability of the internal situation and at the same
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time, being a non-military alliance... the sco is also a multilateral mechanism aimed at strengthening economic, cultural, scientific and technical exchanges of cooperation between the parties. i would like to note that today the organization’s member states account for 65% of the total area of ​​eurasia, and its total population has reached 45% of the total population of the earth moshar. renach. the market potential is simply huge, last year the total volume of trade between china and the sco member countries alone, according to the main house administration of the state people's republic, has already exceeded 490 billion us dollars, with the accession of minsk , the economic complementarity between
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the participating state developments only increases
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the potential of their national clothes, which also, by the way, is one of the signs of the new world, now we will talk about this, why belarus is interesting to the shanghai cooperation organization, i will remind you that belarus is the first, the first full member of the shanghai cooperation organization out of ten, which is completely geographically located in europe, all other countries are geographically eurasian or simply asian, we are completely located in europe, so here are all the supply chains that are being built, north-south. others, they, in many ways, belarus is strategically important for them. moreover, the shanghai cooperation organization is now developing and we joined in the context of acute geopolitical confrontation, but this organization of the future. we must understand that this, along with brix, is one of the crowds of the future world order, and of course, we will cooperate with europe, a new europe, a sovereign europe, a changed european union or
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something that will arise on its basis, but of course this is cooperation . will be here in the future belarus is simply an indispensable participant for this organization, in addition, we have very well trained personnel, we have established cooperation. students, we have very cool staff qualified, which is also an area of ​​education, i will remind you about chinese investment in the sco in the development of this organization, we have extensive experience not only in industrial cooperation, but also in industrial development in general, agriculture, all this is important for the sco, in addition, look , our president, speaking, he came with a big humanitarian agenda, an ideological agenda, why the secretary general of the organization... of nations was also present, one of the principles of the sco is respect for the un charter, not to live by the rules, and to live according to the rules, you know, in the worst times of hazing in the army, the americans are such a typical impudent grandfather in the army, yes, who
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simply must be forced to live not according to the rules, but according to the rules, which means that one of the principles is that we live according to charter of the united nations, the next point is that we are not striving for a new globalism, as china and the americans accuse there, we are not striving to create some new universalist ideologies. to replace neoliberalism there. the sco principle is respect for identity. look at countries with different political regimes. the people's republic of china is a communist democracy, a people's democracy, of the type that once arose during the second world war. the russian federation, well, such a transitional regime is still a combination of authoritarianism and democracy. we have our own, our own original form of democracy. look at islamic democracy in iran. the last elections absolutely proved the stability of this
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existing system. which is called, besides the sco, which would be in such a volume, in such a number of countries, on such a territory would guarantee these security rules, yes, we have our csto organization, but the sco is much broader, and of course, we now need to fill this organization with new meanings, i will once again voice it, we need shanghai, we need a single shanghai educational space with common criteria , we must move away from the pro-western, western-centric system of scientometrics, assessment
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of higher education, ratings and so on, here in brest anti-terrorism exercises are being held jointly with the special forces of the people's liberation army of china, here it is interesting here that the british guardian, in its review of the main world news , put information about the joint exercises of minsk and beijing at the forefront. i'll quote. this comes a few days after belarus officially joined shanghai. an organization of cooperation led by china and russia, which deepens its coordination on military, economic and political issues, writes the guardian, well, you noticed everything correctly, very briefly, we are talking a lot for the first time, why did this cause
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such concern, this is the first exercise the very border of the european union, where chinese military personnel are generally involved in this, and that’s why they tensed up, yes, i remember when they were fighting somali pirates and the chinese... raft for the first time went beyond the chinese, so-called seas. what was the tension? it seems like a good thing, the fight against somali pirates, but in the west there was almost hysteria, this is a violation of their hegemony, this is a violation of their monopoly on guarantees of security, in fact, on the imposition of their security models. and let's also say this completely destroys the concept that supposedly duda went to beijing and sidinping, yes, listen to how sidinping put pressure on us, he says loudly. shouted at belarus, shouted so that we were accepted into the sco, shouted so much that we had a parade box of chinese military personnel at the parade, that we were conducting an exercise together in brest, precisely on that border for security, which is so
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worried about in the sphere of bilateral relations , these are stereotypical propaganda constructs, it completely destroys, yes, i agree, and the point is that if we say about the potential that is opening up, about those opportunities, because in fact, let’s with... an irresponsible organization that seeks to incite conflict, that does not in any way contribute to peaceful regulation and security, and shus excuse me, but these are the four nuclear powers of eurasia, then this is the resource that, if added together, allows us to guarantee security on absolutely significant, on the absolute majority of eurasian territory, not to mention the fact that this is market security, country security. and in fact yes, they are very strong
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threats, especially to the british, who are always used to dividing to rule, who are always used to, in general, opposing, and having quarreled these two parts, then manage this safely, well, the whole middle eastern cut, when britain left the middle east, it was made like extremely conflictual, when it is severe for all conflicts to be insurmountable, the division of india into india and
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pakistan, and what the lord did. like from a joke, they just need to enter into normal negotiations with the belarusian side on border protection, which is why everything happened, somehow they are building some concepts there, putin forced lukashenko, this is a hybrid war, what happened in april?
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in 2021, the polish side interrupted all contacts with the belarusian, attention, border authorities; they do not maintain any contacts with our side at the border security level. the european union, which until now whose security on the eastern border was based largely on direct contacts with our state border committee, let's face it, to the point that they allocated some money for border protection, to stop these flows, they... stopped it all, poland pointedly broke off these relations, there is a simple rule, there is a whole science about border protection, and there is an axiola : if you don’t maintain normal contacts with the country on the other side of the border, you won’t have normal border security, that’s all. we ask simple questions: poles, hey, why should we be scared to spend our money to protect you from migration flows?
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the second point is that you are against it. yes, yes, yes, yes, i’ll say more, when the russian special operation began, one of the professors sent me a video about whether the russians want war, uh-huh, i didn’t answer anything and everything stopped immediately, and then he says, well
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, excuse me, uh-huh , when time passed, that is , understanding, they understood, that is, it may have been difficult to immediately understand what was happening, but time passes and the understanding comes that this is happening, the main threats... well, the arena of protracted showdowns, living out the last months in office secretary general yong stoltenberg states that no one said that ukraine would be accepted into the alliance even after 10 years. i’ll now quote the entire phrase so that you can feel the essence of kiev’s sworn friends. so,
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no one spoke specifically about 10 years, but it is obvious that the acceptance of ukraine is a very serious issue. the most important thing we need to do is increase support for ukraine. to ensure her victory - stoltenberg said. vladim frantsivich, please translate into human terms what this man said. well, they want to force ukraine to fight, no accepting any serious obligations for her conditional protection there. that is, they understand that if ukraine is a member of nato, then the military operations that are now taking place, according to the nato charter, the treaty that was signed in washington in 1949, this means that with all their armed forces, well, at least ukraine has the right to request . consultations, most likely, they will have to get involved in a war with russia directly with their troops, this will lead to a nuclear war, so for now they are in control they don’t want to bring the search to this level, but how to understand then, watch cnn, and even on the eve of the summit, citing his sources, he reports that in the final declarations they will call the inclusion of ukraine in
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nato irreversible, well, of course, they say irreversible inclusion in eu, when this happens, it’s a matter of time, that is, they imply that it is irreversible that they will defeat russia in their understanding. some kind of transition period will pass, they will overcome the wild corruption in ukraine, then ukraine may become a nato member there, but this will not happen, because it is not cnn, but already experts in the west who say that ukraine has a chance at this stage, we can talk a lot about it, there is no way to defeat russia, and the regime of yermak zelensky is in a very difficult situation, their showdowns are simply colossal, if closely monitor what their military writes about, there is maryana bezuglaya. that is, he attacks tsirsky after zaluzheny, that is, there are wild showdowns going on there, hatred of the generals that comes from the troops, the inability to organize defense, well, for all that, you need to give due credit to the stamina there front of these fighters who are there, but nevertheless russia is moving forward, this
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has a severe demoralizing effect on ukrainian society, russia is increasing its efforts to achieve its goals, they cannot oppose anything to this, their military experts for... cannot cite to turn the situation around and in this regard, nato is trying to do what to take, as they say, a strong position, everyone is well aware that the current confrontation will one way or another end in negotiations, one way or another this will be some kind of peace formula, this is definitely not zelensky’s formula, in this situation the parties want to show the strongest position, so nato is raising the stakes, saying, we will accept
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ukraine there tomorrow... the state may not survive this winter, well, the nato summit is really this is one way for ukraine, here is orben’s tour: kiev, moscow, beijing and washington. the hungarian prime minister angered his european colleagues, who repeatedly emphasized that this was his private matter. orbán stands his ground. the reason i'm negotiating with putin is because i'm looking for the shortest the fastest way
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to stop the war and... and nato and the united states will not be able to move to a new level of escalation, at least until november before the next elections, but at the same time they will not be able to cancel the planned confrontation, yes, that is, it a useless, hopeless offensive that will happen, which zelensky must demonstrate to investors in ukraine, in this situation orban, who says, guys, this all makes no sense, you are just making money on blood, you need
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business... a method that i think quite a lot of people in european politics will use: to declare disagreement with the united states
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when talking about the world. and this, in fact, is the position that shows the immorality of the position of the united states. july bulgaria said that it wants to act as a mediator on july 6, turkey, that is , orban became the trigger for this process, yes, he launched the process, in this regard, this demonstration, the format of the demonstration disagreement with the united states, i think that he will... and here it is necessary not only with democratic administration of the united states, i would say that orban is quite a pro-american politician, but pro-american in terms of pro-trump, and here there is such a curious phenomenon, the not yet elected us president has an influence on politics, like no other unelected us president has had yet in her story, he will meet with trump, they will talk about this with a wonderful attitude, but that’s why you can’t say that he is anti-american, i don’t think that’s entirely true. yes, but orban also uses it amazingly institutions of the european union, look,
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seven main institutions, he now heads the state, the chairman of the council of the european union, this is one of... seven institutions, according to their documents, the council of the european union has the right to conclude agreements on behalf of the european union, only then it needs approval, now he has a full mandate, as chairman of the eec council, to carry out any negotiations, and no one can stop him, and i agree here, what gives him legitimacy? he is now the only leader of the european union on level of institutions, he is elected, none of those who criticize him and say: he has no
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mandate, look, who is this? about the fact that, well, maybe, let this gas be partially supplied to hungary there, because using the gas that is offered by the united states, but it is enough there by 30 percent, it seems that this gas is more expensive, and accordingly, how does this affect, accordingly affects the competitiveness of products produced by hungary, and accordingly hungary will enter into competition and will
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lose to other countries that produce this kind of product, that’s why he’s like a president... so that they don’t get used to it, because it’s not a fact that he will last long in office, although i don’t know, eitherists, in general, they have a chance , absolutely right, let's see, macron, after all, they said that it would be devastating, in second place, he held on, but problems are still ahead, well, biden, of course, this is the talk of the town, they give more and more interviews, although you are also asking your strangers leave this race already, it’s holding on, but if i
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regarding biden, maybe for preventive purposes, i would like to touch on one episode, that everyone is asking to leave the race, this is also such an interesting game, there is a dramaturgy in this, well, the publication reports that the largest sponsors of the us democratic party are demanding that biden be removed from the elections. this topic has already been discussed many times, i do not propose to touch on it now, but i was wondering what kind of main sponsors these are, and then the most interesting thing is disney, the heir to the media empire of the walt disney company, or co-founder netflix, reid hastings, here it turns out that when we watch a movie from disney or a series from netflix, we must understand that behind these companies there are people who
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manage the elections in the united states, and therefore theirs. well, now there are clearly limits when, when it doesn’t work out any further, trust is already lost, the whole situation somehow collapses, and if we talk about, respectively, about sponsors, about donors, there is a wonderful book, if not i'm wrong, 50 families of america, which was published back in stalin times, it just about the fact that the deep state of the united states was formed in
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the middle of the 19th century. the situation of the confrontation between clinton and trump in the elections, respectively, which trump won, it is completely similar to the situation when in the kostrum province the municipal
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head, only he was popular, or rather, she was not popular, they voted against him, it turned out that this machinery , after all, let's look at the united states, because there are two families from the eighties, the bush family, the cheyins and the mccains. and family the two rotham clintons ruled the united states before the arrival of trump, because reagan is bush’s protege, bush, it is clear that father and son personally ruled,


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