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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day, the calendar shows wednesday, july 17, see the issue. public diplomacy. on the principles
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of good neighborliness, minsk has announced a visa-free regime for citizens of 35 european countries, people will not be left in the lurch, belarus continues to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, we will tell you how the regions are returning to normal life. minsk-havana, an atmosphere of absolute trust and openness, an official visit of the delegation of the belarusian government to cuba, new joint projects were signed. the largest batch of psychotropics in our country on the belarusian-polish border , customs officers together with the police seized over a ton of psychotropic substances, where and from where the prohibited substance was traveling, see in the panorama. the 2024 entrance campaign is completing the submission of documents for the budget. what is the picture at universities, why were there queues at belarusian universities? we'll tell you in the report. not a business, but... the song, how new stars are born
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in belarus, whether talent is enough or a producer is needed, what lies behind the commercial success of an artist and how much a hit of all times costs, we will discuss belarusian show business in economic environment after the panorama. more than a hundred medical workers from the capital and other regions of the country came on an excursion to the palace of independence. the first impressions of those responsible for the health of the nation were recorded for the panorama. while some are erecting fences, stringing barbed wire and calling all this democracy, we are opening our doors even wider to guests. while some impose sanctions and carry on militaristic rhetoric, we are open and peaceful. while some people are coming up with fake stories about us, we are ready to show our new ones guests, true belarus. minsk went simply unprecedented. shak in the conditions of a total
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western blockade, we announced a visa-free regime for citizens of 35 european countries. the president supported the corresponding proposal of the ministry of foreign affairs. this is an addition to the already existing visa-free regime for our neighbors, lithuania, latvia and poland. there’s no point in looking for reasons here; we don’t hide figs in our pockets, like in the west. this is our opportunity to show the world our commitment. its inhabitants, authorities, the principle of good neighborliness, we are for simplification human-to-human contacts and improved freedom of movement; moreover, the path for guests of potential partners is open through all land and air international checkpoints . the only and fundamental restriction, which does not in any way affect the interests of ordinary europeans, is a new, large visa-free regime. will not be
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valid for holders of diplomatic service passports. who are we looking forward to visiting, elizaveta kazakova. read more. the phenomenon of sanctions once again proves its opposite effect. attempts at external pressure they encourage retaliatory actions, that’s what kind of response it is, it depends on the degree of civilization of a particular state. and if the modern west suffers.
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on establishing a procedure for temporary visa-free entry, exit and stay in the republic of belarus through all road and railway checkpoints, in addition for... the council of europe, the european union, we, all existing conventions within the osce, however, on the contrary, we show our
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openness , desire to show your country to the international community, come, look, work with our people, do business, take tourist trips and...
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and russians, for them the prices are a little higher, and even then they are happy. during this time , about 917 eu residents from lithuania, latvia and poland visited belarus on a visa-free basis; since the beginning of this year alone, the hospitable belarusian land has received more than 116 thousand foreign friends and partners. people invariably share positive experiences.
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fourth. foreigners who arrived visa-free will be able to transit to third countries, with the exception of russian federation, including through checkpoints at airports. you can use the right of visa-free entry into belarus an unlimited number of times during the entire validity period until december 31, 2024 inclusive. the number of days of stay in belarus without a visa should not exceed 90 days in a calendar year. there’s plenty of time to get acquainted and build bridges, that’s all. european bureaucrats responsible for, to put it mildly, unfriendly policies towards our country have been banned from entering here. for holders of diplomatic service passports, for those who today, strictly speaking, are at the heart of these sanctioned things, the visa
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regime will continue. we haven’t yet seen any reciprocity from the european elites; they are choking on poisonous false propaganda directed at us. their interests lie rather in the plane of benefits from contracts for the construction of expensive border fences, behind which are carefully maintained, rich in fertile lands, breathing forests filled with invaluable reserves of clean fresh water. belarus. heart of europe, otgoroditsa, from whose fence is an empty idea, because his heart is open.
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once again the passage of our citizens into the territory of belarus, they, of course, look ridiculous against the background of the decision of the leadership of our country, a decision that i repeat once again demonstrates our openness, and of course the accusations and justification of some european leaders that with the territory of belarus is supposedly posed by some kind of threat, they, of course, are simply crushed, so to speak, into dust against the background of the adoption of an appropriate decision,
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which, of course, i am sure, will play its part role, will play a role in ensuring that our relations actually return gradually, carefully, return to those, so to speak, traditional forms of relationships to which we are all accustomed and which are characteristic of neighbors, states that have lived together for centuries, so of course this effective continuation of our policy. to establish good relations between our neighboring and european states, i am sure that this will also make it possible to inform the entire world community, of course, the residents of europe, about what really, what is really happening in belarus, these fakes that they are constantly trying to stuff european society with, they will be broken into this reality, and the reality that european citizens will see when they come to belarus. we are committed to contacts and cooperation with our partners. and for us this is not a verbal intervention, not rhetoric, this is the real policy of the republic of belarus, and here it should also
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be noted that these are not spontaneous steps, we remember the weekly statement regarding the situation on our southern border, that is, we we see belarus is clearly committed to de-escalating the situation in the region. unfortunately, some of our neighbors still ignore politics. their neighbors continue to push them from overseas to create ever new artificial barriers. according to media reports, vilnius will close the border to cars with belarusian license plates tomorrow. so far this applies to legal entities, but from august 16th they intend to introduce a ban for private cars. and those cars that are now in lithuania must be re-registered or leave the country otherwise, threatened with large fines and even confiscation. occupied latvia imposed a similar ban on our citizens the day before; the anglo-saxon occupiers in warsaw also
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continue to create artificial queues, forcing people to stand at the border for days, and this in thirty-degree heat. we are talking primarily about private cars and buses carrying passengers, including tourists from poland. the warsaw regime is afraid that their citizens will not see a friendly, well-functioning country, the polish media... perpetuated the false a destructive image of belarus, as polish ex-judge thomas schmidt commented on the situation on the western borders. lukashenko perfectly understands the intentions of the governments of poland, lithuania and latvia and shows that the people of belarus can be proud of their homeland. the head of state also emphasizes that belarus is an open and friendly country. he understands that the negative actions of the governments of these three countries do not develop into hostility towards belarusians among ordinary citizens. after all, peoples, especially neighboring ones, must live in friendship, cooperate, get to know each other and visit each other
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. i recommend that all polish citizens come to belarus, despite the obstacles that the polish government creates for travelers, see with your own eyes what belarus is, how people live here. for my part, i can assure you that you will not regret it, beautiful nature, monuments, culture and, above all, very friendly people. in belarus, they continue to eliminate the consequences of bad weather; power supply has been restored in populated areas of the mogilev region; electricity has been returned to at home and to all regional centers of the gomel region, which was most exposed to the elements. now he deals with each agricultural town and village in a targeted manner. all services operate around the clock. the progress of restoration work is under personal control of alexander lukashenko. the head of the presidential administration, dmitry krutoy, checked how the order of the head of state was being carried out, visited a number
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of regions of the mogilev region, in particular, the task is to put things in order as quickly as possible to save commercial timber. the topic will be continued by veronica buta. for more than 40 years nikolai and natalya chernaya live in the agricultural town of novaya guta, and over the years they have encountered such a destructive disaster for the first time. the hurricane wind swept away almost everything in its path, half folded it. nikolai is a disabled person of the second group, the principle of one for all, all for one worked. from the regiment they connected, they connected 101, they called, they brought us the slate for free, we unloaded it here, and thank you, people brought the nails, neighbors, it’s very nice that there are caring people, good people, they help, it’s generally sincere, we didn’t even expect what is this there will be help, the consequences of the disaster on
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the street beyond the river were dealt with within a day, and the people in the neighborhood were left in poverty. they did their job so quickly, it was very pleasant, honestly, and there are hundreds of examples like this around the country, people in belarus will not be left in trouble, how the consequences of natural disasters are being eliminated in the country, the president keeps it under personal control, maximum mobilization of teams of energy workers, forestry employees , other specialists, all services work around the clock, as
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they say, they restore the whole world, caring belarusians also help emergency teams. of us were indignant that we were left without electricity, gas, communications, water and food, but on these same days and even at night, other people , also without electricity, communications and water, were engaged in eliminating the consequences of the hurricane, i would like to express my huge words of gratitude to them, let's let’s not be indignant, but will provide all possible assistance on the ground, at least in cleaning up broken branches and twigs, because there are many of us, we have only one rescue service. the belarusian military is also rushing to help, more than 100 military personnel will provide assistance to residents of the gomel region. the combined unit went to the mozyr region, as well as to lelchitsa. as of
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this morning, from the elements over the weekend. the gomel region suffered the most. the roofs of almost 3,800 residential buildings and about a thousand agricultural structures were damaged. the consequences of the bad weather were felt by about 70 forestry enterprises in belarus. clear sanitary felling will be required on an area of ​​almost 6. after the specific volumes of damaged plantings have been determined, the damaged wood will first be cut down and removed, and after clearing the felling sites, a decision will be made to carry out reforestation activities. about one and a half million cubic meters have been damaged across the country, the task is to restore order as quickly as possible
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to save commercial timber, this is the area of ​​​​responsibility of the governors. the head of state gave this instruction the day before. in the lelchetsky district, for example, the forest fund is damaged in areas. how regions are recovering from natural disasters is in the sights of the head of the presidential administration. a windfall that formed as a result of a recent disaster, partially will be sent for processing. local authorities have established systematic work to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane, with housing and communal services and mobile mechanized columns making a significant contribution. work collectives have been involved. all the necessary equipment. dmitry krutoy today inspected the mozar and kalinkovichi districts, which were most affected by the hurricane winds last weekend. here the emphasis is on maximum preservation of the grain harvest. we need to carry out this work in a short time without losses, so in principle it is organized, i would like
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of course, so that the weather conditions would always be for... and the relevant ministers, the first news that came to the headquarters, they were connected, of course, with the dead, with the families, the president instructed these situations, of course, to be taken under
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special control, i once again from in his name , i express deep sincere condolences to all the families and loved ones of the victims, in each region they assured that there were enough forces, means to eliminate the consequences and the elements, even from neighboring regions of russia came to help, i received yesterday...
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the belarusian economy is accelerating, belstat published economic statistics for the first half of the year, as a result, five out of four key indicators are ahead of pace. so, the cow domestic product increased significantly over 6 months by 5%. this, by the way, is higher than the world rate. the volume at current prices amounted to 114 billion rubles. drivers are traditional , primarily industrial production. over the first half of the year, it maintains a rate of at least 7% monthly. based on the results of 6 months, the result is already
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slightly higher than 7%. another driver is trade. the growth of real incomes of the population is about 10% and affordable loans support high consumer demand. retail added over 11%. agriculture is the leader. for the first half of the year there was an increase of more than 10%. the forecast also includes the most popular indicator: annual inflation in june remained at 5.8%. in terms of target parameters for inflation , we do not yet see any significant risks there in terms of overheating of the economy and so on. yes, there are certain questions there, we can discuss what is there. we have a large increase in real wages, which will perhaps create some kind of overhang on inflation, but so far we see that the level of real wages, which
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is currently maintained, has essentially covered the fall that occurred there in 21-22 in terms of real incomes, so here we can say that this a pro-inflationary factor, a clear pro-inflationary factor so far, exports are also the most important indicator for our economy. in the green zone, according to data for 5 months, it grew by almost 3%. almost all industries have added, which is important, they are growing in physical volumes of supplies, and as a result markets are outgrowing both asian and african markets. we support the economy by developing relationships with reliable partners. at the political level, belarus and cuba have mutual understanding and support. together we resist rabid external pressure. the prime minister of belarus spoke about this today with the president of cuba in havana on an official visit to the delegation of the government of belarus. our correspondent, svetlana lukinyuk, works there. roto guard of honor,
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venezuela saw off the delegation of our government according to all the canons of protocol official visit. but about the special attitude towards belarus on behalf of all of caracas, the deputy minister of foreign affairs said. thank you for your visit, i’m sure that after the victory of our president we... when friends need to stick together more tightly, so it’s not surprising that after carax we flew to cuba. international.
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a tribute to memory with the symbol of the nation is not just part of the program, it is our respect for the history of our friends. a wreath from the prime minister to the monument. he is a national hero of cuba, a poet and leader of the liberation movement, whom was called the apostle of independence, was able to unite like-minded people around him, the cuban revolutionary party in the 19th century; in the twentieth, fidel castro fought for his ideas of freedom, but today both belarus and cuba have to defend them, this was discussed at a meeting with parliamentarians, this group
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of legislators. i would like to thank belarus for its constant position in supporting the people of kuva in the fight against the unfair economic, trade and financial blockade of the united states against our country, as well as for the fact that you oppose the inclusion of cuba in the list countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism. this strong position is appreciated not only by the political authorities, but by our people. i would like to condemn the sanctions measures that are being taken against belarus. life shows that our countries must unite to soften the blow together. it is probably in moments like these, in difficult moments, that we need to unite even more and jointly defend our national sovereignty and the right to independently determine our development. a conversation between like-minded people on the same wavelength, and such communication simply could not skip the chairman of the assembly. left...
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during the session, where the law on state-owned companies, important for the country, was considered, he unexpectedly appeared and personally greeted our delegation. i couldn’t help but come, knowing that there were visiting guests from belarus, a brotherly country for cuba with an extraordinary history. since the times of the ussr , there have been very close relations with the belarusians; almost all of the development of cuba's agriculture took place with the participation of your country. tractors mtz, mazy. all experience on poultry farms and others agricultural areas, but this is only part of the big past that unites us; in the near future this piggy bank will definitely become heavier. cuba, despite the distance, is a country close to us, many belarusians worked on the island at one time, and also cubans came to study at our universities, this is the kind of public diplomacy, it always comes in handy, so here in cuba we are greeted warmly and
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ready to work together, but also... cuba , i will probably say something familiar to each of us, when we look at the streets of a city, for example, havana, there is a lot here see cars such as volgas, nivas and ladas, and you involuntarily return to your homeland several decades ago. dacuba is literally a museum for vintage car lovers. they can now be used to study the development of the automobile industry in many countries, and what is most surprising is that all these models are not exhibits that go on a demonstration run once a year. a real means of transportation, in a word, everything is on the go, so for those who come to cuba now, having been here before, they will find themselves in familiar surroundings, and such an atmosphere is conducive to communication, absolute openness is the main thing in our two-way dialogue. the prime minister of cuba came to minsk in the fall of '23, then projects for the future were outlined, today is the time to see what has been done, the visit confirms the status.
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we have a lot in common: this is a strategic partnership based on the basic principles of sovereignty, respect for national interests, and equal consideration of each other’s interests. we have never changed and will not change our positions regarding unacceptability, economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by the united states against cuba. and thus, it is at the political level that excellent, one might say ideal , relations have developed between our countries, but it is precisely successes in the economic sphere that our peoples, our presidents are waiting for,
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and such successes already exist, in havana the common desire was sealed with signatures, we agreed, for example, on supplies of medicines from belarus and joint production with us. innovative cuban oncology drugs have been registered in our country. vaccines have already been registered - for the treatment of skin cancer and are being registered a vaccine for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, first these drugs will undergo clinical trials in our institutions , only after that they can be used for widespread use in practical medicine, well, this takes from six months to a year, sometimes maybe more, we plan to start now, by therefore...
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today the creation of joint production, mechanisms for its creation and financing, where belarusian suppliers would ensure long-term supply of raw materials, would provide qualified support for these productions including investments in the creation of these production facilities, and currently the issues of supplying rum for further bottling to...
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new sales markets, effective promotion of products and export of goods, difficult conditions were discussed today at the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry. there was a meeting between the heads of the diplomatic mission and heads of enterprises;
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business representatives were able to communicate with the ambassadors and clarify all issues of interest. for example, how to effectively negotiate with foreign partners, decide problems with logistics and making calculations correctly.
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is talent alone enough to gain
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popularity and commercial success? what do producers do and how much does an all-time hit cost? we invite you closer to the stars today after the panorama? the conditions created are undoubtedly in the country, this is an indisputable fact, there is a fund established by the president of the republic of belarus to support talented youth, to support gifted youth, there are a huge number of festivals about... permanent investing, that is, we
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earn a lot and everything that we we earn money, we invest back into our artists, into culture, into what is called show business. everything from the very beginning from the person himself, you know, yes, you have to make your way, you have to participate in competitions, festivals, completely, everything has to be done by the person, the singer or young singer, go, knock on doors on the radio, on television, here and there , shoot videos. look for sponsors, sew costumes, record songs, look for hits, you see, nothing will happen if the person himself does not want it, if a system for protecting the rights of authors is clearly built, creators, performers, when someone does not take it away, when a person works day and night, someone then, excuse me, plagiarizes and the like, then of course this will not create conditions for development, including ours.
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various drugs, the supply channel was stopped during the implementation of joint special operations of the ministry of internal affairs and the state customs committee. all the details of more than a ton of psychotropics worth $28 million; such a shipment, as the ministry of internal affairs told the customs office, is rare in belarus, and it can already be called the largest in the history of modern belarus, they transported a drug, four sms messages and hashish in the spare wheels of trucks;
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the prohibited substance was disguised in products for mcdonald's, that is, hidden under semi-finished products for well-known restaurants. in order to confuse the dog handlers with their dogs, the carriers smeared briquettes with psychotropics and pepper. what was your role? turn wheels into wheels. was there something in the wheels? yeah, yeah, i don't know. who gave you these wheels, what was the design of the poles. and they came to the truck, you had to pick up the spare parts from these trucks, yes, you took them, spare ones wheels, yeah, in which it was located. some kind of smuggling, this is the largest shipment over the past few years, but as i already said, at the end of last year and beginning of this year, another channel was stopped together with the customs authorities, the amount of drugs seized there exceeded 600 kg, but you need to understand that the volume of drug trafficking is far from being indicated by the volume of seizures, because
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the type of crime is highly latent - this is only what we seized from illegal trafficking, that is, one can imagine what... this group at its initial stage actions. while trying to bring the second batch to russia, an accomplice, belarus, was detained. by this time, he had already received information from counterfeiters about the detention at the bretz customs , threw away the wheels in the forest, but still managed to find the psychotropic drug. the total weight of the seizure was over
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a ton. information about the arrest has already been passed on to polish law enforcement through interpol, the ministry of internal affairs of our country reported. as they told you, imagine. in the near future, it is possible that there will be many more detainees. alena leshkevich, dmitry chumak, agency tv news. in belarusian universities , the acceptance of documents for the budget has ended today, then internal entrance tests will be held from july 18 to 25, and enrollment for the budget will end on the 27th. anastasia
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benedesyuk will tell you more about the entrance campaign and why there is a rush at belarusian universities this year. it became clear that the competition would be held on the first day.


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