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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 3:40am-3:56am MSK

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and so on. belarus amazed me with its open spaces, people, history, and the way people relate to history. here people are very hospitable, that is, friendly, when, as for foreigners, they can give you a crit and give you everything they have in a jar. watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. we will prepare zucchini pancakes along with red fish, in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. bulgur - excellent side dish, slow carb, low glycemic index gives you energy for 3-4 hours, just amazing. we will help you choose products to make your first meal tasty and healthy. when choosing a frozen product , pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s expiration date, but also to ensure that there is
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as little ice crumbs in the package as possible. a good radish is easy to identify: it should be firm and have a bright, evenly colored skin. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. while charging, i do the usual head rotations, shoulders, stretching my chest and back. these are all light exercises 10 times. open your arms wide. from this position, bend to the side. stretch the entire side line of the body. watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel, and you are not only a screenwriter, but also an author of historical novels, including detective stories, what prompted you to take up writing, well, i don’t know, every person is born. something comes into this world, and well
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, god gave, as they say, and such a passion for creativity, so i live with this all my life, it all happens in parallel, being in party work and in the civil service in the diplomatic service, all the time i was writing this state of mind, a need, therefore the choice was a historian-philological one, of course, but there is an opinion that the writer writes: a work for himself, when the images , events, everything that has accumulated is asking to be written down on paper, and he can no longer keep it to himself, you agree with this, and you know, yes, that means i agree in the part that i, for example, take for topics and write what i would like myself read, what i was missing,
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can you say how much you have changed as an author of historical novels, that the demand for historical literature over the past 10 years, has it grown or, on the contrary, fallen? i want to say that the demand for historical literature has never decreased, history,
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“cameras solidat gave, my moscow colleagues, they were so delighted, they said that this is a discovery and interest, and give us more historical literature, i say again, history you can tell it in different ways, but i know that this is far from all the genres that captivate you, and i know that you write poetry, don’t be afraid of poetry, it happens, please read estonia , i won’t leave. that will no longer be a fairy tale. natalya alexandrovna, our program is called the meaning of life. for you, what is the meaning of life? a person
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comes into this world with something god has already given to a person, and he has... must do everything to realize everything what is laid down for him, life, destiny, but you can live your life, look back and say: i wanted to do this, i wanted to do that, this is to prove who you are, the meaning of life, self-realization, go, achieve, dare and... and the last question, which i always get asked, what is the most important thing in life for you? i always answer briefly: time, it is too fleeting, when you look at what else needs to be done, you want to, and
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you think how little is allotted to us, and therefore we must hurry to live, we must realize our potential, ours. dreams are the main thing for us, this time. thanks a lot. natalya alexandrovna, i wish you, of course, creative inspiration, new, interesting stories, and also that you always have the opportunity to somehow stop, look around, look around, smile at this sun and feel happy. thank you, thank you, thank you, it was the meaning of life. natalia golubeva. for a moment i want to stop running and see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how
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our life is built from all these little things? i want to look at this world differently discover something new every day. and this is so interesting for us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus. since 1943, pyotr kupriyanov fought in the partisan detachment of the homeland of the brigade rout. in the first battle with the nazis, he got himself
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a weapon. the young partisan collected important intelligence data, penetrating the garrisons of the invaders, and took an active part in the rail war. for the courage shown in the fight against the fascist occupiers, he was awarded the second class patriotic war partisan medal. in july of forty-four, when the red army expelled the nazis from belarusian soil, peter volunteered to go to the front, as a private in the third battalion, 53 motorized rifle brigade of the twenty- ninth tank corps, a young soldier of the second died.
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the most current events from the world of sports. 50 days before the start of the olympic games in paris , the french authorities presented the olympic rings, which are installed on the ephel tower. minsk is stronger than victoria, 5:1. the third ended with this score. alone in the final series of the belarusian field hockey championship among women's teams. hard training and
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exciting competitions. and the second training camp began, the belarus national biathlon team in the current off-season. in july there will probably be a srednegorye gathering and it will also probably be the wonderfully familiar tsakhkodzor in armenia. the belarus-russia friendly match was the first international match in our country in 2 and a half years; a lot of efforts were made by many ministries to organize it. exclusive interview with. suits, the most important issues in politics, we can do a lot here, not on
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ceremonial exhibitions and not in strict ones , and not vice versa, in economics we will prove that what we decide in economics is most often decided in an informal setting. presidency is the most difficult profession in the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled, something is added, something else is rearranged, but still, in this schedule there is never a day off mark, so that... the state is the leader of the country 24x7 365 days a year. the author's project of igor turai is propaganda. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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hello, friends, it has been scientifically proven that sport has a positive effect on brain function, our program, by the way, too, my name is gennady vaitovich, is on the air. intellectual sports show, head game.
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our today's participants know exactly what a real fight is. we meet representatives of the national karate team of the republic of belarus. anton isakov. he has been in karate since he was 5 years old, but initially his parents forced him to go to... training, but then he got involved so much that over time he became the captain of the national team, the owner of the first modern belarusian history of a silver medal at the adult european championship, winner and prize-winner of the world cup stages. i am sure that psychology is an important factor for success in sports. alexei vochis, winner of the european youth championship, winner of the world cup, multiple champion of belarus, although all this might not have happened, because as a child he dreamed of becoming a hockey player. there, but the karate section benefited from its location; it believes that what makes an athlete great is willpower, which at one
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time helped him cope with a serious injury. and artyom kravtsov, from an early age, was eager to take the krote section, because he wanted to be like the teenage mutant ninja turtles. as a result, he collected a rich harvest of trophies, including becoming a prize-winner of the second european games in minsk, a prize-winner of the world cup and the european championship among students, and a multiple champion. belarusian, who enjoys music and rapping in his free time, has released his own album. hello, friends, i know that now you are all competing in different weight categories, but here you go. have you ever had to go out before? against each other, let’s say, at official starts, or today is the first time such an experience. alexey, well, we definitely never met with artyom not in the team committee, yes, since we personally still have a team committee, but we met with anton, but these are some kind of local tournaments, there are local, city at the official starts we haven’t met, i think, yes, no, no.


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