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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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obstacles to the development of cross-border cooperation, contacts between people, which from my point of view is a gross violation of all existing conventions within the framework of the osce, the council of europe, the european union, we, however, on the contrary, show our openness, the desire to show our country to the international community, come , look, work with our people, do business, take tourist trips, and most importantly, make contacts.
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not everyone will succeed in the new year in our country, without visas will be valid only until the end of 2024. foreigners arriving on a visa-free basis will be able to transit to third countries with the exception of the russian federation, including through checkpoints at airports. you can use the right of visa-free entry into belarus an unlimited number of times during the entire validity period until december 31, 2024 inclusive. the number of days of stay in belarus without a visa is not specified.
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this is a continuation of the consistent systemic international policy of belarus, the main the signing of the decree by the president of our country, whose task is to establish good, mutually respectful relations between states. first of all, of course, between our neighbors within our european region. and of course, those decisions that some european politicians are trying to push through today, the decision to try to isolate belarus and once again tighten travel. to the territory of belarus of its
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citizens, they, of course, look ridiculous against the background of the decision of the leadership of our country, a decision that i will repeat once again, once again times demonstrate our openness, and of course, accusations and justification. states that have lived together for centuries. therefore, of course, this is an effective continuation of our policy of establishing good relations between our neighboring and european states. i am sure that this , among other things, will make it possible to inform the entire world community, of course, the inhabitants of europe,
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about what is really, what is really happening in belarus and these fakes that they are constantly trying to stuff european society with, they will be smashed into this reality, and the reality that those who come to belarus will see.
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latvia, the anglo-saxon occupiers in warsaw also continue to create artificial queues, forcing people to stand at the border for days, this in thirty-degree heat. we are talking primarily about private cars and buses carrying passengers, including tourists from poland. the regime is afraid that their citizens will not see a friendly, well-functioning country, the polish media has perpetuated a false and destructive image of belarus, so polish ex-judge thomas schmidt commented on the situation on the western borders.
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lukashenko perfectly understands the intentions of the governments of poland, lithuania, and latvia and shows that the people of belarus can be proud of their homeland. the head of state also emphasizes that belarus is open and friendly. country, he understands that the negative actions of the governments of these three countries do not develop into hostility of ordinary citizens towards belarusians, because peoples, especially neighboring ones, should live in friendship, cooperate, get to know each other and travel to each other guests. i recommend that all polish citizens come to belarus, despite the obstacles that the polish government creates for travelers, see with your own eyes what belarus is, how people live here, for my part i can assure you that you will not regret it, beautiful nature. in belarus, they continue to eliminate the consequences of bad weather in populated areas of the mogilev region; power supply has been restored;
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electricity has been restored to homes and to all regional centers of the gomel region, which were most exposed to the elements. now deals specifically with each agricultural town and village. all services operate around the clock . the progress of restoration work is under personal control of alexander lukashenko. the head of the presidential administration, dmitry krutoy, checked how the instructions of the head of state were being carried out and visited a number of regions of the mohel region. in particular, the task is to put things in order to save industrial wood as quickly as possible. the topic will be continued by veronica buta. for more than 40 years, nikolai and natalya chernaya have been living in the agricultural town of novaya guta over the years. faced such a devastating elements: a hurricane wind swept away almost everything in its path, the fence was half collapsed, the family literally almost lost the roof over their heads, they were unable to restore order on their own, nikolai is a disabled person of the second group, the principle of one for all, all for one worked,
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the executive committee was involved, involved 101, they called, they brought us slate for free, we unloaded it here, and the nails were already... thank you, people brought it from our neighbors, it’s very nice that there are caring people, good people, they help, it’s generally sincere, we didn’t even expect that there will be help. the consequences of the disaster on zarechnaya street were dealt with during the day. people in the neighborhood were left in poverty, a disabled person, a wheelchair user, viktor sevruk, together with his wife , remember that the bad weather gave them shock, they didn’t know what to do, the owners still have tears of gratitude. the ministry of emergency situations arrived with equipment in a car, immediately brought us slate, within 40 minutes, all the horrors that we probably experienced within two days did not disappear, we had everything thanks to our golden people, their golden hands, so
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quickly , they completed their task so quickly work, it was very pleasant, honestly, and there are hundreds of such examples around the country, people in belarus will not be left in trouble, how the country eliminates the consequences of natural disasters, the president keeps it under personal control, maximum mobilization of teams of power engineers, forestry employees, and other specialists, all services work in a circle. and we will provide all possible assistance on the ground, at least in cleaning up broken branches and twigs, because
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there are many of us, we have only one rescue service. the belarusian military is also rushing to help, more than 100 military personnel will provide assistance to residents of the gomel region. the combined unit went to the mozyr region, as well as to lelchitsa. as of this morning , a total of 748 settlements in thirty-three regions of the republic suffered from the disaster over the weekend, the gomel region suffered the most, the roofs of almost 3,800 residential buildings, about a thousand agricultural structures were damaged, about 70 forestry enterprises of belarus felt the consequences of the bad weather, carrying out continuous sanitary felling will be required on an area of ​​almost... after
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determining the specific volumes of damaged plantations will first be cut down and damaged wood removed, and after clearing and cleaning the felling sites , a decision will be made to carry out reforestation measures. about one and a half million cubic meters were damaged throughout the country. the goal is to get it done as quickly as possible. columns made a significant contribution to the consequences of the hurricane, labor collectives from all
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housing and communal services and mobile mechanized necessary equipment were involved. dmitry krutoy today inspected the mozar and kalinkovichi districts, which are the most suffered from hurricane winds over the weekend. here the emphasis is on maximum preservation of the grain harvest. we need to carry out this work within a short timeframe and without losses, therefore. old-timers and, in fact, immediately after an hour , the first headquarters were organized at
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the presidential level through the vice-premier, governor and relevant ministers. the first news that came to the headquarters, they were connected, of course, with the dead families, the president instructed this situation to naturally be taken under special control, i once again on his behalf express my deep, sincere condolences to all the families and loved ones of the victims. in every area. they assured that there were enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the disaster; they even came to help from neighboring regions of russia. yesterday i received calls from the government from the presidential administration. russian federation with offers of any assistance that is needed in eliminating the consequences of the disaster, but today there are examples of supplies of the same diesel generators from the russian regions neighboring our republic, we are of course grateful to the russians for this help. in all district centers of the gomel region electricity has been restored, now they are working on a targeted basis in each populated area
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so that people can at least temporarily get electricity in villages and agricultural towns , generators are being brought. they went to the minsk power engineers to help their colleagues; they work in between the next thunderstorms. today in some places the danger level is again red. rain and squally winds are forecast across the country tomorrow. rescuers are calling for extreme caution, and the ministry of forestry is asking people to refrain from visiting forests in the next few weeks. veronica buta, sergey ladosev, maxim lvov, telenews agency. the belarusian economy is accelerating. belstat published economic statistics for the first half of the year. as a result, five out of four key indicators are ahead of schedule. so, the cow domestic product increased significantly over 6 months by 5%. this, by the way, is higher than the world rate. the volume at current prices amounted to 114
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billion rubles. drivers, traditional first. turn industrial production, for the first half of the year it maintained a rate of no less than 7% monthly, according to the results of 6 months the result is already slightly higher than 7%. another driver is trade, growth in real income of the population of about 10% and affordable loans support high consumer demand. retail added over 11%. agriculture is the leader , with growth of more than 10% in the first half of the year. as part of the forecast and the most popular indicator, annual inflation in june remained at 5.8%. in terms of target parameters for inflation , we do not yet see any significant risks there in terms of overheating of the economy and so on. yes, there are certain questions there,
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we can discuss what our growth is like the real salary is large, which may be.
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we are jointly resisting rabid external pressure, we talked about this today , there is mutual understanding and support, we are the prime minister of belarus with the president of cuba , a delegation of the government of belarus is in govanei on an official visit, our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk works there. roto guard of honor, venezuela escorted the delegation of our government according to all the canons of the protocol of an official visit. but about the special attitude towards belarus on behalf of the entire kara.
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it's not just part of the program, it's ours respect for the history of your friends. a wreath from the prime minister to the juse marti monument. he is
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a national hero of cuba, a poet and leader of the liberation movement, who was called the apostle of independence. he was able to unite like-minded people around himself, the cuban revolutionary party in the 19th century. in the twenties , fidel castro fought for his ideas of freedom. but to this day they still exist. to defend both belarus and cuba, this was discussed at the meeting with parliamentarians; for this group of legislators, the development of cooperation with belarus is a priority. i would like to thank belarus for its unwavering position in supporting the people of cuba in the fight against the unfair economic, trade and financial blockade of the united states against our country, as well as for the fact that you oppose the inclusion of cuba in the list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism. this strong position is not only valued politically. authorities, but our people, i would like to condemn the sanctions measures that are being taken against belarus, life shows that our countries must unite in order to soften the blow together.
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precisely, probably, at such moments, in difficult moments, it is necessary to unite even more and jointly defend our national sovereignty and the right to independently determine our development. a conversation between like-minded people on the same wavelength and such communication simply could not be missed by the chairman of the assembly, leaving the session where the law on state-owned companies, important for the country, was considered for the duration of the meeting, he unexpectedly appeared and personally greeted our delegation. i couldn’t help but come, knowing that there were visiting guests from belarus, cuba’s brotherly country with extraordinary history, since the times of the ussr there have been very close relations.
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diplomacy is always helpful, so here in cuba we are greeted warmly and ready to work together. but i will also say cuba, probably something close to each of us. when we look at the streets of a city, for example, havana, you can see a lot of cars here, such as volgas, nivas and ladas, and you involuntarily return to your homeland several decades ago. yes, cuba is literally a museum for retro car lovers. they can now be used to study the development of the automobile industry. many countries and what’s most surprising is that all these models are not exhibits that go on a demonstration run once a year, they are a real means of transportation, in a word, everything is on the move,
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so for those who come to cuba now, having been here before, they will find themselves in a familiar environment, and such an atmosphere is conducive to communication, absolute openness is the main thing in our bilateral dialogue, the prime minister of cuba came to minsk in the fall of 23, then... our historical ties bind us a lot, and we support each other in difficult moments, we are very grateful for the cooperation provided by belarus in such sensitive issues as food supplies, in particular powdered milk, which is very... important for our children, so that they have this valuable product, we need to actively move on other projects , the help we receive from friendly countries,
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including belarus, will help us get out of a difficult economic situation. last year we doubled our trade turnover, and in 5 months of this year we increased our turnover by another 20%. yes, general the numbers are small, but you need to take into account the entire external background around the two countries, and most importantly, there are trends. to the growth and prospects of projects, we must speak directly and frankly to each other about difficult moments, if they exist, and not hush them up, this is how we can come to the implementation of those projects that are beneficial for both parties. we have a lot in common, this is a strategic partnership based on basic principles: sovereignty, respect. national interests, equal consideration of each other's interests. we have never changed and will not change
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their positions relative. the unacceptability of the economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by the united states against cuba, and thus it is at the political level that excellent, one might say, ideal relations have developed between our countries, but it is precisely success in the economic sphere that our peoples, our presidents are waiting for, and such successes already exist , in havana , the common desire was sealed with signatures, and they agreed, for example, on the supply of medicines from belarus. joint production with us. innovative cuban oncology drugs have passed registration in our country. vaccines have already been registered for the treatment of skin cancer, and a vaccine is being registered for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. first , these drugs will undergo clinical trials in our institutions; only after that they can be widely
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used in practical medicine.
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lukashenko to remind him that we are waiting for him here for a visit. a country that knows what freedom costs and is ready to fight for it is still faithful to the ideas of fidel castro. they talk about the legendary politician and leader of the revolution here in this center of havana. the most honored guests are invited to show their historical heritage.
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a heritage that is well known to many in belarus. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, tv news agency, caracas, havana. new sales markets, effective promotion of products and export of goods in difficult conditions were discussed today at the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry. a meeting was held between the heads of the diplomatic mission and heads of enterprises, business representatives were able to communicate with the ambassadors and find out all the issues of interest. for example, how carry out effectively. negotiations with foreign partners, solving logistics problems and conducting calculations competently. now for us the number one market is russia, and number two is the distant arc, these are the countries of asia, africa, latin america, these are the countries where they know us, where they love us, where we have a high reputation and where they are waiting for us, it is with friends that we will intensify
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our interaction. our company is probably interested today in the supply of products, two components are logistics and mutual settlements, i would say this is the circulatory system our export system. interaction with other countries, therefore, today’s discussion of these issues of product delivery, the search for new logistics chains for the delivery of acceleration of their direct mutual settlements, including in national currencies, these are some of the issues that are discussed between our heads of foreign exchange institutions and business representatives. representatives of more than 200 companies came to the meeting with the ambassadors. these are mainly export-oriented enterprises that are interested in expanding their geography. supplies. at the core competitiveness in foreign markets, of course, the quality of belarusian products, the country's highest quality producers, was also awarded a government award at the palace of the republic today.
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about 30 organizations became winners, and what is important is that more than half of them once again confirmed their leadership. the prize was awarded to industrialists, scientists, builders, product manufacturers, representatives of the transport sector and the likhprom industry.
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record songs, look for hits, you know, nothing will happen if you don’t want to man, if there is a clearly structured system for protecting the rights of authors, creators, performers, when someone does not take it away, when
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a person works day and night, someone then, excuse me, plagiarizes and the like, then of course this will not be will create conditions for development, including ours, our culture, our performing arts. the economic environment is a program in which we talk in very simple language about complex economic processes in the country outside its borders. let's watch the new episode about show business today after the panorama. well, some are interested in completely different spectacles and bread. the largest consignment of prohibited substances in the history of the country, over a ton of various drugs, was seized. the supply channel was stopped during the implementation of a joint special operation of the ministry of internal affairs
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and the state customs committee. alena lishkevich has all the details. more than a ton of psychotropics worth 28 million dollars. such a batch, as the ministry of internal affairs told us at customs. trucks arrived, you had to take spare tires from these trucks, yes, you did, spare
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wheels, yeah, in which there was some kind of smuggling, over the past few years this is the largest shipment, but as i already said, at the end of last year early this year, another channel was stopped together with customs authorities, the amount of drugs seized there exceeded 600 kg, but you need to understand that about the volume of drug trafficking does not indicate the volume of seizure, because the type of crimes...
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the detention through interpol has already been reported to polish law enforcement officers, the ministry of internal affairs of our country reported, as representatives of customs and the ministry of internal affairs said, there were complex logistics here, drivers used different checkpoints and different trucks to transport drugs. so far , five people have been detained, including belarusian poles, but there is still work to be done in this area, and in the near future it is possible that there will be many more detainees. alena lishkevich, dmitry chumak, agent. in belarusian
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universities, the acceptance of documents for the budget has ended today, then internal entrance tests will be held from july 18 to 25, and enrollment for the budget will end on the 27th. read more about the entrance campaign, why there is a rush at belarusian universities this year anastasia benedesyuk will tell you. it became clear that there would be a competition even on the first day; huge queues were recorded at almost all universities; moreover, in many budget places were already closed from the start at bsu, for example, by 30%. this excitement is understandable, those who are confident in their abilities in their scores are generally free to submit documents, summer is still ahead, but for others this is time for maneuvers, you can see the passing scores and , if necessary, transfer the documents, but together. all this says one thing: belarusians choose universities consciously. queues at admissions
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offices are not a reason to sound the alarm for applicants and parents. belarusian universities are ready to accept more than 50,000 people. a year ago, the enrollment plan was the same, but there were more budget places and now there are about 30,000 of them. the main thing here is to provide the country with the necessary personnel, primarily medical and pedagogical personnel. there was always a love for children and courage. i was moving towards my goal, it’s not me who is enrolling, my daughter is enrolling, i am already studying here for retraining, but my daughter is enrolling in an inclusive institute education, saw that i was passionate about studying and decided too. the focus is on motivated students, which is why the winners of the olympiad enter the country without exams. enrollment of target students has already happened on july 12, plus today in almost any specialty, except, for example, international relations, international law, jurisprudence, medical specialties, regional universities. they take excellent students without entrance tests,
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this is an innovation of the year, the same story with graduates of specialized classes, every fourth pit class graduate, in addition, we have already received applications from 70 gold medalists, holders of diplomas with honors, so more than 30% of those who have submitted applications are fifth-graders and excellent students, the main condition for graduates of specialized classes is to have at least eight points in the profile in the certificate. what's the point in deciding for him or telling him he needs to study, even if he likes what he does, what... what did you stop at, what faculty, what specialty, faculty of law, jurisprudence specialty, but the scores there are traditionally high, well, yes, i have corresponding to how many they scored, 340, in
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faculty relations traditionally year after year there are high passing scores, the faculty of applied mathematics and informatics, traditionally a lot of olympiads go there. didn’t pass, there is an admission plan there, the number of people, let’s say, exceeds
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the admission plan, i’m not included in this number, but there is still time to transfer the documents, yes, that’s why i’m standing now and thinking, did you pay attention to the ratings, that’s why what are the passing scores? on july 17, the deadline for submitting documents to the budget and for payers who have not yet i have to take internal exams at universities, and let me remind you, they are scheduled for the eighteenth and will last until july 25. anastasia benedisyuk, roman filiutich, tv news agency. the country's main police university is also finishing accepting applications from applicants. the admissions committee of the academy of the ministry of internal affairs counts the number of applications submitted. but as already noted at the university, the competition took place, i will mark the second year in a row, the entrance campaign here is held in the format of an interuniversity admissions committee, this is when guys who want to come to the capital to enter both the academy of the ministry of internal affairs and the mogilev institute of the ministry of internal affairs, all documents are accepted in minsk, i think it’s in
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guy’s interests to enroll, i’m hooked, it’s just my nerves, there’s nothing complicated, the competition is high at the academy, yes, and that’s good news. traditionally, recruitment at a police university is carried out in the specialties of jurisprudence, economic law and forensic examinations. july 18-19 are reserve days for applying for training. the names of those who passed the selection will be known this sunday. to those who don't a competition for the budget was held,
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training is offered on a paid basis, or you can join the police and try your hand next year. the famous statesman of belarus nikolai damashevich has passed away. he was 74 years old. at different periods of his life, he held various positions, always working for the benefit of the country. nikolai damashevich was the first chairman of the state control committee. he worked as governor of the minsk region for 9 years and held the position of presidential affairs director. from 2011 to 2014.
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responsible areas of his professional activities, following the principles of duty and honor, he made a significant contribution to the creation of an effective system of public administration. more than a hundred health workers from all regions of the country came to minsk for an excursion to the palace of independence. the invitation was a gift for the significant date of 105 years since the formation of health authorities in our country. among the guests of the palace are those in whose hands the health of nations lies, representatives of different generations of doctors, winners and laureates of the republican competition for doctor of the year 2023, the best nurses, doctors.
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well, i’m impressed by the symbolism of the republic of belarus, by its statehood, by the greatness that exists in our country, as a specialist i want to work even better and better, to help in everything, so that everything works out for us, everything is positive, and well, doctors are always positive, so it’s like doing their job to achieve good results. other than wow, i can’t even say anything else, because it’s very, very
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important for us that we attended such an event, and just grandiose. the attention of visitors was drawn to the interior details with national flavor. the furnishings were created by belarusian craftsmen. the absolute favorite of the guests of honor was svet. numerous sconces and chandeliers from domestic manufacturers for sure. minsk today welcomed participants in the international patriotic action the peace march of the tur regional branch of the russian peace foundation is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from fascist invaders. the first point of the route is victory square. participants laid flowers to the eternal the memory of the heroes was honored with a minute of silence. this is not our first time in belarus and it’s been 12 years.
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that for belarusians, the usual life
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may seem truly exotic to others? initially, smar was an indicator of wealth, yeah, but an indicator of status, and only very wealthy people could acquire it, there were such shipyards, so we made ships on the spot, one might say, shipping on it began from our places. bread symbolizes well-being and well-being, salt was a kind of amulet,
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so guests are wished health and well-being in the form of... bread and salt, watch the travel show at home, on our tv channel. new horizons for mutually beneficial cooperation are opening between minsk and baku. the parties also plan to create a joint production of medicinal and veterinary drugs, mixed fertilizers from azerbaijani nitrogen and belarusian potassium. today, business makes a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations.


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