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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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is synonymous with quality. nowadays it is not easy for enterprises to maintain such a high standard, but our people keep the mark. now, for example, in the fields, farmers are fighting for literally every grain. flour is awaited at bakeries that work around the clock so that there is fresh bread on the table in the morning. how far does a loaf go from the field to the counter? who is responsible for the quality of belarusian bread? today we will show television news agencies under control in a joint project of the state control committee. president. let's be with bread. new production. assortment and experiments with technologies. everything we develop is balanced in composition. from the oven to overseas shelves. this loaf is being prepared to be sent to the united states, the city of miami. what is the secret of delivery within 1.0 kilometers? a whole festival has grown up, one of
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the brands of belarus, very tasty, thank you very much, but we will restore order here, said, done, at the bakery , a complete modernization of the oven was carried out, which allowed us to increase the volume of products, a joint project of the state committee control of the television news agency is under control... watch on thursday evening broadcast. belarus has an effective system for identifying talented youth. all conditions are created for the development of creative and intellectual potential. and the day before, the president signed an order to award scholarships to 192 students. grant awards are awarded to the winners of international olympiads and competitions, special prizes to students, cadets, and students. another order from alexander. lukashenko approved the decision of
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the presidential special fund council to support talented youth, including winners of international and republican creative competitions. in belarus, the submission of documents for the budget has ended; the medical profile is expected to be one of the most popular. so at the belarusian medical university this year they plan to enroll 975 people in the first year in the budget department and another 150 in the paid ones. competition among future doctors. military medical olympics in chemistry and biology, by the way , there is serious competition among the fair sex for studying at the institute in the interests of. here we accept documents
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for the budget until july 19, as for target audiences, their number is leading in the country. very strong, motivated guys came to the target form of training, who have already chosen their customer and understand where they will then go to work after graduating from our university. i want to say that the majority of applicants enrolled in the target form of training have very high scores. about nine and passed the entrance exam in the first specialized subject well and excellently, even the largest number of target students was 237 people were enrolled in the medical faculty, a large number in pediatric 168, dental 160, 48 in pharmaceutical and 60 people in preventive medicine, i chose the pharmaceutical faculty because my grandmother is a doctor, my mother is a doctor, and i decided to follow in their footsteps and ... and so my
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mother also works in addition to this in a pharmacy, and i went with her a couple of times, i really liked it, that’s why i chose this particular faculty, for this i prepared hard for a whole year. i wrote it well sufficient exams, i have a good school certificate, 99 points, plus a gold medal, scored 395 points, i want to enroll in dentistry, well, i wanted to become a dentist, because i was attracted to it, when i was in offices, they treated my teeth, i really enjoyed it i liked the way a dentist works, so i decided to become a dentist. you can apply for a paid department at belarusian universities before august 1. this year , almost 51.00 applicants will be accepted by the country's higher education institutions. two conference league matches at once on the air of belarus-5, torpedo bilas and iislych will play the return matches of the first qualifying round of the european cup. at 7 pm the zhodino team on the field in moldova will try to make up for the loss in
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the opening match with milsami. let me remind you that the automakers lost 2:4. the first match was more successful for the wolves, who were able to minimally beat the players from san marin 1:0. we will find out whether islaci will be able to repeat his success from the live broadcast on belarus 5; the starting whistle for this meeting will sound at 20:30. and further, economic news, tv news agency projects are also available in social networks, in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a successful day and see you all. the belarusian economy added 5% in the first half of the year. tens of thousands of applications were received to receive a mark made in belarus for marketplaces, and the results of testing the digital
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ruble were assessed in russia. to belarus-1 and belarus24 economic news. in the studio olga anishchenko, good morning. during the first half of the year, the belarusian economy added 5%, reports. gdp increased to 113 billion rubles. at the same time, the growth in industrial production was about 7%. 100 billion worth of such goods were produced. in june , compared to december, prices increased by 3.4%. the real cash income of belarusians for 5 months of the year increased by 9.6 when compared with the same period last year. the government's target forecast for gdp growth this year is 3.8%. has gained momentum above our established target parameters, above the target trajectory, many indicators are progressing, but if we take the five key ones, then four are ahead of the pace, well, one has a chance to pull out the situation, the assembly of
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belarusian tractors will resume in cuba, about this became known following the results of negotiations between our prime minister and his cuban colleague, they took place in havana, preliminary agreements were reached... last year, the parties expected to sign a road map, the program was endorsed, and the first contracts for the supply of tractor kits to cuban enterprises were signed. belarus counts on the success of this project , our prime minister noted. in addition, we are ready to continue supplying milk powder, engineering products, spare parts and other goods to cubes. great interest in cooperation in the medical field. at the finish line of creating a joint pharmaceutical enterprise between the belarusian academpharm and a cuban company. the belarusian universal commodity exchange is expanding the geography of its participants. three companies from kenya passed the accreditation procedure for the first time. it is expected that meat and dairy products and other domestically produced food products, in particular dry dairy
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products and frozen semi-finished meat products, will be exported to east african countries through the exchange. cereals at the same time, supplies of kin coffee, vegetables and fruits, including avocado and mango, will be organized to the belarusian market. according to the latest data on abutb. reported the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry. beltp began accepting applications for such a mark on the site of the largest russian online store on may 15. such a sign is needed to guarantee that what is being sold is actually a belarusian- made product, and not a fake, of which there were many. as agreed. verification was done together with the management of the marketplaces, they were issued certificates of origin of goods, after verification, the goods are actually placed under the brand made in belarus, noted the belcc. applications from enterprises and manufacturers are received every day, mainly for consumer goods and
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shelf-stable food products. march analyzed the demand for goods that belarusians prefer to buy national goods on a preferential loan. let us remind you that this is 4% per annum for 3 years. belarusian furniture topped the top 5, with ceramic tiles slightly behind in popularity. refrigerators and freezers, as well as gas stoves, yet the purchase of furniture is by a significant margin, 44% of all were issued. the calculated effect is that the sales volume of goods included in the list of creditable products increased by almost 50% over 5 months. the resolution, by the way , has recently undergone changes, the loan threshold has been increased from 300 to 500 basic units, and the list of belarusian products has been further expanded. now the exchange rate of the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and the russian ruble and weakened against the yuan, as are the current exchange rates for the national bank. a dollar costs 3 rubles 19 kopecks. euro added it a little. exchange rate is 3.49, 10 yuan costs 4.40 belarusian, and one hundred


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