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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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we know how unbearable the life of the simpleton is to the people, how deeply it has hurt our daily injustice, how the paths to get out of this situation are formed, but this does not frighten me as an assabist, nor my young andu, we are strong and ready to work without disorder, not there are a lot of strengths for this, so that our people will become lighter, so that our belarus will become more fragile .
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maria mamertovna matusevich, liaison officer of the partisan brigade for the homeland, from the partisanka award list, matusevich - fearless intelligence officer, liaison officer from the enemy garrison in in the city of cherven she obtained accurate information about the enemy, as well as medicines for the partisan detachment. fearless fighter maria.
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from the enemy garrison she stole a typewriter, as well as two rifles, three discs for a machine gun with cartridges. on february 7, the brave girl organized a safe passage for 60 people with weapons, after which she herself was captured by the nazis and subjected to torture, during which matusevich uttered only one phrase: i am dying for soviet power. for her homeland, on the same day the nazis shot marya.
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understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we’ll talk about the crisis of western elites in more detail after even a hundred key events in world politics this week. the 75th anniversary nato summit was held in washington. the participating countries released a joint declaration following the alliance summit. the document includes a statement regarding relations with russia, as well as the future of ukraine on the path to membership in the association. the declaration emphasizes that the participating countries. alliance will be able invite ukraine to join nato when the allies agree and kiev fulfills the conditions necessary for this. the foreign ministers of nato member countries will annually assess ukraine's progress in implementing reforms. in addition to kiev's membership announcements, the document states that nato plans to provide ukraine with €40 billion in minimum core funding in 2025, as well as ensure a sustainable level of security assistance. at the same time , nato countries will...
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report twice a year on the process of providing ukraine approved military assistance. indian prime minister narendra modi completed his first visit to russia in 5 years. it should be noted that this visit was the politician’s first foreign trip after the parliamentary elections. in the final joint statement, the leaders of the countries agreed to develop indivisible security in eurasia and emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution of the situation around ukraine through diplomacy involving both sides of the conflict. a new trade turnover goal has also been set: $100 billion by 2030. in 2023 he increased by 66% and amounted to. approximately $65 billion, and for the first quarter of 2024 $17.5 billion, which, according to putin, records an annual growth rate of 20%. it is reported that moscow and newdeli agreed to increase military-technical cooperation and the production of spare parts and assemblies for
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military equipment in india. mode's arrival in moscow on the eve of the anniversary summit in washington emphasized that new delhi is guided not only by pragmatic considerations in its relations with russia. but he sincerely values ​​his friendship with his long-time partner in the north. hungarian prime minister viktor orban completed his peace mission at the nato summit in the united states. orbán visited kiev, moscow and beijing. i came to the conclusion that china and moscow are counting on peace negotiations on ukraine by the end of 2024 . at the nato summit, orbán also discussed them with the turkish leader. according to orban, hungary strives for peace, balance and harmony, so it is always on... the trip to china was the third episode of the peace mission; on july 2 , the prime minister of hungary visited ukraine, where he asked the country’s president vladimir zelensky to think about a ceasefire, as this will bring the start of negotiations with russia closer. kiev rejected the offer. orban said that his
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visit to kiev is related to solving the problems facing the european union. on july 5, it became known about orban’s arrival in moscow. following a meeting with russian president vladimir putin, orban stated that... russia and ukraine must achieve peace. european commission president eric mamer said orban did not coordinate his trip to russia with the european commission and his visit to moscow undermines unity european union. i’ll say right away that when looking at the results of several of the most important election campaigns in europe, i remembered the cynical phrase of nicaraguan dictator anastasio samosa. you won the election, and i'm counting the votes. about how the globalist uses all sorts of manipulations.
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countries change something fundamentally for us? well, let’s say right away that nothing fundamentally will change, but it must be said that 2024, in its essence, is literally replete with these elections, and not only in the european part, but throughout the world. already today, if you look at it like this and put it in military language, there is a feeling that a global political regrouping of forces is taking place, with some serious upcoming events that are happening today in... the world, it is already obvious that it is globalism that has encountered resistance it is precisely the national elites that today, in my opinion, it is becoming, well , in my opinion, clear to everyone, both the east and the global south, that the west a priori is no longer the same, does not occupy the leading
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positions that it occupied quite recently, well, how clear this is to the west is quite difficult to say, but today these contradictions that it faces internally ... well, the cause of the globalists will die only when the last globalist dies, in this regard it is not time to relax. as for france, here they have a clear, obvious positional defeat, this is what we see, but strictly speaking, the battle between globalists
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and anti-globalists, it doesn’t end there. let's immediately, for clarity, display the election results in france, the distribution of seats in the new composition of the national assembly. new popular front - 178 deputies, together 156, national association - 142 deputies, republicans 66, left 35 deputies, but unfortunately, for us, for... people who sympathize with the same political party of mrs. lepen, the results are disappointing, and here we can say , that yes, this certain conspiracy of the french elites worked, the desire to oust ms. lipen, her right-wing political force, but it seems to me that it is appropriate to say here that macron outplayed himself, mr. milanchon is not the best the option we finally got, yes. absolutely, i completely agree with you, macron outplayed himself, because
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he had a game in itself, seeing that his influence was falling, and the indicator of this was precisely the elections to the european parliament, he decided that he should not wait the moment when the collapse comes, announce these parliamentary elections, pour in a large amount of money, take advantage of the splits and frictions that existed at that time...
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jeanne mélenchon, nicknamed for his decisiveness by a hatch, who , unlike macron, is a heavyweight in politics, this is such an icebreaker, and macron at one time won completely by accident, because he slipped into the gap between the mélenchon and sarkazy republicans, until they were sorting out the relationship between themselves and did not pay attention to this young boy, now there are squabbles between.
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france led the new popular front. in the national assembly elections in june 2022 , mélenchon's party came second, following a similar vote this year. first: the official himself opposes macron and his policy on ukraine, demanding a compromise peace between ukraine and russia, and also spoke out against sending french troops to ukraine. yes, andrey petrovich, it’s important to note here that at some point in order to provide yourself with more.
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votes, basically, i think macron has every chance of dragging some to his
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centrist side, because every party absolutely has its centrists, but marie lepine does not have them, because marie lepine really represents the most today a monolithic structure capable of fighting for something. to say that marie lepine lost the elections, well, let's be honest, she has very seriously recently really raised her party, which she inherited from her father, and the fact that they won in the first place, he very clearly calculated how this to do, this agreement between the left and the centrists just made it possible to push the right aside a little, that’s what concerns lipen herself, and they always reproached her for the fact that she once took loans from putin, also something, it is clear that these issues needed to be resolved politically, today russia’s assistance is not a trend in europe or, today the trend
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is primarily issues related to the strategic position of russia, that’s exactly what milanchon looks like...
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there are two key issues in issues of the presidential race '27. every french citizen must be given the opportunity to vote. currently, more than half
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of the population is not represented in the political arena.
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but france has historically been a neutral country, we need to go back to this point in order to increase our importance in the international arena, and for me , my dream is that we will be able to have open discussions and negotiations with brix.
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we must support marina lepen in the coming years, she must achieve, of
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course, regarding the russian-ukrainian conflict, we need to support the diversity of the culture of civilization and we need to support a united eurasia, and this is very important. mister! this is exactly what the russian federation, the republic of belarus, and frankly speaking, ukraine, including, expect, we are talking about ukrainian citizens, as far as you think, have the prerequisites for what is happening in europe. they will forget that war is peace and from this oroil reality they will move on to our modern one, they will think that the value
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of human life, the spheres of interest have already been determined, and we need to complete this and move towards dialogue and the search for a compromise. well, it’s difficult to talk about prerequisites now, because there aren’t really any prerequisites, although these are the first such flashing beacons in terms of strengthening the position. marine lepine, in terms of the actual victory of mélenchon, we are exactly we see, we see that the forces that do not like the role that macron is imposing on france and the french people are growing stronger, they are gradually winning over the bulk of the french electorate, that’s why, if these forces act, well, at least at least without interfering with each other, it is quite possible that this will lead... to the dismantling of the only stronghold on which macron is riding, which he is trying to ride into history, this is precisely the military line, because
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that france in the european union cannot compete with germany in terms of the economy, it is an absolutely leading country in this regard, in terms of foreign policy, too, by the way, there is a complete orientation towards germany, and macron tried precisely in military terms - to pull this leadership over himself while the military-political circles of germany are more cautious in this regard, therefore macron’s statement that it is necessary to create a european army, the core of which will be precisely the french contingent, from these statements to the latest statements regarding ukraine, that soldiers of the foreign legion will be sent there, this is exactly this very line, this is the line that lepine and mélenchon can knock out from under macron then. the king will be naked, because macron has no more trump cards. well, let’s continue our political journey and move from france to great britain, because that’s where
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the parliamentary elections took place. let's pay attention to their results. well, labor wins the british elections, received 412 deputies. conservative party - 121 mps, liberal democrats. achieved a referendum on britain's exit from the eu, a former member of the european parliament, known for his harsh and often scandalous speeches there, criticizing european integration. in june.
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let’s put it aside, and what’s important is that the destruction of ukraine as a state has become even closer, i’ll explain why, because britain gave ukraine permission to launch strikes with storm shadow cruise missiles deep into russian territory, as i reported this week bloomberg, citing new defense secretary starmer. andrey petrovich, the statement is extremely harsh and how should i respond to your opinion? the question is precisely that it seems to me that the british are tired of such an active foreign policy, exactly.
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well, nothing happened, it was the british who were interested in this problem, how to get back into domestic politics, because they are not so worried about what is happening in ukraine, in general , to be honest, europe has become ukraine-centric, in its essence, like this france itself has missed its franco-africa or continues to miss it, and the same events are happening in latin america, you remember where venezuela, cuba and so on are now, exactly the same
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thing is happening in the east ... in its essence, today britain, france, all other fundamental states, they are dealing with the problems of ukraine, i believe that only through ukraine can russia be defeated, but in its essence, you look, the whole world has completely transformed, today this south, it i realized that the west has completely caved in, it is not involved in world politics, yes, well, the west, i mean, it is part of... europe, exactly the part of europe that we are talking about now, and because of this, it is the global south that today is located precisely towards the russian federation, towards the people's republic of china. you look at how russia provides the military component almost all over the world, yes, the visits of ships to venezuela, and missile carriers, and the same thing in cuba, the same events that recently took place in the dprk, they say that the russian federation is very seriously gaining
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global momentum throughout the world. well , the people's republic of china is acting very carefully, very carefully, it's like this, i don't know how it is, some kind of dragon, action, carrying out such economic expansion, little by little, little by little they are gaining their positions, why today we are talking very often everyone starts talking about the shanghai cooperation organization and most importantly brix, and how they suddenly begin to be opposed it is nato, that is, in essence, brix - this is an economic organization that was based on yes...
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actually, well, as far as i know , the chief gardener is already being replaced by another gardener, and kaya callas, who is generally, well, if i may say so conditionally.
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ministers, well, you see, that is, these candidates were already predetermined in advance, both, like starmer himself, had already come to ukraine after the start of the war, and healy had already managed to go to odessa, that is, the key focus, the focus of attention is the odessa port and for great britain is an extremely important point, and the fight for odessa is still ahead, andrey, i agree, and the colossal smuggling that is associated with the odessa seaport, who controls the port?
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than i am sure that he is not particularly concerned about how many missiles, patriot complexes or ranges of certain defense products will arrive in ukraine, he is interested in how the money will be distributed, even before reaching the front line, total corruption , hand washes hand, but you know, andrey viktorovich, i think it’s worth noting to pay attention to the position russian federation, because we recalled the attacks with stormshadow missiles. this is another irresponsible step, an absolutely irresponsible step towards increasing tension and seriously escalating the situation. we
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will carefully record all this and, of course, take appropriate measures. yes, andrei viktorovich, what could be the appropriate measures in this case? the best question is, what could be the appropriate measures, if only we knew what peskov meant? when he said this phrase, but obviously the phrase not on duty, so, but - the appropriate measures, uh, concern, but first of all, retaliatory strikes, so, uh, these strikes should not be so much symmetrical, but rather those same strikes on decision-making centers, and about which there is so much it’s already been said, but we, however, still have zelensky’s key figures, his cliques for some reason... either they are untouchable, or the missiles are flying in the wrong direction, flying past every time, that is, there is no decision on it accepted, they always talk about some red lines, but it’s possible if missiles will fly to russian territory and not
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only to new entities that have recently become part of the russian federation, but to other entities that were previously part of the russian federation, before the start of a special military operation, it is quite possible. the time will come to seriously negotiate in the language of force with precisely those people who first threatened and then began to put it into practice. let me remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to say, we are talking about the crisis of the western elites, we continue our political journey and now we let's go to the united states of america, the worst debate in us history. this is how many american media and ordinary viewers described the discussion between joe biden and donald trump. let us recall the details in our plot. they did not see each other for 4 years and again came face to face in the political arena. former state leaders and current leaders
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of the country competed in cunning oratory during the major debates of recent years. the event attracted close attention from the public media and the political community. according to most estimates, the meeting ended with trump's victory. what? as for biden, his speech was called a nail in the political coffin. supporters of the presidential party were the first to sound the alarm. the democrats were concerned about such a performance by their pseudo-leader and even thought about replacing him. a number of experts are confident that biden’s resignation is inevitable, the only question is the timing and positioning of this decision. discussions about how to elegantly remove biden while preserving his reputation are already underway, because in case of loss, all donor money will be spent on the presidential campaign will be wasted. it is interesting that the current leader himself assesses the situation positively. biden and his family are resisting pressure in every possible way. i can't say that this is my best performance, but... there was a lot of speculation about what
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joe was going to do, whether he would stay in the race, whether he would retire, what he was going to do, well, here's my answer, i will compete again, i will win, more than 70% of citizens no longer want biden to run for another term, the majority of respondents explain this decision the president’s mental abilities, however, this is not the latest news, and conversations about biden’s possible replacement began not after the debate, but before. at the beginning of the year there was talk that joe was not the best candidate. they wanted to seat the governor of california and even michelle obama on the bench. after the meeting with trump, biden's ratings went down even faster. we understand that it was a bad night, and the president spoke about it, and he understands it, but he will continue to do what he has been doing for the last 3.5 years, he will continue focus on the american people. the us presidential elections are scheduled for november 5th. one can only guess what the outcome will be. but with... the election campaign, everything is much clearer, as always, elections in
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the states are associated with the dirty laundry of the candidates, analysts have already called the upcoming elections a war of the courts. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov called the election campaign in the united states a sad spectacle. and it is important to note that although both candidates were far from ideal, a significant number of observers note that the weakness of the current owner of the white house was noticeably stronger. a political analyst and americanist is in touch with us right now. criticism, even the media, which traditionally andrei, well, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, was subjected to devastating support for the democratic party, i know that many americans with some representatives of political circles in america, you communicate, what are the moods right now, is there a chance replace the candidate.
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extremely beneficial to the ukrainian side, because
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the relationship between the current kiev elite and donald trump is disgusting, it was they who , during orban’s visit to kiev, asked the hungarian leader to help improve relations between zelensky’s team and trump’s team, is this true in your opinion? yes, this is ermak's team. his influence group, which is hunter biden in ukraine, this time, they think that through prime minister viktor orban they will be able to reach president donald trump, but i think, unfortunately, this will not happen, or fortunately, this is the time, because that donald trump has his own position on ukraine, the kiev regime, the delegative one, and the general position regarding the actions of the ukrainian regime. in this proxy war against the russian federation
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and they support the side of the world, they see zelensky, well, not even as a clown, they see a man who ruined his country, there is nothing to talk about with him, because he is a man completely under the control of the deep state of enemies donald trump, whom he is fighting against in washington, since this is the current position, that ermak can pay or the kiev regime millions of dollars for checking this or that position, they will, as they say, rake in money from them, lobbyists, this is a fact, but will there be this result, i think there will be no result, the position of the trump team is clear, there are people there who surrounded by him after all. from pompeo’s team, who have advanced to influence the continuation of the war in ukraine, but these people are a minority, so far, what i observe, they do not pose a danger in the trump team itself, and the team of president donald trump himself acts from his position, like he will say, then his assistants are all
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the company follows his instructions, and not the other way around, as this is done, please, there will be another question for you, andrey viktorovich, but here’s the hour. union state, well, of course, me or you, if we are talking about candidates, because there is nothing to choose from, i am skeptical about trump as a politician, that is , it is not trump that benefits us, we benefit from the traditional values ​​that part of his electorate gravitates towards , these are indeed the positions
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that they share, and we also share, these positions can serve as points of rapprochement with a well-structured... policy, but trump himself in this regard, this is the same rake that i would strongly advise against stepping on a second time, because we remember trump’s first term of office, we remember, we remember two meetings that could turn the world upside down, when trump met with vladimir vladimirovich personally, this it was hamburg and it was helsinki, moreover, during the second meeting they often talked face to face. and we agreed on a bunch of things, and trump announced this, by the way, while he was in these cities, but then upon arriving in the united states of america, as soon as he stepped onto the runway and found himself on american territory, he immediately
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annulled all the agreements that had been reached in this regard, either for the first time or for the second time, let’s remember how we treated trump on... a statement, to what extent it fits into a specific conjuncture, and trump now benefits from pinching biden, pointing out his mistakes, because the critic is always right, he rises above the one who made these mistakes, that’s what once biden in every possible way supports the war, and trump trolls him in this way, saying that the war would not have started, it is unknown whether it would have started or
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not if trump had gone to his second term, because his generally aggressive policy is inclined.. .trump at the moment, support for donald trump is 49%, joe biden 43%. if we are talking about finding a path to peace, can we build a certain relationship between the election results and the further scenario of events.
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in the figurative sense of the word, and if look at biden, yes, biden saw, looked a little weaker, looked a little more or less physically prepared, somewhere more tired, but still, let's look at the depth of one second candidate, yes, both of them are not the ones we would like would like to see two such outstanding people, young people there at the level of macron or someone else or bardyl and with them, we see... there is what there is, so, i must say that it is the depth of the approach biden was much deeper than what trump was doing throughout, all debates, he said, and...
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that trump will definitely win at these debates, what happened, well, now time will pass, the next ones, which will take place in my opinion in september, yes, the debates,
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where they will already be in quality already applicants, this will all play out somewhat differently, because behind trump, behind biden there are people who are called republicans and democrats, and the democrats have a much wider bench of reserves who are ready to come out, yes, that is, about those same ratings, okay there camilla harrison, who did not show up...
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to use ukraine, and the other part wants to stop all this, because realizing that this will lead to a third world war and the escalation of this conflict will lead to a nuclear war that will destroy all of humanity, and people want to live, people have money, people want to develop their internal economy because there are problems in america, that’s what trump is emphasizing, but what about biden? but i think he will go through zelensky later, the truth will be hidden, i i think, united states of america, what
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happened in ukraine under the biden administration, i really hope so, a person who was under sanctions, who is under us sanctions, today ukraine and the zelensky regime, i hope that the truth will still be there, will triumph, and we will see peace between ukraine, russia and an adequate government in ukraine, which will abandon nato and refuse to move to the west, as... for participating in the program, and i count on your participation in the future, well, i want also discuss mr. orban’s tour, striking shots, it’s important not to forget about this, i’m grateful to you after orban’s trip to the russian federation, after which there was beijing. a meeting with mr. erdogan, a meeting with trump is coming, andrei viktorovich, a bright political step,
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in your opinion, as far as we can assume? this is the role that was previously played in all such situations by receb taib erdogan, who was a professional mediator who got involved in any disputes and learned to receive dividends from this, but for orban this is a role, well, apparently a new one, but he very energetic, so we see that orban became such an interesting bridge, he simply
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adhered to a balanced position and therefore - that means... he boycotted a whole series of decisions aimed at inciting the conflict in ukraine, but now he has become, in general, one more of the creators of this architecture of new international relations, it’s very interesting, i think it’s very promising. well, andrei petrovich, we will move towards the completion of the program, so i give you the final word, well, i will then say about orban, as they say, finale, finale so far we have a beautiful show, because we see orban going forward, and i would like to say. you know, there is definitely some bright spot in europe , before it was, for example, charles de gaulle, yes, today france certainly does not shine with such names, unfortunately, although the french, they have always been very close to us, first of all to the belarusians, to the russians and so on, well , today our own shardy gol appeared, this is hungary, that is, first of all, of course, orban, this is, of course, his cabinet of ministers, which is, it should be noted that the same minister of foreign affairs siart, who also supports the policy
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of the prime minister of hungary, well, i want to say, i... i think, i even think i’m sure that orban’s opportunities today in the european union will be limited, and most likely they will propose questions related to the fact that he did not speak on behalf of the european union, and the fact that he is presiding today, and during this six months, yes six months, most likely they will simply act now, or maybe they have already received some restrictions related to his capabilities, precisely for this a peacekeeping position, which in no way fits into those trends today. which exactly is propagating the west where this west is going, so i think that huge problems await, of course there will be in terms of sanctions imposed by orban himself, i think that today orban is really orban, including rojay erdogan, who will also face the problems of that they will already be strangers to the west, and this must be understood, and this is important, we
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said that it is beneficial for us, that it is beneficial for us, that it's not profitable for us. we definitely do not benefit from the strengthening of the west, and the fact that today it is the west that is beginning to bend, the fact that today it is not as monolithic as it was before, this is very positive for us, and that means that what putin is doing is what he is doing senzenpin and what lukashenko is doing is very correct, success to them in this work. thank you very much, this brings us to the end of our large-scale and interesting discussion. i would like to make one statement about the us presidential elections. in 1980. that's why on this occasion, newspaper columnist mortzal wrote: reagan won the election because his opponent was jimmy carter. if reagan had run without an opponent, he would have lost. and in this sense, the american political process is very cyclical, but we will continue to monitor and discuss it in the next issues of my program, but i’m sure it won’t be boring. thank you, this was the program sas is
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authorized to declare. western elites enjoy less and less support from citizens of western countries. they were born in different parts of the world. me my name is pavel morozov, i came to belarus from russia and am acting as the consulate general of the russian federation.
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