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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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as if to clarify what they need, that’s how much it has grown, yes, it seemed, yes, what can be made from grain, yes, flour, cereals, no, there are already more than 100 items , this list has grown recently, oh, there are at least 14 of us -15 positions of wheat flour, varieties, all brands, wheat flour, 15 positions, now all these gluten-free and so on, we take into account the requirements of bakery enterprises, because our main share of government orders goes to bakeries in the city of minsk, used for baking, this six bakeries also use all types of flour, they also have a wide range, accordingly, we are adapting to their requirements, part of the flour...
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well, for now it is from soft wheat, but some selected varieties are augustine, amelia, the sensational ones, they have good baking properties, the main stupid question, here are private bakeries minsk and bread factories, they use the same flour, they use the same flour, that is , there is nothing so specific there, nothing so specific, it’s only a matter of the markup, it’s only a matter of the markup, i’m just saying this, that we consume here, because that, in fact, we understand that we will always exist, so i’m speaking as a fellow it specialist, what? i have to sit at
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the computer all the time, there are people, they will always want to, but the application is not always used, well , electricity, it’s a thunderstorm and somehow it will adjust its use, and what to do while you are left without communication, but in general we had such a positive conversation, it’s really nice to realize that our agro-industrial complex, our farmers have really reached a level where neither weather nor bad weather can exist. an excuse that somewhere we fall short, we have everything, we can do anything, we are trying very hard, i certainly want to believe that this year we will show an excellent result, but we compete only with ourselves, and we are rooting for you, well we actually sell abroad, as if we’re talking about billions of dollars, so that, strictly speaking , it is also quite a profitable business, so we grow bread, we get milk, and our pasta definitely doesn’t grow on trees.
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everything in the stores is belarusian.
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three traditional bakings of bread and chatyra hanging loaves are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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danya, why is she screaming? uh-huh, have you been drinking again? why are you so late? period, but you’re not afraid of pizza, but what difference does it make to you? is there a difference, are you disgracing me, tan? and still did it
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? why didn't you go? don't you understand? do you think i will put up with the fact that some bitch is trying to take my husband away from my apartment? you think i don’t know how all this is happening, but now, in order to stay in her apartment, she will lie down for anyone, but are you drooling, crazy? you’re talking nonsense, whatever it is, pasha, you know that you’ve practically stopped talking to me, we’ve become strangers, you want me to sit quietly and watch my marriage fall apart. you know, tanya, you're really right, and what do you
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mean? i think it's time for us to part ways. wait, do you, do you, do you want to divorce me? yes, it will be better for both you and me, because of this bitch, because of this journalist, cover up, pasha, you’re just delusional, did you even think, yes, i thought, you don’t worry, this house will remain for you, and the money, a lot of money, enough for you to live comfortably, if you don’t squander, everything from this damned apartment, tan. i met a person, i fell in love, i fell in love, pasha, but you
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just made up this whole story for yourself, of course, little girl, you’re so intelligent, just an angel, your life saved you, look at her, pasha, you know her less months, and i’ve been with you for 5 years, 5, pasha, i’ve never seen you such a slob, yes, 5 years, what happened, pasha, really at 5 years old. five is nothing to me it happened, tanechka, nothing, love just happened, love, but with me it wasn’t love.
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“this is romantsov, pavel aleksandrovich, we took him, who, your shooter, i have to come right now, and you know, we just finished the interrogation, let’s better tomorrow morning in the unit at 10, it will be convenient, yes, convenient, that means tomorrow in the morning, we caught him at the bus station, he wanted to pull him out of moscow by bus, by car, apparently scared.” you want to say that this is the same shooter? yes, my guys conducted a genetic
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examination, it confirmed everything, by the way, 5 years ago he was already tried for armed robbery, then dna samples were also taken, so there can be no doubt. alexandra, do you confirm that it is him? well, he was wearing black glasses then, but i’m almost sure it was him, yeah. “you know, what’s strange, i still can’t understand why he did it, where are the motives, but he himself didn’t say anything, no, for now he’s silent, like a partisan, please think carefully, look, maybe you still you know, you saw him somewhere, no, no, if i had seen him, i wouldn’t have forgotten him, in general, we’ll i'll put pressure on him for now, well, as soon as he starts
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talking, i'll immediately leave the connection, 5 years. sonya, we're late, come on quickly, hand, come on, sonya, hand, let's stick it in, and wake up already. i'm sorry, daddy, it's you, forgive me, dear, everything is fine, yeah, sonechka, go, call the elevator, dad will be right up, okay, run, dima, what's wrong
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with you being so gloomy, i'm fine, to play around, well, i see, i want you to know, i'm on your side, thank you, really, thank you, well, let's go, come on, goodbye, happy, sorry, delayed publisher at the meeting. “oh, my god, my mother, they were only talking about you, about me, your interview with merokulov simply created a sensation, moreover, he never gives interviews to anyone, but here he gave an interview, and even you managed to reveal his image, the video version of his interview, where he talks about his childhood - it’s just like an aortic rupture, we cried with the entire
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editorial staff, ninotchka, thank you very much, and 1000 views in one day, this is a five-year record for our entire publication? from today you are the author of the livni novosti publishing house and you are also the face of our publishing house, that is, you can interview bankers and politicians. known about show business, what can you say about this? you know, it’s so unexpected, okay, i’d better say it for you, it’s unreal, it’s great, of course, yes, nina, i adore you, nina, i adore you, okay, let’s go, i also have news for you, it seems we have a new investor who, well, doesn’t
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want his name to be revealed yet, as much as he wants it to be, but the bosses are just in seventh heaven, you bring us good luck, uh-huh, come on, mom, and you’ll understand that tomorrow we have a holiday with... oh, i completely forgot, oh, you’ll come, well, i’ll come, where can i go, dad too, dad, well, i don’t know, elina vladimirovna said that all parents should come, if he has time, of course he will come, i
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want you both to come, i want you to have mercy, of course, son. if that's what you want, we'll definitely come. let's run. hello, sasha, are you still awake? no, then can i steal you away? what? i want to take you to
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one amazing place. right now? yes, the thing is that during the day it’s not... so beautiful there, okay, just sash, dress warmly, it’s windy and clear there. i'm glad you agreed, please.
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be brave, i'm with you, just don't open your eyes, okay, it seems to me that i 'm about to crash into something, no, i'm holding you, yeah, you... hold on, just a little more, don't open it, it's too early, here now, take a deep breath, open it, this is something incredible, beautiful, simply incredible, these are the northern lights, did you
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guess it? you know, i come here when i feel very bad, when i am incredibly happy, when i i’m tormented by a feeling of loneliness when i love the whole universe, instead of revelation, such a refuge, and you have such a place, uh-huh, yes. well, that is , it was a long time ago, the old solyanka house, you know, the one
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that was later demolished, quite right, so my friend and i climbed in there, drew, read poetry, came up with something. they even wondered, then the house was demolished, i don’t have such a place anymore, i give it, sasha, give me your hand, give it. by the way, the other half of my heart, you know, entry here is forbidden to everyone, everyone except you, if you
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want to come and be alone, come, or maybe you will want to come with me, sasha, but i want you to know how i feel towards you, the main thing is, understand, i’m not crazy. i ’m normal, this is not nonsense, it’s true, i want us to be together, pasha, that’s not the point, what’s the matter, it’s just somehow everything is very fast, it seems to me that i’m not ready for a new relationship yet, yes, of course, i understand everything, i... i’m not rushing you at all, just don’t be afraid, let everything take its course, i’m ready to wait, i just wanted you to know how i feel, you leave a chance, a chance for us, and
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then you will understand that all this is serious, i'm not playing, i... don't disappoint you.
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thank you for a wonderful evening, you really enjoyed it, of course, if that’s the case, maybe we’ll do it again, maybe. sasha, old life always resists new ones, good night.
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well, that’s it, margarta alexandrovna, i arrived yesterday. i saw sasha with this cooper near our house. can you explain to me what's going on? i didn’t want to tell you, but it seems he’s courting sasha. she recently visited him at a charity evening that he is hosting his company. i like this person, i don’t
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believe him, but sasha, an adult girl, i can’t influence her, you somehow sort out your relationships yourself, the only thing i ask of you is that your relationship has nothing to do with sonya, i ready, uh-huh, well, let's go, zach, uh-huh, oops, uh-huh, thank you, thank you, come on, mom has arrived, mom, hi, mom, hi, my bunny, okay, let's go.
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hurry up, let's wait, hello, faster, faster, faster, we're already late, you're worried, no, here, here, right, let's pass, uh-huh, faster, dad, probably, thanks, dad, probably not it will go there, kolinka, kolinka, my kolinka, in the garden i...
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forgot to tell you, i watched your interview with merkulov, in my opinion, it’s just wonderful, thank you, mom, he turned out to be such a deep person, you really revealed him, i’m proud you, daughter, it’s on the internet, i’d look at it too, i’ll send you a link, listen, i’m very glad that you, i’m glad that you went to work, and so
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brightly right away, sanechka, why don’t you eat cake , i'm eating, sleepyhead, sleepyhead, listen, that was all today. everything is very cool, but it really blinded me a little in your eyes, why, dad, because you were the most beautiful, oh, i didn’t see it, i missed it, baby, why are you so sour, you had such a wonderful day, you sang so well, i’m not sour, why am i tired , i ’m not tired, you’re just not the same as usual, so what? so, baby, dad said that you made up, but you didn’t make up, and sonya, i, i ’ll explain everything to you now, everything, well, it’s a little
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different from what you think, sanyash, sanyash, mom and i love you very much, do you hear , then why don’t you live together, why do i live with my grandmother, sonechka, everything will work out when i want it to dad was putting me to bed and so that... you two would be together, sonya, wait, i’ll talk to her, hey, let’s talk, i don’t want to, sanyash, there are things that you don’t understand yet, what are they? sonya, my mother and i love each other, but we are going through a difficult period now, i hope it will end soon, when will dad? i don’t want
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to deceive you, i don’t know yet, i want to go to my grandmother ’s house, yeah, let’s go, give me a jacket, so we don’t forget anything. no, everything is in place, uh-huh, dim, are you coming with us? i'll stay for a while, well, if you don't mind, of course, yes please, well, then i'll pick you up tomorrow, ok, ok, bye, yeah, happy, that's it, bye, mommy. bye, bye, bye, i'll close, uh-huh, uh-huh, goodbye, bye, and why are you
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left, did you want to talk, do you want some more tea, no, thank you, sasha, it just recently seemed to me that we could start all over again . sasha, sasha, i love you, you hear, but can’t we just return everything to the way it was? sasha is suffering today, should i just return her? listen, dim, it seems to me that something is broken with us, that it’s broken, i don’t know how to return it, at first i thought it was
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because of the apartment, and then i realized what? well, to me i think i just stopped loving you. it's all because of the bonder, right? why because of the bonder? well, i saw you two there near the entrance yesterday. what, are you spying on me? i didn’t spy anything, it just happened by accident, sasha. what's the deal with him? it's none of your business. leave , please leave, how are you living,
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i live on cows, i need to move, where, i don’t know, they decided not to take out a mortgage, why, it’s unknown what will happen next, that we were supposed to meet, that this is no coincidence, that this is fate ? my god, in our cynical times this happens too,
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the worst thing is that i seem to feel the same thing, well, but we are very different, we are from different worlds, everything is happening too quickly, again you are for your own, such a man is fighting for you, and you still cling to the old, we have been together for too long demi together, i can’t just rush into a new relationship, i’m done. i understand, but i want you to really look at things, your life is changing, and you change along with it, well done, so, guys, let's get on the train, come on , faster, faster, faster, faster one, two, three , once, i already. two, well done, yes here and here, we are going,
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we are going, we are going, three, so, makeeva, kuklenka, so, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, so, and where we have gorelova, and sonya, denis, where, where, where it was burning, i don’t know, sonya, where is she, she’s a sleepyhead, sonya, maybe, sonya, be braver, already... let it all go, oh, it’s time for the planning meeting, uh-huh, hello, i’m gone, i’m on my way, sonya’s gone, how she’s gone , let's face it.
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georgy lukin, and then you opened your own bakery, it turns out that you worked in a restaurant chain , yes, yes, that’s right, it says here that some publications wrote about your desserts, well, yes, there was a case, but can you find out what happened, why you closed, you know, i wouldn’t like to talk about it, i’m sorry. one minute, can i? hello, hello, dima, yes, sasha,
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what happened? our dormouse disappeared, how did she disappear? well, i don’t know, she left the kindergarten, somewhere? i'll come now. margaret, are you okay? “i said, i should have sent her to another kindergarten, where they look after the children normally, don’t worry, i’ll find her, what are you doing here, dima, hello, i know it’s difficult for you now, hold on, but this is not the time to create scandals, our task is to find the child, our task, yes ours, i connected with the ministry of internal affairs. they gave us the best specialists, so we will be found, i will go to her, okay,
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yes, sergeant, okay, i understand you, that’s it, come on, alexandra vladimirovna, my group began the search, we also shared information with the volunteers, they have already got involved, i’m sure sonya will be found soon, children often run away from kindergartens, this is a common thing, i used to run around when i was little.
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sonya, hi, dad, hi, when mom and i are very worried. you were nowhere, remember, when we passed under this bridge and a train was coming from above, you said that i could make any wish, well, of course i remember, i made a wish for you and your mother to be together again, but it turns out she was tired of it, but tell me not
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to do it yet, i decided, so that the feet pass. rides, but so far only eight, eight, well, in general, this is already a lot for one desire, you ’re completely cold with me, let’s go home, oh, let’s go, oops, you’re frozen, yes, daughter, sonechka, sonechka, how are you you scared me, sorry mommy, forgive me, it was you who told me, forgive me, me i love you so much, you’re not cold, let’s go, do you want to eat something or drink, how
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did you manage to find her, the employees searched the whole area and nothing at all, i’m her father. listen, how, how did you find her? she was hiding under the bridge of wishes, where the railway bridge over moskvareka is, we walk there sometimes, i told her that when the train goes over the bridge, you can make a wish, it will come true, you always knew her better than me, well
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, everything seemed to fall asleep, but i hope you understand how... lucky we are, and if something happened to her, shut up, you wouldn't you understand that you are ruining all the best that you have, now i’m not only talking about sonya, i’m talking about your family, about you, sasha, about you, dima, yes, trouble happened, because of this spirit, the car broke, you know, i ’ve seen so many people like that, everyone makes mistakes, sasha, i made them, and dad. but it is necessary, it is important to be able to forgive, that’s all, nothing, nothing, everything is fine now, well, in general, i hope you will hear me, you can forgive each other, understand, okay, i have to go, i
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’ll see you off, don’t, i'll get there myself. you will forgive me, sasha, but you know what, come on let's have a drink. “you know, i’ve never been as scared as i am today, i don’t even understand how it all
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happened, what a blessing that you found her, thank you very much, what are you talking about, sasha, what’s next, i don’t know, but mom rights." sonya, family, this is the most important thing, i think we need to try to start all over again, but i’m the only one, i’m not ready yet, i can’t pretend that nothing happened. it won’t be true, i understand, sasha, yeah, i ’ll do everything, you hear me, sasha, that’s it, you know, i
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just need time, i need to understand what i want it was me, no, not mom, not sonya, not you, but me, and you have changed. yes, it’s true, and i can’t do anything about it, baby, why aren’t you sleeping, why aren’t you sleeping, i can’t sleep, well, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, i’ll put you to bed. “you thought well, where are you going now? i don’t know,
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i’ll rent a hotel for my mother, or maybe i’ll go straight to my journalist, she’s waiting, she won’t wait, don’t be afraid, that’s rubbish, i don’t envy her husband, tanya, what’s tanya, what? tanya , you are leaving me, tanya, i ask you, at least in memory of how everything began with us, let’s part as people, i just don’t understand what i did to deserve this, what i did to you like that, pash, and most importantly, you think she’s different, she doesn’t need you, pash, she needs this apartment, and the money is yours, she ’ll play angel now, and then ... everything will be removed, only i won’t be around anymore, and don’t judge the car by yourself, i
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won’t be left alone for a long time, yes, i’m sure of it, the driver has arrived, well, here you go. that's all, be happy, you bastard, i hate you, who was brought there so early, now i'll go and have a look. good afternoon, hello, captain
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rusakov, we need dmitry olegovich gorelov, it’s you, yes, it’s me, but what if you allow me, wait, what happened, what ’s going on here, who exactly are you, your wife, your husband has been detained, please detain him for what, on suspicion of organizing a murder, what else? murder of whom, pavel aleksandrovich bonder, what?
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we follow the sporting life of our country. the belarusian school of batuta again shows a high class. winner of the fourth stage of the world cup. congratulations to our guys, a result that to some extent can be considered historical in terms of the oval of medals in our sport. belarusian athletes completed their performance at the brics sports games, having won 247 medals. we review the most interesting event. the chicago black hoaks selected our fellow countryman with the second overall pick in the draft. and this is the highest
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result for us at the angel talent fair in history. we listen to opinions.
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the telenews agency team continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. the highest body of constitutional control should not be an outsider observer of the processes taking place in society. the president held a meeting with judges of the constitutional court.


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