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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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we take out the pot itself and there, then we pour it on top, we fix the very neck of the plant, in this place i feel very happy, very happy, because i have my family...
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because here there are so many trees that i planted with my father, planted myself, i’m teaching my son to plant trees, i’ve done a lot of things with my own hands, some plans for the future, and the air here is such that you can breathe not only deeply, but probably with two, if there were any. the president heard a report from the governor of the gomel region on eliminating the consequences hurricane, ivan krubko reported in detail to the head of state about the restoration work and
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the situation as of thursday morning in general; all work to connect the population to power, including in the most remote points, must be completed by tomorrow morning, alexander lukashenko instructed. the president emphasized that all problems for the population must be removed. the ministry of energy and the chairman of the regional executive committees have been tasked with auditing the energy capacities of electric power plants, as well as the availability of a backup power line, in the event identifying the slightest factors that cause alertness. old networks should be dismantled and replaced to avoid similar situations in the future. a separate block of the president’s instructions concerned the elimination of the consequences of the disaster in the forest. summer heat and rain continue to test belarusians; today the country is again at an orange level of danger due to the threat of strong winds. hail and rain hit the capital. in some areas of minsk, courtyards, streets and avenues are flooded. public transport operates with deviations from schedule. the water was getting there. and
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to the metropolitan. the state automobile inspectorate recommends that drivers refuse to travel by personal vehicle or think through their route in advance. pedestrians are also advised to be careful when crossing the road. rescuers, road and utility services are working in flooded areas, and assistance is being provided to car owners damaged by bad weather. the ministry of emergency situations recommends avoiding branch structures and trees and not parking near them. all principles and norms laid down in the constitution must work. in practice, this was stated by the president at a meeting with judges of the constitutional court. alexander lukashenko noted that a detailed conversation is overdue. more than 6 years have passed since the last meeting in this format. at that time, innovations that would be introduced into the basic law of the country were discussed. large-scale work has been done, powers have been redistributed, and the time has come to implement them in full. the president also noted that today there are 175,000 acts in force, some of them are difficult to read and difficult to perceive. there
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also needs to be an audit. one more note president: inadmissible in the formal consideration of constitutional complaints of citizens. this is also important to work on. today was the final day of joint anti-terrorism training between belarus and china attacking sokol 2024. over the course of a week, the military practiced various tactical episodes, which were combined for the final test. as part of the training , aviation and artillery were used for destruction. maneuverable targets, despite the fact that the belarusian armed forces and the chinese people's liberation army are on the map worlds are far from each other, in fact they have a lot in common. we have accumulated thirty-two years of experience in cooperation with the national liberation army of china. this is a fairly long period that allowed us to have certain developments and certain skills. moreover, we...
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continue the traditions and relations established by our leaders of the armed forces of the republic of belarus , the national liberation army of china, the people's liberation army of china, and china will analyze the anti-terrorist in the near future, military analysts of belarus workout. a broad and unprecedented step under the conditions of a total western blockade. belarus has announced a visa-free regime for citizens of 35
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european countries. the president supported the proposal. this is an addition to the already existing visa-free regime for our neighbors, lithuania, latvia and poland. the path for guests of potential partners is open through all land-based routes. air international checkpoints. technically, this procedure will take effect from 8 a.m. on july 19, 2024. this is an effective continuation of our policy of establishing good relationships between our neighboring european countries. i am sure that this, among other things, will make it possible to inform the entire world community, of course, the inhabitants of europe, about what is really, what is really happening in belarus, these fakes that they are constantly... trying to stuff european society with, they will be broken into this reality, and the reality that european citizens will see when they come to belarus. you can stay on our territory for no more than 30 days at a time; the total number of days you can stay in a year can reach 90 days.
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socio-political talk show in essence, i am kirill kazakov, this is alena syrova, today we will talk about the harvest, you know, like belarusian television, and so as not to talk about the harvest, so today is the day in order join our conversation and ask questions, including to the people who are here in our studio, join using the qr code, write your opinion here, there will be... a conversation, if you want to read what the editorial staff lives essentially behind the scenes , here is another qr code, join our telegram channel and you will be in the know, good evening, let's start, yes, kirill
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once started with the stereotypes that belarusian television and the agricultural topic are inextricably linked, they once made fun of this, but in the last couple of years this has not who... does not make anyone smile, and it seems to me that even those who are not interested in the agrarian agenda, still no, no, look how much they threshed, how much they pressed there and whether we will be with bread, well, no matter how banal it may sound , but before we start our discussion, i really want to say a big thank you to everyone to those people who are in the fields right now, they probably won’t see us, but i think that they will definitely be handed over to them, and for their work for the fact that... in spite of everything, no matter what weather conditions, here are the numbers , which as of today, how much has been harvested, we probably won’t ask, is it a lot or a little, but a lot or a little, but we are just getting started, so thank you very much, but nikolai vladimirovich, i’ll start with you,
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hurricanes that led, among other things, to victims, and what can i say, probably in the margins the situation has also changed very sharply, maybe there is already some new data on how... the situation, well, the situation really over the last 2 days was not quite what the farmers expected, we are of course expecting calm weather during harvesting without excessive rainfall, in order to collect the entire grown crop with minimal costs, put it aside, and , of course, use it for its intended purpose , either for production purposes or for feeding animals, these... precipitation has returned to the weekly norm, in some regions it has passed hail, which of course will have an impact,
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a negative impact, or has already had an impact on the condition of the crops, and in some places even led to death, well, look, the president last week said that we have ahead... quite serious work awaits, he he said that the harvest was good, and you know how he often says that despite the fact that the heavenly office presents us with all sorts of surprises, including unpleasant ones like this weekend, we were worried here in minsk, naturally, completely different this hurricane, but still, won’t it have an impact later on when he says, you ’re foaming at the hurricane, that your harvest here is not the same, that’s what you think, well, whether we blame it or not, that’s a second matter, but facts are facts, in individual regions, figuratively minsk, gomel region, at the moment, according to operational information , about 5.5-600 hectares have been subjected to... this negative impact, well, there will be losses, big or small, yes, this in principle, by
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region 1-2% of the existing areas, and let's hope that further weather will be more leveled out, there will be no abnormal heat up to 37°, which, as we see, immediately brings with it heavy rainfall, squally winds, huh, where are the most affected areas of these crops?
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took the kamenets district, tell me, you expect a harvest greater than last year, less than last year, and in general these numbers, more, less, that’s how important they are to us, ordinary people who come to the store , they buy bread, sausage, that is, roughly speaking, some kind of processed product, as far as is this important to us? well, we probably always start from the figure that is necessary to ensure our food security, first of all: the fulfillment of food orders from the state, the second is ensuring livestock farming, these are the main numbers that we
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focus on, everything that we get above is the past in comparison, we had a record year, we received more, we had the opportunity to improve the economic components and realize more, yeah, this year we see that, taking into account corn, we will be at the same level, but purely grain will be a little less, but this does not tell us that we will be left either without... food grain, or we will not be able to provide livestock farming, this is the minimum that we already have today, we, city residents, i i don’t seem to rely on this story anymore, we should worry, city residents in general, in principle, shouldn’t worry, because the volumes that are spent on food are only 15 to 20%, which in principle are used, everything else goes further for recycling animal husbandry, well, in principle, so to say that we will be without flour or without bread is basically that.
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essential products on their table, so they will be left without bread, without milk, without , as in fact, about 15%, even in a bad year, grain is food grain, all the rest is grain for feeding animals, and... again, it has already been said and i will confirm on the scale of the republic, if there is a slight drawdown or a decrease in the harvest of grain, naturally we have a reserve, we are increasing the area for harvesting corn for grain in order to compensate for the decline, well, look , again, i’m a stupid question, corn for grain is most often for livestock feed, right, well, look, we always, you know, we have a lot of such figures that we journalists tell , sometimes i don’t fully understand, here’s the total harvest there , but with rapeseed, without rapeseed, with corn,
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so the question arises, so you say, but there’s 15-20% - that’s what goes, relatively speaking, to food , everything else is for feed, this very corn and rapeseed, that’s it the audience understood that this is what it is, this is exactly the same food that feed, this is feed, then we will compensate for the wheat for food, and we will cover the shortage of wheat with corn, you know, you just touched on that. the question is that the brest region, well, in the brest region, this is how it is, you are the foremost among us, you are always the most progressive there, you start before everyone else, and finish before everyone else. no, that’s exactly what i’m talking about? you said that, in general, the weather situation that existed was quite predictable, that is, even without any weather forecasts, kirill and i discussed, because the phone does not show that we are now expecting squally winds and thunderstorms there, here are the farmers, the people who work in the fields, they even know very well some folk signs and can guess what will happen after the heat will always come like this,
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accordingly, you can predict, accordingly you can somehow adjust these issues. it turns out that somewhere more prepared, somewhere less prepared, vitaly viktorovich, that’s what concerns training, we somehow every time, when we touch on the topic of the agro-industrial complex, one way or another we come up against it, when we go to the regions there, communicate with local leaders, many people say that yes, indeed, the question is not so much about competence, because everything can be taught, in general, that called on the field, how many people are motivated who come, because this is also a certain instinct, a desire to notice some things, and not just do it there, as they said, we know that make a fool pray to god, the lop will break, as with frames the situation, how you weed them out, select them,
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well, i think that with personnel it cannot be said that it is so bad in our country, four higher ... educational institutions, more than twenty secondary specialized educational institutions, of course, not all young people work to train personnel now i’m ready to take on such a responsible, but at the same time, very honorable profession, growing bread, raising livestock, receiving milk, and so on, we are preparing, right now, for example, on these days there is a reception company, a competition expected, competition expected, good competition expected for various specialties. of course, i will say that maybe this is veterinary medicine, animal engineering, here, in principle , i really can’t say anything about a good big competition, but in principle, the figures that are given to us by the state, in principle, we fulfill, well, i translate that into ordinary language, this is that
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not everything is as good as we imagined, they don’t want to go to work as veterinarians, they don’t want to work as livestock specialists, along with
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preferences are given in the sense that he will when these students or future students work at home, that he already has his first job at the enterprise where he does his internship every year, it turns out that he knows and is already known, when he comes to production, he already has his competence, he can to be more, to show faster, i need to adapt to this team, look, maybe... this seems to be not quite the right topic, but it seems to me that there are a lot of people who come from dynasty to dynasty because they come to you, well, again same you were in the hills, well, can you imagine, most of the city is there, most of the city is such a big, big student village, well, in terms of the fact that it’s a dormitory, buildings and a small village like sloboda, my father lived there , that is
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, strictly speaking, this is really a city in which you understand that the entire elite of belarusian farmers practically studies there. that is, if he is already ready to work on the land, then he is already ready, probably from school, by and large, we are again in lately we’ve been starting to work a lot from the fifth and sixth grades, there are agricultural classes, that’s right.
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academy, so we won’t have enough rural residents alone, but they come to us from regional centers, and from cities with a population of 100,000, from regions, even from the minsk region, well, where agriculture is involved, we understand that agriculture, here we are again we say, these are not only field combines, this is also processing, because if there is a meat processing plant in the city, this is also agriculture, no matter what, that’s why we are talking about it, here is alexander alexandrovich, well, here they have already reproached me for the fact that i decided to offend the gomel region, in no way at all. i don’t offend you, let alone try to offend you, you have a whole former minister of agriculture at the helm, i think that life has somehow changed with his arrival, of course, we feel it, and the region as a whole feels it, it’s in
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the organization, instilled love for labor discipline, for agriculture, for youth, very much attention is paid, as colleagues said about the creation of agricultural classes, targeted training, we have a school for young leaders, probably ivan ivanovich. in the city we have a job, a young windage girl works, how much she likes it, so you ask her, where did your parents live? she says i’m a native minsk resident, but
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i like veterinary medicine, i love working with animals, i love them, i want them to be healthy, she develops herself, listen, well, native mencians are most often in the second generation, so it’s like the whole country is like this, so, by the way, we pulled you out, i understand that you have work there now that's how much.
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according to the stem that we have today located in our fields. andrey ivanovich, this is your first year when you are not in science, yes, already here, not in science, not in production, yes, not in science, not in production; as a deputy, it’s difficult to call it a year, another 4 months, but still, well, it’s clear, but still , strictly speaking, well, of course, you came from agriculture now to the legislative branch, so you, as the deputy chairman of the commission on agrarian policy, in fact, what are, well now...
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nothing needs to be changed radically, but we see when there are targeted appeals, when there are, that is, we deputies go to the districts, one of our responsibilities in work is communication with labor collectives, for example, in front of the cleaning company we also went out, well, at the beginning of the cleaning company of the circle, so when there are some targeted, but let’s say, appeals that would improve the situation of things even in this or that region. then all this is quickly done and one or another amendment to the law is adopted, well, look, alena i started asking a question about education, just a specialized one, but i understand that a lot of people there have probably changed...
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the methods there, the entrance exam systems for the target enrollment, because it’s really different for us there 10 years ago lawyers and there i don’t know, economists were most often recruited, agriculture, well, why can we soon i don’t know there are beetles, no one thinks, no, well, i was just preparing for the program for the weekend, i had a conversation with one guy who is near bobroysk he entered the agricultural technical school in the dwellings, he specifically says, well, not everyone can be an it specialist, for sure everyone will always be. want, of course, that stories are changing in education, well , strictly speaking, well, i don’t know, maybe we need to somehow organize the export of our agriculture, maybe you have some kind of emphasis in this, it’s just the country- then we have an agricultural sector and we are not at all afraid of it, and as alena says, before , for example, they were shy there, she says belarusian television about agriculture, and about harvesting, now we are really proud, because in singapore last week they decided
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that there are more than ten...
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me, this is a must, but today, if you are, what is flax? well, flax and beets, yes, yes, yes, but if you have the opportunity and want to insure, you see that there are some definite, maybe well, prospects that it will not survive the winter, or well, it will flood this year and so on, then calmly any agricultural enterprise can apply to insuring an insurance company on quite adequate terms and then, if something happens, means receiving an insurance payment.
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applications for death and with documentary confirmation, with confirmation of specialists who, by drawing up an act and with their signatures, confirm this event, then only the documents are accepted for development; the agricultural organization has the right to receive compensation payments, well, kiril me. will once again accuse you of commercialism, but i will ask, nevertheless, what amounts are we talking about, how much it costs to insure, a purely female question, one field, well, it just really surprises me how this can be assessed in general, which means that it is insured today, this is not a specific field, it’s the crop and the number of hectares, that’s the gradation it says it changes every year, but it depends on various objective factors, that is, it begins.
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the very question is, what awaits us this year, that’s what you suggest, forgive me for this question, so that we just understand, kiril, forecasting is a thankless task, it has always been there is.
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140 agreements with educational and scientific institutions of the world, of course, 60% are the russian federation, second place is china, which is why, of course, there is something to learn in russia, although i want to say that they come to us,
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maybe even more often than we do in recently they came to us and now china is of great interest in cooperation, even right now we are at the moment. therefore, we are working very intensively, i think with great benefit, nikolai vladimirovich, well, you returned from barnaul, in my opinion, well, yes, on saturday we flew back from the altai territory from a business trip, and there they learned something about buckwheat, the main
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topic with which i, as a specialist in the field, grew up was, say, to study the peculiarities of cultivating buckwheat in the altai region, since this is, well, a pantry in general. in russia, this is 60% of practically all grain production in the russian federation, this is more than 80 thousand; last year they threshed grains.
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on which you can do business, earn money, that is, high added cost, as for buckwheat, here it is a good predecessor, and it is a crop, purely one direction is food, the food issue, there is a digital need for our country, a need for, say, our population, this is 20 thousand tons of cereal, listen, well, like us, any force majeure, everyone goes to the store for buckwheat, it’s all at once. this buckwheat is priced like gold there, well
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, they really love it and crave it, i mean, what can they sell there more actively? it’s quite possible to sell, of course, but when producing figuratively 35-40 thousand grains in the republic belarus and 800 thousand tons in the altai territory, we only learn from them, we ask you to share their experience of cooperation with other regions.
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marya dmitrievna, you have enough flour, so you came with such a wonderful tray, we started talking about all these numbers, stories about how, for a city dweller , these are these buns when you arrive. grain, yes, this is a state order for the supply of food grain, so, let’s say, our enterprise, thanks to the city leadership, we are owed about 127 tons of grain from the harvest, twenty fourth year, from year to year this volume
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increases a little, accordingly we are increasing our production volumes, so we are not worried, we have not been left for one year yet... roughly speaking , the number of people in minsk you can definitely understand by the amount of grain , which brings you the needs of the city of minsk, the state order is ensured, yes , the need is growing, the city leadership, well , a little, yes, it is growing, something goes for export , well, for export, we buy something ourselves under direct contracts, because the state order is only for residents of the republic, and how does the quality of the raw materials that come to you vary from year to year? well, now more small batches are arriving, well... everything has been prepared, everything has been cleaned, our main indicator of the size of barley for processing into cereal is there, this is in particular pearl barley and barley, probably everyone is familiar with it,
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that’s why the farmers are coming, they already know requirements of standards specifically for processing into cereals, in general there are no questions,
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forgive me for being a bun, well, i’m already trying to add entertainment, i’m asking a question as a politician, look, very often we, for example, 30 years ago, last week we celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the presidency of aleksandrovich lukashenko, and so, in fact, why i asked muka questions, because i talked with veterans of the city executive committee who said
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that the ninety-fifth, ninety-sixth year there was a big problem in minsk with flour; they bought wheat grain from the czech republic for that. they carried it because every evening the problem arose, what kind of flour to bake bread from 30 years ago, then it was also fashionable to talk about how let’s we will dissolve collective farms, create farms, here are farms, all this private property, in fact, agriculture will raise us, why the question as a policy, in your opinion, to what extent is this whole story with the creation of the sec, well, in essence it is modern collective farms, as far as it goes. justified itself, how much we need to create large agricultural and industrial enterprises, because well, i understand that you look, for example, on european tv channels, when farmers come there, milk is poured out in front of parliament, i can’t imagine that farmers would come there before our parliament, alexander alexandrovich probably won’t let his milk be taken out here on
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independence square in front of the parliament, but that’s where this whole story works, yes, that is, there are some... then some farmers exist, they are fighting for something. to what extent has the issue of preserving the sec yielded results? political question. it means look, today, let’s say, well, if we talk about 30 years ago, right? now, if we talk about the lack of flour, then you said 96 there, children year and so on. just so you understand, in ninety-ninety years ago we had only 18 varieties in the state register, if i’m wrong, correct me, sergey vladimirovich, 18 varieties of grain.
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i repeat once again, we are burying it in agriculture, and then it turned out that we are not burying it, so we are not burying it, well, we see for ourselves that we are not burying it, and you know,
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today, when you can say something, so, but when you you see the result over time, so today you and i, you and i are going to the store for the beautiful shortcakes there, flour and so on, probably 80, then 90 percent, these are products that are processed from material that was obtained in our ...
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area, in fact, it is also the same large enterprise; that processing is the same cheeses they make, it is quite well known by throughout
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the country, but this is not always a private enterprise, here again, well , the question arises, for you, as the head of the district, what is more convenient for you to work with farmers, or with large enterprises, even if they are called sec, we understand that this is a state enterprise, i with this i slightly disagree with the discussion when we said that if it’s a private or farm enterprise, then they will care more for... in general, this is obvious, when we spend the whole summer running around with the head of the state, the conditions are generally the same for everyone identical, absolutely
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created, but we see completely different farms, it all depends on the leader and on the approaches, but the leader today is interested in the final result, you see, we also take the component of farming, private, this is the meaning of the work, yes, this is for specific enrichment specific person yes. after all, the enterprise also carries a rather large social burden, this is the support of all employees, this is the provision of housing in the village, this is assistance to schools, kindergartens, this is the maintenance of cultural centers, which today, it is good when you are so responsible, and i am sure that most of them are responsible, but there are those who hope to sit, sit out and whatever their leader depends on, tell me, now we are arguing... the person who heads the sec, well, here is our conversation again and you know, a look from city, farmer or
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spk? no, well, i didn’t pose the question that way, we support it. me personally, after all, the spk. we are protected by the spk, that is, we do not think about the market for tomorrow's sales of our serial products, for dairies, for meat processing plants. that is , the president has provided for it, there are sales markets, and you work stably and payment for our raw materials is made on time, that is, we do not think about it. then i have a question, why don’t the same spk launch so often? well, for example, we don’t have the same enterprise as snov or vertelishki in every region. that is, they are the flagships that they look up to, why aren’t everyone like that? well , we have enterprises that are constantly approaching the indicators of these enterprises, that is, in the republic in the regions there are developing ones that are gaining momentum, and one day they will be on the same level as these enterprises, we are not standing still, that concerns my thesis about leaders, but in the gomel
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region we all remember, not so long ago there was a big one... well, they are not incentivized to comply with it, they want to instill love for labor discipline directly to the manager himself and so that the manager conveys it to his teams, that is, labor, production, and also return - this is financial discipline, high wages, this is the whole message to love yourself and instill in other
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employees that high wages. of this process, as for the system as a whole, control over the technological side , as a rule , work plans are developed, headquarters are created, at the republican level - this is the republican headquarters, at the regional level - these are regional headquarters;
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district monitoring headquarters are also created at the district level. monitoring the progress of harvesting work, and naturally, there are groups created, as you said, for quality control, since we have a large number of combines working in the field, and well, the number of agricultural organizations is about 1200 large-scale commodities only, then you and i understand that at the same time this control by working groups of everyone at the same time. impossible to carry out, for this purpose it is assumed that there is control over the equipment to ensure its integrity is sealed before exit to the field. next comes the work of the working groups to control the process at the time of work, and if any deviations from, say , the requirements for sealing the combine are identified
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, first of all, it immediately stops. equipment , work is underway to eliminate the identified deficiencies and this is constantly being worked on, and even at the level of minisilkhprod , such groups are constantly traveling to the regions, which are directly, say, adjacent to the local quality control units or in a separate order come to the fields and.. .
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their signature, first of all, these people, they must understand that responsibility for distortion will come, in the country we have competent authorities, this and ... in theory, no one should control his money. our system is quite serious, created, and we seem to be practically conducting it, well, a story about how we clean up the numbers on tv screens,
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including stories about how it is controlled, how necessary is this? well, i want to point out that control is really needed, no matter how we say it, but when a specialist in a specific area arrives, relatively speaking, he comes along the traffic police line, he examined. he warned the machine operators in advance that this is where something needs to be corrected, to drive out like this, he carried out, say, explanatory work with them in terms of how to behave on the road, not to drive drunk, well, we are talking about drunk people, these are not the same today, not that time, to allow today, some machine operator is driving while drunk, we are still talking about the culture of introduction to the track. canvas, when the combine leaves, we we know how many tragic situations there are today, when somewhere because of fatigue the machine operator did not pay attention, somewhere there were other subtleties, it is better to warn in advance, to focus attention on this, the
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same for cleaning, when monitoring groups go out, they also examined , they recommended something, somewhere they suggested, it’s not always regarded as a reproach, or how bad it is, yes, but somewhere a recommendation is sometimes very... useful and timely, so we regard it as more help for in order to prevent further some kind of emergency, unfortunately, probably even the most, let’s say, combine harvester is conscious of the most ideally prepared combine, when there is a flow of grain into the bunker, and well, imagine he works for 12 hours, for 12 hours he has a flow of grain, his soul rejoices, his salary it’s shining and well... we assume a situation that maybe he just didn’t stop, so as not to lose money and just didn’t see it in a timely manner, so when the workers leave,
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measures are immediately taken, that is, this is really help in inducing probably increased self-control . maryaevna, let ’s talk about something tasty at the end, here we are talking about the number of varieties that are grown, in fact, we have more of them in 30 years, as i understand it, that’s a wish. buyers of the same products, they are also increasing, well, before there was buckwheat, chickpeas, pasta, horns and some kind of flour, yes, now in general this assortment is growing, i understand that you are practically the entire customer of these gentlemen , that’s right, they grow it because the customer of the raw materials, well, that is, strictly speaking, they grow it, bring it through a bunker and bring it to you under control, and you sort of clarify with the consumers what they need. this list has grown recently, oh, it has grown, yes, it seemed, yes, what can be made from grain, yes, flour, cereals, no, we already have more than 100 items, that’s at least 14-15 items of wheat flour,
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varieties, all kinds brands, wheat flour 15 items, now all these gluten-free and so on, well, glutenfree for pancakes, for buns, for pancakes, for changes, for everything, yes, separate. yes, flour varieties, we take into account the requirements of bakers enterprises, because our main share of government orders goes to bakeries in the city of minsk, it is used for baking, these are six breads, we use for the production of our pasta, the pasta line is modern, automated, no, they are made from wheat flour, a unique raw material, we have determined for ourselves, that, unfortunately, we cannot make from durum varieties, while science is still in...
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for now it is from soft wheat, but some selected varieties are augustine, amelia, such sensational ones, they have good baking properties, the main stupid question is here private minsk bakeries and bread factories, they use the same flour, they use the same flour, that is , there is nothing so specific there, there is nothing so specific, it’s only a matter of the markup, it’s only a matter of the markup, i’m just saying this, what we consume here, because well, in fact, we understand that we will always exist, so i say as a fellow it specialist, what do i need? sit at the computer all the time, there are people, they will always want to, but they don’t always use the application, well , electricity and a thunderstorm will somehow correct its use, and what to do while you are left without communication, but in general we had such a positive conversation, it is very pleasant to realize that our agro-industrial complex, our farmers have really reached a level where neither weather nor bad weather can exist.
8:59 pm
an excuse that somewhere we fall short, we have everything, we can do anything, we are trying very hard, i certainly want to believe that this year we will show an excellent result, but we compete only with ourselves, and we are rooting for you, well we really sell abroad, as if we’re already talking in the billions dollars so that, strictly speaking , it is also quite a profitable business, so we grow bread, extract milk and our pasta definitely does not grow on trees, but...
9:00 pm
this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, watch the episode! and the weather again covered belarus, rivers, water on the streets and falling trees. the whole picture of today's disaster is in panorama. large-scale revision of legislation and active work.


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