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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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everything in the stores is belarusian. this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day, in the studio of elena nasacheva. hello, watch the episode. and the weather again covered belarus, rivers, water on the streets and falling trees. the whole picture of today's disaster is in panorama. large-scale revision of legislation and active work. constitutional court, the topics
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that were discussed today at the palace of independence, we will tell you the details in the panorama. anti-terrorist training of belarus and china attacking falcon is nearing completion, today the military played the most bright episodes. details in the panorama. traditional payments for the school year in belarus will provide support to large families, low-income families and families with children with disabilities. we'll tell you what you need for this. the government of belarus is in nicaragua, an official meeting and a business forum are expected to sign contracts for the supply of our equipment. the country’s food security, or when every grain counts, the path of a loaf from the field to the counter, who is responsible for the quality of belarusian bread in the project under the control of the president. it's been almost a week now
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the bad weather remains in the top news, it does not give reasons to relax even today, not for the special services, not for ordinary belarusians. even in the morning in minsk, the weather pleased with a little freshness, literally before our eyes, the capital's districts were covered with a wall of rain one after another, as a result of flooded streets, fallen trees, damaged property, there was also flooding of personal vehicles, ten-point traffic jams almost completely stopped traffic in the center of minsk and surroundings. today. the country is again at an orange danger level, yulia alferova with details: nature does not have bad weather, remember, yes, but as for today’s weather in minsk, it is difficult to assess whether it is good or bad, but what caused inconvenience is a fact, if for pedestrians it is just wet clothes or shoes , which is easy to dry, then motorists will be eliminating those same consequences for a long time, this is... about those cars that were
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flooded in the capital today, we see that you are already drying, yes, they sent a message that the car is floating, and i rode my bike here from work, the water level is so high i got there, the rugs were floating in the water, yep, the spare tire was also in the water, literally in a matter of minutes the streets in the capital turned into rivers, this is a makayon and shots that were taken less than two hours apart.
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arms, this driver was less lucky, he won’t be able to dry it out, but in such situations, fortunately everyone is alive, hello, today there are unusually many cars in minsk with the hood up, you got flooded, what happened to you, drove into a puddle, the puddle flooded a little or , well , a little bit, yes, you see, half of the muzzle was taken apart, well, half of it was taken apart under the hood.
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puts himself in such a situation, says when the water began to rise, he went out and pushed the car with his own hands, otherwise such consequences cost a pretty penny, what is a hibernation strike when they encounter... and this is fraught with expensive repairs, as i understand it, correctly, engine repairs or replacing the engine, yeah, what do we do if this has already happened, that is , it’s absolutely impossible to move further along the road, it’s not possible at all, under no circumstances is it possible, call a tow truck, we’re coming to you, that’s right, we’re going to a hundred, as the weather is bad today were worried, we see that we are coming here to you at the entrance, well, practically, well, in general, you don’t have to wear boots, the whole roundabout was standing, i went during the day and for lunch, it was all flooded there, this is a normal phenomenon. you have a big car, but how do you go out using personal transport or wait until the water recedes? we’ll leave, you’ll try to go out, but there’s a hundred nearby, really, yes, absolutely right, good luck to you, the park chelyuskintsev metro station was temporarily closed due to bad weather, according to eyewitnesses, water poured in, one of the entrances to metro on
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vostok station to eliminate the consequences, however, the metro is the only transport that was guaranteed to move on schedule today, traffic jams of 10 points in the very center stopped traffic for everything... all efforts were devoted to eliminating the consequences of the heating, since lunch they stopped all repairs construction work, currently there are six brush tractors, seven kdmov vehicles based on maza and 35 people. the most important thing now is to clean the gratings and rainwater wells so that leaves do not become contaminated with debris, so that...
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mali promptly, the city of rem avtodora worked in close conjunction with the ministry of emergency situations, in case they developed a certain poseidon plan, where all the places of possible flooding are fixed, but when the elements are raging, you can’t really protect yourself, the vigilance of the citizens themselves will give a much greater result. we recommend not to stay in low-lying places, in underground passages or other areas, but to choose higher places where you can wait out the bad weather. also, do not park your cars near trees, as well as in unchangeable places so that water can reach them. did not arrive if you... while driving you are caught by bad weather, you need to park slowly in the right lane, turn on your hazard lights and wait out the bad weather. if water begins to flow into the car, then it is necessary to leave it and move to a hill. but even in such a situation , everything is decided by the approach; undoubtedly , a positive
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attitude helped belarusians cope with aquastichia. those who accepted the situation were also seen, cutting through the waves on scooters and going into the swim. if you wanted the sea, get christina the sea. quote: all problems for the population should be removed. the ministry of energy and the chairman of the regional executive committees have been tasked with auditing energy capacity and power lines, as well as the availability of backup
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power lines. if the slightest factors are identified that cause concern, the old networks should be dismantled and replaced to avoid similar situations in the future. there's more. one order from alexander lukashenko. a separate set of instructions concerned eliminating the consequences of the disaster in the forest. new expanded powers of the constitutional court and revision the legislation was discussed today at the independence palace. the president spoke with the judges; they are exceptional specialists in the field of law, and now their work will be more visible. the constitutional court began to accept applications from citizens directly. this is the first time in the history of belarus when... the institution of constitutional complaint has become operational in the country; it is necessary, of course, to go through certain procedures, but the fact is that this is possible when a person is sure that his constitutional rights have been violated. another topic: the president set the task of conducting an audit of the entire legislative systems. decrees, resolutions, acts,
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documents should not duplicate each other, be huge or difficult to understand. all this, of course, is not simple. katerina krutalevich will try to explain. what's happened? the constitutional court and what the people who work there do, a person who has never gone to court proceedings will, in principle, not know in detail, this is world practice, if you look at the position of the constitutional court in... in general in the entire judicial system, speaking not only about belarus, it’s not just the top, it’s superbody, whose main task was to control that any bill that is formulated in our country, no matter what it concerns education, medicine, construction, does not contradict the constitution, and even if we talk about the appeal of citizens, the constitutional court cannot resolve a dispute between people, not may respond to a person's disagreement with a court decision below, but now they take on cases where the person claims: the law went against my constitutional rights. the constitutional court
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itself does not re-decide the dispute instead courts of general jurisdiction. today we have a clear division of competence between the courts of general jurisdiction and the constitutional court. the constitutional court checks the constitutionality of the law, normative and legal act that is applied in a particular case. how to technically do this, talk with...
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and yes, even divorce can be the subject of consideration, but the husband never has
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claims against his wife or vice versa, when one of the spouses for some reason believes that the law according to which the acquired property is divided in half, violates his constitutional right, for example, on the inviolability of the home or justice. absurd options, of course, will be swept aside along the way at the first stages of legal proceedings, but there are special cases, lawyers talk with scenarios: which are difficult to come up with, when a person really has a reason to go further for justice, this is what the president demands, to be closer in this situation to people. this is the first time in our history that citizens have direct access to constitutional justice. previously, they could, as it were, raise the question of the constitutionality of the law, turning to bodies that are state bodies that were authorized to submit a proposal to the constitutional court, that is, for example, parliament.
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the court, of course, is largely connected with government agencies, this is generally a single system, but here the movement should be two-way. the effectiveness of protecting the constitutional legal order in our country depends on this activity of yours. therefore, we will discuss a number of fundamental issues in the activities of the constitutional court. firstly, the new constitutional function of the court was the interpretation of fundamental law. for this requires the initiative of competent government bodies.
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the main law, we came to the conclusion that now there is no such need, people, the same parliament taught what is called both checking and formulating, but even with such independence, this bunch should not turn into...
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recently, a disaster, some of them are difficult readable, perceived, overloaded, individual issues, regulated, yes, many norms are repeated from one normative legal act to another, multiple adjustments are made to acts, i very often, today, too, i demand that if we make any significant adjustments, we must set out this legal act anew , taking into account new changes. to make it easier to work, so i asked the presidential administration to organize a process, we need to gather specialists, like when they carried out an audit of some laws there and so on, involve the constitutional court, we need to turn it all around, we need to remove everything unnecessary, we need to leave only
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what is needed is to carry out this audit, this there will be a revolution, no...
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everything is clearly spelled out, in fact, this is the act with almost 500 points, how can you talk about the education system about security there, if it’s impossible to read this, the final deadlines? it was not raised publicly at this meeting, but it is clear that no one will delay, as for people’s appeals, if we take all the procedures, it is already clear how long it will take to reach the constitutional court. analysis
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of procedural codes shows that this period is somewhere between 9-10 months, therefore, the constitutional court has currently received more than 300 appeals from citizens, but they do not yet meet the admissibility criteria. constitutional complaints, so that we consider them on the merits, so in the near future we will consider them on the merits, in compliance with those requirements, when a complaint is received from the law, this means making an appropriate decision, there is activity on the part of citizens, but important conditions must be met, order, those criteria that are established for constitutional complaint, very good? the president wants judges of this rank to see them as lecturers, their experience is invaluable, if not convey it fully, then at least set an example. in the constitutional court, well, probably our most advanced lawyers, and well
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, as i perceive it, i think that they are not fully loaded in the sense that they need to work extensively with society, but this constitutional court does not exist, especially with our young people in universities, because you are excellent lecturers, speakers, you put knowledge in the field of law, and not only rights, in life, you are adults, so i would really like to see you in student, working audiences and so on, and civil servants need to be trained, educated, so here too it is necessary to provide on the basis of, well, let’s say, the academy of management, in in general, you need to stand in the vanguard and move forward, what else do you need to understand exactly? not everyone will need a constitutional court in their life to resolve their issue, at least once this contact with the courts in general occurs, inheritance, divorce, after all
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, the constitutional court is not the primary and not secondary authority, but now they have become available for consideration of complex stories, where there is an ethical component, the same justice, this speaks only of one thing, about the civilization and evolution of society, when feelings, dignity and reputation can be protected no worse than real estate or property . there was such an interesting conversation, an interesting meeting, it was interpreted in different ways by some mass media, especially on the internet, such as the fact
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that guterish made some claims to us, well, you understand perfectly well, while sitting there, in new york, no complaints were brought against us; on the contrary, we received a positive assessment when talking about the united nations. naturally, we supported this organization and will continue to support it, we support it, now we are one of the founding countries of the united nations, we see shortcomings, but these are shortcomings not of guterres there and of some organization, our specific ones, because every organization, a collective body of the un , the organization has its own vote, its own opinion, it has the right to vote like that or otherwise.
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relations between belarus and china are of the strategic nature of ironclad friendship, the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of belarus will say this at the brest training ground, in turn, the chinese army is interested in continuing joint exercises with our country. as part of the belarusian-chinese antiotheristic training, the military of the two countries attacking falcon today to give the serviceman modern. high-quality knowledge of combat tactics must also take into account world experience. our filming crew worked at the bressky training ground group, vladimir korolev observed the maneuvers. today, the most striking part of the maneuvers throughout the week was the military honing various tactical episodes, and today most of them were combined into one big test. units of the tactical group repelled attacks by illegal armed
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groups. according to legend, conditional. despite the fact that the belarusian armed forces and the chinese people's liberation army are far from each other on the world map, in fact they have much in common and the strategic nature of the friendship continues, they emphasize both countries. we have accumulated thirty-two years of experience in cooperation with the national liberation army of china, this is a fairly long period that has allowed
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us... to have certain developments, certain skills, moreover, we continue the traditions laid down by our leaders and the relations of the armed forces of the republic of belarus with the national liberation army the armies of china, the people's liberation army of china, are strategic, i would say the nature of iron friendship, in china in the people's liberation army, it is also open approach necessary to maintain peace. in the future, i hope joint training will continue. the most valuable thing for the chinese delegation is your approach, which we received here in belarus. over the course of a week, belarusian and chinese military personnel acted harmoniously in pairs during anti-terrorist training, landing troops, practicing issues of crossing
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and... overcoming water obstacles, despite different languages, professionals do not need a translator, they understand each other with a glance and a gesture, the military assures. in china and belarus has a time-tested friendship, and through joint training we increase our mutual understanding. particularly important today is the anti-terrorist, practical, and tactical ability to act together. we find out how belarusian military personnel are trained and study belarusian weapons. belarus and china have been building joint cooperation for decades, and it continues through the military department. we are developing cooperation in various areas, including electronic warfare, communications capabilities, engineering security, and in other areas that are interesting both to our chinese comrades and to us. upon completion of the tests, military analysts from both countries will conduct an analysis
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of the anti-terrorism training. parliamentarians voted against, another 15 abstained. let me remind you that ursula fondeen previously promised to turn the eu into a defense union. she announced her intentions to strengthen the bloc’s defense industry, as well as to introduce the post of european commissioner for defense in the event of
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re-election. there are also plans to increase the number of european border and coast guard officers. protection threefold to 30,000 people and the development of new pan-european defense projects. the rhetoric of our neighbors remains consistently belligerent. lithuanian. mps voted to denounce the convention on cluster munitions. the sejm supported the corresponding decree of president nausėda. let me remind you that the treaty prohibits the use, transfer and accumulation of cluster shells due to the risks that unexploded ones pose for the civilian population. the country's defense minister explained the withdrawal from the convention by the supposedly changed geopolitical situation. vilnius now considers cluster munitions to be an effective means of warfare by the lithuanian army. should use, as they say, a bad example is contagious: following lithuania and latvia, estonia has banned the entry into the country of a vehicle with belarusian license plates, it applies regardless of the reasons for the car owner’s stay in the country or the european union,
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only cars with humanitarian cargo are exempt, as well as with diplomatic numbers. in case the vehicle is already is located in estonia, it must be re-registered. tallinn allows a year for this. otherwise, the car will be behind...
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the answer becomes a friendly hug, a comradely hand and open doors, come in, drive in, look, belarus is becoming such a platform for family reunification in the region, where the balts can see the russians on a neutral platform, although this platform demonized by the officialdom of latvia, lithuania, estonia and poland, however, the expanded initiative will work against this anti-russian, anti-belarusian one.
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the policies of the belarusian state support the request for high-quality objective information, without fakes and destructive content. moreover, interest in such materials is growing. the public opinion study was conducted by the institute of sociology. experts interviewed mensk residents, residents of regional centers,
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regional cities and rural settlements. 1,300 respondents responded through a face-to-face questionnaire. starting in 2021, we... the indicator was at 38%, then in 2023 this indicator was 54%. this phenomenon we looked, there are very complex reasons, there are many factors, well, firstly, on the one hand, of course, it should be noted that the journalistic community has begun to work much more fruitfully, a lot of bright media projects are appearing, author journalism is developing, experts are appearing on television , on the other hand, it should be noted that the country has nevertheless overcome the consequences of negative information turbulence. that took place in 2020, after all, people, they began to take a more
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responsible approach to their choice information content to its content, they began to actively filter information, still not to immediately take for granted the first fact that appeared in the media space, what else might be missing, what would you like to see on belarusian television? well, people naturally really love news content and entertainment content, but there is a great demand for analytical information when there is, relatively speaking , such... as an explanation, of course, people, ordinary workers, ordinary housewives there, need, of course, to explain what is happening v in the world, as is happening in the world, people will first of all go where they have been explained about it well and reliably and efficiently, and in our country today the state media certainly have this characteristic, in particular, we also looked at it in context here television compared to last year, we recorded about a twelve to thirteen percent increase in indicators of more than 60% trust in socio-political content.
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some economic issues to talk about, but no less, there are strong interests in the international agenda, of course, given that the world is currently in such social tension, of course people turn to the international agenda, but domestic politics will certainly be the information priority of our audience. and here’s a couple more figures: half of the readers of the belarusian radio company’s website are belarusians; on the youtube platform , russia is more often interested in our agenda. there are, mind you, germans, americans, poles, and this despite
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the fact that our state media are under pressure in a shadow bath. the attitude towards the media in the democratic world is not at all democratic. however, the west has begun to be selective about information, where senior officials still see history and memory as their enemies. the situation with victory day became indicative; it was forbidden to hold a march or lay holy stones. maybe that's why our parade on july 3 , independence day, gathered. there are so many people on television screens on internet platforms; the parade was watched more than 2.5 million times on the official youtube channels of the gosmi. on tv the total coverage on all channels is 1.22000 people, this is a live broadcast without taking into account the replay on belarus 1 in the evening. the most rated television broadcast in the last 4 years, the opening ceremony of the slavic bazaar, has also been determined. she brought the first button to absolute.
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official visit of the belarusian government delegation led by the prime minister to latin america. today there are negotiations in the capital of nicaragua, managua. the big business part starts here with the opening of the business forum. based on the results of the visit, we are waiting for the signing of new contracts. nicaragua is one one of the most sparsely populated countries in central america. less than 5.5 million people live here. a member country of the un and a number of other international
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organizations, such as the world trade organization, the american states, the non-aligned movement and the international atomic energy commission magathe, stands for a multipolar, fair world order, one of the most sensitive issues for nicaragua is the departure from the economic dependence of the united states, therefore contacts with russia and china and the countries of the entire eurasian union are becoming more and more active. belarus is ready to offer its equipment from buses, utility vehicles, to quarry vehicles. massul, which this country so needs. during the visit, the entire range of issues from trade, investment to international cooperation will be discussed. belarusians are waiting for us here. it’s nice to be here, we have something to offer this country. you know very well that nicaragua is now making progress and, let’s say, increasing its economic development. there are a number of infrastructure projects here that are important not only for the region of central america itself, as much as, in general, for the entire planet. the country is about to dig a new canal. as you yourself understand,
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where there is a new channel, our equipment should be there. roman aleksandrovich spoke about this yesterday at preliminary negotiations, and about it today. these are projects for the construction of a port on the atlantic coast, this is a project for the construction of a runway and a new airport, these are projects for the construction of roads that would connect the pacific, atlantic coasts and therefore, to implement these infrastructure projects, road equipment is also needed.
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the prime minister will hold talks today with the adviser to the nicaraguan president on investment, trade and international cooperation at the end. negotiations, it is planned to sign an agreement. among the basic ones is a roadmap for the development of trade and economic cooperation between belarus and nicaragua for the near future of mutual assistance in customs matters. the total amount of contracts based on the results of negotiations between the government delegation and work the business forum will be counted tomorrow, and today here in monago there is a cultural program from the bolshoi theater of belarus, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders. the achievements of a strong independent belarus over the thirty years of the presidency were discussed today at the vitebsk carpets enterprise. the presidential assistant, inspector for the vitebsk region, sergei levkovich, came to talk to the teams. here it does not depend on western sanctions, the company is developing new markets, and has begun to work with turkmenistan, has established work in
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various markets, and is constantly in search. the prospects for the company are very good. the company is currently implementing two investment projects, one in the field. to the palace of independence continues, today it opened its doors to employees of the tax authority, over the weekend they celebrated their professional holiday, as a gift the opportunity to visit the halls that often flash in the media, and some have gone down in world history, each with its own purpose and its own atmosphere from the largest ceremonial hall in the country to the small
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negotiation hall, where literally before the excursion a meeting with the participation of the president ended, and of course, in each location there are dozens of photos and... emotions for life. thank you for showing this to everyone, because it’s certainly worth seeing all this beauty, it’s so interesting when you’re on the other side of the tv at home, watching it on the couch, and then you find yourself here.


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