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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 19, 2024 1:35am-2:01am MSK

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"round mounts are used for guns, and the tops were dug out as old and useful memories. the yankee raised a new residence for himself, i had two dry residences, at least, vyalik, this іўе і losk, і ін will be muravany. , typu castel, geta meaning, regular palanyoka, correct, and vezhy on the corners, geta was residence." muravannye first, and muravannye bottles yanya had a very high status, which were shabby, and looked pretty, and for the great city magnates, for gentry, navat for ordinary people, this would be a different status, a different level and political ambitions and social, let’s say, and known in the social forest. the square-shaped roof was built on the 17th century, on three tiers and covered with tented pavilions. the ground on top of the vault
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in 1601 was occupied by a place with draped animals on the curtains and iron kratoms. above, as we know above, we will then reveal the role of the crypt and close ourselves to the wicked regrets of the evil one. the windows were covered with iron beads. tsikavym yashche z'yaulyaetstsa tortured, this is why janusz shukiska chose this form of a regular castel lock. we know what is the architecture of the vyalika principality. in lithuania there is a castle castle with external hangings, let us remember that the most worldly castles are familiar to us, for example, the castle on the east of the troki, and one can look at such people as if this is the meat tradition of the vyalikag of the principality of lithuania, and the castle of lyubcha will be here in the future in a different era, at the hour of the renaissance, and in the hour of the renaissance, a little bit of other things are becoming important, already this hour the tycoons look at an antique downturn, and an antique downturn, we are the most regular of the pabudovs, for example, wars...
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in the past, the scenes were filled with battles, vapney, boulders and fractional stones yami. the character of mura is renaissance, geta is significant. the height of the entry, exit and night scenes was 2.5 meters, and the depth of the day was 2.5 meters. vezha is open to scenes in the light. from the side of the day, i am ill-lucky from the praslam scyany, which is idze and above the frame. zamak at lyukcha appears as if at home, at the end of the 16th century and will continue to be 17 stagodzi. stored, of course, this is a new hour, but also the apostle of architecture. there was
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such an advent, so and the sonny histories are here lynx style goths at the very tops of the earliest developed dahu, which has eighty similarities and would be turned off such lines, from the other side this and pavev to the renaissance, which gave knowledge to the renaissance that was looking afarmed windows, bainits.
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dova i palats. behind the earthen plots there are two double-arched carps, known for the months of ancient times. u pachatku 17 stagodzya zamak adyshş yes barzhanskaya galina radzivila. due to the joy of it, it has not regained the status of a private residence. you are no less important for the birzhansky radzivils. first of all, what is known about navagaradka, and the navagaradka was visited by the soymiki and... and the berzhzhansky radzillas often visited the place where they could counteract the palatine pits that existed in navagra well, this residence was important for them in this regard. plus, here we are already in the future of muravana castle, this future of the patsyagnu rooftop, so that i keep the tradition and publish it faithfully draulian palace and draulian crown. and here he could squeeze out the most deputies, who could in this way move to their side and indicate a palatine future. navagradskaga
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paveta. during the reign of radziwiła , the counts of widgenstein gave birth to the castles. then the princes of hagenlohe. only in the second half of the 18th century did the castle begin to be restored. the new gaspadars of lyubcha and the fishing dwarans of falzfein became the new tarans. i want to describe my new european residence in the architecture of the old renaissance castle. chym tsikava, like geta.
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the old curtains were moving, the walls were moving, the windows appeared for months, the chimes were tired on the façade and the pavilions with ten-pointed corners for gastsey, evil berries from the roofed gallery. at the same time, the palace would have been destroyed, along with a great park and scenic alleys. then the zamac is consumed by the spiders. on the slopes of the abaron valleys, waterways were broken up, for the descent of the neman river, a boat ramp and bathing areas were created. kali zamak is switched off abaron's awakening, and the rocks and the moat ceased to fall, there are scenes there,
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the palace was built in the first month. these palaces would have been destroyed, and in the 19th century, when the pennies appeared and in the future, they would have been in a state of inconsistency. neagotyka in the 19th century has not experienced its luxuries, but at the earliest it appeared such a programmatic, meat-based duplicity, it has fallen and its longevity and the adnance of the region, and yana was in this style and this meant nothing. tym is big, hours 860th, 70th bastards, periyad uzvyazennya getag palace - geta peryyad paslya paustannya.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan. kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up
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the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. a fateful time for the country with a strong leader, the institution of the presidency of belarus turned 30 years old. new impetus for the development of relations with latin american countries. a government delegation of belarus is working in the region. increasing benefits and strengthening support for families with children. the new law will come into effect effective from january 1, 2025. and the results of the main musical event of the summer. the thirty-third arts festival has ended in vitebsk. slavic marketplace. the program "events" is on air. in the studio olga onishchenko. hello. belarus celebrated the anniversary,
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which traces the path of formation and development of the country. strong, stable, independent. this has become so blue during the 30 years of alexander lukashenko’s presidency. our columnist olesya vysotskaya talks about numbers and examples that speak about the development of the country. a favorite technique among journalists was and became, great for comparison. the first president of belarus was to. to actually lift the economy from its knees, the task had an asterisk, the country had empty factory conveyors, shortages and corruption, as a sign of the times, strong presidential power helped belarus survive then, and is helping to actively develop today. of the examples of the unenviable legacy that lies in the ruins of a once mighty country, lukashenko’s predecessors managed to go down to zero. think about it, let's compare. tractor in 94 from the assembly line mtz was less than 3,000, and at the end of last year - 45. that’s a 15-fold difference, monthly inflation could reach over 50%, for the year
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1994, it was almost 2,000%. the policy that alexander grigorievich pursued and is pursuing is therefore saving for belarus, because it is thanks to the president and the right course he has chosen that belarus today is one of the leading countries in the world and is at the forefront. alexander grigorievich made a strategic decision, like... yes, he decided to preserve the real sector of the economy, that is, production, everything production facilities, all factories, all enterprises that were located on the territory of the republic of belarus, they became the basis of the country’s economy, and the basis of its power, because in those years when factories in other countries were dismantled piece by piece, shopping centers were erected in their place, alexander grigorievich saved.
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the housing problem has ceased to be acute, the provision of housing per capita, the leading indicator in the cis, one of the most important achievements of the creation of the union state, because modern belarus is all about space, nuclear technology and manufacturing with world brands in key industrial areas, and in many ways it is a bet on russia with the strength of time-tested relationships. alexander lukashenko , for a fairly long period of time, for a fairly definite period, he was the main one at some moments, practically
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the only one, the locomotive of this very integration, and the fact that now it is really developing, that the union state is this is not just a bunch of words, but a full-fledged synthesis of the two countries in defense, in economic, in the social sphere, here, of course, the merit of alexander lukashenko, well , it is impossible to overestimate, he was essentially the locomotive of this... in very difficult historical conditions, today belarus provides food for itself and others, the country is one of the top five exporters of dairy products products in the top 20 leading exporters of meat products are the main products from agriculture, we have third place in the world in the production of flax fiber, fourth in third place in rye, tenth in buckwheat, and also the twenty best on the planet for the production of sugar beets, rapeseed, oats and potatoes. the model called the belarusian state is perhaps... the only one of all the former allies that has shown stability in the crisis.
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the role of parliament in building a multipolar, just world and strengthening global security. belarusian deputies and senators took part in the tenth brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. what details are known? the tenth anniversary brix forum brought together more than 400 representatives from 16 countries. for the first time, the belarusian delegation is participating in a brix plus meeting at the level of the leadership of both chambers of parliament. brix is ​​a new powerful geopolitical center whose role is constantly growing. the economic and political crises occurring in a number of regions of the world are a direct consequence of external intervention.
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interference in the internal affairs of countries, imposing one’s agenda, this is unacceptable, despite language barriers, i heard that we are all talking about the same thing, we are all concerned about the ongoing processes in the world. belarus is a candidate for joining brix; today it is a union of nine states; together with belarus , 23 countries have applied for membership. we can offer sustainable economic development, the creation of fairer alternatives to payment systems, the interconnection of i. the sco and brix could speed up the process of becoming a multipolar world, belonging to the brix community in the brix plus format, of course, for belarus this is an opportunity for direct access to those countries, large, promising partners, states that are already part of brix, in this sense, of course, brix can become an additional link between belarus on the one hand and such giants
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as china and india, yes, this is another dimension of brix and of course there should be one. noticed by belarus and should be used to the maximum by belarus, within the framework of the union state, within the framework of the eurasian economic union, we will, of course , help our belarusian friends in everything so that they enter closer and more closely into what is called the brix space. brix is ​​primarily an economy, the relationship between countries are built on the basis of non-interference, equality of mutual benefit, and this is a huge market with a population of more than 3.5 billion people, which is more than 40% of the population. planet, and here belarus can become a guide to the european region. development of cooperation with countries of the far arc, the belarusian government delegation is holding negotiations in venezuela, cuba and nicaragua. what are the main accents? discuss the entire range of issues in the trade and economic sphere and express strong support for venezuelan president nicolas maduro. on the eve of the elections from the president of belarus. this is the first negotiation point in
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latin america. we have been partners with venezuela for a long time, and today it is important to transform our political friendship. into economic projects, new agreements will help improve performance in mutual trade, as well as resolve issues regarding the functioning of some industrial projects. 10 years ago our production, assembly, mas, mtz, amkador were opened here. today we are ready to establish new supplies of vehicle kits. we are here to consolidate those agreements which have historically developed. we remember very well that surge, the peak activity that occurred between belarus and venezuela not so long ago. and today we are here to renew this activity. we are ready to discuss with our partners a wide range of these issues, which are aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation, political interaction, and cultural interaction. we see in this the meaning and result of the guiding policy of our president, why we are here, we are expanding cooperation and deepening it with the countries of the far arc. in
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plans to attract belarusian specialists to control, assemble equipment and build a financial scheme for implementation. discussed importing products from venezuela. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news in the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel belarusian polar explorers have returned home from the longest expedition to antarctica. the researchers spent more than six months on the sixth continent. what scientific programs have been implemented under difficult conditions? let's ask the deputy head of the republican center for polar research. national academy of sciences of belarus, head of the belarusian antarctic expedition alexei gaidashov. alexey alexandrovich, hello. hello. let's first tell you what were the features of this sixteenth expedition. perhaps the main feature is that the expedition has been working in antarctica since 1900, since 2006, i apologize. this
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turned out to be the longest expedition. 234 days of field work. in antarctic conditions, the saturation of belarusian-developed scientific complexes and instruments, that is , this process goes on every year, this is also, let’s say, one of the distinctive features of this expedition and, of course, the expansion of the geography of research by conducting multi-day scientific trips to unexplored or little-explored areas of antarctica. what are belarusians researching in antarctica today, what scientific programs are we implementing quite successfully today? you know, the range of scientific topics that our research covers is...
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if so, who and where is it used? without exaggeration, we can say that those scientific developments, and especially devices and instrument complexes of belarusian design, are well known abroad and some of them even receive orders for the production of these unique devices, the level of their creation, here...
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and this is a joint work from the point of view of environmental protection in antarctica, because it is
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a natural reserve, a natural reserve of global importance. tell us about the belarusian antarctic station, when is it planned is its construction completely completed yet? well , the construction of the station began in 2015, the first object was delivered, by 2021 the construction of the first stage was completed. today it is, uh, a small , compact, modern, i would say town or village, providing work for about 12-14 specialists, with a full range of capabilities, this and part of a scientific laboratory, this is a medical hospital, these are separate, albeit small, small cabins for... duplicated several times, these are also modern means of communication, including
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the possibility of unlimited access to the internet, that is, the internet is also there, yes , we have had the internet for the third year already, well, the short-term prospect for the development of the station until 2025 is visible, this is strengthening...
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