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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 19, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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in uzbekistan, his diaries were a revelation for me, this is the eighteenth volume, which i remember, i was looking for in bookstores in minsk, and it was a revelation, his correspondence with writers, not only with different people, who wrote to him, who knew him, there is so much in them , so much longing for belarus, post-war minsk in unique works... these are sketches, collages and graphics, many of them are presented for the first time. strengthening regional medicine in the minsk region and new opportunities in diagnostics. so in the veleisk central district hospital its effectiveness shows a new method of endoscopic research. a patient under anesthesia can receive a complete and highly accurate examination of the upper and lower digestive tract for one service. the doctors have a full range of equipment at their disposal, and the doctors themselves are highly qualified. one of the goals
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of such a procedure is early diagnosis and detection, including cancer . the service is available to both residents of veleisky and the neighboring districts of minsk and grodno regions. the esophagus, stomach, upper section are initially examined duodenum, after completing the study we move on to examining the colon. the patient is under intravenous anesthesia during this entire time. this procedure increases. comfort, first of all, for our patients, for our people, because the procedures of gastroscopy and colonoscopy themselves are unpleasant for humans, because after all , this is a complex medical intervention, including observations of helicobacter pylori infection, if we are talking about gastroscopy, among the achievements of regional medicine, also and a new cone beam computed tomography room, it opened in the dental clinic at velei. central district hospital. thanks to
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modern equipment, diagnostic information can be obtained by dentists, ophthalmologists and other specialists. we are pioneers in this matter in the state healthcare organization. in the minsk region, this is the only office at the moment that is equipped with modern digital equipment, a device that allows you to take pictures of 2d projections, 3d projections, and dental sightings. for example bite in case of various pathologies and orthodontic apparatus allows you to see the temporomandibular joint, take teleradiographic images for the orthodontist directly, and also for ophthalmologists to see the neoplasm, which is the prevention of cancer. i would like to point out that the experience of doctors is great in dentistry in the future.
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they plan to replicate it in other government healthcare institutions in our country. smart and modern bike garages are the trend of this season, designs with electronic locks, oscillating wheels tools are in demand in the garage. every district of the capital already has similar bicycle parking facilities. one such garage has an average capacity of 40 bicycles. in total , there are over fifty similar facilities in minsk; they can accommodate almost one and a half thousand personal mobile devices.
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the service of storing one unit for a month will cost the user 12 rubles. there are cctv cameras installed on the façade inside. that's all for now; we'll tell you about developments at noon. see you.
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on tv channel belarus 244. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan,
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uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, jordan, livn. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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above the target parameters, belstat published economic statistics for the first half of the year , business with the support of diplomats, how to work in foreign markets, a strategy was developed in the belcc. and belarusian on a preferential loan, the list of goods has been expanded, the loan amount has also been increased. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you. hello. above target parameters, the relevant department summed up the work of the economy for the first half of the year. the day before, belstat published current statistics. the main indicator is the cow internal product. in the green zone, it continued to grow. over 6 months, gdp increased by 5%, and this is higher than the government’s forecasts, the ministry emphasized. the cabinet of ministers does not see any serious risks of economic overheating, despite the incessant talk on the internet about supposedly impending problems. the first minister assured that the situation is under control, almost
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all the most significant economic indicators performed at an empathic pace. olga onishchenko has the main figures for the first half of the year. following the results of the first half of the year, the belarusian economy gained momentum above the target parameters and above the target trajectory. the assessments are based on five key indicators in the ministry of economy, although not all, but the majority, four, are moving at the same pace. one of the most important for our open economy is export. not everything was smooth last year, prices for our goods fell by 10 percent, exporters lost income, this year is improving price excesses. our goods and services have grown in 5 months, we have six more no statistics by 102.8%, and we are adding significantly from month to month, in may almost all sectors increased in exports, there is about 10% growth, this is a year to year, this is if we say
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month to month corresponding, well, what is noteworthy here is that the export of goods is growing - at an accelerated rate of 103.4, and our export of services has already increased, already more than 100%. what is important is that the physical volumes of supplies are also growing, and as noted in the ministry of economics, there is every chance of repeating the record last year, exports then exceeded. 40 billion dollars, in addition, there is an obvious trend towards diversification of markets, both asian and african vectors are growing, coupled with other directions, exports provided a noticeable boost to the economy, gdp growth amounted to 5%. here we have exceeded the world rate, we set ourselves the goal of at least maintaining the growth rate of the world economy, we are still exceeding them, we still have traditional drivers, this is industry, and industry has been maintaining it for... throughout at least 6 months pace - no lower than 7% -
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monthly, now she repeated this in 5 months, in 6 months we have 107.1% industry, another driver is retail trade, it grew by almost 12% in the first half of the year, it is developing wholesale due to the fact that the industry maintains high rates, good consumer demand is supported by affordable loans and the growth of real cash incomes of the population, this is an indicator. we exceed the forecast parameter several times and the figure is approaching 10% in real terms, the growth of available income for 5 months, well, for 6 months the figures will be a little lower, but nevertheless the growth is high, and here consumer activity remains high, thanks to credit support, consumer loans are also at a high level, including thanks to those programs that the state adopted, i mean there a program...
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net sellers for six months, the population prefers to spend more than save in foreign currency, within the framework of the forecast and the most popular indicator, annual inflation in june remained at the level of 5.8%. in terms of target parameters for inflation, we have no significant risks there in terms of overheating of the economy and so on, we have not yet... but in general, the government is also calmly calculating the end of the year; decisions regarding
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each exporting enterprise will be made point-by-point. as for imports, alternatives have already been found for suppliers for many items, the government noted. olga onishchenko, ilya puchko, area of ​​interest. find new markets and effectively promote your products. how to work for external contour in difficult geopolitical conditions was discussed in bel. thus, despite the sanctions, the export of belarusian goods increased by 14% over 5 months. how to effectively negotiate with foreign partners, solve logistics problems, make calculations correctly, and what mechanisms to use for promotion. ilona valynets will talk about the vector of the export arc. search for new markets, effective negotiations with foreign partners, nuances of product sales. all
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this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, especially when you are in minsk, and potential customer thousands of kilometers away. and here those who are called upon to build bridges, diplomats, come to the rescue. beltp traditionally gathers ambassadors and business leaders to discuss how to promote belarusian products for export, taking into account external factors. for us, the number one market is russia. number two is the distant arc, these are the countries of asia, africa, latin america, these are the countries where they know us, where they love us, where we have a high reputation and where they are waiting for us. it is with friends that we will intensify our interaction. this year, belarusian producers plan to increase exports to african countries by at least 2 percent. key partners in egypt, kenya, nigeria, zimbabwe, south africa and equatorial. for example, in these hot countries they are just looking at our milk, but belarusians have something
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to offer, from milk powder to condensed milk. the african market is very important for us, today we came here with the question of how developed the dairy sector is there, how popular the products are, in particular, how popular there is a demand for sweet dairy products, such as , say, condensed milk, and they are interested in issues with payments. representatives of more than 200 belarusian companies came to the meeting with the ambassadors, mostly export-oriented enterprises that are interested in expanding the geography of supplies. but everyone is faced with approximately the same questions: how to deliver and how to pay? of course, first of all, what our company is interested in today when supplying products is two components: logistics, mutual settlements, i would say this the circulatory system of our exports is interaction with other countries, so today we are discussing these issues of
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product supply, the search for new logistics chains for the delivery of accelerating them and business representatives. those who are already working in our market, they are interested in expanding their business, naturally, in finding more additional partners, the head of state is oriented to move from simply direct trade in goods to the creation of joint assembly plants, this is of great interest to the mongolian side, the state is relatively not rich, so of course they are interested in investment... mainly from the cis countries, as well as africa and china, more than 50 diplomats in total. another confirmation that the world is not only the west, there are other alternative markets where belarusians are welcome.
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ilona volynets, andrey novgorodtsev, area of ​​interest. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, then about the preferential lending program. the list of products has been expanded, stay tuned! he is the main custodian. funds of the historical and cultural museum of the zaslavl reserve. now we are in the building museum of the belarusian malyavanka. it took 35 years to prepare, collect materials, and study. thanks to him, a rich collection of painted duvans was created, which grew into a separate museum. the sofa is painted, in russian,
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it’s a painted carpet. eh, for what?
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this is an area of ​​interest, we are continuing now ; the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange will tell you how the rates have changed. the belarusian ruble strengthened against major currencies. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles. 18 kopecks the euro is now at the national bank exchange rate of 3.47. for 10 yuan they ask for 4.39, 100 russian rubles costs 3.60. the preferential lending program is in great demand among belarusians; over the past six months, about 45,000 contracts worth 175 million rubles have been concluded. and experts expect that these numbers will only grow, because the list of products has been expanded. among. new metal doors, piano, lamps and car tires. as for manufacturers, there are more lists of those who produce furniture, windows, doors, and boilers. the loan amount has also been increased . 500 basic units when purchasing prefabricated wooden houses structures. anton malyuta about new opportunities.


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