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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 19, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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near the field, on the rivers and lakes, the advent of the fresh wind, the smell of clean skies, the sound of singing birds and the forest forests, the smile of the sony, the respect for the sweetheart of the jumper.
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from the soviet election pero. germany. in the bresse direction, the red army completed the nazi occupation of 50 populated areas. including name day and town.
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soviet aviation destroyed the enemy's military echelons. there were 9 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. a fateful time for the country, a strong leader, the institution of the presidency of belarus turned 30 years old. new impetus for the development of relations with latin american countries. a government delegation of belarus is working in the region. increasing benefits and strengthening support for families with children. the new law will come into force on january 1, 2025. and the results of the main musical event of the summer. the thirty-third slavic bazaar art festival has ended in vitebsk. the events program is on air. in the studio olga onishchenko. hello. belarus celebrated its anniversary.
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trace the path of formation and development of the country, strong, stable, independent, it has become so blue during the 30 years of alexander lukashenko’s presidency. our columnist olesya vysotskaya talks about numbers and examples that speak about the development of the country. the journalist’s favorites in the reception were and became, perfect for comparison. the first president of belarus had to actually lift the economy from its knees. the task had an asterisk; in the country there were empty factory conveyors, shortages and corruption, as a sign of the times. strong presidential power helped belarus survive then, and helps it actively develop today. from examples an unenviable legacy that, on the ruins of a once mighty country, lukashenko’s predecessors managed to reduce to zero. think about it, let's compare. in 1994 , less than 3,000 tractors came off the mtz assembly line, and at the end of last year, 45. that’s a 15-fold difference. inflation per month could reach over 50%; for the year in ninety-four it was almost 2.0.
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today it is not even possible to compare, as are the financial capabilities of families. modern household appliances are actively purchased; every third belarusian has a car. the housing issue has ceased to be acute: provision of housing per capita, the leading indicator in the cis. one of the most important achievements of the creation of a union state, because modern belarus is both space, nuclear technology and production with world brands in key industrial areas.
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here, of course, the merit of alexander lukashenko cannot be overestimated; he, in fact, was the locomotive of this integration in very difficult historical conditions. today belarus provides food for itself and others, the country is one of the top five exporters of dairy products in the top 20 leading exporters of meat products, these are the main products from agriculture. we have the third place in the world in the production of flax fiber, fourth in the production of rye, tenth in buckwheat. and this is also the twenty best on the planet for the production of sugar beets, rapeseed, oats and potatoes. the model called the belarusian state, perhaps the only one of all the former allies, has shown stability in the crisis. the role of parliament in building a multipolar, just world and strengthening global security.
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belarusian deputies and senators took part in the tenth brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. what details are known? the tenth anniversary brix forum gathered more than... 400 representatives from 16 countries. for the first time, the belarusian delegation is participating in a brix plus meeting at the level of the leadership of both chambers of parliament. brix is ​​a new powerful geopolitical center whose role is constantly growing. the economic and political crises occurring in a number of regions of the world are a direct consequence of the external interference of the collective west in internal affairs sovereign states. and here the consolidation of countries advocating equality and multipolar worlds is important.
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for belarus, this is an opportunity for direct access to those countries, large, promising partners, states that are already part of brix, in this sense, of course, brix can become an additional link between belarus, on the one hand , and such giants as china and india , yes, this is
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another dimension of brix and of course it should be noticed by belarus and should be used as much as possible by belarus, within union state, within the framework of the eurasian economic union, we will, of course... help our belarusian friends in everything so that they enter more closely into what is called the brix space. brix is ​​primarily an economy; relations between countries are built on the basis of non-intervention.
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agreements that have historically developed. you remember very well that surge, the peak activity that occurred between belarus and venezuela not so long ago. and today we are here to renew this activity. we are ready to discuss with our partners on a wide range of these issues, which is aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation, political interaction, and cultural. we see in this the meaning and result of the guiding policy of our president, why we are here. we are expanding and deepening cooperation. he and the far arc countries plan to attract belarusian specialists to supervise the assembly of equipment and build
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a financial scheme for implementation; they also discussed the import of products from venezuela. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news in economic spheres and not only on the website of our tv channel belarusian polar explorers have returned home from the longest expedition to antarctica. investigators on the sixth continent. since 2006, i apologize, it turned out to be the longest expedition, 234 days
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of field work in antarctic conditions, a saturation of scientific complexes and instruments of belarusian design, that is , this process goes on every year, this is also, let’s say, one of the distinctive features of this expedition and of course, expanding the geography of research.
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used by other countries, if so, who, where is it used? without exaggeration, we can say that those scientific developments, especially devices and instrument complexes of belarusian design, are well known abroad and some of them even receive orders for the production of these unique devices, their level...
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joint work in various scientific areas, this joint work in the implementation of space programs and their part on the ground, this is joint work in the antarctic treaty system on the international arena, that is, close cooperation, and this is
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joint work from the point of view of protecting the antarctic environment, because it is a natural reserve, a natural reserve of global importance. tell us about the belarusian antarctic station, when is it planned to fully complete its construction? well, the construction of the station began in 2015, the first object was delivered, by 2021 the construction of the first stage was completed, today about 12-14 specialists are working on a full complex. opportunities, this is part of the scientific laboratories, this is a medical hospital, these are separate, albeit small, small cabins for living, this is a reliable life support system, duplicated several times, these are modern means of communication, including the possibility of unlimited access to
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the internet, that is, the internet is there too, yes, we have had the internet for the third year already , well, the near-term prospect for the development of the station until 2025 is visible, this is the strengthening of part of the environmental protection, that is, part of the environmental protection equipment is planned to be installed, placed, add to what is already there. well, you have already noted that this past expedition was the longest, but as far as we know, belarusian polar explorers are planning to go on a year-round, so to speak, expedition trip, how difficult is that? well, i want to make a reservation right away, this is not in the plans of belarusian polar explorers, belarusian polar explorers work according to a program, according to a state program in which these positions are spelled out, from a technical point of view, from an instrumental point of view, from a life support point of view, from a
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training of personnel, belarus is, in principle, ready to begin conducting year-round wintering activities in the near future, but the question of feasibility, the issue of the effectiveness of carrying out these activities is naturally considered in higher echelons, the final decision on the start of wintering activities is made there, so we are ready, we are waiting for the team , well, in this case, will the preparation be different? teams: you know, taking into account the fact that the current seasonal expeditions of the national academy of sciences at one time it was precisely this algorithm for conducting the expedition that set us up for a gradual smooth increase in the time of stay, not just the time of stay, but the work, the volume of work, scientific research, and so on, that is,
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in fact, we are gradually approaching the maximum possible period of time.
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a year-round cycle of observations is considered, and a long-term one, this is more effective, because the series of observations, especially for those values ​​-
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well, let's say, the sick and weak, the sick and weak do not end up on the expedition, a priori the selection is quite strict, so with physical point of view, as a rule, everything should always be okay, but of course there are some nuances, why we can’t not only afford it, it’s unreasonable to recruit the next expedition, mainly from newcomers, because with them well... i i’m not afraid of these words, as with kindergarten it’s the first, second, even month, that is, it takes time for their adaptation, for their professional training
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there on the spot, they are zero in many issues and stay there, so this is also a process of education, training, these questions the academy of sciences also puts the training of a personnel reserve at a fairly high level. what is happening right now at this time, when one expedition has already been completed, but preparations are underway for the next one, it does not stop, i will tell you
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more, right now, in the process of the sixteenth belarusian antarctic expedition, they sent me quite significant scientific papers that have already been published articles, materials and so on, samples, samples and materials for which... were selected from the previous expedition to the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, that is, the process is actually not so fast, real, so it goes on all year round and even for several years, as a rule, at the moment our cargo is approaching, at the entrance, including samples, samples of scientific materials from st. petersburg, just 2 days ago a ship arrived, scientific material will arrive, and the corresponding laboratory of the institute of the national academy of sciences will be transferred first . and its research, further processing, and so on will already take place, which is why, from the point of view of carrying out scientific research, preparation for the next
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expedition, i can’t say that this is us...
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safety issues, issues of efficiency of work on the other side of the globe, they must be a priority, and as a result of this work, it’s not easy, i i repeat, maybe it’s not just a proudly, proudly raised flag of a country, the russian federation or the republic of belarus, somewhere, yes, in an unknown point of the continent, this is actually a foundation for the future, antarctica today and until
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the forty-ninth year is. neutral continent, which cannot be developed there, minerals, some types of economic activity carried out and so on, but what will happen after the forty-ninth year, no one knows, perhaps, well, perhaps this agreement will cease to exist, then questions will begin to arise , who was there, what they did, and well, let’s just say, what does it have to do with those natural resources or, in general, with the territories that? therefore, even the issues of conducting long-distance scientific trips are unknown, unexplored the areas of antarctica, which we, let’s say, also keep as a priority, are a kind of study of territories of scientific interest of the republic of belarus and their recording for the present time for the future, this is a good start. well, let
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's continue to study. thank you, the questions of the event program were answered by the deputy head of the republican center for polar research of the national academy of sciences of belarus, the head of the belarusian antarctic expedition, alexey gaidashov. this is the events program on belarus 24 and we let's continue. a seminar is being held in minsk for representatives of belarus, an annual professional development program - this is a kind of super. hours on the implementation of foreign policy and the development of trade and economic relations with countries of the world. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. about 60 belarusian diplomats came to our capital from all continents; studies were organized for them at the presidential management academy. the focus is on the promotion of belarusian agricultural machinery to foreign markets and the country’s export potential in the agri-food sector, the possibilities of international payments in modern conditions. negotiations are currently underway.
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creation of a free trade zone between the eurasian economic union and indonesia. both sides are interested in completing this process as quickly as possible. and this is a serious factor that allows us to count on further expansion and deepening of cooperation, primarily in the trade and economic sphere. and now it is important for us, even before the completion of this process, for all our enterprises, businesses, to think about how to increase our presence in belarus. in the indonesian market, from china’s point of view, absolutely everything is a priority now, because china is one of our key strategic partners, the head of state has set specific tasks, they relate to almost all areas, starting from industrial cooperation, starting from the supply of agricultural products, ending, as was recently the case during the visit of a delegation of rectors of belarusian universities, ending with humanitarian cooperation.


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