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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 19, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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indonesia. both sides are interested in the speedy completion of this process, and this is a serious factor that allows us to count on further expansion and deepening of cooperation, primarily in the trade and economic sphere. and now it is important for us, even before the completion of this process, for all our enterprises, businesses, to think about how...
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as well as payments for children over 3 years old, for certain categories of families, maternity benefits will become larger, both for women, for which the employer paid mandatory insurance contributions to the budget, and for the unemployed. the law is aimed at increasing the level of minimum guarantees for citizens during periods of social vulnerability. today it is very important for us that our youth are not afraid to start a family, that the state does, not after all, but provide very significant support for the birth of children. we see that... well, it’s probably necessary to support
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young families, yes, at the very first stage, when they are still expecting the birth of a child, so sick leave for pregnancy at birth, the minimum amount of sick leave for pregnancy at birth for young women who receive education, for women who are registered with the employment service, for women undergoing military service, increases from 50% of the bpm to 100% of the bpm, this is doubled, support for families raising a disabled child is also being increased, including . the rights to receive temporary disability benefits for caring for a disabled child are expanded for parents. the law comes into force on january 1 , 2025. the main musical event of this summer has ended. thirty-third festival arts the slavic bazaar in vitebsk has already become history. what do guests and participants remember about the forum? this year the cornflower festival broke all records. its participants included 7,000 people from 42 countries. five hundred journalists covered more than a hundred throughout the week. forum events, their work
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was followed by about 11 million internet users from 120 countries, concerts, exhibitions, tastings, vitebsk lived in the rhythm of the festival days and nights. this year the program of the days of the union state has become larger and larger, the premiere of the musical took place the tale of tsar saltan is a musical gift for pushkin’s 225th anniversary. the special guest was the leningrad region. in addition to artists and artisans, farmers also came to represent the region. they organized it. the new feature of the poster is a celebration of the national cultures of the countries of the shanghai cooperation organization. this is the first large-scale cultural event that belarus has held since officially joining the sco family. and quite possibly it will become a good festival tradition. during the ceremonial closing of the slavic bazaar the third was shared by belarus and bulgaria,
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through hard work, i got this award, and the emotions are indescribable, the ground just disappeared from under my feet, it’s an indescribable feeling. i managed to pay for everything, i did everything in my power. i am very glad that i adequately represented my beloved country, winner of the third degree, this is very good, i will never forget this festival, it gave me a lot, very bright, memorable things. the international forum has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood, the participant is from yura, the country of the festival’s debutant, awarded the vladimir mulyavin prize. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results-analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of atn main air. well, all the projects of our tv channel are on the website belar24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i bid you farewell. all
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the best. this is an understandable policy. hello. the nato summit in the united states again demonstrates the aggressive nature of the alliance, like an anniversary, but from the podium they are still threatening the planet with bayonets. russian ambassador to the usa after the first day the summit, he states, did not say a single word about peace, instead preaching militarism and military expansion. confirmation of his estimates is more than enough for the last one. indignation, what nato means for the world, we have only the facts, you can draw conclusions.
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the summit in washington finally demonstrated the estrebin askal of nato. of course, the top topic was ukraine, one of the main military entities of the alliance. but this did not live up to zelensky’s expectations. there will be membership in the locale, but then so will the money. the final document stated the decision to create a nato
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security assistance and training group for ukraine to coordinate the provision of military equipment and training from allies and partners. its goal is to provide security assistance to ukraine. its constitutional powers expire on january 20 next year, i think that the general course towards confrontation, towards aggravating the situation in ukraine around ukraine, it will continue in one form or another, while from
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my point of view it is quite obvious that at present the biggest danger is that on the eve of... the presidential elections, washington, or rather the biden administration, may sharply escalate the situation around ukraine. only it seems to us that nato has an inverted picture of the world. in his opening speech, general stoltenberg still said the word defense and derivatives more than a dozen times. for the sake of defense , the alliance will increase the supply of weapons to ukraine, for the sake of defense it will create.
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sweden and finland. by the way, in parallel with the nato summit, documents were declassified according to which washington back in the nineties the fourth 30 years ago worked on kiev’s membership in the bloc. it was different, as it seemed to us, a new world of friendship and the end of the cold war, but it only seemed so. it is necessary to support the possibility of nato membership for ukraine and the baltic countries. they cannot be allowed to find themselves in a gray zone or in russia's sphere of influence. says a document dated october 1994. it also follows from it that the so-called policy of new containment towards russia should not be discussed publicly. white house national security council staff noted that bill clinton spoke about the possibility of ukraine's membership in nato. and now it’s clear why:
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money will be allocated only if there is a real threat, which they did from moscow. no one thinks about security and defense. still on time. in the ussr, the leaders of nato countries promised mikhail gorbachev that the alliance would not expand further east than germany. western politicians later promised vladimir putin not to go to russian borders. russia, which threatens nato countries. the formation of nato was once based on
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the main principle is the creation of a collective security system. very little time will pass and it will be clear that the alliance’s actions have nothing to do with the stated defensive motives. the alliance will begin to constantly deceive itself and others. instead of a guarantor of security for europe, it will quickly become a guarantee of problems for its security. approximately 150 invasions of 50 countries. sad result. history of the bloc: millions of victims and war crimes on different continents: the balkans, torn yugoslavia, iraq, torn libya, 25 bloody years in afghanistan. against this background, nato continues to declare defensive goals. this sounds like a mockery of the whole world. nato is a heightened danger and such a term is firmly attached to the alliance. its history is littered with ashes and destruction. after world war ii, 250 military conflicts occurred in the world, 80% of which were caused by
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the united states and nato. carefully, since 1973, every 12 months, under the guise of operations, exercises or interventions, a war actually began. actions of nato aggressors in northern korea, vietnam, the persian gulf, yugoslavia, iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria and other countries caused large-scale tragedies that claimed millions of lives. under various... logs: protecting peace, human rights and democracy, countering the spread of communism, restoring justice, fighting terrorism, preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction. the united states invaded a sovereign state, destroyed the established order there, the economy, the infrastructure, and brought disasters and misfortunes to these lands. it turns out that where nato is, there is trouble and tragedy, these terrible images are on the conscience of the north atlantic alliance, this national list of victims too.
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the era of blood and gunpowder, the era of missiles and sights, the same ukrainian conflict is ready to be inflamed endlessly. there is no place for morality among the merchants of death, while nato for the united states is only a screen for the protection of democracy and human rights, in fact, it is an instrument of influence on all processes in europe, which is increasingly turning, although in fact it has already turned into an american protectorate. to put it simply, they are raking in the heat with someone else’s hands and calmly counting their profits overseas. the past year ended with a cosmic figure for us defense companies; weapons worth a record $230.8 billion went abroad, of which a third, that is, more than 80 billion, were deals that
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the american government concluded with the leadership of other countries. for the western arms business, all these conflicts are a gold mine, easy profits and absolute unscrupulousness. at the end of last year , most of the us and european beard giants recorded an increase in production, an increase profits and predicted further replenishment of bank accounts. the continuation of the ukrainian conflict and its risks. the development into the third world war opens up truly gigantic prospects for arms concerns, as it recently became known that rain metal received the largest contract in its history from the german defense procurement agency bine for the supply of 155mm artillery ammunition with a total value of up to 8.5 billion euros. the main recipient of the shells will be the bundeswehr, which will be transferred to ukraine. deliveries should begin as early as next year. time , the heirs of hitler's industrialists plan to increase annual output to 700,000 per
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year. at the same time, modern politics is so cynical that you fight about the scheme, and we will make money, even top officials say without hesitation. biden's response last october . we send weapons from our warehouses to ukraine. we use the money allocated by congress to replenish our own weapons stockpiles. so, let’s summarize why nato is fueling endless war.
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the alliance model destroys an entire state, but there were thoughts of reason in american heads, so back in ninety-seven, diplomat george canon admitted the expansion of nato would be the bloodiest mistake of american policy in the entire period after the end of the cold war, as if looking into the water. but the americans decided that it was better not to be a guarantor of security in europe, but a guarantor of crises and conflicts. the attack of
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september 11, 2001 in the united states was used as a pretext to start a war against terror. but... they can even stick this label on state, if they want, lovers of democracy have spent 6.5 trillion dollars on such conflicts in the 21st century. our president spoke about the vampire essence of nato several times even before isvoo, during the so -called years of detente. they needed to rebuild the middle east. they burst in from tunisia initially. they don’t talk about this now, i don’t say there what happened before in iraq. desert storm and so on, they actually destroyed the country, which was better, no, then they went into trouble again, tunisia, libya, syria, then they reached iran, they looked too tough, they didn’t fit in, they spent 20 years in afghanistan, and the result, that is, they not only never made anyone
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stronger, the creditors enriched themselves, the wars were either on... arms trade, or driving them into debt, as we are now we see it in the example of our fraternal ukraine. but let's go back to the summit and its decision, no hint of compromise, zero desire for diplomacy. instead , another statement from atlantic officials: 50 special brigades will be created in europe to contain russia. one will have approximately 3,000 people, that's 150,000 soldiers. nato is now planning to create up to 50 new brigades, which are supposedly needed to protect against attacks from russia, but in principle we know how they defend themselves, how they defended themselves from yugoslavia, from libya, from syria, from grenada, all complexes are expensive, and production they have small-scale production, on the other hand, they need a lot of loved ones for themselves, here the question arises of how to manage this economically,
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so the costs there should be simply astronomical , that is, they will somehow solve this, you understand , financial flywheel? they will launch it at a new speed, these are billions, billions of dollars thrown into the furnace of war, and they want to allocate another 40 billion to ukraine. but even zelensky is beginning to see what’s what. the final declaration on ukraine's irreversible membership in nato, according to bloomberg, did not really impress kiev, even despite the last- minute changes. the inclusion of the word irreversible was sought by the countries of the north atlantic alliance, which advocate for the speedy admission of ukraine to the bloc. at the same time, some members of the alliance. knew that it was rather symbolic, than a meaningful phrase. according to three interlocutors, us president joe biden initially opposed such wording. he said at several white house meetings that ukraine has a lot to do to fight corruption before it can become a member of the military bloc. zelensky’s team sharply opposed this approach, and secretary of state blinken managed to persuade
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biden to use a tougher formulation. apparently, it didn’t take long to persuade biden, because joe was doing the press. immediately with the nato secretary general again misspoke, so many alliance members choked. i led the alliance through one of the most important moments in history, i understand that the connection is with your wife, i personally asked you to remain in the position of secretary general and beyond. apparently, i wanted to say this after talking with your wife, but something went wrong and it became intimate; you can’t erase the words from the transcript, and it would be funny if there was no escalation, for example. starmer immediately made it clear: there is no peace party in london. now many are quoting british prime minister starmer about his... decision to strike deep with british weapons russia is presenting this almost as a sensation. the presentation is not entirely correct. official london publicly gave this permission
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back in the spring through the mouths of sunak and cameron. in fact, he did not prohibit these strikes before. that is, starmer merely confirmed the long- existing order of things, nothing more. in general, the new british prime minister is now trying to use aggressive rhetoric to highlight the problem. growth of the military budget, which is what nato partners and the opposition demand from him. realizing that there was no money for this and no money in sight, starmer resorted to a cunning move. he says he will definitely increase military spending, but only after a comprehensive audit of the defense budget has been carried out, which could take several months. and it turns out that the results of the war summit cannot be called anything else, sad, more soldiers, more money and a deeper conflict.
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a monster out of control. we see this in the final declaration. russia was officially listed as the main threat. belarus also got it. our alliance, it turns out,
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also poses a danger to the americans, who pump poland with weapons. intensifying military psychosis and demonizing minsk and moscow, a course that is clearly prescribed by the states. we are pleased to announce an increase in nato's operational missile defense capabilities, the declaration says. launching the database. oshor in poland complements existing facilities in romania, spain and turkey. in addition, the bloc called on the international community not to provide any support to russia. the final statement says that the alliance condemns every state that supports moscow. nato countries also agreed develop recommendations on strategic approaches to relations with russia for the next alliance summit. in addition, nato is going to strengthen itself in africa, the middle east and the pacific. region, once again, everything is done under the heading of defense, but what about the defense of washington, say, on the korean peninsula 11.00 km away, so maybe it’s worth finally
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speaking loudly and openly that there will be no peace on earth as long as there is such a bloc that is troubling, who is always short of money, territories of influence, and he is ready to grind not just peaceful residents, but the whole nation, unless, of course, these nations have strong leaders ready to give a worthy rebuff, i hope now this will be clear to you. happy, reliable protection of strategic objects from airborne attacks. radar complex, another arsenal of the homeland.
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domestic answer to modern tactics. in the soviet union, the search for new methods of detecting aircraft began in the early thirties, when it became clear that with the further increase in aviation speeds, anti-aircraft searchlights and sound detectors, due to their short range, could not provide advance warning of raids. in those years, belarus did not yet have experience in creating radar stations, although anti-space... anti-missile defense facilities were being created, but for air defense issues of detecting low-altitude targets, such an area was new to our country: dew, that is, creeping along the ground. this is exactly the
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operating principle of the new radar station, to catch even the lowest flying target. the result of the developers’ work was the rosa radar complex. since the creation of the first prototype. station has undergone many changes. the designers abandoned the rotating antenna, which used to be the calling card of almost all radar systems. the solution was to use a digital, phased array antenna. now electronic scanning of space was carried out automatically, around the clock, in any weather. the technology for creating such systems is available to a limited number of countries. the complex rotates into
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working position. at any position for 25 minutes, the antenna extends to a height of 36 m, and the radar forms a radar field from the surface of the earth to 3,000 m, that is, at low and extremely low altitudes. the uniqueness of the race is that it functions secretly. the enemy will be able to detect the complex only with aircraft or drone locators in the direct reach of air defense fire weapons. today is stationary. involved in the protection of minsk, the belarusian nuclear power plant and other important strategic sites. the mobile version is in great demand in different parts of the country, including at the border. where exactly reveals its invisible dome to the stanza, information is closed. but the complex has enough work, as do the developers who are already engaged in modernization, increasing the tactics and technical characteristics of this arsenal of their homeland. we follow the sporting
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life of our country. the belarusian school of batuta again shows a high class. the winner of the fourth stage of the swiss world cup was belarusian stanislav yaskevich with oleg ryabtsev taking bronze. congratulations to our guys. a result that, to some extent, can be considered historical in terms of the medal count in our sport.
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if they don’t work out in the summer, then they will feel very bad during the season, they won’t be able to talk about any results or achievements, all this is in sports projects on the belarus24 tv channel.


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