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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 19, 2024 11:40pm-12:16am MSK

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a normal event, but for its audience a completely distorted picture, and there they believe them, just according to the bbc, i had a paragraph, so it came in handy at the end of the program of the national academy of sciences, the institute of sociology conducted a public opinion poll, in the twenty-first year in belarus 38.4% of the residents of our country trusted the state media, the latest public opinion poll was 54.3.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country, there was such a goal, to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one moment, it was all gradual. of course, we walked under
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the strict guidance of our district and region, and the ministry of culture. and our technology today is actually very reliable, with a colossal safety margin built into it. these are the most knowledge-intensive, most complex machines, in principle in mechanical engineering, that exist in the world. let's introduce people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and, in general, the ideological inspirers of this museum.
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federation in the city of grodno. i came from venezuela 8 years ago because i fell in love. my husband, andrey from belarus. and everyone found something for themselves here. i like to be on camera, of course, because i like to show my emotions, i like to talk, i can talk to you endlessly now, but it won’t work. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. belarus is more about the soul. it was belarus that gave me inner happiness, spiritual harmony, definitely belarus helped me reveal my strength, now i am so comfortable, it’s as if i am exactly where i need to be, watch on the tv channel belarus 24, the situation on the polish-belarusian border is getting worse because germany has begun expelling people from asian and asian backgrounds from its country...
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in 2007, president putin made another clear speech at the munich security conference, where he said: “gentlemen, you they promised us in 1990 that nato will never expand. nato expansion is not an isolated case of deception. the united states, as a key country in the alliance, has such a position that you cannot deceive, you cannot survive. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of duality. standards in the project. this is different, watch on
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tv channel belarus 24. from the soviet ezbor in the pen july 19, 1944, the troops of the first belarusian front, in the volkovysk area crossed the svisloch river, captured dozens of settlements, occupied several railway stations, including krymki, liberated the civilian population from deportation for forced labor in germany. in the bresse direction, the red army completed
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the nazi occupation of 50 settlements, including nameday and gorodets. soviet aviation destroyed. maria mamertovna matusevich, liaison officer of the partisan brigade for the homeland, from the partisanka award list. matusevich, a fearless intelligence liaison, obtained accurate information about
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the enemy from the enemy garrison in the city of cherven, as well as medicines for the partisan detachment. the fearless fighter maria kidnapped the enemy from the garrison. a typewriter, as well as two rifles and three discs for a machine gun with cartridges. on february 7, a brave girl organized a safe passage for sixty people with weapons, after which she herself was captured by the nazis and subjected to torture, during which matusevich uttered only one phrase: i am dying for soviet power, for my homeland. on the same day, the fashti shot maria,
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a fateful time for the country with a strong. leader, the institution of the presidency of belarus turned 30 years old. the government delegation of belarus is giving a new impetus to the development of relations with latin american countries in the region. increasing benefits and strengthening support for families with children. the new law will come into force on january 1, 2025. and the main results summer musical event. the 33rd slavic bazaar art festival has ended in vitebsk. the events program is on air. in a studio. hello. belarus celebrated the anniversary, which traces the path of formation and development of the country. strong, stable, independent. this has become so blue during the 30 years of alexander lukashenko’s presidency. our columnist, olesya vysotskaya, talks about numbers and examples that speak about the development of the country.
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the favorite technique among journalists was-and-became, perfect for comparison. the first president of belarus was to to actually lift the economy off its knees. the task had an asterisk, they stood in the country. to survive then helps to actively develop today. of the examples of the unenviable legacy that, on the ruins of a once mighty country, strong presidential power helped belarus , lukashenko’s predecessors managed to reduce to zero. think about it, let's compare. in 1994 , less than 3,000 tractors came off the mtz assembly line, and at the end of last year there were 45. that’s a 15-fold difference. inflation per month could reach over.
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all production facilities, all factories, all the enterprises that were located on the territory of the republic of belarus, they became the basis of the country’s economy, and the basis of its power, because in those years when in other countries factories were dismantled piece by piece and shopping centers were erected in their place, alexander grigorievich preserved the industrial potential of the republic, this is his colossal historical merit, first of all, both to the current generation of belarusian citizens and to all future generations, how to feed and survive worried everyone, almost 2/3 was spent on food consumer.
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housing per capita, the leading indicator in the cis. one of the most important achievements of the creation of a union state, because modern belarus is space and nuclear technology. a full-fledged synthesis of the two countries in the defense, economic, and social spheres, here,
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of course, the merit of alexander lukashenko cannot be overestimated, he was essentially the locomotive of this integration in very difficult historical conditions. today belarus provides food for itself and others; the country is one of the top five exporters of dairy products. products in the top 20 leading exporters of meat products are the main agricultural products . we have third place in the world in production. rye, tenth - buckwheat, and also the top twenty on the planet for the production of sugared beets, rapeseed, oats and potatoes. the model called the belarusian state, perhaps the only one of all the former allies, has shown stability in the crisis. the role of parliaments in building a multipolar, just world and strengthening global security. belarusian deputies and senators took part in the tenth brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. what details are known? the tenth anniversary brix forum brought together more than 400 representatives
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from 16 countries. for the first time, the belarusian delegation is participating in a brix-plus meeting at the leadership level of both houses of parliament. brix is ​​a new powerful geopolitical center whose role is constantly growing. the economic and political crises occurring in a number of regions of the world are a direct consequence of the external intervention of the collective west in the internal affairs of sovereign states. and here it is important. this is unacceptable, despite the language barriers, i heard that we are all talking about
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the same thing, we are all concerned about the ongoing processes in the world. belarus is a candidate for joining brix. today it is a union of nine states. together with belarus , 23 countries submitted applications for membership. we can offer sustainable economic development, creating fairer alternatives to payment systems. and the relationship between the eac, the sco and brix could speed up the process of establishing a multipolar one. belonging to the brix community in the brix+ format, of course however, for belarus this is an opportunity for direct access to those countries, large, promising partners of the state that are already part of brix. in this sense, of course, brix can become an additional link between belarus on the one hand and such giants as china and india, yes, this is another dimension of brix and of course it should be noticed by belarus and should be used as much as possible by belarus, and within the framework of a union state, within the framework of the eurasian economic union, we will of course be our belarusian friends in everything
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help so that they enter more closely into what is called the brix space. brix is, first of all, an economy, relations between countries are built on the basis of non-interference, equality of mutual benefit, and this is a huge market with a population of more than 3.5 billion people, which is more than 40% of the planet's population, and here belarus can become a guide to european region. development of cooperation with countries of the far arc, the belarusian government delegation is holding negotiations in venezuela, cuba and nicaragua. what are the main accents? discuss all complex of issues in the trade and economic sphere. to give strong support to venezuelan president nicolas madura, on the eve of the elections from the president of belarus, this is the first point of negotiations in latin america. we have been partners with venezuela for a long time, and today it is important to transform political friendship into economic projects. new agreements will help improve performance in mutual trade, as well as resolve issues regarding the functioning of some industrial
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projects. 10 years ago our production, assembly, mas, mtz, amkador were opened here. today we are ready to set things up. supply of machine kits. we are here to consolidate the agreements that have historically developed. you remember very well that surge, the peak activity that occurred between belarus and venezuela not so long ago. and today we are here to renew this activity. we are ready to discuss with our partners a wide range of these issues, which are aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation, political interaction, and cultural interaction. we see in this the meaning and result of that guide.
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sciences that are related to the study of atmospheric processes of the ozone layer, monitoring of the ozone layer, including the second year we have been actively developing the direction of seismology, that is, we register vibrations of the earth's surface, at various points even on the globe it is possible, and so on, our belarusian scientific is the experience being used by
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other countries, if so, who is using it where? without exaggeration, we can say that those scientific developments, especially devices and instrument complexes of belarusian design, are well known abroad, in some of them even receive orders for the production of these unique devices; the level of their creation here in the republic of belarus meets world standards. i want to say that such a strategic approach was very important, at one time in 2006 it surpasses them in some cases, and this year i was given the task of relying primarily on national developments and instruments and instrument systems, now we are reaping the benefits in a good sense this
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strategy, but nevertheless we closely interact with russia within the framework of the union states. what priority areas could you highlight? of course, this is joint work in various scientific areas, this is joint work in the implementation of space programs, their part on the ground, this is joint work in the antarctic treaty system in the international arena, that is, close cooperation, and these are the stations themselves, when fully planned have its construction already been completed? well, construction of the station began in 2015, the first object was delivered, by 2021
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construction of the first one was completed queue, today it is a small, compact, modern, i would say town or village, providing work for about 12-14. specialists with a full range of capabilities, this is part of the scientific laboratories, this is a medical hospital, these are separate, albeit small, small cabins for living, this is a reliable life support system, duplicated several times, these are modern means of communication, including the ability to access unlimited internet, then there is internet there too, yes internet.
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commands, well in that case it will be different team preparation? you know, taking into account the fact that the current seasonal expeditions of the national academy of sciences at one time set up precisely this algorithm for conducting an expedition, a gradual smooth increase in the time of stay, not just time of stay, but work, volumes of work, scientific research, and so on, that is in fact, we are gradually... approaching the maximum possible period of stay in antarctica, this time 8 months, in principle, wintering, well, let's say, theoretically usually 12-13 months
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continues, so we are quite close to these indicators, so the training of personnel was already carried out with the expectation of promising wintering activities, well, this will not... somewhat complicate, but will increase the volume of preparatory work for the wintering expedition, that is, the purchase of equipment and materials some consumables and so on, and of course the readiness of scientific programs to conduct research year- round, that is, the program itself must be designed to be carried out year-round , this is a very important point, because that wintering for the sake of wintering. it makes no sense to raise a flag to say that we spent the winter there for a year, well, that’s not it, we are not tourists, we work, as they say, like artisans,
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for many years, step by step, moving, well, towards some achievements, possible discoveries and so on, so this is very thorough work and preparation, but from a scientific point of view, this is a year-round presence.
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currently, the station operates an automatic meteorological station year-round, which records basic meteorological parameters and they are transmitted via satellite communication channels here to the mainland, that is, there is already material that our scientists can use, but the range of sciences that can be carried out, research that can be carried out round the clock is quite wide, this includes geophysics, seismology, monitoring of the azone layer and so on. very important scientific elements, but i will repeat, the national academy of sciences intends to set these tasks in the future, so we are preparing. alexey alexandrovich, perhaps the composition of the new 17th expedition has already been formed. uh, the actual staff of the expedition is formed after passing, as we say, strainers, a whole complex of selections.
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there are candidates, as a rule, two, at least, sometimes three, and sometimes four people apply for one vacant position, this selection process takes place every year, this is psychological testing, level, this is an in-depth medical examination, this is also professional suitability, determination of professional suitability, and some other moments, training camps, interviews and so on, only after that... well, approximately in the middle september, a decision is made on the formation of the main staff, however , those candidates who passed these selection filters, but were not included in the remaining composition, they remain in reserve, in principle , are considered for the subsequent expedition. well , it’s clear that most of the team consists of experienced polar explorers, but nevertheless , there are also beginners, how difficult is it for them
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to work in such conditions? especially from newcomers, because with them, well, i’m not afraid of these words, just like with a kindergarten it’s the first, second, even month, that is, time is spent on their adaptation, on their professional training there, they arrive there with zero knowledge on many issues, so this is also a process of education, personnel training, the academy of sciences
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also raises these issues quite well... at a high level, training the personnel reserve , they can’t be the same ones, but constantly wander around, anything happens in life, but the most optimal option is to form the staff of each, well, subsequent expedition, at the rate of 50-60%, as we say, experienced and there 30-40% newcomers, well, that’s also a lot, yes, i think that... between expeditions , some kind of scientific work is probably also being carried out, which is happening right now at this time, when one expedition has already been completed, but preparations are underway for the next , it doesn’t stop, i’ll tell you more, right now , in the process of the sixteenth belarusian antarctic expedition , they sent me already published quite significant scientific articles, materials, and
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so on, samples, samples, and materials for which were selected in the previous expeditions to the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, that is, the process is actually not so fast, in the present, so it goes on all year round and even for several years, as a rule, at the moment, our cargo is approaching, at the entrance, including samples, samples of scientific materials from st. petersburg, just 2 days ago a ship arrived, scientific material will arrive. will be transferred to the corresponding laboratory of the institute of the national academy of sciences, first of all it will undergo its research, further processing, and so on, that’s why from the point of view of conducting scientific research, preparing for the next expedition, i cannot say that we are preparing for the expedition, carrying it out, then some kind of break, this process is constant, well, i’m on
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vacation according to orders for papers, but in fact... in the frame, as always, if we talk not only about science, but more globally, why in your opinion is it important in belarus to be present so far away on the sixth continent, you know, let's go back a few months ago, six months ago, let us remember the meeting of heads of state in in st. petersburg, alexander grigorievich lukashenko vladimir vladimirovich putin, when they opened a new wintering station complex in the inland east, at such a level it was emphasized that , firstly, research itself. polar regions of the earth for a country that considers, well, does not consider, but is taking steps to strengthen its position, its image on the world stage, they are at the level
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of space exploration, one of the priorities, and these directions and this, including the direction of the polar research, well in many cases the green light must be given. because, in fact , safety issues, issues of work efficiency on the other side of the globe, they should be a priority, and as a result of that unexplored point on the continent, this is actually a foundation for the future. antarctica today and until the year forty-nine is a neutral continent, which cannot be developed there useful...
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hikes unexplored, unexplored areas of antarctica, which we, well, let’s say, also keep in priority, are a kind of, the study of territories of scientific interest of the republic of belarus and their recording at the present time for the future, this is a good start. well, let's continue to study nature, thank you. the deputy head of the republican center answered questions about the event program. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue.
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a seminar for representatives of belarus is being held in minsk. the annual professional development program is a kind of synchronization of clocks on the implementation of foreign policy and the development of trade and economic relations with countries peace. the parties are interested in the speedy completion of this process, and this is a serious factor that allows us to count on further expansion and deepening of cooperation, primarily in the trade and economic sphere. it is now important for us , even before the completion of this process, for all our
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enterprises and businesses to think about how to increase our presence of belarus in the indonesian market. from china's point of view , absolutely everything is a priority now, because china... is one of our key strategic partners, head the state has set specific tasks, they relate to almost all areas, from industrial cooperation, from the supply of agricultural products, ending, as was recently the case during the visit of a delegation of rectors of belarusian universities, to cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, so almost every area must be worked out before details, the training for heads of diplomatic missions is designed for five. days, the seminar program includes business meetings, business briefings and workshops with senior officials of the country, and diplomats also visited the leading industrial enterprises of belarus. belarusian president alexander lukashenko signed a law aimed at increasing support.


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