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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 3:40am-3:51am MSK

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lived near the border with belarus, this is the velikiye luki region, but during the war, their village was bombed, the house burned down, and after the war she came here, and here she met her father, her father was from the pukhovichi region during... the war years he was a partisan , well, after the liberation of belarus, since he worked as a driver, he ended up here near zoslavl, just after the war pioneer camps were being built, he worked in construction, met my mother, got married in 1953, well , as i said, in fifty-fourth we went for the development of virgin lands. what child?
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probably unlike children today, we were probably street children, that is, we grew up on the street all day long, playing some games that we invented for ourselves, playing the same lopta, towns, that means even the same bits for money, and then we didn’t even have one.
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these firing points, machine gun pillboxes, and show in what conditions, with what weapons and equipment, our soldiers fought here against the enemy at the beginning of the war, well, we managed to museumify at least one pillbox, and today, of course, today’s children are interested in going in to see what’s really there, and there are machine gunners there, really, in the form of mannequins, right? but also dummies of some rifles and machine guns, all this is for today’s children, well, yes, it’s interesting to see, when we climbed into these pillboxes, we saw only bare walls and some fragments of equipment, well, that’s how it turned out, it turned out to be a museum, constantly to some events that the museum organized, the opening of exhibitions, the opening of some...
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expositions, i constantly took my son, and somehow, well, he liked it, and somehow he also became familiar with history, with an understanding of beauty, and today i, for example, am pleased that the time-lapse that my son filmed, he is creating a video, and the time-lapse, one of the time-lapses, well, there are time-lapses dedicated to minsk, and one time-lapse is dedicated to the glory , in which there are literally counted minutes, our objects, our exhibitions are shown, so i’m also pleased that we managed to instill - well, love for this place, i’ll praise it. now - it’s like in the same answer that sounded in the film... we’ll live until
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monday, happiness is when you understand, but happiness is when your acquaintances, friends, relatives are happy that they have you, and you have them.
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today in the ether 24x7 project we will talk about rating news and significant dates. we will take a walk through the historical center of minsk, and also get acquainted with a new painting. from the collection of masterpieces of belarusian cinema. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with news from the world of politics, economics, social life, sports culture. slavic bazaar in vitebsk, a visit of a delegation of two african states to the republic of belarus and a government delegation of belarus on a visit to latin america. from july 9 to july 15 , 2024, the thirty-third international arts festival slavic bazaar was held in vitebsk. this is the largest cultural forum uniting countries and continents. the slavic
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bazaar resounded with sold-out concerts and gathered in the northern capital of belarus an unprecedented number of artists and spectators from four dozen countries, from russia to india and from china to colombia. at the ceremony. pop song performers, carolina balan from moldova, the representative of kazakhstan, based on the results of two appearances on stage, received the first prize, the second prize went to italy and russia. the audience of six thousand applauded the representatives of bulgaria and belarus, who shared the third prize. the special prize “slavic hope” will be taken home by a representative of latvia. international forum. has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood, a participant from the south african republic, which is represented at the festival for the first time, was awarded a prize named after vladimir mulyavin. last week , delegations from two african states, headed by their
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first ladies, visited belarus. president of belarus alexander lukashenko met with distinguished guests at the palace of independence. the first lady of zimbabwe, axilia manangawa, arrived in belarus with a delegation of representatives of the business community. during the meeting, the president assured the guests of his commitment to long-term cooperation. new plans and projects were discussed at a meeting with the nigerian delegation. it was led by the country's first leader, aluremi tinubu. during the negotiations, they discussed the possibility of a visit by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs to nigeria in order to develop a plan for closer bilateral cooperation. alexander lukashenko also invited the president of this african country to minsk and stressed that belarus would be happy to meet, especially since the interests of the states are mutually beneficial. the government delegation of the republic of belarus is on a visit to latin america to discuss the entire range of issues in the trade and economic sphere and express strong support for the president of venezuela nicolas maduro on the eve of the elections from president of belarus. these are the main goals of the official visit of the belarusian
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government delegation led by the prime minister to caracas. roman golovchenko, at a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of venezuela, noted that new agreements and decisions made will help belarus and venezuela improve their performance. at the monument in the historical museum of caracas. venezuela is the first point of negotiations in latin america, after which the government delegation plans to visit cuba and nicaragua. belarusian diplomats gathered in minsk for the annual seminar. in the academy of management under the president gathered about 60 leaders. the advanced training program is a kind of synchronization of watches on the main issues of implementing the foreign policy of belarus and the development of trade and economic cooperation with countries of the world, including the issues of promoting belarusian agricultural machinery on foreign markets, the country’s export potential in
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the agri-food sector, as well as the possibilities of international payments in modern conditions, for heads of diplomatic missions there are many business meetings, business briefings, working meetings with senior officials of the country, and participants will also visit leading industrial enterprises in belarus. we continue to get acquainted with wonderful places on the map of our country. right now we’ll take a walk through the historical center of minsk. is it true that yanka kupalo once lived on the embankment of the troitsky suburb? how the island of tears appeared, why the ancient quarter of the city can be called the most cinematic. look for answers to these and other questions in the section. place on the map. troitskaya suburb, the calling card of the capital of belarus, cozy streets, paving stones, gingerbread houses with tiled roofs. the atmosphere of the 19th
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century. each building is a historical and cultural value, a kind of open -air museum. the first human settlements on the site of the troitsky suburb existed back in the 15th century. for centuries, trinity mountain, the lower market and the rakovskoye suburb were surrounded by fortifications. the suburb was built up with wooden houses in which artisans, traders, peasants and military men lived. today these buildings house shops, restaurants, cafes equipped for ancient times. many houses in the suburb house museums, antique souvenir shops, and art galleries. this ancient quarter of the city is a real... island of history. the belarusian poet maxim bogdanovich was born here.


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