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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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live news in the studio sergei loponitsin. hello, look at the issue. a colossal path of development over three decades, led by the principle of justice. on this day, 30 years ago, alexander lukashenko took the oath of office as president of the republic of belarus. significant business contracts were signed between our country and nicoragua, a lot of mkador, hundreds of units, equipment worth millions of dollars. other directions. latvia's minister of transport announced
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difficulties on the country's railways; infrastructure suffers from a lack of belarusian and russian cargo, and subsidies don’t help, let’s drink and talk, the premiere of the saturday show on the channel today is not only famous artists, but also nuggets from the people. elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and the cleaning company 2024. topics of a large conference call at the presidential level. the day before, all regions of the country were in touch. both issues require urgent action. within a few days, it was ordered to finally eliminate all bottlenecks due to the consequences of the hurricane. the ministry of energy expects that within a month electric lines will be restored. in the meantime, diesel generators are helping to ensure work. yes frosts it is necessary to finally complete the work with wood on the windbreaks. in addition, at the request of the minister of forestry.
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neither the americans, nor the poles, nor the europeans, we don’t give a damn about their opinion, although we are ready to take their opinion into account, we work for our people, and today we are passing the exam, no matter who the president is later, the people must see that the system of power, created by us, works effectively, by and large i don’t i can make a complaint that someone there is shirking work, someone is not working well, and so on, the machine is... it works, but
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there are glitches, there are shortcomings, certain shortcomings, but we are not ready for such tough work, unexpectedly tough work, how it happened with this hurricane, i always ask you to do this, compare it with military operations, but thank god there is no shooting, this is good training for us, good training, so we will draw all the appropriate conclusions: hurricane, as well as liquidation consequences of the disaster, revealed shortcomings in the work and interaction of various structures, the chairman of the state control committee vasily gerasimov informed the head of state about this the day before during a conference call. for example, proper interaction between various bodies was not established everywhere. in a number of cases, instead of prompt action , tenders began to be announced to find contractors to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. the attention of the presidential commissioner for the grodno region is greater. to this
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region, which was also affected by bad weather. as for the natural disaster, the consequences, of course, are colossal, especially in the gomel region; as for the grodno region, the power supply was disrupted in 20,032 settlements, which was restored the next day. 54 settlements in seven districts were affected, where necessary repair work is currently underway, which we will complete in the near future. nobody planned such consequences, right?
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similar or let’s say, if it already exists, then this situation can be overcome with minimal losses. summary of the results of the agricultural part of the conference call, there are no special problems with the harvesting company, now everything depends on how quickly, harmoniously and clearly they work on the ground. belarus is counting on a good harvest, alexander lukashenko is targeting 11 million tons in the bins, it is important to collect everything quickly without losses. a number of other instructions concern high-quality flax harvesting for belarus. based on the instructions given by the head of state, certain decisions will naturally be made; points related to
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moving agricultural harvesting equipment after completion of work, with the fact that it must be located, not make unnecessary movements, this will definitely be done, as well as those issues that were related to issues related to monitoring the quality of harvesting, certain instructions will be given to our services, so that everything that was said at the meetings was implemented and implemented in the minsk region. the emphasis that the president put, of course, why lose the harvest, this is, of course, the quality of harvesting, these are the costs of harvesting today directly, this is saving both energy and human resources, including, and of course simultaneous preparation for the winter sowing, because this is... a whole train of work, the most important emphasis is that there is a harvest, it needs to be collected, to compensate for part of the state the reserve of previous years, including replenishing for feed, because today not all, today, so to speak, our colleagues have high yields, like last year, so we must strengthen
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the feed base in order to today, again through livestock farming, milk and meat, replenish our, so to speak, foreign exchange reserves and boost the rural economy. these issues are subject to additional control by the governor and the president's authorized representative for the regions; working in difficult circumstances and overcoming the rampant nature and work in the agricultural field requires clarity, responsibility and coordination at all levels, the president insists and encourages everyone to give their best to the result. a historical date for our country, july 20, 1994, alexander lukashenko took the oath of office as president of the republic. it's safe to say, with from that moment the country found its way and began to move only forward. the ceremony took place in the oval office of the government house. alexander lukashenko took a solemn oath in front of deputies, journalists and diplomats. let us note that the situation in the state required such an immediate response that the inauguration
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was in fact part of the working day, because the situation in the economy was critical. then the first one warned that the path to real independence will not be easy, but it will be worth it. and yes, that same slogan “not with left", neither with the right, nor with the people, our president still adheres to this, every now and then, i remind managers at different levels, how important it is to solve people's problems, and in everything to be guided by the main principle of justice. over the years , the presidency of alexander lukashenko has become a state which serves as an example for many in the world, a country over 30...
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belarus is an example of a country that has preserved and enhanced the soviet heritage. thanks to the policy of the head of state, we have preserved the belarusian and russian languages, we are a republic. which did not follow the path of the oligarchy and the cia's privatization and reforms. the leader of the russian communist party, gennady zyuganov, shared this opinion with our channel. belarus is a republic that did not abandon the soviet legacy, which held a peaceful and democratic referendum, and preserved it. both russian language and belarusian language, a republic that did not follow the path of the oligarchy and the cia,
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led by the chubais, privatization and reforms, a republic that preserved the entire machine-building complex, so belarus turned out to be an example of how it is possible carry out reforms on the basis of soviet achievements, using, among other things, the market mechanism, but i was shocked when i arrived in paris, the political commission, strasbourg, first, let's judge and blame belarus, i say, for what? but they are not like that, i say, they just don’t want to listen to your special services, not at all, they don’t want to listen to the cia, they are busy with their country, lukashenko defends genuine sovereignty, lukashenko turned out to be courageous, brave, there were three powerful attacks by the special services against him, cooked.
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unified information days, dialogue platforms, concerts and sports marathons are held throughout the country. one of them was a bicycle ride , which took place on a grand scale in the varshansky district the day before. more than 200 people took part in it. these are representatives of public associations and movements of political parties. the administration of the orsha district and the deputy corps also joined the marathon. we drove 30 km, passing through iconic places in the small homeland of alexander lukashenko. the bike ride program included visits. alexander school, where the future president studied at the maternity hospital in copus, where he was born. 30 years is a significant event
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for us, we are great patriots of our country and will always remain patriots. the atmosphere of the bike ride is something so exciting, it’s just such a national spirit, all the people are positive and i also grew up locally from...
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it became a rally and a concert program. significant contracts were signed by belarusian mechanical engineering enterprises in nicaragua during the official visit of the delegation of the belarusian government. the first batches of maz trucks in will soon be available on the central american market. the amkador vehicles also hit the road. in general, the contracts are for more than 700 units. equipment, the amount exceeds $85 million. export support is provided by the development bank. this is the largest transaction of our equipment manufacturers in the central american market. the expansion of the range of supplies of our agricultural and other equipment is already being discussed. there is interest in joint cultivation of vegetables, import of cocoa beans and exotic fruit purees from nicaragua to belarus for our confectioner. in general, large contracts open up new opportunities for work in the market of this country for everything. by region for our manufacturers, the contract is large, comprehensive, within the framework of which
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a wide range and list of road construction equipment is supplied and the first deliveries are planned this year, and if we consider the market of central latin america, then this is an unprecedented step for the republic of belarus of our enterprise in in particular, the first batch was 15 cars, but the new batch is, of course... those magnificent the numbers you heard today are about 38 million, these are the volumes that we expect to be sold by the end of this year, about 370 units - cargo... equipment including dump trucks, tractors, cars, tank trucks for transporting drinking water, well and of course, utility vehicles. speaking about prospects, we understand that negotiations are already underway on concluding new contracts in the field of supplies of agricultural machinery and local products to the latin
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american market. build strong economic relationship. as a cultural program, these days here from the masters of the monago stage for the delegation of the government of belarus in honor of the forty-fifth anniversary of the revolution in nicaragua. latvian railways and infrastructure are suffering due to the lack of belarusian and russian cargo. this was stated by the country's transport minister who requested additional subsidies from the government. the previously spent 65
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million euros did not allow the situation to stabilize. cutting costs and saving on personnel also does not solve the problem. in addition, the latvian parliament recently introduced prohibitive duties on grain from belarus and russia, this will further reduce the income of railway workers. the minister, however, does not propose restoring the transport and cargo partnership with minsk and moscow; it seems to him possible to establish connections with central asia, however, this is hampered by geography, since russia and belarus lie between asia and latvia. former rada deputy irina farion was killed in lvov; she died in the hospital from her wound. farion is an iconic figure of ukrainian nationalism. known for her radical anti-russian position, she was an active communist in the last years of soviet power, and then turned into an equally frenzied warrior with the muscovites. moreover, in her war of words, she made no exceptions for women, the elderly, or children. my dmitry, grandson, who is 3.5 years old, when entering
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the kindergarten, i write in front of him this... i am writing, as before: hello, and my grandson is trying to read this with the help of his little fist of ukrainian language, so that the child comes nervous until home and even granny, in the garden there is a muscovite, and granny seems to be in need of a muscovite, and dmitry is impoverished by a muscovite, such people are so bad, they were expelled from the lvov university, even for them...
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without special education, all conditions have been created for the training of personnel in demand on the labor market, so the college plans to enroll about 40,000 people at this level, the chances of getting into a budget-funded place among applicants have increased, enrollment has increased by 1.00 people, and this year the opportunities to enroll in the target field have also been expanded: medical, pedagogical specialties, it, well, traditionally most attention is paid to the engineering profile. the entrance campaign will last until august 15, as for tests for universities, now is the next stage, internal exams, now there is only one for belarus, every saturday evening, good evening, the whole country is invited to the table, where songs are from the bottom of the heart, and treasures will sing them on twelve chairs, today vika tsyganova, irina dorofeeva will come to visit, this is the show people's premiere,
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take over the huts, dear caress!


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