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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:21pm MSK

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live news at noon, sergey loponitsin studios, hello, watch this episode. together for the overall
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security of belarus, the un presented its position on the organization’s cooperation with the csto, the cis and the sco. joining efforts is a task of paramount importance. they are no longer turning a blind eye to violations of the law in europe and they have given real sentences to participants in green protests. the big premiere in belarus is one, a song from the heart and heart-to-heart conversations at a big table, already on the air tonight. historical date for our country: july 20, 1994, alexander lukashenko took the oath of office as president of the republic of belarus. we can say with confidence that from that moment the country found its way and began to move only forward. the ceremony took place in the oval office.
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government houses. alexander lukashenko took a solemn oath in front of deputies, journalists and diplomats. let us note that the situation in the state required such an immediate response that the inauguration was in fact part of the working day, because the situation the economy was critical. then the first one warned: the path to real independence will not be easy, but it will be worth it. and yes, our president still adheres to that same slogan: neither with the left, nor with the right, with the people. that’s right, i remind government officials at different levels how important it is to solve people’s problems, and in everything to be guided by the main principle of justice. russian president vladimir putin warmly congratulated the head of the belarusian state alexander lukashenko on the occasion of his thirtieth anniversary in office president of the republic of belarus. the entire modern history of belarus is inextricably linked with your name. marked by the construction of
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modern state institutions and significant successes in the social and economic spheres. belarusian voters have trusted you with the highest government post six times in a row, which undoubtedly indicates your enormous authority among your compatriots, the russian leader emphasized. it is difficult to overestimate your personal contribution to the development of friendly relations of fruitful cooperation between our countries, the establishment and strengthening of a union state and the promotion of mutual cooperation. integration processes in the eurasian space. i will be glad to continue the constructive, comradely dialogue and close joint work for the benefit of the fraternal peoples of belarus and russia, vladimir putin noted. during the years of alexander lukashenko's presidency, belarus has become a state that serves as an example for many in the world. experts share this opinion. the republic did not follow the path of oligarchy, cia privatization and reforms. the people did something truly fateful choice. and for 30.
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soviet heritage, which held a peaceful democratic referendum, they retained both the russian language and the belarusian language, the republic, which did not go.
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elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and the harvesting campaign 2024. topics of a large conference call. at the presidential level. the day before, all regions of the country were in touch. both issues require urgent action. within a few days, it was ordered to finally eliminate all bottlenecks due to the consequences of the hurricane. the ministry of energy expects that within a month there will be electrical lines have been restored. in the meantime
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, diesel generators are helping to ensure work in some places. before frost, it is necessary to finally complete the work with wood on windbreaks. in addition, at the request of the minister of forestry for greater efficiency of the department. i don’t care about their opinion, although we are ready to take their opinion into account, we work for our people, and today we are taking an exam, no matter who is president later, the people must see that the system of power we created works effectively, by and large i not
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i can make a complaint that someone there is shirking work, someone is working poorly, and so on, this machine works, but there are glitches, there are shortcomings. there are certain shortcomings, well , we are not ready for such tough work, unexpectedly tough work, like what happened with this hurricane, i always ask you this, compare it with military operations, but thank god there is no shooting, this is good training for us, good training, so we will draw all the appropriate conclusions, a hurricane, as well as liquidation of the consequences. identified shortcomings in the work and interaction of various structures, the chairman of the state control committee vasily gerasimov informed the head of state about this the day before during a conference call. for example, proper interaction between various bodies was not established everywhere. in a number of cases, instead of prompt action
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, tenders began to be announced to find contractors to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. the attention of the presidential commissioner for the grodno region is more to this region, which also suffered from. weather, as for the natural disaster, the consequences, of course, are colossal, especially in the gomel region, as for the grodno region, the power supply was disrupted in 232 settlements, which was restored the next day, 54 settlements were damaged in seven districts, where the necessary repairs are now underway the work that we will complete in the near future, no one planned such consequences, yes, but if it has already happened, then it is necessary to come out gracefully.
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belarus went to the vitebsk farm areas. anatoly lenevich got acquainted with the harvest and talked with the team of grain growers. in an interview with a television news agency , the minister emphasized that belarusian farmers will make every effort to ensure this year’s harvest. at a high organizational level, and problematic issues were immediately resolved, everyone is focused on the result, they want to get it, the head of state outlined the tasks specifically, that is, in terms of timing, in terms of organization, we will try to carry out this cleaning campaign as efficiently and as quickly as possible, equipment sometimes breaks down, so there is a high level of organization of repair work.
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the day before, belarus presented at the un security council its position on cooperation between the united nations, in particular with the csto, the cis and the sco. all these regional subregional associations are capable of playing a huge role in ensuring international peace and security, the representative of our country noted. in the context of an imbalance in the international security system and the destruction of economic ties, there is a crisis of trust.
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clashes between police students, violent violence continues in bangladesh , with at least 100 young people reported dead and more than 700 injured. the authorities even put the corpses on public display in order to instill fear in the rioters, but the effect was the opposite. students are dissatisfied with the fact that quotas have been introduced in the country for holding bureaucratic positions, this is causing harm. climate activists, who until recently were virtually untouchable in berlin , sentenced a participant in green protests to 1 year and 4 months in prison. she, along with like-minded people, blocked roads in capital of germany, practicing, for example, gluing hands to the asphalt, the police then tore off the palm for hours. and in the united kingdom, climate activists were sentenced to longer sentences of 4-5
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years. the british were accused of blocking traffic on... expressways as part of the stop the oil campaign. these two cases are an important precedent: green ideals and principles, which were previously a justification for any extremism, are for the first time placed below public interests. which politicians will determine the fate of the european continent in the coming years. as president of the european commission, ursula von derleen managed to be re-elected for another term, who even voted for her. experts and guests of the editors' club discuss the hidden games of brussels. i can’t talk about this ursula, more than half of europe hates her, why the elections to the european parliament even showed, it is clear that there is no democracy there, falsifications, discrediting of candidates, ursula is elected again, a man who weakens europe every day, makes it weaker, why? usa is profitable, uk beneficial, she spits in the faces of europeans, and also
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a sign of goodness, how did the world react to the withdrawal of troops from the belarusian-ukrainian border? what did orban agree on on his peace tour? watch the new episode of the editors club on the tv news agency youtube channel. 80 years ago, on july 20, 1944, troops of the first belarusian front under the command of konstantin rakosovsky captured a powerful wehrmacht fortified area, a large railway transport hub, and the city of kobrin. bloody battles took place for malorita, she also today marks liberation day. about this today. in the tv news agency project , liberation day after day from the soviet election in the pen on july 20, 1944, troops of the first
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belarusian front captured the powerful fortified wehrmacht and liberated the city of obrin. a large railway junction, german military warehouses, railway platforms, and steam locomotives were captured. on the same day, soviet troops completed the nazi occupation of the malarid region of the brest region. during the day of the bagration offensive operation in belarus, more than 100 settlements. there were eight left until the complete liberation of belarus. time is unable to heal the wounds that time is unable to heal the wounds inflicted by the great patriotic war, but we are able not to forget about those terrible events. while nazism is raising its head all over the world, attempts are being made to rewrite history. residents of the cis countries unite and carry the truth through generations.
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the memory train initiative of the upper houses of the parliaments of belarus and russia has united schoolchildren from different countries for the third time. atn journalists together with project participants drove more than 9.00 km along the roads of the red army, and this was not just a journey through the most important historical sites from the southwest of belarus to the russian north, but also an excursion into the new history that is being written by the two countries of the union state. 2 weeks, 13 cities of belarus and russia. they have such traditions. people from eight cis countries. history culture. the former ceremonial residence of peter i on the southern shore of the gulf of finland. the thorny paths of the red army. it was a battle
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for the freedom and future of our people. for the freedom and future of the people of the entire continent. one train, one victory. we are trying to bring our belarusian land closer for each participant, so that this memory, the memory of the train, remains in their hearts for many, many years and is passed on to future generations. departs from the third platform 5. another athlete from belarus will take part in the summer games in paris. freestyle wrestler magomed khabib kadi magomedov received an invitation from the international olympic committee. let us remind you that at the tokyo olympics 3 years ago he. won a silver medal. thus, only 17 of our athletes will compete in ten sports. in road cycling, rowing , swimming, and shooting.


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