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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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live broadcast of news on belarus-1 in the studio of sergei loponitsin. hello, watch this episode. the tasks were determined in the field, where more than 2,600,000 tons of grain have already been harvested in the aftermath of the hurricane. the work is in full swing, without slowing down. time to submit
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documents, the start of the entrance campaign to secondary specialized educational institutions, new opportunities for children with special needs. data on the number of nuclear warheads in the united states has become known. for more than 15 years, their number has not changed. the fight for the republican candidate is a complete mess, whether biden will be able to enter the race has left party donors waiting. let's all sing together and have a heart-to-heart talk. belarus is alone on the evening air, the premiere of a new show is truly national. 30 years with the people. on july 20 , 1994, alexander lukashenko took the oath of office as president of the republic of belarus. we can say with confidence that from that moment the country found its way and began to move only forward. the ceremony took place in the oval office of the government house. alexander lukashenko took a solemn oath in front of the deputies. journalists and diplomats,
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we note that the situation in the state required such an immediate response that the inauguration was in fact part of the working day, because the situation in the economy was critical, then the first one warned that the path to real independence would not be easy, but it was worth it, and yes, that our president still adheres to the slogan neither with the left nor with the right, but with the people, every now and then reminding managers at different levels how important it is to solve people’s problems, and in everything, leadership. about the path to independence, the institution of presidency, personal contribution belarusian leader in building a strong, sovereign state, at these moments they are discussing in the sports palace, a big celebration has unfolded there, which is being watched by my colleague yulia alferova. julia, what is the atmosphere on the site now? colleagues, good afternoon, a celebration with the deepest meaning, this is probably how you can characterize that atmosphere.
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panoramas. elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and the cleaning company 2024. topics of a large conference call at the presidential level. the day before, all regions of the country were in touch. both questions require urgent action. within a few days, it was ordered to finally eliminate all bottlenecks due to the consequences of the hurricane. the ministry of energy expects that within. electric lines will be restored within a month, but in the meantime diesel generators are helping to ensure work in some places. before frost, it is necessary to finally complete the work with wood on windbreaks. in addition, at the request of the minister of forestry, for greater efficiency, up to a hundred
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mass vehicles will be transferred to the department. alexander lukashenko compared the consequences disasters with war without shooting, stated the need to mobilize the population, military personnel and specialists to eliminate the consequences. guys, remember one thing: it won’t be calm this year, not because we ’re starting something before the election year, although this is also important, we are passing, as i always said, an exam for the belarusian people, not the americans, not the poles, not europeans, we don’t give a damn about their opinion, although we are ready to take their opinion into account, we work for our people, and today we are taking the exam, no matter who it is then the president, the people must see that the system of power.
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and i ask you, compare this with military operations, but thank god, without shooting, this is good training for us, good training, so we will draw all the appropriate conclusions, get a summary of the results of the agricultural part of the conference call, there are no special problems with the harvesting company, now that’s it depends on how quickly, harmoniously and clearly they work on the ground. belarus is counting on a good harvest; alexander lukashenko is targeting 11 million tons. for edges, it is important to collect everything quickly without losses, this is possible if all technological processes are followed, in general there are no big problems, from the outside, the head of state asked several times yesterday what has not been done on my part, what the government has not done, the head of state has done everything,
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the issues with fuel have been resolved, with mineral fertilizers, with the use of vehicles, those that are necessary for transporting grain, for supplying it to elevators. be engaged, but at the same time everything must be picked up and worked out purely technologically. working in complex circumstances and overcoming the rampant elements and work in the agricultural field requires clarity, responsibility and coordination at all levels. the president insists that everyone give their best for the result.
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belarusian farmers will make every effort to ensure that the harvest campaign 2024 takes place at a high organizational level, and problematic issues are resolved immediately. about it. the minister of agriculture and food of belarus spoke in an interview with a television news agency. today anatoly lenevich went to a farm in the vitebsk region, where he got acquainted with the harvest, i talked with a team of grain growers. at a conference call, the head of state gave specific instructions regarding the 2024 harvest. are belarusian farmers ready to pass this difficult exam? in any case, everything is ready, both material resources and human resources, that is, everything for today. are focused on the result, they want to get it, everything is organized in order to complete it on time and within the deadlines, the head of state outlined the tasks specifically, that is, in terms of deadlines, in terms of organization, with the highest quality, and as quickly as possible we will try to carry out this cleaning campaign.
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farmers are trying to work at full capacity, but nevertheless there are shortcomings that need to be solved first and foremost, as technology. sometimes it breaks down, so a high level of organization of repair work to produce this equipment will give a natural result, minimal transfers to what the head paid. state attention, that is, this is saving, saving resources, removing everything without loss is the main task, so everything is written as in the textbook, i hope that we will cope with this task on time. managed is it possible to resolve any issue thanks to a conference call? an order was being prepared to allocate budget funds to pay for grain supplied to meet state needs. the head of state signed this order, all
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issues have been resolved by the government of the ministry of agriculture and the regions, so i think that we will cope with the task. the realities are such that grain harvesting will intersect with the preparation of feed, as well as with the sowing of winter cruciferous crops. how will you solve this problem in order to get the maximum from each hectare? what did you want?
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therefore, again, i see that we will cope with the task, we just need to organize at the farm level, i want to travel to other regions, that is, look at the organization, this is our job, we have been doing this all our lives, like a man, with dignity, we will carry out everyone’s orders head of state, harsh criticism from the president following the storm, total criticism at a large conference call alexander lukashenko subjected the reaction of officials and specialists to the coming hurricane and its consequences, the head of state compared the disaster to war only
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without shooting, when weapons are a last resort, the withdrawal of troops on the ukrainian border, who agreed played a decisive role in the response? and also an exclusive interview: amnesty, no visas for europeans, our work at the un, all this in the first time section, watch tomorrow on the main broadcast. a lesson for all diplomats. the storm has passed, it’s impossible to deceive that
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the harvest is happening, they looked at the president’s fields. we have a lot of news from all fields. the united states has declassified data on a number of its nuclear warheads. at the end of last year they counted. 3,748 units, it is noteworthy that this number has not changed for more than 15 years, that is, by all indications, washington does not believe that external threats have increased significantly. it may be, however, that the united states simply does not have the technical means to increase the number of warheads. industrial degradation also affected the military-industrial complex of this state. the pentagon had a record number of nuclear warheads in 1967. then there were 31 and a quarter thousand of them. taking into account nuclear ones.
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joe biden will withdraw from the election race before the end of the weekend; they are already preparing for him replacement. many party sponsors have declared their readiness to financially support the candidacy of current vice president kamala haris, and they recently froze $90 million that. made a statement that can be considered a call for the current president to step down. the american political olympus is sinking deeper into chaos. on the one hand, biden must withdraw from the election race. on the other hand, he cannot do this by citing his incapacity. in this case, you will have to explain.


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