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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 3:45pm-4:40pm MSK

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to reconstruct those old buildings that had to invest a lot of money on thermal innovation, on roof repairs, and this is much more expensive than installing such a modular fap. the price of a modular fap is from 120 to 150,000 with complete equipment, it can be easily dismantled, made into a platform and moved to any other place, i am convinced that due to the convenient location, due to modern equipment, due to the pleasant appearance, people will be willing to go not only to in case of urgent need, but also to undergo preventive medical examinations in general, examinations, which will increase the efficiency of our medical service. i’ve lived here all my life, i’m very glad that now on my territory i don’t have to go to the area nearby, i don’t have to stand in lines, especially since i know very good specialists here, an excellent paramedic. they plan to install the same faps.
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taxes in paranavitsky, ivatsevitsky, dragichynsky, gantsavitsky districts, and in ivanavitsky district two. the renovation of the building of the foundation of the program of modernization in the magiliy region has been expanded with new aspects. adnaulenni the rainfall of the hurricane and the sanitary cuttings of the gardens are filled with biofactories, like a fortune teller, with which the depths of the ancient region of the country are filled, let’s talk about it in our digest. garachy apparatus for municipal and capital projects.
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a wide variety of locations, there are locations for the little ones, and there are places where older children can have fun, there are areas where, as i already said, not only children , but adults can relax, this is a lecture hall, for example, yes, that is, from experienced doctors can listen to short lectures on areas of interest
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questions of people, plus to everything there are sites for such recreation, where you can stand on nails, yes, that is, also such a very unusual pastime, the event took in about three... those who are here are planning to create a museum, right now , which is what they want from the earth, alena vidko.
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there is no similar preservation in eastern europe, these are unique things, unique traces of defensive structures, which, as our research, radiocarbon analysis, chronology have shown, were built somewhere in the 990s, they were preserved thanks to that they were the foundation of the fortress, the fortress wall was built in the floodplain of the menka river, and these cages were filled with damp, wet...
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one book clasp was discovered, in addition to the finds of the don people with izyaslav’s treasure that thundered throughout eastern europe, this is the one who is the son of ragneda and vladimir, the princely administration was definitely present here, who is this, these are warriors, here we find fragments of them, in addition to weapons, we find rings from calchug like this in large quantities, and thousands of artefacts from calavag metal and schoolware, faience, heta... bronze flyer. scan cultural ground, for example, a bronze fragment of the garden to experts from the institute of history, academy of sciences and i teach tax volunteers students. we found many pieces of ceramics, found temple rings, even found some ancient keys, and so on. the work is going on, there are finds,
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but there is immediately some kind of excitement, so that god forbid that some ancient artifact is destroyed, in order to preserve it and show it to descendants. profile practice. students from all regions, cultural institutions, and future museum scholars, histories and archaeologies from grodno, vitsebsk, gomel, and from magilevo. uladzislaў patseyka from the university name kulyashova, paw, metaladektaram and niveliram karystaetstsa ўmela on excavations another time. it is very interesting to study history, to touch history through work, that is, i directly touch history, the history of our country. i went to the excavation of the kurgan in mogilevsko.
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for a moment i want to stop running to see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world differently, every day to discover something new, it’s so interesting to us. because we do it with love, with love from
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belarus. music, dj, hello, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer all questions. are you ready to meet our guest? vadim anatolyevich, are you worried? of course i'm worried. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise. good luck then. so, we welcome our guest, the rector of the belarusian
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state university of informatics and electronics. former deputy minister of education, vadim bogush. vadim anatolyevich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you will not use it, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, but now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has passed, i... was born in 1975, i am a belarusian scientist, currently the rector of the belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics, an excellent student in life, i hope that i am not a botanist, married, at i have two children, i really love my family, my
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homeland and the work that i do. great, you did it in one minute. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question. let's see how fast you can answer and who is ready to ask their question first. red sector, please. hello, my name is anna. when you were our age, you were probably tormented by the question of where to go. why did you choose the university of informatics and radioelectronics? but i always had a penchant for engineering . since school, when i was choosing where and st. petersburg, because i went to school to enroll, then of course i was aiming at moscow in the soviet union, and the centers of science were mainly there, but the nineties just arrived and the best promising institute at that time, in
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childhood, at what age did you have it appeared, computers were just appearing then, and i mean personal.
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a device that would reproduce high-quality music, when i was finishing the eighth grade, well, in your notation, this is the ninth grade, so i asked my mother, she helped me get a job at a factory, and i worked at the factory in order to get my first salary, i received about 70 rubles, probably, in the union there was a brand that produced high-quality equipment, it was called radio engineering, so i bought myself... the first vinyl record player, here in principle, he lived with me for quite a long time until i finished graduate school. they say that all the academics are very smart, but how did you study at school? well, i got a gold medal at school, a red diploma at the university, an early defense of my candidate's dissertation, and, well, i got a doctorate
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i defended myself when i was not yet 32 ​​years old, but i told you that i am an excellent student in life. when you were in school, there was no internet, but why learn anything now if everything can be found on google? in fact, information networks during my studies, they did not work for entertainment, they worked mainly for the transmission of such important information, that is , it was essentially a library, but from the point of view of working with information, of course the internet... it’s big , a great, great help, but this is not knowledge, so if you you really want to become a specialist, to become a person of character. then the internet can help you with this, but it will never do the work for you. why do you think
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everyone wants to become an it specialist now? well, because on the one hand this is quite interesting work, which is in demand in many, many directions. that is , in your words, there is such a definite hype, on the other hand, well, i think many want to stand up, although they do not understand what it is and sometimes, sometimes it even happens that when entering our university and really understanding what modern information technologies are, suddenly, well, the schoolboy says: oh, sorry, i probably got into the wrong place. we had a very interesting story, when we opened training in a new specialty, information technology systems in the gaming industry, or game
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design, that’s the first set that was, freshmen came, they said, so we ’ll play games, we say , no, this is not about that, the specialty is not to lose, this is a specialty about creating, first mathematics, models, graphics, design and so on further, here, and then... an enterprise, then now every enterprise should have a smart engineer in the field of information technology, recently there should also be a security specialist at
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every enterprise, in this part there is a balance between is there a lot or a little - this is a very, very discussed question, because what are the possibilities of the products themselves in the field of radio electronics and information technology in general ? because a person wants to improve , it becomes more and more, why is this his life, so he wants to improve his life in terms of life expectancy, in terms of its quality. accordingly, it is one of the tools that allows you, including professional development, because, well, essentially speaking, it is now in the pocket of each of you, you asked me: about the computer, yes, that evolution is quite simple , ah, for 50-60 years there, the computer first occupied
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a building, well, really a building, yes, then a room, then a box, now it fits in your pocket, and the performance of the smartphone that you have in pocket, it’s an order of magnitude larger than the computer that occupied the building, so... although, in principle, in both cases it was already semiconductor electronics. which country ranks first in the world? well, to be frank, i would say china, because china has its own view of things related to the development of information technology. from the point of view of prospects, i think that china is indeed the center of the future. logical development, why are our programmers worse than chinese ones? our programmers are no worse chinese, and if we are talking about
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a global issue in general, our specialists are in demand in eastern europe, belarus is a bright, clear leader. hello, my name is alexey. tell me, why do our programmers go to work abroad?
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in order to adopt and study other people’s experience, therefore, i don’t know, fortunately or unfortunately, but there are certain specifics in the organization of work, and some professions require, including such trips, what needs to be done for them to stay work from home? well in fact, many people remain; there must be conditions that allow it.
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certain stability, well, understanding the rules of the game, sustainability in strategic development or long-term planning, so for each time, for each stage of your life, i think that there will be slightly different priorities, this is absolutely normal, and i want to emphasize that these priorities are it also depends on you, and, probably, this is the key thing, what needs
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to be valued most of all. in order to get a job, here you are answer the question, that is, distribution is the process of providing work, that’s all, we answer the question accordingly, if they helped you find a job, that’s good, now many children sit at the computer, parents think, oh, there will be...
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everything else is in in principle, everything else can be learned, and so, seeing a person on the street, looking at you there and saying, are you an it specialist, or are you a radio technician there, relatively speaking, well, no, but tell me how you feel about gadgets and whether you have you are dependent, well, i have a fairly normal attitude towards gadgets, yes, because? for me it is also a working tool, that is, whether i wanted it or not, at my current job i have to communicate with a lot of people, and accordingly , gadgets help me do this, i just save time in this way, about addiction, well, psychologists they say that if a person denies addiction, then he
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definitely has it. and i want to tell you that i use it every day, i have more than one cell phone, i have quite a lot of communication channels and... of course, if i if i put them aside, it will be difficult for me to do my work, but i get quite tired of these, and sometimes i really wish i didn’t have gadgets. what unusual applications do you have on your phone? well, i can say what i use the phone for, besides communication, and that is, besides communications, it’s also a notebook, it’s also a library. this is also a player, as a rule, i don’t like it when i have a lot of junk on my phone, why study now to become a programmer if everything can be written by artificial intelligence, but in fact,
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programming is not writing code, programming is the development of algorithms, first of all, it is the creation of models, this is precisely the task of a person, a person, to learn how to use it correctly in a kind way, that is, good or evil, it is a person who determines, i really wanted if this were good, what it specialties
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will disappear in the future due to the neural network? i think that the specialties will not disappear, but what about some functions?
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and now this is a continuous master's program, with such a fundamental on the one hand, on the other hand , a high-tech look at the graduate model, but these specialties are actually not, not purely it and not programming, because well, there is a specialty in artificial intelligence, we will soon be celebrating its twentieth anniversary. the question is how we keep up, we are sometimes ahead.
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do you think children should be limited in their access to a computer? at what age should they be introduced to it? here, probably, the question is not even whether with a computer or not , it’s about the time spent, it was good for it to be good. now returning to the question, if you sit at the computer for a long time, then it’s definitely not beneficial, believe me, with my experience in general, this is not good for your health, it’s not for our
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advantage in comparison with a computer - these are still emotions, these are the good emotions that we have in excellent communication, this is something that no computer can replace, how else to understand what? a child’s addiction to a gadget must be observed, but it’s also the most the simplest, simplest signal in general is when there is a negative reaction to the inaccessibility of the gadget, so it’s very easy for you to check yourself, try putting your phone in a box and see how long you won’t go near this box, how long you’ll last. hello, my name is timofey, in schools, in computer science lessons, we use pascal, don’t you think it’s worth it? into more modern programming languages,
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in fact, this is a long-standing question, is it necessary to teach at school, to teach the programming language that is currently used, well, at the present time, from the point of view of organizing the brain, well, pascal is quite, quite a worthy language, in this part, it probably needs to be divided like this, that is, there should be: a tool that creates a common understanding , here is pascal, for example, for everyone, if you and pascal are good, please, then study additionally, and there, if you see yourself as a programmer, i want to tell you right away that you will not limit yourself to one language, you will not limit yourself to how the current ones differ students from your university students of twenty years ago, now, well , students of twenty years ago are 20 years older than... in general, it’s difficult for me to say, i
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don’t have a temporary gap, that is, i’m constantly at the university, i was even when i was in the civil service, here i am not only did i serve in the ministry of education, i was also the deputy chairman of the national statistics committee before that, and from myself, these are also the people who
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surround him, that’s why you treat your friends very responsibly and value those people, which are around you. what is the most difficult thing about being a rector? publicity and, but this is not only the rector, this is any leader. this awareness, understanding and generally acceptance of the sense of responsibility that exists for the decisions you make, this is the most difficult thing, not only in the work of a rector, in the work of any leader, and what is the easiest, i don’t know, we don’t have easy tasks. you are the chairman
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of the council of rectors and i am interested in the question: does this mean that you are friends with all the rectors of our universities? practically yes, i wouldn’t say that i am a close friend with everyone, but i have very good relations, in my opinion, with almost every leader, well, here you are now... we rejoice when we achieve success, because
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this is the success of the system, this is success countries, that ’s what’s important, you look, if someone did something better and you think why didn’t i do it, well, you try to make it either the same or better, as you think, what our education lacks , well, is it professional? question, i’m unlikely to answer it for you - so that you understand, and so that i didn’t bend my heart, so, probably, yes, one of the three... after all, i use it, well, it ’s just that this answer will not be for children, and i don’t think that this is the broadcast format, we are recording your reluctance to answer this question why are our universities worse than cambridge or oxford, or are they better? well, there is
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one parameter that distinguishes our universities, for example, from cambridge or oxford, this is age, here is the second. the parameter is, after all, the amount of money allocated for training, in this part we are not so rich, then the question is, what is better or worse, the fact that we achieve better results with fewer resources, in my opinion, this is better, the fact that, of course, we do not have access to the most expensive technologies, well... this is such a disadvantage, but at the same time it does not prevent our talented graduates from taking part in the creation of such technologies. how do you think the success of a university is measured? well, there are basic areas, this is science and this is the success
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of graduates. therefore, if there is a scientific research at the university. there are developments that are recognized outside the university, countries, if graduates find themselves in life and realize themselves, because in general the education system works to make a person successful in life, if a university has made its contribution to making a person successful in life, then it is a successful university. how do you react when they say bguir?
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chapters of mathematics, which are used to describe our information world, discrete mathematics, probability theory, and so on, when you come to university, you will feel what it is, in this regard, yes, that is, well, arithmetic, yes - this is outdated knowledge, on the other hand, without arithmetic, you still won’t be able to live in the world, even if you had the opportunity in half an hour. learn something, what would you learn? it’s interesting to draw, well, really, well, because i have a musical education, so i understand how to develop in science and in what i
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like, but i literally can’t draw at all. now everyone is talking about patriotism, do you think it is possible at the expense? textbook to learn to love your homeland, mm, i think that only through the textbook will you learn to love you can’t have your homeland, eh, but a textbook can help with this, help through - knowledge and understanding of your homeland, the history of your homeland, but are n’t people born with love for their homeland, eh? uh, well, maybe someone will disagree with me and say that a person by default, yes, is born with love, but the emotional sphere, feelings are also things that you acquire and will acquire, and accordingly, patriotism - this is a feeling
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that can be acquired, it can be educated, including, there is also investment, yes? with the country, with the homeland in which you live, that is, the highest level there, these are state symbols, you know, i travel a lot around the world, we were there in... in the usa on a business trip, we go to the university, it hangs the belarusian flag, i can see right away,
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it’s different, it stands out, and well, our compatriots came, studied, hung the flag, went on to work somewhere, there’s a piece of the homeland everywhere, i assume that at your university the most advanced students, what are they like? are the cheat sheets also advanced? well i think that yes, i think that they are also advanced and artificial intelligence, they will screw up the very first thing as soon as they figure out how to do it, in fact, at the university they take exams in different ways, starting from the classics, as it is done at school, ending, for example, with the approach when your textbooks are on the table. and you took the ticket, there are questions, and you can, in general, even look at something or get into your phone to look, but what you read on
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your phone will not form precise knowledge, yes, and as a rule, when at university you study, you study for yourself, and the teacher who teaches you wants you to understand, first of all, in the current conditions, to find information. it’s possible, i’m not saying that it’s easy, but it’s much easier than it was 20 years ago, there 40 years ago, you understand, this is still not an easy task, what developments of belarusian it specialists are you most proud of? well, probably, after all, those that are the most famous, yes, that’s the paradox, but, but, but not games, here’s a very interesting application, this one, which
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was on women’s health, very simple an idea, a wonderful implementation, well , now this is a product that is used by very, very many people in the world, probably, yes, probably these are the yellow sector to your left, the next question is from there, let's imagine the situation that in... in the world has canceled the opportunity to earn money, what would you do? i would do science, that is, in principle, this is part of the work that i do now, it’s just that now i have a lot of administrative functions, where i need to make sure that, that is, someone cannot come to work, someone gets sick , if a man can’t do this work, which means a replacement needs to be found, and these are the things that we... you are forced to study every day, there really isn’t much time left for science, so if i had a lot of
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free time, then i would probably devote more time to research and science, because it is interesting, and it benefits not only me, but also all the people who live in the world. hello, my name is ilya. there are many myths about it people, let's play game, myth or truth, ok, well let's try, so, most programmers' programs are wimps with glasses, is this true or a myth? smart programmers understand that they need to look after their health, because physical health also determines performance and...
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i’m sure that you will still see that these are it specialists, well, of course, they’re just wearing ties now, then, well, all the ethics guys are a lot, my uniform is like this, well, i understand, yes, although i go without a tie, i go there often, all the ethics guys earn a lot, is this true or a myth? i probably want to tell you that this is a myth , but... but half, it’s clear that they are more in demand and it’s clear that
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in order to attract them, they are paid higher wages. but the salary level also correlates with the complexity of the problems that it specialists solve, there are different levels of specialists and different salary levels, so the fact that all it specialists earn well is not entirely true. hello, my name is denis, and another seritishnikov. it is believed that all the girls want to go out marry etyshniks, do you agree with this? i don’t know, it seems to me that girls should get married, want a loved one, i’m not sure that this is the absolute truth. let's , in order to destroy the myth, now let's conduct a little experiment, girls, when you grow up, which of you wants to marry an it specialist? raise your hand so we can find out
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why you want to marry an it guy. who is ready to answer? well, because this is such a good profession, and at least for the wife there will be a very good status, that is, the wife of an it specialist, for me this is very it’s important in principle, because my brother is an it programmer, that is, they constantly reproach me with this: your brother is a programmer, why can’t you do that, so i want a husband who is a programmer, so that i can also grab it like that. well, due to the fact that i know it specialists, they are quite pleasant people who are smart, developed and really have something to tell about this area, and this is a really interesting profession that you want to listen to, so i think that if my the young man will be in the field it, then i think that i’ll even get involved in this myself, because it’s very interesting, but what about glasses and flip-flops, it doesn’t matter, flip-flops are very
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cool, that’s where i come in. hello, my name is irina, how did you meet your wife? well, i met my wife at the university, because
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we studied there, i by that time. was already in graduate school, and she started working as an assigned worker, by the way, that’s all, and having seen each other a few times, uh, well, briefly, there was a moment when i had the opportunity to meet, after we met, well, we started talking, then we started dating, then we got married, i have...


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