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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 7:35pm-9:00pm MSK

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the diplomats also visited leading industrial enterprises of belarus. president of belarus alexander lukashenko signed a law aimed at strengthening support for families with children. what is provided by the document? in belarus, the minimum amount of maternity benefits, as well as payments for children over 3 years old, will increase for certain categories of families. maternity benefits will become larger, both for women for whom the employer paid mandatory insurance contributions to the budget, and for the unemployed. the law is aimed at raising the level.
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has already become history, what do guests and participants remember about the forum? this year the cornflower festival broke all records. its participants included 7.0 people from 42 countries. five hundred journalists covered more than a hundred events of the forum throughout the week. their work was followed by about 11 million internet users from 120 countries. concerts, exhibitions, tastings, vitebsk lived in the rhythm of the festival day and night. this year the union days program has become larger and broader.
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this is the first large-scale cultural event that belarus has held since the official joining the sco family, it is quite possible that it will become a good festival tradition. during the ceremonial closing of the slavic bazaar, one of the main intrigues was resolved. grand prix of the pop song performers competition, carolina balan from moldova, the representative of kazakhstan won the first prize, the second prize went to russia and italy, the third was shared by belarus and bulgaria. through hard work, this is the reward.
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the international forum has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood; a participant from yura, the country of the festival’s debutant, was awarded the vladimir mulyavin prize. thank you, the review was prepared by elena putus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program main broadcast. well, all the projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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hello to belarus 1 and belarus24.
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head of the knowledge society, alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism of bsu, alexey avdonin, political analyst of bc, oleg aidukevich, deputy of parliament, leader. we will definitely talk about this too, very it will be interesting to hear your point of view and, especially maria, who lived in the united states of america, is probably closely following what is happening, the situation around ukraine, around the usa, and
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europe, and the russian federation and belarus are somehow rapidly developing here , as for me, well, of course, there are some signs that everything is approaching some kind of completion, the only question is which one?
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he said absolutely correctly, this echoes the assessments given by experts around the world. we are experiencing a transitional period between this world of western hegemony, a unipolar world, to a multipolar world, and they said here in the studio, too, that unfortunately, for the most part
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, this will not happen in a peaceful way. why the us elections affect this is obvious. america is the leading country of the west, by and large. there is not even such a collective west, it is the united states, which imposes its will on everyone else, at the same time we see the desire of individual countries of the european union to exercise sovereignty, this includes hungary and slovakia, and there are such forces in other states, they are far away, by the way, in most cases they are not even pro-russian, they are forces simply determined to defend national interests, we see that their popularity is growing, this was shown by elections in the european parliament, elections in ...
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the government of our european countries, you scare belarus every day, that they are preparing for war there, that they want to attack, that
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there is a threat from them, you say that we must endure problems in the economy, you say that you you won't deal with ours our own problems, migration, other issues, and we must prepare for a war with belarus, but we were there, people don’t want any war, no one is preparing, there are no concentrations of our country’s troops, there is no escalation of the situation, and i also want to return to the meeting , which was held by the president: i think this is a very important point, because i see that the head of state has spoken about this more than once, he understands perfectly well that the goal of the west is to drag belarus into the war zone, why? this is probably the only one now the best way for them, by expanding the geography of the conflict, to prolong this war, they do not believe in any victory over russia, everyone knows perfectly well that it is impossible to defeat russia by military means, how to prolong this situation, how to further weaken europe, how to make more money from this money, we see how it’s unfolding now... the situation in the united states of america, i’ll talk about this a little later, the head of state understands this, it would be our wrong decision,
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on the contrary, it’s to succumb to what they want, which means we must do this in every possible way prevent, and this is not a weakness, this is not some kind of weakness, it means that we are afraid of some things, no, we just don’t want to follow their scenario, this is the case, on the other hand, our president is a people’s president, he knows what people want , people want the main thing, that there is no war, that they live peacefully, the third point is that this is in the interests of the russian federation and our common union state. our main task, which we are successfully fulfilling today, by the way, at the same meeting the president once again said this, is to strengthen the western direction, not to allow russia to be stabbed in the back, so that russia does not end up in a situation that would be unfavorable for it and we are dealing with it, this is the second and third point why we are able to fulfill this global task, not be drawn into a military conflict today and keep the western direction , it's a combination.
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to say, in russia, some hotheads reacted sharply to these troops, but
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there is an understanding in general that it is not in russia’s interests to drag belarus into this armed conflict, yes, if necessary, how during the great patriotic war, we will all be together, the whole country, and we will make every effort, but now in every sense of the word, military and political, well, we certainly don’t need to get drawn into this story.
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received additional education in criminology, well, the first thing i do is analyze political characters, compiling their political profile, which means that a person who is even a little bit well-read in political profiling, looking at alexander grigorievich, will immediately say that this a man of his word, this is his personality profile, then there are according to gestures, facial expressions, behavior, biography, he says that...
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who is spreading such comments, i start looking, in general, you correctly noted that this is a series of telegram channels, first of all, and the characters there are interesting and telegram -channels are far from, well , let’s say, not a government branch, but these are, let’s say, hesitant, so from here i conclude that now this situation, the one who is playing it out now, trying to quarrel us, is from the west, of course , it's capital, or it's a fool, yeah. what i don’t know what’s worse, or it’s a provocateur, which means, well, if you’re a fool, everything is clear, but you can mess things up, so be responsible in this situation, now i see the logic of events, i urge everyone to think responsibly, including, that means , politicians, political scientists and everyone else, before saying anything, it would make sense to think
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about what consequences this might have in the future, especially when a person occupies any public position.
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all conditions are created for this, reasons are created for this, so that russia to blame for this escalation, yes, now the most important question for the west is really who will win the elections in the united states, this is the situation with trump’s ear that happened, where you can build different conspiracy theories, yes, but the situation is such that principle.
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western press that his own entourage will add pressure to force him to abandon this race, perhaps in favor of some other candidate from his entourage, but what does this mean in general for this nato lobby, because here we must viewed precisely from the point of view that nato is primarily a player of the united states, as the main participant in nato and as the main sponsor, but which at the same time forces its europeans, european allies to participate in this game , yes. now we see a statement from stoltenberg, who is already a departing character , also from nato, and his task is to intensify this conflict as much as possible,
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to draw more and more new people into it as much as possible. new players, i think that not without instructions, not without the support of nato, this escalation began on the borders with the baltics with poland, associated with the strengthening sanctions, it was announced that a new package of eu sanctions was introduced against belarus in july, within the framework of this there was an increase in inspections, strict meticulous adherence to instructions and attribution to these instructions of the sanctions of what is not in them. when we saw there on the polish, on the lithuanian border, they began to take away personal belongings, even food, which they forced people to throw away and water, all this for the purpose of really, from the point of view of relations between countries, to build this, to finish off this iron curtain, to introduce the split is in population, that is, to cause displeasure among the population, to force them to take some rash actions, on the other hand,
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in parallel with... this poland is strengthening its military representation on the border, they promise to deploy a military contingent of up to 17 thousand people, this is of course not almost 120 thousand ukrainians who stood, but who is more profitable here with ukraine, that’s what was actually said by colleagues, here the question was that not of their own will, precisely by the will of this very nato in the first place, they pulled up their forces, they started create some kind of...
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these are not public statements, direct action, but a whole series of such moments when we can resolve the issue not publicly, which is what our president demonstrated, because this is not why he came to the border everyone was scared, not just because he gave the order to put the army there on combat readiness, but there was a whole series, a whole series of events, for example, even the same belarusian-chinese joint maneuvers, which showed that we not only have russia behind us, we still have friendship with the chinese.
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but ursula is with us ursula, that’s what i wanted, but she’s still with us, but lately she’s been silent for some reason after her wonderful statements, it seems to me that she was advised to make a special 360 turn. why is it beneficial for the usa, is it beneficial for the uk, she spits in the face of the europeans, i’ll explain why: the elections in european parliament, i agree, some party that was there left its majority, but how many europeans in all countries voted for
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three things: first, enough war, second, finally hear us, take care of our own problems, and not geopolitics, third, deal with migrants, give the economy and security, the next day.
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they changed their appearance, we understand that their elites, don’t change me, that’s it, nothing changes, the same ones are in power, but even this, an investigation began there, went quite far, everyone’s mouths were shut, western european journalists pretended that nothing happened, she calmly goes to the second line, learn, legal democratic government is not just on the second line, but tells me to not care about the opinion of europeans, i don’t care, whatever you want, there will be a war, we will continue to fight until the last ukrainian, that’s what she says. yes, they passed a law that allows refugees to be shot at the border, but before, so you understand, they were shot, now it will be completely legal, and he also said that they are preparing , in general, for war, he made ones like mine look legendary statements, in a certain
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sense, yes he said, nato, please pay attention to this phrase, this is a defense alliance, but ancient wisdom says: if you want peace, prepare for war, the alliance must be so strong that there is no point in attacking it. andrzej duda expressed the opinion that a potential war between russia and the west will be incredibly close if the russian federation prevails in the military conflict in ukraine, that is, it is incredibly close, but nato is a defense alliance, i don’t understand who he holds the citizens of poland for , experts, all of us, but the first information i found was that in 30 years nato carried out 23 military operations against other countries,
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the soviet union captured western europe, yes the general staff was developing, but they told us there stalin was trying to seize the western, show me at least once, but what nato members did, for example, we know this well, they planned the activities of these operations, which... a coalition of states is a bloc, this is the usa , if we look, more than 70% of the funding there is from the usa, the main striking power is from the usa, in relation to poland, of course, this is a phenomenon in the baltic states, which must be considered separately, these are countries that are ready to sacrifice themselves, including in a nuclear war, in in the interests of what, not national interests, the poles, or rather the polish ruling political class, is something unique with... with such a sequence, so many times in its history,
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just leading the country to the brink of disaster, so we celebrated 80 years of operation, i’ll just give you example, august 1 will mark the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the warsaw uprising, what was the essence of the warsaw uprising , so that, and this was not only in warsaw, it was in vilnius, they tried to seize novogrudok from us, this is the so-called storm operation, but the plan simple, it means the red army is coming. “we don’t like the red army, we believe that this is the same enemy as hitler’s germany, so we will capture warsaw so that the red army does not come there. the result means that they suffered a catastrophic defeat and blame everything on the red army, the soviet side , guys, wait, but you didn’t want us to come to you, what are you accusing us of? and the result is this: as a result of the adventuristic actions of the then exile government in london, the command army.
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these gentry were fanatical not only in
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relation to the belarusians, but in relation to their own people. in reality, the polish ruling circles do not care about their people. they are ready to sacrifice their own country, their own people as a sacrifice to their political ambitions. which ones? what do you think? does duda not think about his future? he doesn’t want to find a cushy place for himself, for example, with a certain turnaround of some nato secretary general or in european structures. of course he wants to, but for this he needs to shine his interests poland? no, under no circumstances. let's look at the biography of donald tusk. yes, he is connected with european structures, german ones, many times more than with polish structures. let's look at the biographies of baltic politicians. this is how they wander around: 2 months in vilnius, the rest of the time somewhere in european structures, some with american citizenship, look what happened with the rhetoric of nationalism.
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these people understand so much what is happening, they do not allow themselves in their rhetoric to say that yes, listen, we are ready for nuclear war, yes, we are ready for our city to be bombed there tomorrow, and in response we bomb another, they don’t allow themselves to do this, i haven’t heard such statements about western generals, well, only if lithuanian some western politicians regularly do this they say, and what does it have to do with it, just where are the thoughts?
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directly from washington. what are we talking about today? the current prime minister is saying that we will continue the policy begun by the law of justice, the policy of militarization, right? in this case we will seek increasing their military budget, they are already saying that they have already surpassed the level of 4%
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of gdp, where they spend four or something on their military needs, although within the framework of nato the requirements are from the same trump. was to spend 2%, well, the baltic countries are ahead of the rest of the world and poland. poland has already stated that it will spend by 2000, in my opinion, the thirtieth year, they will already spend more than 5%, as they accurately state, and today i looked at the polish budget there, it is approaching the defense budget of the russian federation, although an incomparable state is not the same, so what is the point of this, where does the money come from? no, that’s what i wanted to ask about, when
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they found themselves in places of deprivation of liberty, and i am engaged in helping those who are in trouble abroad in prison, and i look at the whole, that is, a list of people who are supposedly for illegal migration, that is, in short, a person gets a job on a boat, and he has to sort of carry tourists, and then it turns out that right away,
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on the water, a small boat comes up to him and that means they put migrants there, then for each a migrant there from a certain number of years in prison. well, it seems like yes, then i start to think, listen, well, the prisons in greece are overcrowded, well, what’s the logic, well, they need to be kept there, yeah, then one of these comrades, we saved a whole group there, one of them says, he says, it turns out that for each prisoner the eu pays 60 euros to the budget, here the eu pays 60 euros, so you may ask, how can you profit from this, well, 60 euros, yeah, this is from my practice, out of these 60 euros, for example , you can save on... who controls direct financial flows, everything else, as you correctly said, these are already mechanisms for how to do this, but here is a specific
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situation, and here it is the same, just a few words, yes, remember, the classic formula of karl marx, uh, money, goods, money, touch, so in order for this formula to work, poland, greece, some kind of schemes are needed, because it is not poland that allocates money, they don’t have money anyway, their economy doesn’t work, it allocates . this is how a whole series of criminal cases begins corruption, including the issuance of illegal visas for at least 250,000 they issued,
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they arrest ministers, there are ministers, they say that now we will initiate a case against kachinsky, there is such an attack on the duda, and demonstratively arrest officials after a meeting with the president and so on, that’s all it unwinds in november, december, january, february, then then there is a decline, what does this mean, prisoners accordingly. i have a question, what did the soldier of the first armored brigade do in the fight against illegal migrants, did he hold the border on a tank or
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somehow, they are using this situation to promote their own importance within the european union and nato, attracting the attention of major geopolitical players, extracting funds, resolving internal political conflicts, and a number of others, in addition, we understand, let’s remove all this this foreign policy tension within. polish politicians will simply rip each other’s throats out, this is also used to mobilize society, consolidate, and therefore we need to look quite realistically these are always based on money, i can’t help but say again, sometimes people ask why such a worthless fifth column, both belarusian and russian in the west continue to finance it, and because it’s the same scheme as migrants, that is they just suit them, because they go through them, there is no doubt, let's move on to the next topic, maria, a question for you. oh, who killed donald trump? i have a version on this matter, it is connected primarily, as you
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noted at the beginning, probably with the analytics that, which i have, due to the fact that i lived in the united states, studied the united states, the states, even sat in the united states, which means that what’s interesting, i would pay attention to, firstly, this is in any case bad news for america in any case, i think the reason is interference.
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now further, this is the first bad news, it means that the mood in society is so tense that such acts are already taking place instead. strelo, by the way, is young, which means the next point that can be addressed is attention, these are the special services, the best result of the work of the special services is what we didn’t know, didn’t happen, didn’t happen, happened, and happened in some other way, this means either on purpose or by accident,
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by the way, it’s very useful for our viewers to know this : in america there is a separate building, which most of the time, from presidential term to presidential term, stands empty, it is called the transition team building, the transition team is a team that recruits new personnel, these are all those who went to work in research singtenkas return when there is a change of office, a change of office means that all previous agreements, to whom i owe everyone forgiveness, are forgotten.
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everything was wrong, now i’m canceling it all, writing everything again, so in international politics it’s generally not clear how to negotiate with america. now further, let's return to this situation. so, it means that the special services either intentionally or accidentally allowed this situation to happen, that’s all that happened afterwards, that’s what they overcame professionally, it was trump who started speaking, this is clear, any politician will do this, he will speak out and say, no, ours did everything and so on, but the fact remains a fact, this is a serious mistake, now to the question, what’s next?
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takes away, because now he is the one who was attacked, he is weak, his blood was poorly seen, his fists do not work, in america they do not, here, i agree with you on this, trump began his speech at the election convention with words about god, that i am standing before you here, thanking him, he tried to twist this situation in his direction, now about who will win, i also talked with the americans, they have a good joke on this topic, when they ask how biden will win, now
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the truth is that it will not be biden, but another democratic candidate.
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biden is really very bad at this point, another thing is that on the eve of their upcoming congress they conducted a poll, as far as i saw the information, only michelle obama among the democrats can have, you can believe the poll and can beat trump, she doesn’t seem to really want to, and i i understand that the democratic party doesn’t really at least consider such issues as preparation for a possible movement, maybe, maybe, who knows, of course it will also be incredible when one of... the same candidate faces two former first ladies during the elections, these are all new anti-records in american politics, they, of course, also look quite funny and as an indicator, well, let’s not talk about michelle obama for now, but all
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the experts really agree that trump will most likely win, and even going away from this, biden will withdraw, trump will not withdraw, look what is happening, a unique situation in the history of america, clearly i don’t remember this, he wasn’t elected yet, he wasn’t even an official candidate yet, a politician, albeit a former... the president is already influencing world politics, who orban is going to, who he consults with, trump, who many world politicians refer to, immediately after the debates that took place, how they influenced domestic american political life, this is a separate topic, but they consult with trump, today zelensky should talk , it seems, with trump, with the candidate, this usually happened as american historians tried to avoid this, many stories they will move back, because god knows who will win there.
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in fact, this is evidence of the weakness of the american political system, and if we are talking about the departure of american gigimonism , this is manifested not only in the international arena but also in the domestic arena, if so then i... vote against him, but there is definitely a group that hates trump and will the group that hates biden will vote against the democratic party, that’s what i mean, the american system has come to the point that no matter what, in my opinion there will be a split in the outcome of the election, it will get worse, because those who hate biden will not accept him. literally a couple of moments, this week, on thursday, our well-known newspaper sb
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trends came out and we just wrote an article there describing these events, from may to july, because a series of attempts, attempts on officials grew, and there was a visit directly orbán. meeting with trump, then there was an attempt on trump’s life, yes, what is this if we look at all these events, understand what is behind the democratic party and the republican the party includes certain financial and banking groups, then naturally, a priori we return the derivative and ask what they really need, and we give an answer to this question, we need the following: at some stage it was decided that the project... .
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conflict through ukraine, trump is the escalation of commodity-money, yes, a group that has shown its effectiveness in the period of his reign with china in order to... escalate the situation in in the asia-pacific region, it is clear that since this decision has already been made, then this whole series of pseudo-politicians is coming, directly, i mean.
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look, here he lowered the rating of the democrats as a whole, and today, why is there now a discussion of michel, obama, someone else, any person who will now replace biden, this is a political suicide, this is a suicide bomber, because he begins his political career with a conscious future losing, this is how much money you have to pay any technical candidate so that he...
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was going to lose, despite the fact that he would lose money from sponsors, sponsors are already refusing from biden, but they are not refusing from him, from the democrats, but don’t forget about voting by mail, that’s not the point, in any case now, look , we met last time, and i asked you to pay attention to mike jones, mike jones is the chairman of the house of representatives and his change of position regarding the financing of ukraine, we met with you then, i said, look what happens. mike jones speaks, trump speaks behind him, and trump says: “listen, mike jones is a good guy, it was not for nothing that he said that we need to continue to support ukraine, although trump has different rhetoric, what happens the very next day, the next day some of the charges against him are dropped, the very charges that could to be a precedent for his active voting rights to be taken away altogether, trump gave up, trump, with his famous book: “i know how to make deals
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, he’s really boring, to be honest, he’s incredibly boring, but there’s a lot of blood and half-ass. ” , the president didn’t seem to me at all similar to trump, for some reason, he looks more like clinton than trump, this may be confirmation of my words vucic, the assassination attempt on fitz, the assassination attempt on trump, and what a miracle, always on those who were condemned for
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alleged violence and unknown for what else, this is a pure act of hatred, have you seen the person who did this, he said that... he hates trump honestly and the republicans, this is what we hear every day, but everything is turned inside out when viktor orban says that he is speaking for peace, or one of us says: “you are not for peace, you against our victory over russia." next, listen, the liberal movement, in fact the most aggressive, people around the world no longer want the false elites, those who threw the world back previous years, decades and beyond, to determine their fate, and i always you know,
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on the basis of false, fictitious, falsified information, they led the way in the literal sense of the word, some people
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pushed them into the streets, set them up, then they said: come to us, we’ll continue, now , comrade, they are interested in one more question, in fact , oh well, those who go there escaped, of course, those who fled to russia, because this is wrong, but in theory there should be a single list, some of you work on federal channels, that’s what i’m talking about, generally speaking, in theory there should be a single list, some of the same actors, for example, from the kupala theater, who were ardent nationalists, did not like russia,
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starred in russian tv series, played in russian theaters, they had huge conflicts in their creative teams with people, who had the impudence speak russian, and continue to act there, but this won’t suddenly make them good, because let’s remember this way.
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in terms of strengthening our union state, and the russian federation, that
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’s right, there is a scandal in st. petersburg in a museum where they placed an extremist slogan used by our policemen, our servants, but tell our tv viewers, not everyone knows where the livery was used , belarus is alive, yes, this is the 13th police battalion, which was used for the sd, yes, which was used for... punitive actions against partisans for the protection of concentration camps, and whose representatives were just noted for serious cruelties, the same koldychevo death camp, which we had a rather terrible history, is little known, yes, well, in general , all these supporters of our zmagarstvo are terrible russophobes, these are people who are under the white-red-white flag, they were not embarrassed by anything that this flag has always been there.
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they said, we’ll get to lukashenko, then we’ll get to putin, i have one piece of advice for russia, this foreign agent is enough, here you go
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along our path, betrayed the country, no foreign agent, what the heck. you can’t hang anyone in the figurative sense of the word, in the end we’ve probably run out of time, i’m talking about, remember how i said that with the help of the media they brought people out into the streets, they’re just fooling people, well, we have a lot of this in our we pay attention to programs, today there were slightly different topics, but we really like to post western propagandists, especially those who are considered
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style icons, so to speak, you saw the bbc report from the scene of the shooting of trump, no, i didn’t have time, here you can... look - look, a man ended up in staliningrad, and is lying in a trench, uh-huh, so, about 10 minutes passed after donald trump’s speech, when we were just about to go live on the bbc world service , several shots were fired, probably a few hundred meters from where we were standing, we probably heard about half a dozen shots, there was a woman screaming that someone had shot, a guy came up and said, "what did he think, it was a couple snipers, but he wasn't sure, and we're just waiting for see if everything is cleared and we, as you can see, we're on the ground, behind our car, which isn't ideal as cover, but it's the cover we have for now, and we're trying to figure out what happened, i think , that the speech stopped, this, this is generally
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a favorite company, i remember the british ambassador came here. i say, maybe let's cooperate, i say, okay, let's come to you bbc, let's see how you work, this is impossible, well, it was clear that it is impossible, they are the ones who fool people like this on every occasion, this is not the first there was a case ukrainian, yes, we have ukrainian, but here it’s just in english, there’s a woman in the back, as if nothing had happened, there are some dogs walking around, and if i may say so, this is a journalist, can you imagine? scholz and ursulo fondern, they are also running there, which means there are people walking around on the ramps, eating something normal there , everything is happening, you know the most interesting thing
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, i also advise everyone to have the bbc app , download it, put it on, listen in english, you will go to... it came in handy at the end of the program of the national academy of sciences, institute sociology conducted a public opinion poll, in the twenty-first year in belarus , 38.4% of the residents of our country trusted the state media, the latest public opinion poll was 54.3%, well, of course these are
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real numbers, because we need real numbers in order to understand how we should work whether we are moving in the right direction or not, our task, our program... it is often impossible to go there, so it seems to me that this was the right decision. thank you very much, it was the editors' club, we'll see you in exactly a week, goodbye.
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shests skaragodnyh traditional pravdzyatsi i zahoўvayuts memomyatstsovye zhyhary zhytkavitskaya branch. pinsk, dragishchansk, gomel and maladzechansk districts. six years of history have taken place among the elements of intangible cultural decline.
8:59 pm
this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, watch the episode. a celebration with deep meaning, today the sports palace, on a historic day for the country, has become the center of attraction for the patriotic forces of belarus.
9:00 pm


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