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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 20, 2024 10:35pm-11:30pm MSK

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cooperation with you, the most obvious examples, russian assets were seized there in the european union, now they want them all there, which means seize them somewhere, send interest from them there, send this here, well, you see, everyone today started saying if large holders of some kind of bonds or funds there, which means in dollars, in euros, they began to slowly get rid of this matter, this is again predictable. and the trust of partners, which is built on some examples. if we're talking about the muzzle, well, we're in the west than distinguished himself by the fact that over the last 200-300 years he has been putting this muzzle on africa and asia. and today we see what kind of relations, french relations with the african continent are simply being torn to pieces. the british flag no longer flies so proudly in those former dominions.
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which was carried out in its time, did not raise the issue of any compensation, reparations, the return of the historical heritage itself, which was carried around mercilessly in its time, which is located today from the louvre there to the watchanton in america, well, listen, that’s why i choose after all responsible approach to partners, for now we’ll leave the muzzle to those who use the muzzle, but i think it’s just a matter of time. excellent, better like the belarusians, yes,
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it’s true, thank you, maxim vladimirovich, you know, it was a wonderful conversation, it’s a pity that we are limited in time, thank you, thank you.
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stop green girl of course. well, flowers, good morning everyone, who wants a drink? i’m picking oranges, one minute,
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why are you young people, keep looking somewhere, dreaming about something, keep running, running somewhere, don’t look at people, at least pay attention, a little more carefully, what is needed, oh, what ’s going on, what’s going on, the young people have gone, a handsome man, why don’t i see people like him on the street, vera, oh, i’ll wipe it now, where is this, what is this, this man died, heirs they get rid of books, okay, they take the library, and not just throw it in the trash, take it to the storage facility. oh, oh, be careful, be careful,
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let’s remove it, otherwise we ’ll both kill ourselves through these boxes! oh, there’s something interesting, let’s see now, oh, alchemy, medieval passions, tell me how your german is, college, so this is your box, dasbukh deszauber, that the book of a sorcerer, is this a fairy tale? yes, it seems no, some recipes, formulas, i’ll try to translate now, anna ivanovna, just listen to what is written here, look, after drinking a wonderful potion,
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a person can return to live one day of his life again, well, you’re not talking about fairy tales, come on that's all, otherwise we won't be able to cope, just transfer us. title in foreign studies, that’s it, i’m coming, well, go already, well, go, we’re going to pick up candy, mom, come on already, i’m getting there, just a minute, hello, good afternoon, good, and please call vera, yes now, it’s you, yes, hello, ah, hello, hello, ver, why can’t i get through to you? and ning, hi, i’m just here in the basement, probably the signal isn’t getting through, okay, that’s it, i quickly did so so as not to distract, there were no tables in the scallop, i ordered in sweet paradise, wait, today is friday, come on , of course, today is actually friday, vera, i beg you, don’t you dare come up with
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excuses, i have already agreed with igor, he will sit with the girls and we will also sit and have a very good time, here’s an imat for you, we we won, mom lost, i can’t do it today, i’m sorry, it won’t work out, do you hear me, ver, i blew the game here, what, what, what are you saying, where did you take the candy, honey, damn all my bears, in short, ver, i i can’t hear you, at exactly 9 it’s sweet heaven, don’t be late, okay, i want all the sweets, girls, why is my horse lying on the floor, huh, hello, niin, niin, why aren’t you with your husband, how much work is that ? , anna ivanna, what are you saying, this is not in a hurry, but we still have to decorate the window, you brought toys, i’ll remind you. please, nina - this is with a husband and two children, yes, yes, yeah, that means she had time for you, but you didn’t have time for her, you’re right, it was inconvenient, of course, yes, it was inconvenient, well, please, don’t put the book away ,
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i want to finish reading it, i’ll put it on top of your table, go where, decorate the window, come here, both of you, it’s you who lost and you’ll eat carrots, and we’ll eat candy. what are you saying, who stole my knight, so chess doesn’t count, we open our mouths, each one gets a carrot, the action is a silderev gift, now i’ll get to you, now, yes, igor, hello, sorry, i literally ran out for a minute to call, we won at chess, he congratulates you, uh, these are my candies, the boss is tearing and throwing around, i’m afraid the meeting will drag on, i won’t be back home before eight, igor, well, i already agreed.
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hello, how are you ? leva, leva, lar, well, my brother cousin, he doesn’t have a girlfriend and generally doesn’t know how to meet people, so i decided,
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the people of our country are amazing, over time i realized that i was so fascinated by this that i didn’t see any other paths, just jewelry making, 700 tulips grew , the next year they raised 17, i was in shock, i was so scared, but it’s not for nothing that they say the courage of the city. their calling is to bring enlightenment and spiritual development, you
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always strive for the highest, to achieve even more, and in my opinion there is no limit to perfection in this profession. someone who wants to achieve something whoever really wants to work has the opportunity to both work and achieve. the belarusian project, both in effect and in response. a place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth watching, as well as suggesting projects and
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films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. mom, mom, die, this is the chair that your mother gave us, yes, this is a wretched, primitive chair that your mother gave us, it needs improvement, this is a good chair, in he is comfortable, his mother chose him with love, and that is, this beige disgrace is the color of his mother. love, don’t turn my words inside out, why are you so worried, nothing will happen to your chair, it
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will turn into the cutest ottoman in the hallway, i don’t want it, ottoman, did you at least once ask me if i like what you do , or i was just putting up with it, you’re having some troubles at work, albert, yes, my name is, my name was andrei before i met you, but this name is too... primitive and simple for you, yes, if you don’t like something, you can just say it, why yell? ok, ok, let's talk calmly, let's talk calmly, of course, why doesn't the kitchen smell of anything again, what should it smell like here? food, and yesterday i left you money for groceries, i came home from work, where are my cutlets? you know very well that i’m preparing for the fair and i don’t have time to eat. this is so important, all these pound cakes, all these handmade vases, and this rag, which i
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always get confused about when i get up to go to the toilet, and not this lampshade, for this lampshade, i received contemptuous sympathy at a photo competition, but for this refrigerator i received an oscar, at least i have a hobby, you come home from work, you collapse on the sofa and lie there like a log, and with you there’s nothing left to talk about, but what can i do if i only see normal people on tv who live in normal apartments, that’s how it is, that is, i’m not normal. burdick, don’t you love me anymore, where did it all go, where did it all go, after all, everything was fine, but is it really too much to ask, but i want there to be regular slippers in the hallway without the tails of rabbit ears, so that in the bathroom there will be... a regular brush, and not this electric drill with a timer, it cleans perfectly, it’s not that,
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it’s another brush, a regular one, and i’m hiding it , how could you, and so that there is ordinary borscht in the kitchen, but is it really so difficult to do this, listen, if you are hungry, there is always a cucumber smoothie in the refrigerator, a smoothie. are you going to go to white refrigerators, is it to your mother, or what? well, of course, of course to mom, come on, come on, go! complain about me there too, say hello to regina semyonovna.
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i didn’t want to scare you, girl, you misunderstood, i just, you misunderstood me, excuse me, pavel alekseevich, but i went out, you weren’t there, we decided to sign up for the library, yes, but it seems to be closed already, let’s go, alekseevich,
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well what are you doing, it’s the same one. you were just sighing about him this morning, i didn’t sigh at all, listen, you said, here in the evening you can have a delicious meal somewhere, where is it? yes, let me show you a very good place, and at the same time we’ll discuss the remaining questions, documents with us, with yourself, class, well, in vain, maybe it was fate itself knocking on your window, no, it’s too good to be true,
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and uncle leva, i need to marry you, vera, this is my brother, leva, leva, my friend, vera, ning, can i see you for a minute, actually, i ’m leaving too, all the best, it was nice to meet in such a relaxed place, in general, the further i go, the stupider i look, i’m leaving while the princesses, my faucet in the kitchen is leaking, neighbors zalayava da leva. it was actually a secret, a secret? why did you tell it to aunt larisa then? that's it, i'll go, i have also a faucet. verochka, if i had told you right away, you wouldn’t have come, but lyova, he, he’s good, he’s very kind, you generally get along very well with each other, quietly, listen, but if i like completely different people, well, brown-haired, with blue eyes, with dimples on his cheeks in a blue suit, hello everyone, i found your note in
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the kitchen, so what, leva is late, believe me, don’t worry, he’s good, kind. so okay, that's it, i'm off, have fun without me, bye girls, but i said something wrong, daddy, and we'll eat ice cream, let's break into this is a cafe, we’ll eat everything there, yeah, let’s go, a pastry shop, how did i know that the restaurant would be closed for sanitary reasons, in short, carbonara is the best dessert for me, are you ready to order, now, now, let me get into it,
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two three, daddy, so we’ll order ourselves the same cake as theirs, when you are 10 years old, then we will order you such a cake, but for now, igor, come on, come on guys, start, think about what you wish for polina, igor. that you will, and there is vodka here, you’re driving, everything’s fine with you, who will have a cherry pie with two, better with three scoops of ice cream, i'll place your order, you 're ordering, i'll be right there, yeah, well... for dessert, what can i do, i'll do it, me too,
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hello, natasha, you're standing here on purpose, this is your daughter, what you need, if she is 10 years old, disappear from my life, you did it perfectly once, please repeat this trick again, ready, vera, are you sitting or standing? i'm going, what happened? he came. who, who? the man who knocked on your window is back in the bank.
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i just saw him. he probably works there. ivan, what are you seriously suggesting? should i take out a loan to meet someone? vera, vera, i have five grandchildren, and at this rate you won’t have one. okay, okay, see you, see you, handmade, hello, hello, why is your face so sour, who was i chatting with, they called from work, anna ivanovna, as always, hello, no, hello, how did you spend the evening, probably a book i read an interesting one, oh, how cute, but heavy, and where is albert, i have no idea, i mean, didn’t he spend the night at home? why did i spend the night, came late at night and lay down in another room, with you something happened, but we didn’t talk, and why, i know perfectly well where he was,
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he was saving the chair, he took the task to him or his mother, you see, or he doesn’t like my work, well, maybe he doesn’t like that you’re all over the apartment turned it into your workshop? everyone likes it, except bertik, well, that’s okay, he ’ll ask for forgiveness now, he’s so cute, he’s never been able to stand it for more than one day, girls, let’s get together with me tonight, let’s make peace with albert first, and no, no, no, laris, i can’t, no, okay, ninka, she’s our police morals, well, you’re a dude, and i’m busy in the evening, yes, and how busy you are, listen, well, you ’re starting right away, i knew it, you’ve been acting like an old woman for 30 years, you’re not yet 30, it’ll be in a few days, i guess vera, well, well, let’s invite lev to your birthday, but he’s
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really, he’s very good, that’s enough girls, well, you think, i can’t arrange my life myself, ver, if you could, then there would be a whole the crowd of fans was spinning, and where are they all, i don’t see anyone, ah, but i don’t need a crowd, just one, yeah, brown-haired, blue-eyed in a blue suit, with dimples on his cheeks, yes, last night he was like that in a cafe, sitting at the next table, but you didn’t come with us, listen, let’s believe we’ll find someone on a dating site, and it’s great, well, it’s so full now i’m meeting people, that’s it, i have your photo, stop it, i don’t need any dating sites, i can meet myself, yes, i’ve already met, yes, yes, well, who is he, what’s his name, what’s the difference, the person doesn’t have a name, pavel , pavel, blue-eyed brown-haired man, yes, imagine, where did you meet? on the street, you quiet faith, whoever believes, listen, believe it or not, i don’t care at all, faith,
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well... pavel exists and you like him very much, so it would be wrong that you would not celebrate your birthday with him, with friends, he may be offended, for sure, and if you celebrate it with him and not with friends, then your friends may be offended, so invite him, invite him, even be careful, the girl doesn’t paint her teeth, but i, but i... yes, i’m listening , hello, your test is ready, and it’s already ready, okay, we’ll send you the result by email, wait, why bother girls, keep it down, i can’t hear anything because of you, give in, but you have to respect your elders, 99%. you
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ate all my candy, and is this yours, it’s actually common and in general you’re mine, mine, i took it first, give it back, i took it, oh. everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are in ancient churches, here are pieces of many other saints, and people know from vitebsk they come and pray for these saints and turn to them, about the history of the most ancient religious educational institutions, they graduate from our school, studying for future regents, future singers, icon painters, florists
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i remember that in the middle there was really a black horse. well, what other heroes do you know? alyosha popovich, ilya murovits and, kind. okay, i forgot the last one. it's okay, he remembers you. yes, he really was black, and it was the horse of ilya murams. watch an intellectual and entertaining project. i know. on the belarus 24 tv channel. new horizons for mutually beneficial cooperation
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are opening. near minsk and baku. the parties also plan to create a joint production of medicinal and veterinary drugs, mixed fertilizers from azerbaijani nitrogen and belarusian potassium. today, business makes a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations. let me remind you that the goal is to reach the level of mutual trade turnover of a billion dollars. at the forefront, including the stable operation of the union state and the belarusian economy. domestic enterprises are developing new markets. he'll tell you. about examples of successful diversification of supplies. there are plenty of them, one of the last in the industry is grodnoazot. the company began supplying its products to brazil, india, and turkey. exceeded in exports plan, july volume is sold out. alexandria is preparing to gather friends again. this year the date of the festival coincides with the folk calendar on july 6 and 7. 22 regions of russia have already confirmed their participation, from moscow to arkhangelsk, that’s more than 90 people. we also
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welcome guests. from azerbaijan and uzbekistan. the festival on the banks of the dnieper will unite connoisseurs of folk art for the fifteenth time, a large fair will unfold, an exhibition of products of belarusian brands will be dedicated to the year of quality, and work will take place. and thematic sites. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel . look, this is great, just try it. why are you nervous? if i see that pavel really exists, i won’t post your photos anywhere. hello, hello, mom, the closet fell on dad, what kind of closet, give me dad, i can’t, he doesn’t move, what happened, so i’m telling you, the closet fell on dad,
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don’t you want a souvenir, girls, i need to go home urgently, what happened , then, then, that's it, then, eat some candy, daddy, don't be silent, well, say at least, at least one word. tell me, dad, dad, eat the candy, dad, everything ’s fine, what happened to you, dad, eat the candy, igor, igor, what’s wrong with you, daddy, eat the candy, tell me what, where it hurts, don’t be silent, he he doesn’t talk to us either, we already shook him and even splashed him with water, gave him candy, but he doesn’t want it, who gave you permission to take my cosmetics? you forgot yourself, didn’t you? quickly wash your face. igor, are you in pain here? leave me alone please. what? i can at least be alone for a while silence. i need to think. what should you think about?
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at work. do you have a day off? so why should i turn off my brain now? and where are you going? to work.
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so dark gray or blue, i didn’t have time to see it, it was twilight, so girl, do you have any questions for them, none, well, that is, there are questions, but this is personal, are you sure that he works here, no, he has eyes so, you know, blond, light brown hair, his name is pavel, i don’t know his last name, pavel. yes, he is so tall, and his chin, you know, is so courageous, but he is not married by any chance, pavel, lord, i didn’t think about that, although he wouldn’t
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bother getting acquainted, he looks like a very decent person, yes, well, he’s hardly our employee. if we had such a pavel, we would protect him, so the client, maybe don’t be upset, sooner or later he’ll come anyway, uh-huh, i really hurt you, i’m sorry, it’s okay, i’m so jealous, i wish i could be loved so much , thanks for your help, please. ver, how did you go? ver, it’s okay, the fair was good, i’m not talking about the fair, i saw you went to the bank, how was it? believe me, no way, no
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he works there and it is not known whether he will ever come again? it's a pity. and there was such an opportunity, because i knocked on the window myself, and now nothing can be fixed.
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that it’s okay, i’m just worried, and when you ’ll come, i don’t know, the boss unexpectedly called a meeting, sit down to eat without me, i and then igor, and what’s going on, nothing, i say, are you crying? no, i just don't know what to do?
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the thing is, what's the matter? we have guests today, didn’t you say anything? or rather one, guests, this is a surprise, who? i know her, right? you have known each other for a very long time, so come quickly, ok, girls, get ready, you 're spending the night at uncle lyoba's, hurray! hello,
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that's enough, dear, let's measure up to the bush, today my mother came, uh-huh, she brought her chair back, yes, hello to you, i told you, is this person right for you?
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listen, maybe we’ll go somewhere for dinner, well, why choke on dry meat, if you’re so worried about my stomach, you could cook something, but why, your mother has already been in charge here, these are cutlets from the store, i.. . bought, uh-huh, hello, yes, who, oh well, it can’t be, koloshin, how many years, how many winters, yes, yes, i'm going to college myself. what are you doing here
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while passing through? yes, absolutely nothing, absolutely rotten evening, no problem, i’ll come, dictate the address, i’ll write it down now, yeah, that’s it, well, see you then, i’ll be incredibly glad to see you, bye. vovka, are they offending you, not me, the prince, oh, yes, you are a prince, handsome, yes, it’s true, of course,
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everyone says that you’re a freak, but that’s not true, a real prince, he protects you, he loves everyone, it’s me who protects him from everyone there. “i see, a noble soul means good, well, that’s it, come on, bye, thank you, for what, and you good, bye, five, five macadamia nuts, although it is written that one is enough, oh well." just in case, a bunch of basil, rosemary, goat's milk given at dawn, let's hope that's how it is, oh, that's it,
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hi, hi, why are you out walking so late? and we’re not out, we came to live with you, i mean, come in, girls, let’s go girls , tell me, verochka, please ask that we came so suddenly, lyova is not at home. it turned out, and i really need faith, and what are you, shoveling pies, don’t touch anything there, please, do you have guests? no, no, it ’s not me, pirogi, no, and i already thought that pavel is not a fiction, tell me what happened, virochka, help me out, it’s just for one night, the girls just adore you, igor and i really need to be alone, something is happening to him, in general he’s kind of strange to me. for the last time, just don’t touch it, and don’t eat anything there, what are you verochka, thank you, where, where is the macadamia nut, she ate it all, zoya, i beg you, spit it out, i really beg you, zoya, spit it out, well , i'll give you one piece of candy
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candy, no, two candies, i ’ll give you two candies, i’m begging you, little darling, i’ll spit it out, i really need it, “zoyechka, if you give me a nut, aunt vera will make a magic zerye, please, spit, well at least a thunderbolt, please, please, zoya, it’s delicious, the north, we won’t cook zira, we can’t do without nuts, nothing, tomorrow we’ll buy a new one, we need it today, today is the full moon, it’s magical, we need to do everything according to the recipe, zoya , we ’ll open your mouth now, like a dentist’s, and we’ll get the nut ourselves, right now for a bit of fira, don’t be upset, like this, everything will be fine, everything will definitely work out on the next full moon, zoey,
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you’re leaving, uh-huh, well, you already refused to go with me, i’ll go with a friend, which one? with vera, listen, have you changed so much? in general, these shoulders have taken over, you even seem to have become taller, but leave me right there, listen, maybe we can eat something, i don’t eat after six, but can you repeat me, please, of course, thank you, so what are you doing which of our people do you see, well, yes it happens, well, since i left st. petersburg,
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i still can’t get it together, how is feododo doing? well, great, divorced, oh, sorry, i didn’t know, the request was 100 years ago, he was almost immediately after university, yes, we all make mistakes, i probably made a mistake too, please, thank you very much, you know, i remembered how you tried to kiss me in my first year, and you liked me, uh-huh, well , okay, it was, i turned away then, my whole life, otherwise it would have turned out, oh! are you having problems with your husband?
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we choose the best routes only for our viewers. it's hard to believe, but once upon a time there were ancient forests on this land. we are in trouble. welcome. included in two cycles: old belarus and place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in
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1871 a temple grew on this site, later consecrated in honor of the intercession of the most holy theotokos. ancient iconostasis and rare icons. st. nicholas, protection of the blessed virgin mary. she has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you. variety of belarusian cuisine: in moscow - shawarma, in st. petersburg - shawarma, in shklov - ogurverma. i note that there are two camps here: the first is meat with balsamic vinegar and blackberry gel, this is fantastic, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces. question for filling up the catch right away, do you think that belarusians know how to cook sejk? of course they can, prove it to me now. i ’ll prove this to you, let’s let the shlovski cucumber brew for a little while, and then we’ll go try it and draw up a detailed
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gastronomic map of our country, that is , in fact, sash, we added smoke here, made it out of a simple steak in a frying pan, fried steak on the wing, the residents of shklov are all well done, great guys, to create such a legendary culinary history based on one product, you need to try. watch the food project anywhere on our tv channel. hello, how about you? wow, i didn’t recognize you, you’re like,
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you leave cups of half-drunk coffee all over the house? do you stuff socks under the bed, complain to your mom, or run around? and your husband has no positive qualities at all, well, for some reason you married him, fell in love with him, why? i don’t remember, remember, well, i’m actually handsome, well, kind, also, then somehow it all accumulated, here...
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handsome, kind, doesn’t cheat, makes money, he doesn’t lie and isn’t jealous, but mom, you would like you and your future son to have a relationship like he has with his mother, listen to you, i don’t have a husband, but some kind of gold, well, you said it yourself, yes, yes, well yes. kolushen, it’s so
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great that we met today. you know that you are so good, i’ll make business cards for myself, good koloshin, i ’ll introduce you to my friend vera, she’s also very good, we’ll call her now, no need, why are you, why are you alone, she’s alone, you're good, she's good, you still have there are dimples on your cheeks, she really likes them, you are brown-haired, blue eyes, everything fits, you understand, laris, no one needs it. dial, well, because i already met a girl who i really like, seriously, it’s such a pity, now i ’ll just rest a little and then continue, that’s it, malya, you feel bad, no, i feel very good, laris, you took the girl to number, while she can still walk, it seems to me that she can’t anymore, larisa,
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what’s your pin code? give me your hand, and you, in a big beautiful castle they played a wedding, the king and queen gave birth to a beautiful little girl. dude, do you believe in wizards? i'd like to, let's go to sleep.
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no, what are you saying, i, i can’t, i have no one to leave the children with? i understand, but could they call her husband and explain everything, i’m afraid that if i call, he won’t understand, but what will i tell him, there’s another thing, uh, larisa told him that she’s meeting with a friend, and i don’t know , what’s the best thing to do to make it worse for me, okay, i understand, i’ll do it, thank you, so do you believe, no, of course i believe in wizards, go to bed, hello, albert, sorry it’s late, this is the case here, you see, larisa and i drank a little, well
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, yes, she... will stay with me for the night, yeah, okay, bye, that's all, hello, guests, yes, yes, yes, yes, you're welcome...


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