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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 21, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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and i leave the clear days for myself, and i return the food days to fate, and i leave the clear days for myself, and i return the sick days to fate, and i leave the clear days now. and i am gloomy, i return to fate, and i am clear days, so where is it louder? and i have clear days, congratulations to you, children.
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hello, to belarus-1 and belarus 24. weekly program editors club, we will discuss the most important topics of the outgoing week and, according to tradition, i introduce the guests who came to our studio today, on makarenkaya 9, and today a little our composition is unconventional, it’s just not.
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the current position of the united states and the european union, because some european politicians say that it is necessary to negotiate peace, while others are preparing for war and also talk about this, while, of course, they hide behind the fact that they are going to defend themselves, but we remember how they defend themselves, literally in 1941 we encountered this, anti-war, i would even say at times anti-ukrainian statements are heard in the united states of america, the reason is clear, because now us.
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the situation is complex, contradictory, everything is ambiguous, people need to be explained what is happening, or so far no one can understand what is happening in general, why if we speak in general, as always, we emphasize, you need to listen to the speech of our president, he has been talking about this for a long time , absolutely right, this echoes the assessments given by experts all over the world, we are experiencing a transition period between this world of western hegemony, a unipolar world, and a multipolar world, as they said. here in the studio including what to unfortunately, this will not happen in a peaceful way, why do the us elections influence this? obviously, america is the leading country in the west, by and large there is not even such a collective west, it is the united states,
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which imposes its will on everyone else, at the same time we see the desire individual countries of the european union to exercise sovereignty, this is hungary, and slovakia, and there are such forces in other... states, they are far away, by the way, in most cases they are not even pro-russian, these are forces simply tuned to defending national interests, we see that their popularity is growing, this was shown by elections in the european parliament, elections to the french french parliament, now an early one, which macron organized, and many, many other things, that is, well, we are sometimes criticized by representatives of natural scientific disciplines , that we use this word incorrectly, turbulence, but if you explain it this way. it’s clear, this is the same turbulence, i would only argue that we are close to the end of the acute phase of the armed conflict in ukraine, rather this is the beginning of a certain denouement, because it is hardly possible to assume that this denouement will come before the american presidential elections; now, after all, a lot
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is being decided on the battlefield, hence the military-political tension, well, plus , we see , that at the forefront of the forces tuned to escalation are our neighbors, plus the baltic states, they have always been so inclined, and belarus is taking a whole series of steps in this regard, i would emphasize the decision on visa-free travel, look what asymmetric is, very competent, successful step from all points of view, they are trying to close our border, limit the entry of our citizens, limit the entry of their citizens into our territory, in response we open up to the world, because they are constantly trying to emphasize that we are allegedly installing some kind of iron curtain, it is not us we do.
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concentration of troops of our country there is no escalation of the situation and i also want to return to the meeting that the president held, it seems to me that this is a very important point, because i see that the head of state has spoken about this more than once, he...
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i said this again, strengthen the western direction, prevent russia from being stabbed in the back, so that russia does not end up in a situation that would be unfavorable for it, we are coping with it, this is the second, third point why we are able to fulfill this global task , not to be drawn into a military conflict today, and to keep the western direction, this is a combination of military power, these are nuclear weapons, this is what we showed to non -ukrainians, so... we showed when we installed polonaises, when we supplied a reinforced group to non-ukrainians, we showed those
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who is behind them, we understand perfectly well that kiev is not independent, but in the center of decision-making we saw that we can respond, on the one hand, on the other hand , the intelligence of our neighboring countries, even though they are not independent, even though they are completely under every day washington receives information that belarus has not actually prepared, is not preparing and is not going to prepare any attack, the third point is... the president emphasized this again, we still don’t believe them, that is, our military component, she stays we will never allow a situation where we are suddenly attacked, so that we are taken by surprise, that is, we clearly understand everything, yes , we work through diplomatic channels, yes, we explain all this, but we, as the head of state, have already told you more than once, we believe and we will not believe, here maria, i would like to talk to you about this topic, in russia some hotheads reacted sharply to this army, but... there is an understanding in general that it is certainly not in russia’s interests for
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belarus to be drawn into this armed conflict, yes, if we have to, as during the great patriotic war, we will all be together, the whole country, and we will make every effort, but now in every sense of the word, in the military and political, well, we certainly don’t need to get drawn into this story, because this has been discussed more than once our president spoke, but yours touched on this topic. what is connected with my and emotional indignation, but first of all, let's coldly calculate, well, first... it means, well, you know that i am transferring my heir doll to tuta, as part of its preparation i received
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additional education in criminology, well the first thing i do is analyze political characters, compiling their political profile, which means that a person who is at least a little well-read in political profiling, looking at alexander grigorvich, will immediately say that he is a man of his word, this is his profile individuals, then...
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you are threatening us, here we are, here are tactical nuclear weapons, here we are deploying our troops, that is, what are we waiting for then? well, we expect them to get scared, they got scared, withdrew their troops, so we say: so, guys, you...
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yes, remember, we even discussed the topic as part of our program when in 2019 there was some kind of energy conflict between russia and belarus, well, not even a conflict, but disagreements, it was then that american research institutes wrote in open publications, this is even in separate materials here ours, too, between belarus and
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russia, otherwise we will not be able to pull belarus into our fold. this policy has not changed, now they are any reason, even positive, conditionally, an armed conflict did not occur on the borders, but we need to use the informational occasion to our advantage, to show that belarus is supposedly weak, has withdrawn its troops, is not ready for conflict, and the most important thing is the thesis that is starting to be replicated in telegram channels, there are polls going on, is belarus ready to field its own?
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and you noticed that the runaways immediately began to say the same rhetoric, i noticed, for some time now i haven’t noticed the runaways at all, i had to study politics, see what they do to enemies, which means that they know a little about it. the same ones are starting the same things started to be written, they have been writing it for 30 years, and as soon as they find a certain moment, you open the internet, there was a quarrel between belarus and russia, what idiots you are, you
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don’t even understand how close our cooperation is now in the military sphere, how much this integration has advanced and sets an example for other areas, if we worked in all areas, like the military, like national security issues, our economy is now catching up, don’t spend so much time and energy on them, so what?
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in the us elections, this is the situation with the ear trump, which happened, where you can build different conspiracy theories, yes, but the situation is such that, in principle, if trump was destroyed during the assassination attempt, the way for comrade biden, with all his physical and mental disabilities, would certainly be cleared, because the republicans would have... it’s difficult to nominate at once, but there are some such strong figures who would join in this fight at the last stage, now biden’s chances have dropped sharply;
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in fact, we expect, judging by the western press, that his own entourage will add pressure will force him to abandon this race, perhaps in favor of some other candidate from his circle, but what does this mean in general for this nato lobby? because here we must consider it precisely from the point of view that nato is primarily a player of the united states, as the main participant in nato and as the main sponsor, but which at the same time forces its europeans, european allies to participate in this game, yes, now we see statement by stoltenberg, who is already a fading figure, also from nato, here is his the task is to intensify this conflict as much as possible, to involve more and more new players into it as much as possible, i think that not without...
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they promise to place a military contingent on the border of up to 17 thousand people, this is of course not almost 120,000 ukrainians who stood,
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but who cares here more profitable with ukraine, that’s what was actually said by colleagues, here the question was such that not of their own will, precisely by the will of this very nato in the first place, they pulled up their forces, they began to create some kind of appearance of a threat, until this issue was resolved.
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in the complex, yes, that is, today we have hope that in fact the hawks in the west are not so strong, although they are trying to adjust the situation today to a more military manner, but they are not so strong, the same hungarian prime minister orban, who like a dove of peace here flew around different capitals, although he was scolded and obstructed in the european parliament by the european commission, he nevertheless completed his task, he showed that there are possibilities.
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discrediting the candidate, again elects ursul, a man who every day weakens europe, makes it weaker, why? the usa is profitable, the uk is profitable, it spits in the faces of the europeans, i’ll explain why: the elections to the european parliament are ending, i agree, some party that was there left its majority, but how many europeans in all countries voted for three things: first: no more war , second, hear us, finally take care of our
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own problems, and not... politics, third, deal with migrants, give the economy and give security, the day after the elections, she comes out and says, in openly says, we will not change anything, those who oppose this, we will do everything so that they do not have any influence, this is freedom, this is democracy, this is how much we talked about how this functionary was caught in probably the biggest , in history in theft.
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it has gone far enough, they closed everyone’s mouths, western european journalists pretended that nothing happened, she calmly comes out on the second line, learn, a legal, democratic state says, i don’t care about the opinions of europeans, i don’t give a damn, what do you want, there will be a war, we will continue to fight until the last ukrainian, yes, they passed a law that allows refugees to be shot at the border, but they earlier, so you understand,
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the federation will retain the upper hand in the armed forces , i understand who he holds the citizens of poland for , the conflict in ukraine, that is, it is incredibly close, but nato is a defense alliance, i’m not experts, all of us, but the first certificate i found, in 30 years, nato has carried out 23 military operations against other countries, 23, the alliance’s forces destroyed statehood in three countries officially. yugoslavia, iran and libya. iraq, iraq, sorry, of course, the case with iran can happen the other way around. did not work out. at least ten states lost their sovereignty, became colonies and satellites of nato, or testing grounds for military
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experiments. more than a million civilians became victims of the nato operation. in this case, i always ask the question, after such statements, after such statistics, what is it possible to talk to them about? this is normal in big politics, look, well , firstly, as for nato, there are 23 operations, these are probably nato countries, if we talk about nato, then the two main operations that they carried out were yugoslavia and afghanistan, that is, where nato was directly responsible, acted as a coordinating structure, both of these operations were aggressive, and in in afghanistan, nato lost miserably and eventually the people against whom nato fought, that is, the taliban, came to power.
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and not only remained alive, but after the war they still headed the polish government in exile abroad, this example is vivid characterizes the polish ruling elite in general, if you can call it that, we were talking about the gentry, these gentry are new, they are fanatical not only in relation to belarusians, but in relation to their people, in reality the polish ruling circles do not care about their people, they are ready to bring their own country, their own people at the sacrifice of their political ones...
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let's look at the biographies of baltic politicians, they wander around like this, 2 months in vilnius, the rest of the time somewhere in european structures, american citizenship, look what happened, with rhetoric of nationalism, sometimes fierce, cave nationalism, xenophobia, they are actually denationalizing their own policies, yeah, maxim rzhankov in an interview with marat markov said that the poles will never act, i just don’t remember word for word, he said in...
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we need a war, ordinary poles need
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the border with belarus to be closed, ordinary poles need polish business to not be competitive, and how will it be competitive against the background of germany, austria, if it loses this border with belarus, if it loses interaction with the same china, therefore today the polish government, the lithuanian government doubly not meet the national interests of its people, how can a high- level lithuanian official go out.
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what should the foreign ministry of any country do ? insanity, i saw you, i noticed, that you exist and help with a rhetorical question, about poland, a small remark, and about everything else about money, for many years, you yourself, ivan mikhailovich, have repeatedly talked about this... the european union
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is already refusing to sponsor it. there is another sponsor, we have also repeatedly said that poland has made a bet to be a trojan horse for the united states within the european union and not even carry out the decision of the european commission, not the decision of the european parliament, but act in the interests of washington directly. what are we talking about today?
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i just came across the most interesting thing option of extorting the western budget giants, which means look how it was, the real story is greece, which means i see, well, we have a number of our fellow citizens in prison, and i am helping those who are in trouble abroad in prison, and i see there is a whole list of people who are supposedly for illegal migration, that is, in short, a person gets a job for... he is supposed to carry tourists, and then it turns out that right on the water someone approaches him koterochek and that means they imprison migrants there, then for each migrant there from a certain number of years of imprisonment, well, it seems like yes, then i start thinking, listen, well, the prisons in greece are overcrowded, well, what’s the logic, well, they have to keep them there yeah, then
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one of these comrades, we saved a whole group there, one of them tells, he says, it turns out that he is for every prisoner in the eu. pays 60 euros to the budget, here the eu is 60 euros, which means you will ask, how to make money from this business, well, 60 euros and 60 euros, yeah, yeah this is already from my experience, from these 60 euros, for example, you can save on food, you can buy not this, but something else, you can save on pills, you can have a person write a statement, also a real story, write a statement, in fact, where is the money -they will leave, so the question of who benefits, the one who directly controls financial flows, that’s all.
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look at what tusk is doing, we must understand the peculiarities of domestic politics, so he comes to power at the end of last year, and so he begins a whole series of criminal cases corruption, including the issuance of illegal visas, they issued at least 250,000, they arrest ministers, there are ministers, they say that now
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they will open a case against kachinsky, they are coming to attack the duda, and demonstratively arrest officials after a meeting with the president, and so on , all this is getting promoted. they have a fighter on june 6th, who is a border guard, of course, a soldier of the first armored brigade, i have a question, what did the fighter of the first armored brigade do in the fight against... illegal migrants, that he held the border on a tank or something thus, they use this situation to
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promote their own importance within the european union and nato, attract the attention of major geopolitical players, extract funds, resolve internal political conflicts, and a number of others, in addition, we understand, let’s remove all this foreign policy tension , internally , polish politicians will simply rip each other’s throats out, this is also used to mobilize society. why is there such a worthless fifth column, both the belarusian and russian ones continue to finance it? in the west, yes, because this is the same scheme as migrants, that is, they just suit them, because they go through them, there is no doubt, let’s move on to the next topic, maria, a question for you, oh , who killed donald trump, i have a version on this matter, it is connected , first of all, as you noted at the beginning, probably with the analytics that i have, due to the fact that i lived in
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the united states, studied the united states, taught in the united states, i even sat in the united states, which means that i would have noticed something interesting, firstly, this is in any case bad news for america in any scenario, i think that the reason is the intervention of the united states in israel in the palestinian situation, i’ll explain, i’ll take a long time and... it’s unrealistic to grab a weapon and act in spite of that they are against weapons, well, naturally, only
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the bad guys have them, so the first thing i think is the first, second point, there is one more piece of evidence here, pay attention to the nature of the pro-palestinian actions that took place, so, here i will make a reservation, i am not assessing or condemning now, i am not discussing who is right and who is wrong, in this case it does not matter, we are looking at the situation from the american point of view.
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do they have political purges? and how? listen, in america there is a building, i don’t think that in ours, by the way, it is very
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useful for viewers to know this: in america there is a separate building, which most of the time from the presidential term to the presidential term stands by word of mouth, it is called the transition team building, transition team is a team that is engaged in the selection of new personnel, these are all those who left to work in research centers and are returning. these are presidential decrees, to say the least, that’s all that was wrong there, that’s what trump did with obama, everything was wrong, now
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i’m canceling all this, writing everything again, so in international politics, as with america. it’s not clear at all, now further, let’s return to this situation, so, it means that the special services either intentionally or accidentally allowed this situation to happen, that’s all that happened then, that’s what they professionally overcame, that’s trump began to speak out, this is clear, any politician will do this, he will speak and say, no, ours did everything and so on, but the fact remains a fact, this is a serious mistake, now to the question of what further this frame has provided, the history of that that we should feel sorry for a weak person. we don’t hit someone who is down, it is very important for us, if a person is in trouble, to help him, and so on, this is not american logic, american logic, including religious logic, is the following: if you are poor, something is wrong with you, god doesn't love you, that's all, and that means that everyone around should stay away from this person like a leper, because otherwise it will spread to someone else, so this does not mean
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trump will win, however, i think trump will win, i think. twist this situation in your favor , now about who will win, i also talked with the americans, they have a good joke on this topic, when they ask how biden will win, now the truth is that it will not be biden, but another candidate from the democratic party, we will wait for the congress, how to win through mail, that means, that is, how, because the elections are also being held, that is, while i agree with you, today trump’s elections
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will be held by the democrats, so we’ll see how people are.
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russia has not collapsed, europe has not been completely enslaved, yes, that is, the orban effect, there are certain internal forces.
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europe and russia's position are determined that china plays the most important role here. remember how trump talked about biden at all the debates. biden is... trump is the group that showed relatively its effectiveness during his period board on the escalation of commodity-money, yes, commodity-economic relations with china, it will now be withdrawn in order to
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escalate the situation in the asia-teco-ocean region, it is clear that since this decision has already been made, then this whole series of pseudo-politicians is going directly, i i mean zelensky, everyone else, trump, because the group. among schoolchildren, here he sits, you see him, black rock essentially belongs to the whole world, the entire world economy, they don’t own it, knowledgeable people say that this is one of
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the main parts of that very deep american state, finance, the financial state, which actually decides everything, well, of course, as for me, this is such a shadow on the democrats, but i don’t want to say anything, by chance this guy ended up on this... i don’t supporter of the conspiracy theory there who is what decision behind the scenes no, but what if they filmed him in this not if they are so wise they are so cunning they specially filmed him in the video then they put him forward so that he would encroach on trump but no wait, well, if we take this then for what to show look how influential we are, we are showing you everything, no, it’s not on purpose, that’s for sure, i can i mean that this person interacted with, studied with such
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hitler with a swastika, yawning, they incited hatred to some incredible scale, set up most of the country against trump, but even so most of the country is against trump, but when some people are convinced that this is a dictator, a murderer, this is hitler, essentially an american in a country where there are 15 million and guns.
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violence, blackmail, threats, dehumanization - this is their tool, they, well, it’s no coincidence that they are all against trump, you know better than me that cnn and some other american media cannot suddenly suddenly all resent trump, they were told, they do, exactly the same technology was used, many trump supporters are receiving threats, this is already tens of hundreds of evidence from the outside allegedly. neighbors
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receive intimidation by mail to their email addresses, they are compiling lists of trump supporters, they also talked about this, belmovites are forming some kind of semi-police force structures, they took and launched a fake that trump supporters were creating a militia, they began to investigate this militia, it turned out there were still a couple of hundred people there, but in principle the trend is indicative, and trump supporters and biden supporters are not even preparing for the elections, for what will happen ...
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if the false elite, those who threw the world back the previous years, decades, and further determined their fate, and you know, i always said that the most notorious dictators and the most notorious bandits, aggressive people, this is... history, yes , there are two components here, he
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he said that if the doctors tell me, biden, biden, excuse me, if the doctor tells me, he has finally said that i am sick, then i will suddenly leave there almost the next day, he failed. i have a question for our worthless fugitive journalists, they have already written articles that biden is walking around sick, infecting everyone or not, as they wrote in our country in the nineteenth year about our zmagars, you talk about, they don’t have another problem, no, so he he’s wearing a mask, why is he walking around infecting people, you can’t imagine, zmagars are afraid of words say. against the lithuanian government on whose pay they are, and who do you want them to write to? at the emperor, the director of the whole world, where are they, where is biden? but i see an article on hereby, if it was in the nineteenth year with us, the sick biden would come out and breathe on
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what are you talking about, for them it’s them, where are they, where is biden, if they write about him, they simply won’t it will be, in principle, they, i recently watched our beloved one, can you pronounce some of their last names, yes you can, we don’t care vyle. bitch, he asks the vecherka, he says: here we have, he says, runaway and they write, he says, vecherka, he says, why is your light open, won’t speak out, won’t declare that runaways are limited in their rights, banned in belarusian ride in cars, speak, says: we have already written letters, where did you write what to whom? the most interesting thing is that this will happen, that is, at some point the lid will blow off, listen, this has happened billions of times, that is, it means that very quickly they became unnecessary, but all these fugitive characters, of course. without a goal pay attention to what they call, to speak, and so on, most of them somehow calm down, it’s difficult, so they’re used to the fact that they start seven, do something else, leave the political continuum, but the most notorious, sooner or later they start yapping
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at the one who gave the money, it usually ends with the following: a person has disappeared, well , we have mrs. rimmashevska, romashevska ogneshka, who... another question interests me, in fact, well, okay, those who ran away there , of course, those who fled to russia, after all, this is wrong, but in theory there should be a single
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list, some of you work a little on federal channels, that’s what i’m talking about, generally speaking, in theory there should be a single list, it seems like work is going on and it should be finished a long time ago so that i'll throw everyone out. there were ardent nationalists, they didn’t like russia, they starred in russian tv series, played in russian theaters, they had huge conflicts in their creative teams with people who had the audacity to speak russian, they calmly
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they go to russia and continue to act there, but this won’t make them good friends, because let’s remember and play out what the logic of these people was, so that there is no integration. our zamagars still fled to the west, where they are apparently more comfortable, because they cannot hear the word russia without breathing, they cannot speak russian, and in general they are from this prison.
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here, but i support what our colleague from russia says about a single list, of course, a single list of extremists should it may be, and this should just work in terms of strengthening our union state, and the russian federation, that’s right, that there was a scandal in st. petersburg in a museum where they placed an extremist slogan used by our policemen, our campaigners. police battalion, which
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was used for the sd, yes, which was used for punitive actions against partisans, for security, concentration camps, and whose representatives were just noted for serious cruelties, the same koldychevo death camp, which we had enough creepy story, number one in the twentieth year. war by nationalists who opposed russia, yes, collaborators,
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that’s why it was raised now, and the same program that tikhonovskaya’s team rolled out, which was then shamefully removed a day later from all sites, the program is absolutely russophobic: belarus should leave all agreements with russia, leave the union state, break the agreements on the csto, start your fast path to the eu to nato, just lead.
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in the end, we've probably run out of time, i mean, remember how i said that with the help of the media they brought people out onto the streets, they are just fooling people, well, we pay a lot of attention to this in our programs, today there were slightly different topics, but we really like to poke fun at western propagandists, especially those who are considered style icons, so to speak, did you see the bbc report from the site of the shooting of trump, no, i didn’t have time, maybe i’ll look, look, the man ended up in staliningrad. and lies in a trench. so, about 10 minutes have passed
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since donald trump spoke. never we were just about to go live on the bbc world service. several shots were fired, probably several hundred meters from where we were standing. we probably heard about half a dozen shots. there was a woman screaming that somebody was shooting, a guy came up and said he thought it was a couple of snipers, but... wasn't sure, and we're just waiting to see if everything's cleared, and we're like you see, we are on the ground, behind our car, which is not ideal as cover, but this is the cover that we have at the moment, and we are trying to find out what happened, i think that the speech has stopped, this, this is actually the bbc, my favorite company, i remember fiona, the british ambassador came here, i say, maybe let’s cooperate, i say, okay, we’ll come to you bbc, let's see how you're doing?
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something is going well there, everything is happening , yes, and the main thing is not to be, you know the most interesting thing, i also advise everyone to have the bbc app, download it , listen to it in english, you will go from home to work, always listen because it is the highest the level of cynicism and at the same time a school of propaganda, this is how information should
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always be presented very cool in english, practice how they talk about any events, only the event happened. in russia, in belarus and look how they present a normal event, but for their audience a completely distorted picture, and there they believe them, just like the bbc, i had a paragraph, so it came in handy at the end of the program at the constitutional academy of sciences, institute sociology conducted a public opinion poll in the twenty-first year in belarus, the state media was trusted by 38.4% of the residents of our country.
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we will see each other in exactly a week, goodbye, they were born in different parts of the world, my name is pavel morozov, i came to belarus from russia and serve as the consulate general of the russian federation in the city of grodno. i came from venezuela 8 years ago
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because i fell in love with my husband, andrey, from belarus.
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how lukashenko as president treats corrupt officials, we all know this very well, if you’re a thief, then you’ll go to jail, no matter how pro-state asshole you are, lukashenko is demanding of everyone, but he is especially demanding of those who are nearby, our main enemy, carelessness, fraud and corruption. the homeland, in my understanding, is, of course, my country, and my cities, so, but first of all, the homeland is people, every third person on the territory of belarus died from the war, when now someone suddenly doesn’t... understand , what does belarus and specifically its leader lukashenko do, when we conduct maneuvers, then combat coordination, then we call the wagnerites to you to learn from experience, then we return nuclear weapons, enemies
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this is presented as aggression, that they are maneuvering there at home, but all that alexander grigorievich wants for his homeland is so that the same thing does not happen every third time, a stable situation that is controlled, well, but nevertheless you cannot relax, here everything that lukashenko does defends his homeland, as he should . leader author's project by igor turai propaganda watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
9:00 am
good morning, sunday july 21, there is one information day in belarus and belarus 24 begins the television agency news, in pavel's studio.


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