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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:05pm MSK

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head of the epidemiological department, i came to soligorsk in 2014, my husband and i are not native soligorsk residents, my wife was assigned here in 2012, not exactly to our hospital, but we met in 2014, i got married and moved to the city soligorsk, i myself come from the city of grodno, here. but i don’t regret at all that i ended up in such a beautiful city, the city of soligorsk is very compact, cozy, you can relax here, spend your leisure time, everything is very close, the city’s infrastructure is very developed, the city is very cozy, very green, very beautiful, and i have been working in the speleo hospital since 2018, for more than four... years, 6 months i have been
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the head of this department, it is very honorable, very responsible, but at the same time my work gives me a lot pleasure, every day we see the smiles of our patients, we hear words of gratitude from our patients. i can talk about our hospital for a very long time, it is actually unique, but in order to experience it all, you definitely need to go down into the mine and visit our hospital. let me show you everything now.
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after a course of speleotherapy, after 17 descents into the mine, right? and the therapeutic effect lasts at least 6 months, on average it is 9 months a year, in some patients it lasts for one and a half, even up to 2 years, plus our patients notice that if they had an exacerbation two or three times a year, they went to bed for hospitalization several times a year, then after a course of speleo treatment patients, the patient feels more confident, that is, a patient who has descended into the shaft, he breathes easier, but he doesn’t
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feel these precursors of attacks, the patient’s emotional background also stabilizes, this is very important for the patient. we are now in our speleocrematic chamber, this is our, as patients call it, red speleoroom. it is very special and unique, you will not find such a place anywhere in belarus, anywhere in the world, yes, our sleeping room is made of selvenite rock, it is potassium chloride, it is so red, such a red color, it is special, that’s all we now with you... we see, this is the cutting down of salt layers with
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the extraction of rut ore from the mines. in his free time, unfortunately, this does not happen so often, yes, but my child periodically , once a year, once every 2 years, takes courses here, speleotherapy sessions in the above-ground speleoroom, so we are still too young to attend , to go down into the mine, so... we undergo it as a means of recovery, yes, here are peliotherapy sessions, they don’t last long, as in principle everywhere else, a peliotherapy session in the speleoroom lasts 40 minutes, people come to us and small patients from the city from soligorsk, adults come to us, not only with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, but also for health improvement, visiting speleothem rooms - this is very useful, right?
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a little different from the red one, yes, as you can see, there are also layers of salt from the mine here, but the main effect of this speleothem room is white sodium salt, it is applied to the walls, it is sprayed through a halogenerator, and white sodium salt.
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they smile more, these are people who somehow look at the world with a slightly kinder look, people leave kinder than they came from us. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. i love singing very much and dream of becoming
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a famous artist. could you please hold a mini-audition for me now to assess my chances? well, let's sing something. there beyond the dawns. great, but it would be interesting to know if there are any statistics on reliability and safety, or maybe there are any safety criteria for your airline? certainly, certainly, there are statistics, and there is such a concept punctuality, this is again related to flight safety, let's turn 180°, yellow sector, please, your vo... what hidden talents do you have? i ’ll tell you, somehow everything in my life, i walked out on stage, i immediately started singing, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. and now we are with you in one of the underground departments of our speleohospital, this is the second department, it was opened here in 2012, it is considered newer, and there is more red salt here. yes, rutted salt, which has an anti-allergic effect, our underground division, it
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is unique, this is why patients come to our hospital, to go down to our mines here, some patients go down to the first department, are divided into groups, some patients go down to the second department , in general, descents are carried out both during the day shift and during the night shift, and some patients walk here. rest and spend the night here in the mines, this is a feature of our hospital that procedures are performed at night , and patients who go down to daytime, and they also have rest time, the so-called quiet hour, yes, this is a feature, nowhere in the hospital will you see what we have. now we are in the room where our patients are resting. the uniqueness of our
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hospital is that our patients have two beds, one bed in the above-ground department and a second bed here in the underground department, and at the same time our descents are carried out both during the day and at night, some of the patients who go down on night descents rest here, actually sleep and get themselves. procedure. we have already descended to a depth of 420 and these are the deepest active mines in the world in which speleotherapy takes place. having already descended into the mine, we begin to improve our health, because our speleotherapy consists directly in the fact that we breathed this air, which you and i are breathing now. this air is actually very healthy, it is saturated with negative, very
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light air ions, it is saturated with potassium sodium ions, they are very, very small and therefore penetrate directly into the lower sections of our bronchi, yes, where they exert exactly their therapeutic effect, our patients undergoing treatment here do not just go down and do nothing, yes, here they lead an active lifestyle, our body... they note that it’s easier for them to breathe, their physical activity and performance increase, they already walk 10
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laps, they come to see the doctor and say: doctor, my shortness of breath has decreased, now i don’t walk two laps per peliotherapy session, but i walk 15 laps , yes i i climb the stairs easier, i breathe easier, i feel easier, this is our direct treatment here, unfortunately, i don’t go down... into the mine as often as i would like, yes, this is due to the fact that our doctors are divided into two groups, so to speak, there are doctors who work in our land hospital, and there are doctors who work in the mine, in order to work in the mine, you need to undergo special training, it is expensive, yes, this is -firstly, safety precautions, these are the rules of behavior in the mine, that’s why. not i come here so often, unfortunately, i haven’t spent the night here, but i like it in the mine,
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maybe someday i’ll think about coming here to work, it’s possible, many people wonder or don’t wonder where we come from in belarus, such mines appeared, in fact, everything is very simple, this is the seabed, once upon a time there was a sea on the territory of belarus, these are what we see with you, these are layers of salt that remained after the ocean left, left, sea, when work is carried out in operating mines, it is clear what... what is not in our mine here, we won’t see this here in our spelaria, yes, and more than once miners found skeletons of large fish, some scorpions, yes, there was even a whole museum created at belarus-kaliya, where you can
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see all these exhibits, it’s not just our mine, it’s just a mine that someone just took like this... made, yes, this is a special air supply system, yes, the air is supplied through a special system of labyrinths from the mountain, and rocks, yes, and with a length of 2.5 km, the air passes very slowly, it is cleared of dust, of microbes, of allergens, yes, it is ionized, yes, by potassium sodium ions, yes, we can hear how easily it is here...
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and not solar energy, yes, we are 420 m underground, this is not the lowest level, where there are people below, the lowest level is 840 m, but this is a working area, belkali employees are already working there for the extraction of rut ore. but i can’t say that i came into medicine
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by accident or not by chance, i guess i always wanted to become a doctor, although it sounds... doctors, yes, there are no doctors, so, after the ninth class, i purposefully entered a special lyceum in the city of grodno, into a specialized chemical-biological class, which was aimed precisely at entering a medical university in this profile, that’s why, probably, my choice was somehow, my fate
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was probably like this, say something so that i treat animals? there were probably some people who treated dolls in childhood, but somehow all children did this, yes, there were dolls that had a bandaged eye, a bandaged arm and leg, so, but let’s say, they my parents have allergic rhinitis, that’s why my mother has allergic linitis, so she couldn’t have pets, she said it would be hard, but if you want, go ahead, do it, that’s why they supported me, yes, they supported me, i never thought that i would i will live in the city of soligorsk and work in the speleo hospital, when i had to leave maternity leave at the end of 2017,
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it was absolutely by accident... my friends found an advertisement on the website that doctors were needed at the hospital in speleo, so i didn’t i know why, so i just came and talked with natalya nikolaevna, left her resume, a week later they called me, i remember this day very well, it was, it was my husband’s third birthday, he was 30 years old, so they called me and said, are we taking you? that’s all, i came tomorrow, they showed me everything, and literally 2 weeks later i came here to work, that’s why speleotherapy, when we were still... studying and studying bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, in all textbooks at the end there is such phrase, there is drug treatment in the salt mines in the city of soligorsk, yes, that’s it
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it still seemed somehow different, yes, we don’t know where these mines are, most people don’t imagine, yes, that the mines are not in a hospital, yes, so that they could just get into the elevator and press the button .
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a doctor is not just a profession, it’s a vocation, yes, doctors who remain to work in this profession are a goiter of the soul, i don’t know, it’s just something for which you come here every day, my work would not... be tolerated by me it would be so much fun and hard to work if i didn’t support my in my endeavors, my family, my husband, my
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seven-year-old daughter, but my husband is not a medical worker, he works in a different field, but he always supports me, is always interested, when he comes home, we always discuss, talk about different topics, discuss how ... a working day has passed, you all know very well that doctors actually work on weekends and holidays. of course, we all know that doctors have a hard job, so if our families did not support us, in particular, my husband and my seven-year-old daughter support me, so they help me in every possible way, and i, like any doctor, have work and weekends and... on holidays and night shifts, so my husband is already used to picking up the child from kindergarten, so he learned how to do our long hair,
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so our dad learned how to do hairstyles for a child, here is my daughter, of course, she is always waiting for me from work, when i leave for the night shift, she usually asks: mom, will you come, when i say no, unfortunately, she will only come tomorrow, she, of course, gets a little upset and says: mommy, i ’ll be like this... i’ll be waiting for you like this, we’re still very little ones, we just finished first grade, i don’t know, we’ll see how we would support her in any case, but my husband and i probably see more of her athletic inclinations, her inclination is more towards mathematics, towards the exact sciences, so so in any case, what she chooses, we will always support her, every member of our family has a bicycle. in our free time, as soon as we have a free minute, almost every evening we ride, here along the reservoir we ride along
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the embankment, here in the forest park area, along the health path, so to speak, is our family hobby, yes, someone goes to a cafe, someone takes a walk, and we go cycling almost every day in our free time, but every year my husband says: it’s really very heavy, it it takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, and some of its own emotions, but i love my job, i can’t imagine
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my life without my work. so i’m very glad that i work in this unique hospital, and i can’t imagine myself in any other job, at least now i can’t can.
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the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward, and keep up with the soul, your stomach sings, and the thirst for travel and
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adventure. eat on the road, you like to eat somewhere, always anywhere. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. we will show you what they eat in the west and east of our country, and how they cook it. anticipation and napolesie. we're going to a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. today i explored the surroundings of grodno and tried it out. steak minion, which is rightly called the king among steaks. an unusual tartare that can easily be confused with a cake. belarusians honor their
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history, and i am very happy that agrotourism complexes are springing up all over the country, like mushrooms, where you can touch this history and even try it. the complex that i visited today is located near grodno, in the village of korobchitsy. they welcome me warmly in accordance with the ancient rite. even the costumes were created based on paintings of the belarusian gentry of the 15th century. the people living here were mainly... hunters, so it is not surprising that one of the local heroines is zivana, the goddess of the hunt. when receiving a guest, the hosts wanted to show their friendliness and provide a place to relax. well, they managed to do this, i was charged with positivity. greetings to the owners, why not try it, brother, besides, i’ve never tried it. bratina is the name given to the vessel in which the drink was served to me. already from this detail it is clear how carefully the territory
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complex. we tried to recreate the authentic atmosphere, even the throne is standing, well, how can you resist sitting down, take a photo of me, please, hello vladimir, oh hello, you chose a good place, the best in our park, in a nutshell, in 1217 king kalmal was crowned , his numerous name was added by rexenius albar, king of the white rusyns, thus in 1217.
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valentin, what kind of miracle is this hero? well , a hero, he really is, once upon a time a barrel like this fell into my hands size, that is, this tree is about 250 years old. judging by its rings and what was preserved, but what’s remarkable is that lightning struck it, this lower part burned out, and the upper one was as strong as flint, wait, they say that if a tree that was struck by lightning, it has some mystical abilities, we just tried to bring this to life in our work, so to speak, well, and there are a huge number of such sculptures, although besides them there is something to see, the complex was built in the polish-belarusian style... centuries, so that to explore the entire territory, you will need a carriage, the views are marvelous, before that i was in the so-called main zone, and now i am going deeper, a huge number of animals live here, some of
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which live in a mini-zoo, hello, donkey, hello, he is very happy guests, you understand, this is a sincere animal, so we entered the territory of lukomorye, that is, here... here, real deer, fallow deer and yaks roam among the centuries-old trees. during the walk i managed to work up a truly royal appetite, so that i was going to a local restaurant, which is famous for its... steak has been known since the times of ancient rome, when it was used as a sacrifice. steak's second homeland is england. in england there was even a secret steak society, which included royalty and very rich people.
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and then, miraculously, steak appeared in belarus. alexander knows very well how belarusian steak differs from english steak. hello sasha. so with what, with what? yes, in principle, belarusian steak is nothing no different from an english steak, but the only difference is, probably, the quality of the meat; i believe that our belarusian meat is much better than english. question for filling, catching right away, do you think that belarusians know how to cook stew? of course they can. prove it to me? now i will prove this to you. we have to cook steak mignon. in french, mignon translates to a dainty little piece. getting ready. it is made from beef tenderloin and is almost never served with blood, so the most optimal roasting for this steak - medium. first, i’ll give you a beef tenderloin so you can trim it, we ’ll see if you can do it or not? so i’ll give it to you right away, because i don’t know how
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to do it? yes, how to clean beef tenderloin? here i am showing. stripping consists of removing all film tendons from the tenderloin. if this is not done, the steak will turn out to be of low quality. we cleaned it up and cut it off. we won’t remove the head and tail right away; we’ll cut it into medallions; only the central part of the entire tenderloin is used for steak, so we can’t make more than three medallions it turns out, we cut them 3-5 cm thick, now we move on to frying, we have such a principle in cooking, like a doctor’s palpation, how to determine the degree of doneness of meat, re.
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this is necessary so that the meat is sealed and all the juices do not escape from it. we also put water for the cabbage on the stove, adding a little salt to it. we add rosemary and garlic to the frying pan, crushing it first, then add the meat.


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