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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 21, 2024 7:20pm-7:50pm MSK

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bork pero, july 21, 1944, units from the formation of the first belarusian front captured the regional center of divin. by the end of the day , units and formations of the front had liberated the entire area, including the settlements of ragozna, medna, and stavy. the red army occupied the pozhen railway station. the partisans of the suvorov detachment destroyed several enemy crossings and destroyed a company of wehrmacht soldiers. there were 7 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. a show where they don't fight with physical force. i'll stay too.
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like this, let's try, the khl team representing kazakhstan, kazakhstan, borys, borys, absolutely right, we will play more lively, so quantity will turn into quality. name the athlete who is encrypted in this picture? messi, absolutely right, lionel messi, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, but activity will also play a role. difficult, most difficult question. three steps. name the only belarusian football referee who regularly works in the group stages of uefa club tournaments. i know him. this is ivanov. this soviet athlete was recognized as the best hockey player of the 20th century according to international ice hockey federation. sergey. i think vladislav trisyak. absolutely right. vladislav.
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in the spring the rain is clear, only this life will not be hourly, life will be eternal, as it is, bright words in our native language, a monthly squeezing on the grass, and life will not be a great fox, you, where the pain of the aychyny will be, there is joy ima, this is a song . there will be a song. irodim
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to live. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. it's hard to believe, but once upon a time there were ancient forests on this land. we are in trouble. welcome.
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consecrated in honor of the intercession of the most holy theotokos. ancient iconostasis and rare icons of st. nicholas of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary. she has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years. look. the state security committee of belarus , together with the television news agency bel tv and radio company, is presenting a project about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great years.
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battle of death! watch it now! every 30 seconds, the silence of the hut is not broken by the ringing of a bell. in memory of those who were brutally exterminated by the ukrainian nazis from 118 police battalion in march 1943.
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her brother volodya hid in a potato hole. i don’t remember how long i sat in the hole, but it was already getting dark when i heard
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the trumpet signal. i realized that the punitive forces were leaving our village, then i crawled out of the hole. the whole village was burning. i ran into the forest, thinking that my relatives and the rest of the villagers were hiding from. they fought in the forest. i ran through the forest, screaming, but no one responded. then i went to the village to visit my uncle. the next day , march 23, 1943, uncle yaskevich joseph and i went to the village of khatyn. the barn in which the punisher burned people was still smoldering. on its ashes lay charred human bones, and charred corpses lay near the barn. among the corpses i found my brother victor and two sisters. i recognized my father by his teeth, since he was burned beyond recognition, and i recognized my mother by her shoes. she was lying under the fence, holding the hand of her younger brother vladik. for the executioners, who killed and burned 149 people, khatyn became an association for their punitive activities. the policemen from this nazi unit are called khatyn killers, although in the occupied territory
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belarus 118 ukrainian police battalion took part in the destruction of hundreds of settlements in the minsk, vitebsk and grodno regions. a total of about 200 volumes, which contain evidentiary materials from the decision to initiate a criminal case to interrogation records and confrontations . hundreds of volumes - these are several criminal cases against former servicemen of the 118th ukrainian security police battalion, in march 1973 the first group criminal case was opened, there were five people, that is, lakovsta, knap, kurka, lazinsky, sokhnov. in 1974, a criminal case was opened against meleshka, and 12 years later, in 1986, vasyura was arrested. punishers. employees of the department of the state security committee for the grodno region came out. we issued separate
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instructions for some regions of ukraine, the baltic states, and russia and received answers that lasta lives in donetsk and works as a miner. leading brigadier. control structure number 15 donetsk shakhtastroy lakusta was the first to be detained on april 1, seventy-three. i didn’t change lakusta neither name, nor surname, nor place of birth, the village of luzhany, chernivtsi region. on the same day he was interrogated. they started asking him where you were during the great patriotic war. he answers: where are you from? we are from grodna. i've been seeing you for a long time already.
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all the residents of the village were herded into one barn and burned in it, the village was also burned. i stood in a cordon and did not take part in the destruction of the village residents. they had a practice, after any punitive operation , permission was given to rob the village, that is , everything from towels, clothes, products, some valuable things. after the arrest, during the first interrogations, as a rule, the punishers did not admit their participation in
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the extermination of the civilian population. kurko generally denied in every possible way that he served in the 118th battalion. until june 1942, i lived in a village of large townspeople and was engaged in agriculture. in june '42, the germans detained me and brought me to the city of lvov, from where a day later they took me to germany. in the german army, as well as in i have an honest soul, so that the executioner spoke, investigators were looking for witnesses
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and interrogated them, arranged confrontations with the accused, the punisher was taken to the scene of their crimes, at each interrogation they presented new facts and evidence about the extermination of people in populated areas, but then, when there was evidence, they admitted that we didn’t shoot, we stood , the germans tried to do this with our hands, interrogation reports...
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they explained to us that the kuren would not fight, the more literate would occupy leadership positions in government bodies in the territory occupied by the germans, the illiterate would serve in protection the goal is to prevent the germans from robbing ukraine. together with me, residents of the village of luzhany, vladimir katryuk, ended up in voinovsky’s kuren. katryuk nikolay. since the autumn of '41 , almost simultaneously with units of the wehrmacht , the bukovinians arrived in kiev. they were involved in the protection of warehouses together with the occupation authorities on...
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meleshka, lakusta, knap, kurka, lazinsky, sakhno, this is the first company, the second company, the third company, they were formed from prisoners of war and representatives of the kiev region. the battalion commander was the german erich körner, his deputy konstantin smovsky. a colonel who served under petlyura, then in the polish army, and during the great patriotic war he went to serve the nazis. the battalion's striking force is the first company, its commander is vinnitsky. in the fall , vasyura and meleshka arrive at the unit. they were sent from germany after graduating from the school of the eastern ministry, or as it was called, the school of propagandists. at
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the disposal of the command of the 118th police battalion, i arrived from germany, from the city. woodzetsa together with a former soviet officer army vasyura grigory, who at the beginning of the war, like me, was captured by the germans, we were sent to kiev after undergoing special training at the german school of propagandists. all preparation was aimed at persuasion, conveying information full of anti-soviet orientation and hatred. the soviet union, of course, using nationalist ideas. at the end of november 1942, ukrainian policemen were sent to belarus to fight the partisans. at the end of december 1942, the 118th ukrainian police battalion changed its location. headquarters first
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and the third company is transferred to the regional center of pleschennitsa. this was the status of the settlement during the years of occupation. the second company is sent towards slutsk. in pleschennitsy , the unit was located in the barracks of the former pleschennitsy border detachment. from here, on january 6 , 1943, the day before christmas, the ukrainian nazis set off for a punitive operation in the village of chmelevichy. on the approach to the village, on the orders of smovsky and vasyura, shelling of the settlement began. this is how the punishers paved the way for themselves. bursting into the chmelevichs of the old people. threatened after being shot, they were kept in the cold for several hours, during which time houses were robbed and livestock taken out, then the village itself was set on fire, 58 houses and outbuildings were destroyed. chmelevichs became the first khatyn of the ukrainian policemen. in february '43, several more actions to exterminate civilians took place.
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the 118th battalion gave its final battle chord in the minsk region in the modern village of dalkoviche.
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they exhausted it and after that they abandoned it and drove off to their shoulders, after them my father, a policeman, died. 118 ukrainian battalion along with others nazi units were recruited to participate in punitive actions. under the pretext of fighting partisans, the executioners exterminated civilians and burned villages.
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the existing order in the battalion and strictly supported by the command was aimed at instilling in the punishers such qualities as cruelty, thirst for destruction, hatred of soviet people and everything soviet, suspicion towards... each other, the manifestation of pity and feelings of compassion for the victims was considered like sympathy and help for bandits, so do the germans called the partisans the population of villages in the partisan zone. on may 20, 1943, on the first day of the punitive operation codbus, which the nazis developed in strict secrecy, killers from the 118th ukrainian battalion destroyed the village of novaya veleyka, a modern dokshetsky district , the reason for... on the right was the fact that on the eve of the tragedy of may 19, 1943 near the bridge across the river near the village , a staff worker, a storekeeper with a surname very similar to the surname of
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the battalion commander slovsky, was blown up on mini, from smovsky she differs only in one letter. vasyura ordered the village to be burned, but before that the police plundered the houses of the local residents, stole the scott, and then set fire to every yard. next on the list for destruction was the village of veli. of the same dokshitsky district. at a cemetery near a populated area, ukrainian police ran into partisans. a shootout ensued. the partisans retreated. on may 20 , 1943, they burst into the village and burned five collective farm buildings and 42 houses with outbuildings. but this would also seem to be not enough. and may 22, 1943. they burst into the village part of the population, again for connections with the partisans, they drove to sarai, that’s 38 people, of the eighteenth ukrainian battalion
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, such actions became classics. during the punitive operation of cottbus , more than 400 civilians were killed and burned in the bikgomal region alone, and about 300 were taken away for forced labor in germany. residents of the village of osawa also appear in these statistics of nazi crimes. was lined up in a line and they watched with their own eyes how it all happened. three children aged 7 to 10 were able to escape from
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this barn, but they were shot. after operation codbus 18, the ukrainian police battalion was transferred to the territory of the modern grodno region to participate in the punitive operation herman. from novogrudok the police moved to nolebukskaya pushcha. ten kilometers from the village of bagshty.
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in march of forty-four, policemen of the 118th ukrainian battalion near the village of morino, ivyevsky district, pursued one of the partisans for a long time, fired with a rifle and a machine gun to no avail, then used a mortar, gave a real chase, and killed the partisan near the neighboring village of krivichi on the opposite bank of the neman, then took out their anger on civilians, fired at the cart, wounded a teenager, the final operation in belarus for the 118th
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. in the 118th battalion, but he never told anyone the details, 30 years later during during investigative actions, the remains found at the site of dugouts in nolebokskaya pushcha were sent for examination. it was for this crime that the israeli simon wiesenthal center, involved in the search for nazi criminals, included katryuk on the list most wanted persons. in the soviet union
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, they have been searching for katryuk since the end. fate. independent belarus also came to say that it was not listed; unknown repeatedly sent requests to canada, but katryuk was not extradited. by the way, he even received the so-called hitler pension. germany covered all khatyn’s wishes, and he, including with german funds, financed the installation of a monument to the participants of the bukovina smoking in chernivtsi. criminal case
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against. then a case was opened against meleshek, he was also sentenced to death executions. the most extreme case against the executioners of khatyn was initiated in 1986 against the chief of staff of vasyura. vasyurya brought them all, and there is lakusta, knap, and kurka, sakhnoy, lazinsky. they transported everyone, they all testified there. before we start the train, i ’ll talk to them, so you understand that this is a serious matter, they have a separate toilet compartment next to ours, one of our employees is always in the corridors, because you never know, who knows what’s on that they are capable. vasyura did not admit guilt for the crime committed against the civilian population during the great patriotic war, denied participation in the punitive action in khatyn, said that he was in lithuania, looking for his wife and daughter, but so far...
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the knowledge of witnesses and his colleagues in the 118th battalion played a role. the executioner began to confess. his main role is organizing, conducting punitive operations and personally participating in the torture and murder of soviet citizens. data.


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