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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 9:10am-10:45am MSK

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they come, ride, yes, indeed, yesterday they rode, already from this week there is maximum control over the execution of those instructions that were voiced at the conference call, every hour every ear of grain is worth the entire gold, well, loaf 2024 is already the entire 3,210 thousand tons, of which 2,309 thousand grains and legumes, as well as 897. rabs. reach production and sales volume of 7,000 refrigerators. what goals are set in the year of quality in atlanta. the main market is russia, as well as countries friendly to us. in the summer, the demand for equipment is greater, they assemble 62,000 refrigerators per month. a troop of students will help at the enterprise. 240 guys from all over the country who are involved in assembly, packaging, equipment, and are also responsible for logistics. the guys work in different shifts, and the first, second, sometimes night shifts, in general, i can say, they already work on par with...
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so that the atlant brand remains always synonymous with quality. well, secondly, the most important thing is constant investment in new types of products. we have now developed a new business plan, and it is going through the stages approval for the development and implementation of a washing-drying machine, as well as modernization of the existing production of refrigerators. now the company is focused on... a new
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development of chest-type freezers, volume 110 liters, we have not produced before, now there is a great demand for them, a production site is being prepared, installation work is underway, they plan to produce them starting next year. according to forecasts of the eurasian development stabilization fund , belarus will show relatively high economic growth rates in 2024. simultaneously the world bank maintains our republic in the ranking of countries with above -average incomes. how do we manage to set up savings correctly? author's column: simple economics right now. hello, this is simple economics. with
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alexey avdonin. despite sanctions and pressure, belarus shows positive economic dynamics. according to the eurasian fund for stabilization and development, by the end of 2024, real gdp growth is expected to be almost 4%. the continued high economic activity is explained by building new channels of transport and financial logistics, strengthening industrial relations and implementing investment projects. it is interesting that the current... the fund's forecast is one and a half percentage points higher compared to the previous spring estimate, which means that the confidence of the belarusian economy on the part of international organizations is growing. the world bank also maintained the position of belarus among countries with upper -middle incomes for the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years. so the national income per capita in belarus in the twenty-third year amounted to $7,780, which is $550 higher than the level of the twenty-second year.
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belarus has maintained its position in this ranking since 2007. a good level of income of the population allows one to accumulate confidence in the national banking system. confirmation - data on deposit dynamics. the average volume of time ruble deposits of the population in june increased by almost 200 million rubles. plus individuals remain the main net sellers of foreign currency. at the end of june, they sold almost $77 million more than they bought. the population's confidence in the belarusian ruble is ensured, among other things, by increasing foreign trade turnover of goods and services. thus, in january-may this figure increased compared to the same period in 2023 by almost 4% to an estimated $40 billion. economic activity is facilitated by the implementation of state support programs for small medium-sized businesses. so in 2024 for support. business
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funds are planned in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles. this year , support has been increased by more than 1 billion rubles. such public investments solve important social problems. it is important to connect belarusian business to union programs in this area. thus, according to the ambassador of belarus to russia alexander ragozhnik, minsk and moscow are working on the issue of allocating another tranche to the belarusian side in the amount of 105 billion russian rubles for the implementation of joint projects. as we can see, correct adjustment of the economy with a focus on exports, business support, import substitution produces significant results
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in the form of growth, well-being and confidence population. it was simple economics with alexei. the administration of the president of belarus celebrates the 30th anniversary of its formation with the holiday, the staff and veterans were congratulated by the head of state. this important government body was created in the difficult year of 1994, as a political headquarters ensuring the full implementation of the powers of the president and control over the implementation of his decisions. the years of formation of an independent strong belarus became for the presidential administration... a time of formation of the highest competencies deserved authority, tempered and educated within its walls by hundreds of competent, successful leaders. now the team of the presidential administration faces the same key tasks, coordinating legislative ideological work, supporting
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various government programs, examining and finalizing national projects in social, economic, domestic foreign policy, forming a personnel reserve for the head of state, ensuring:
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different countries, including in belarus, presents our cultural program in the musicians sing and play the flet, as well as the traditional venezuelan instrument , the quatra. on the part of the embassy, ​​this is another gesture of confirmation of our friendship and solidarity with the belarusian people. we are ready to further develop our cooperation in all areas. it is a great honor for me to be here in belarus and to participate in this musical project, which is our cultural program. venezuela in countries such as brazil, argentina, mexico, spain, france, austria, turkey and china, and now in belarus. these are the main news of
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the tv news agency project, available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch the developments on our broadcast at 12:00. have a good day.
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this is the main broadcast, hello, on sunday evening, we are discussing the most important event of the past week. the middle of summer surprised us not only with its abnormal heat, but also with its destructive bad weather. the hurricane in the south of the country became a test for local residents, but more so for officials. i had a difficult conversation with the president this week. on control first and bread theme. in the fields today work goes on from dawn to dusk. our journalists have personally seen this. we'll show you the details soon. what else has the main broadcast team prepared? maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba are with you. look in the program. when the roof was torn off throughout the year, this is a red danger level, within a month we will finish all
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the work and walk through the fields, journalists are coming to you, can i sit down, it won’t be difficult for me to try, please, general cleaning, there will be enough work for everyone, such distant but close we are going in the same direction with latin america, i admire belarus, because you were able to find your own path, how paris welcomes guests, we will find out soon on the main broadcast. a harsh scolding from the president
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following the storm. at a large conference call, alexander lukashenko criticized the reaction of officials and specialized experts to the upcoming hurricane and its consequences. the head of state compared the disaster to a war, only without shooting. when weapons are a last resort, the withdrawal of troops on the ukrainian border, who agreed played a decisive role role in the response, as well as an exclusive interview, visa-free amnesty for europeans , our work at the un, all this is in the time of the first section, watch it right now. it seems that this never happened in belarus; in
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our lifetime, exactly, as the older generation of eyewitnesses say, the elements swept away and flooded everything in its path for a week. the south of belarus, the gomel region, suffered the most, settlements were cut off , people were left literally without a roof over their heads. there was no fast, clear, military. the president will criticize those responsible for the weak
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reaction and will respond to people's grievances and criticism. before you go on tiktok and write something on the internet. go, take an ax, a saw, help something, and then criticize. the brest region is the only one left without a governor, the main helmsman. at such an important moment. yuri shuleika became deputy prime minister. among the renewed pool of presidential commissioners.
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says that they will all be written off, that is, they will be partially selected, lifts will be installed, there are technologies, professional people on combine harvesters, they are part of these the crops will all be raised, harvested down to the grain, i ’m sure of it, we’ll get close to 11 million, and in the winter the barley has already been harvested, 800 thousand for the young, a good harvest, the yield is not bad,
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the president will compare a natural disaster with a war, only without shooting, although how alexander lukashenko will say, in the context of permits... lukashenko is again making peace, and that’s the way it is, diplomats or any special negotiators were not involved in resolving the situation, unless it was the military, the president will tell the details during the celebration of graduates of military universities. everyone who took participation in this response deserve the highest praise. i am very grateful to you for this, but the experience is that shooting is extreme. no, you must always learn to negotiate. the president suggested that our european neighbors negotiate, but there was no reaction. lithuania, latvia, and estonia have banned vehicles with belarusian license plates from entering their territory. our mit immediately stated: there will be no retaliatory sanctions measures; on the contrary, the president supported the proposal of diplomats and other government agencies to introduce a visa-free regime for day work
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the commander-in-chief, people in uniform, if sometimes they do not speak loudly, this does not mean that it does not exist, due to their profession. well, those who can be in the picture, for example, graduates of the faculty of the general staff, willingly agreed to an interview, are not afraid of publicity, this was also taught, working in a team, speaking in front of the public, all this is, well, difficult, that is, if you don’t try it, don’t try , not to train, then of course it’s difficult the first time, therefore... studying gives both knowledge and, of course, internal self-development, self-improvement, every military serviceman i must improve my knowledge and skills, and what was the most difficult thing in your studies? working on maps, since i had not done this before, was the most difficult thing, but after six months i mastered all this, and what a working week of the president without visits from russian
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governors, new partners came, a large delegation from the chuvash republic, and good. yes, some adjustments are needed, these are, of course, now issues of international cooperation, related to the fact that there will be an international torus in primorye, and i think that the belarusian side will also be interested in this, that is , the people's republic of china and the democratic people's republic of korea are nearby, so i think that taking into account the capabilities of our ports to open the northern sea route, that is, the possibilities
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for production and sales of goods - this is a good thing. let's look at the result, i must say that i never told them that they were working poorly and that they had grown a bad variety, we went and checked the potato harvest in the presidential fields, the vegetable brand: belarus is often among the gifts for high-ranking officials the leaders were given gifts of journalists, too, every season the head of state pampers, and after reporting on the next harvest, this happens.
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a secretary comes to me and says that you know, we received a letter here, and from a third-grader from minsk, he means, well, he asks you to share the first-grader’s bulba with him. i’ll tell it like it is, i’ll say right away that what a bulb on the first month of april, everyone already ate it a long time ago and now i’ve mentioned it. i say, can you imagine, it’s such a pity, i say, boy, he asked for experience, for an experiment, maybe from yours left, they are still preparing to plant, plant these potatoes, but she says that they allocated them, and the boy needed one tuber, that’s exactly one tuber, and no more, no less, and they only have six of these tubers, well, that means from they tore out the heart, handed over this one tuber, i found the boy, brought him the first bulb, he of course... well, he probably didn’t really expect that the story would develop in this way, i don’t know whether his experiment was a success or not, after a while there - i had
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the opportunity to talk with the head of state at an event there, so i told him this story, what was my surprise when he said that yes, then we need to give these people a whole bag of potatoes, and he handed over presidential potatoes - an extremely environmentally friendly product, as you understand, a minimum of mineral fertilizers are used to protect them. as the head of state said, he always tests new products, one variety, the well-known variety pershatsvet, and the other variety is a new variety, only the first year it is being tested, well, we ourselves are interested, everyone is interested, i think that in the fall we will try a new one variety. in the line of edible gifts under the president's brand, a big update is coming, speeches about sweets in the store cannot be bought, absolute exclusive, the head of state presents these sweets to high... everything is done by hand so that the chocolate shines and crunches, it is tempered on a marble table,
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then it is filled into a mold, this is how they make a thin crust, separate molds are filled with filling, these have pistachio and sea buckthorn, this is something completely new, no dyes that increase the shelf life, so they are stored like this. it's 30 on the street, and 17° in the independence palace, guests are immediately visible; they are given away by their summer dress code in contrast to the pool. but the sudden disaster affected the appearance of the participants in the meeting on the work of the constitutional court, it was necessary to save the clothes and the ladies’ hairstyles,
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but at the highest level everything was provided for, the palace has absolutely any props, chens, umbrellas, everything you want, well, they saved it today , speakers, everyone was saved, a new basic law and completely different powers to the constitutional court, which means the work as a whole is maximum openness for people, because constitutional court... a guarantee when all remedies in the courts of general jurisdiction have been exhausted. by the way, interaction with them will be strengthened, a legislative audit is coming. at least we have provided for everything that you wanted and asked for in the constitution. if there are any other proposals, i think we will find a way to solve them. and given such an important composition, we did not miss the opportunity to ask the head of the supreme court about the recent amnesty and those to whom it applies. the courts are already starting to enforce. we gave it to the courts also methodological recommendations on how to correctly apply some of the norms of the amnesty within 6 months, it will be actively applied, but by category there will still be people who
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went out conditionally to protests in the twentieth year, the law does not say anything about this, but these people can be pardoned by the head of state, there were 14 people, so i think some more proposals for pardon are being prepared, well, this is decided by the head of state, and by category of those who request this is strictly individual.
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well, you understand perfectly well, sitting, being there, in in new york, no claims were made against us; on the contrary, we received a positive assessment. it takes a lot of time to bring information to the international community about unacceptable damage, which, in fact, is not only belarus, but also the countries of the world, primarily the countries of the so -called great south, damage. the losses that these countries suffer from illegal unilateral sanctions. the un cannot lift sanctions. these are not un sanctions, these are sanctions of individual states. some feedback after did you hear about the meeting between the head of state and guterres? well, of course, he did, but i can only, only confirm that gutevich has great respect for the president
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of belarus alexander lukashenko, for me personally. if you're on a business trip, you're about to end up at minsk airport, we'll give you a tip , a new store has opened there, the first one, a whole line of merch with legendary quotes from the president, t-shirts, accessories and chocolate, the most popular product, a pillow, a very necessary thing for the road, overall cool, of course , interesting, unusual, and the price tag, this is a very fabulous price tag, i thought it would be more than 100 for such merch, i really liked this t-shirt, little shirt, i
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will definitely buy it. part of a big story in the first thirty years. 30 years ago, on july 20 , 1994, alexander lukashenko officially took office, becoming the first president of the republic of belarus. let's continue working, it 's twelve o'clock. well, now more details. a topic that kept belarusians on their toes all week, the bad weather that caused a real demolition in the south of the country last weekend, by thursday reached minsk, flooding the central streets and blocking citizens in cars and public transport, fortunately everything worked out in the capital. however, everyone needs to be prepared to fight the elements. the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of energy, public utilities, the ministry of forestry, and we, ordinary belarusians, must not lose vigilance, this is akin to
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martial law, a delay. lose the battle, as things are now in the affected areas, our colleague anastasia benedesyuk went to mozyr, using his example to describe the picture throughout the country: trees bent to ground, everything was flying, the slate was breaking, the fragments were still flying here on the horn, it was such fear, the neighbor with tears in her eyes got down on her knees and stood.
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you have to be like this for 70 years, but how long have you been living here in this house? hold on, what other help do you need here now? the fence needs to be restored, they've also propped it up with pegs.
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they worry, every story hurts, such losses, of course, are much worse than roofs, trees or spoiled food in the refrigerator, but from that, here’s a personal observation, even... on the fifth day in some in populated areas without electricity, people are ready to wait, they understand, the state is doing everything, now there is a connection, you can see the scale and what forces are being deployed, it was sunday, we went to look, my sister called that the roof had been torn off, we went to look, and in the morning, it was somewhere near about 8 pm, and in the morning we were driving, the roads were already cleared through the forest, well done, everyone tried their best.
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transmissions in the region declared an emergency, created a regional headquarters to eliminate the consequences of a hurricane, the energy system in the country has never experienced anything like this. we the mozyr region and surrounding areas lost virtually all power generating power supply lines. the wind was abnormally high, and this led to great destruction of high-voltage lines. we have 54 high-flying lines there that were damaged, and the main task was to allow electricity to restore capacity in the mozor itself. we started with large energy nodes. father, it was important
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to connect enterprises, social facilities, hospitals, farms, from the general to the private, and so we gradually went deeper. now they continue to do targeted work in rural areas. on friday at mozorsky district remained. people without electricity, the ministry of energy provided them with generators, but not everyone was able to connect, we are waiting, of course, for electricians, this will already happen on sunday, today is friday, we are alone, we are suffering, i’m already going to get into the tv, i’m already going to get on the tv, that myself lyubov vladimirovna will still see on tv, on the same day the light came in boriskovich, that she realized that she could hold out a little longer when she saw what kind of train they arrived. to save her, cars from the first region are coming, cars from the third region are coming, ours, then cars from second, well, in general, everyone is coming to us, everyone is saving us. at the conference call, the minister of energy will report: specialists from the construction and installation complex have been hired, they
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are engaged in the restoration of power lines in the forest fund. to eliminate this, additional teams of power engineers from all regions of the country have been formed using the necessary equipment. have you come from brest? yes, the brest network. when we connected, when we arrived at the pomonik, we arrived in the evening and already on tuesday we started working fully, we leave and arrive by 10 to 11 pm, both grodno and mogilev, and our gomel residents from different districts, and everyone, the whole republic, seems to be helping us, came back from vacation even for such a thing, yes, yes, but what to do, we need to help, 1,500 people have been deployed to fight the consequences, but more are needed and targets faster... the president, and also calls on governors not to let power workers go until they replace their obsolete power lines, the stingy one pays twice, if necessary, replace it when you finish the work of restoring
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the power lines, as it was before the hurricane, i don’t i'm talking about long works, those lines, which should be involved in power supply to populated areas for a month, the ministry of emergency situations proposes. revise some standards and ensure strict control over the implementation of technological regulations for maintaining the strips in proper condition in order to minimize the fall of trees on the line during a hurricane, the same mozzer, as the main example, a few minutes and darkness, imagine, a large multi-thousand mozor was disconnected from power supply system, which we could not connect water supply and sewerage to during 10.
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electrician teams are in emergency condition, the cars must
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be refueled, the teams, even if they are in a change house, but they were in a change house, those who are supposed to provide communications should check this, those who work in trade, the water should not be at 3 day, and at least for 7 days, there is drinking water in the warehouses, that’s why the housing and communal services should look, so i came to mozra, people came, they said, thank you, tell the head of state, local authorities that they removed these so quickly .
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tree cleaning continues provided with materials, provided with fuel and lubricants, people, which means they are helping us, you can pay attention, our soldiers of the mozar garrison, caring local residents, according to my calculations, if the weather doesn’t interfere with us, then today we will completely restore the amenities, that’s all i can say , excuse me now, there’s a lot of work, that’s it, goodbye, but there was a fear that this might last longer and, well, that people would be abandoned, didn’t you think so? we know what it is, everything has always worked out well for us,
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i mean, well, our dad also gives, this the first plan is excellent, well, i took control right away, well, so what, i understand work and people, that everything should be good, excellent, we think it’s normal. at the prutkovo rural school, a hurricane damaged the roofs of the building, a children's camp was supposed to start in 2 days, so the children themselves came with their parents and offered help, and not only them. i will tell you my personal emotions and from the team, the construction organization pmk-106, the open joint-stock company polesie stroy, responded very quickly, and they resolved the issue with the roofing on all buildings. providing the education department of the muzory executive committee was in charge of building materials, thank you. for their help and support, they supported us
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with materials and workers, specialists who know how to do this, and you know, this desire to help was felt in ordinary workers who said, we are doing this for children. there are questions for mobile operators whose cell towers did not meet the 4-hour uninterruptible power supply standard, so local deputies, anna, among them the chairman of the village council, continue to travel around the village. there were reserves because. i ruined the cellar, just like i felt it, that it would come in handy , i cleaned it, that’s how he left it with a brush, well, it came in handy, even i even gave ivan six more, this all needs to be cut, this trash should be removed, everything here is also him also clean up, very quickly, when mobile communications appeared, we started a group on the village council, of course yes, some there poured negativity when there was impatience, but what did this situation show first? people are not morally prepared to survive in unfavorable
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situations, we are the old generation, we knew who has wells, who has who by education, how to communicate, a special big thank you, i want to say specifically to the moser social service, as soon as some kind of communication appeared, they visited each farmstead on wednesday, called back this morning to see if they needed any more some kind of help, i ’m speaking honestly, i refused financial help, president...
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in any sense of the word, the days in july become: combine operators and other workers go out into the fields early in the morning, and leave it at dusk , all in order to collect rich harvest. at the same time , they do their work, which is essentially a vocation, with high quality, respect and with the awareness that this work will definitely not be wasted. about government support, agriculture, the peculiarities of the harvesting company, of course, about people, a report on the main broadcast straight from the fields. young man, we don’t take pictures here on instagram, they work, let’s go, i’ll show you, hello, hello,
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my name is andrey, alexander, we’re sitting in the booth with you, you know, it’s like a spaceship, you feel it when you descend, you know. a ship, yes, there are a lot of buttons, because you ’ve been here since you were 14 years old, this seems amazing to me, you know, because well, we live in the city, for 14 years we came with our dad, sat down, yes, here you are, it was for you yourself it’s interesting in general, well, i didn’t sit down, i worked, but different things, yes, yes, yes, cleaned, lubricated in the morning, but how many years did dad spend working the fields? is still working and you have such a dynasty, but it’s very cool, grandfather on a combine, and great-grandfather on a combine, here in the fourth generation, and you have children, would you like them to also contact this, two girls, it’s not necessary, although it’s impossible, sometimes he comes and goes for a ride, yes, indeed,
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yesterday we went for a ride, can i sit down, it won’t be difficult for me to try, please, let’s go slowly, right? i’m just taxiing carefully, yes, yes, the rest, the main thing is the trees, yes, so that we don’t get caught here, first of all, we are on your farm, let’s tell a little of your story, how you even started working on belarusian land, the army has weaned itself, it.. .
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they worked, in principle they worked on your land, i’ve been familiar with agriculture for 10 years, well, it didn’t just happen on a whim, i’ll go. there was some kind of, i don’t know, impulse, interest in agriculture in general, well, i’m from the village myself, in principle i’m familiar with everything, dryers, grain, that is, in principle, i’ve worked since childhood, i recognized the male team here, yes, girls are also in this field, yes, this is what you do and how long you have been in agriculture, 24 years in agriculture, i work as a gardener, but the manager takes me here during harvesting. what is immediately noticeable about such people is that they have no need for unnecessary conversations, and no matter how you
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provoke them, work is elevated to a cult. was brought up on belarusian soil for centuries, despite the difficulties of each time and era. farmers today enter the decisive stage of the summer harvest with confidence, because the support from the state is the most tangible in all years. what are the challenges this year? yes, no difficulties, the main thing is that the equipment and the weather do not break down, it seems that it is necessary for now. the weather is going well, the harvesters are running great, judging by what is happening in everyone’s countries, that is, this agriculture, roughly speaking, will soon take very first positions, yeah, but we are attentive to this, the salaries are very raised, the level in agriculture i see even higher, factories, processing, the country has entered the decisive stage of the summer harvesting campaign, here every hour every spikelet is worth its weight in gold, starting next week
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we have received a good harvest of not only spiked grains, but also rapeseed, because in this year, support for agriculture from the state is enormous, hence the highest demand, the owner’s approach must be in everything, this is the constant demand of the president, if we don’t snatch the grain, there will be trouble, i don’t see any big problems in harvesting, we just need organization. a authorized people will arrive on the ground today or tomorrow, their decision is final, there should be no confirmation of their decisions from either the government or other bodies and ministries, if something needs to be decided, they will contact me, we will make the appropriate decision within a few hours solution, i ask you, talk to people, but the most important thing is to pay, pay normally, do not feel sorry for people for... the ministry of agriculture assures that they also have the financial issue under control, they verified the positions during the conference call, they only need
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high organization of work, motivation of farmers and iron discipline. an order was being prepared to allocate budget funds to pay for grain supplied to meet state needs, the head of state signed this order, so we will pay the farmers for the supply of grain to the state order. on the part of the government of the ministry of food and agriculture and the regions, all issues have been resolved, i think that we will cope with the task. in general, there are no big problems; from the outside, the head of state asked several times yesterday what had not yet been done with my on the other hand, what the government did not do, everything was done by the head of state, the issues with fuel, with mineral fertilizers, with the use of vehicles, those that are necessary for the transportation of grain, for supply, have been resolved. it for elevators, state orders, schemes, routes have been worked out, the number of people needed for combines is also
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known in every region, including bresst, they are already working, there remain purely organizational issues on the ground, the main task that was set by the head of state - this is to prevent crop losses, unfortunately, there are facts of this kind, the efforts of both the commissioner for the grodny region and the committee as a whole will be focused on this, and the work here is multifaceted, this is the work of the equipment itself, the repair of equipment, the work of machine operators. according to operational information, as of july 21, farmers harvested more than 2.9 million tons of grain, including rab. in the year of quality, you need to keep the bar high and talk not only about technology. the president also instructs to promptly accept the ordered grain and pay for it in a timely manner. gomel and brest regions have reached the finish line and are completing the harvesting of azimov rapeseed. the largest contribution to the total grain collection, including rapeseed, was made by breska. grodno region, gomel in the third position, all the conditions by the government, the president, the gomel regional regiment have been resolved in
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the material part, in organizing repairs, providing a resource base, so today it is everyone’s responsibility to complete that task, and there is no reason not to fulfill it, so i think that today it is already 46% of cleaning, the region will cope with this with dignity, will you be at least a little proud of that? well, of course, the land is, how can i tell you, wealth, well, well done, well, we’re trying , well, you have enough, you say, you’re coping with everything, that means you have everything in abundance, of course, yes, good, well, there’s enough of everything, well, good for you completing this is a big job, thank you, we’ll get it done in the community, i’ll say that you’re great, really, what you’re doing is important and generally a lot of work, well, yes, you understand that, at least who will feed the country if not you, yes?
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this week she was on an official visit to venezuela, cuba, nicaragua and meetings brought good results. we are already shipping machines and equipment and are discussing assembly production with a view to sales throughout the region.
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our correspondent svetlana lukenyuk knows what belarusian machines will work in tropical latitudes and what kind of technologies and pharmaceuticals will come to us from latin america. latin america is made up of 20 countries and 14 independent territories, from mexico to the caribbean. this is a collective name for american countries where they mainly speak romance languages, this is spanish portuguese. population over 660 million people. countries are different in terms of development and the industries that are located on their territory. for example, from agriculture to mining, and also different in climate, but this is their uniqueness. we are interested in this market, and we have found reliable partners here. a week of negotiations, flights, meetings and
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signed contracts. it seems that the day has become longer by several hours, when... somewhere it is more successful, somewhere there are problems that need to be solved, so the purpose of our such a long visit, the tour, can to say, yes, regarding the countries of southern and central america, it is very simple, it consists in fulfilling the task set by the president, in fact, opening new pages in our chronicle of cooperation with these countries, because the situation in the world is complex, it also affects our partners in
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including, that’s why we are for every country... i admire belarus because you were able to find your own path, after the collapse of the soviet union, president alexander lukashenko firmly set the goal of finding his own path of development and achieved this, i am very i admire him. the positions of the countries are united, and we have proven this more than once at various international
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platforms, and now in the presidential election race, and voting next weekend... enterprises, it no longer works in the form in which it was then. the situation is changing, the situation with, say, financial revenues to the venezuelan budget is changing, again sanctions are having an impact, therefore, since the model worked before, that we supplied equipment, equipment in vehicle kits, they were assembled and bought out at the expense of the venezuelan budget, it will not and cannot operate on such a scale, and
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we clearly understand this, but capacities have been created, the capacities need to... be loaded, the venezuelan partners understand this, so we are agreeing on a new model for the operation of these enterprises, their a lot has been created, at all levels we have received assurances that... the work of these enterprises will continue, now we still need to polish certain aspects of how the business will be built, but we will work, the equipment is in demand, so we are switching to working according to the classical commercial scheme, we will engage in sales, we will look for our consumers, now we will still polish some things and we will move on, not stand still, develop all the time. the road, as we know, can be mastered by those who walk; we are in cuba, a country of incredible energy, smiles and vintage cars. and
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when we say cuba, we immediately introduce fidel castro, a historical figure of the 20th century, he will forever remain for us the personification of a just struggle for the freedom and independence of his people, wrote roman golovchenko in the book of honored guests in the center named after him met with his brother raoul. a country that is still fighting for its independence and is deciding the most important issue of how to fill store shelves with goods of daily demand. today there are no standard schemes that work on all continents and in all countries. it is important to respect their history and take into account their current situation. the situation, as you know, the tightening of the american blockade has actually seriously reduced revenues to the cuban budget, so there is a need there for absolutely everything, food, equipment, everything, but
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there are difficulties with financial resources, but despite this, we have found opportunities to conclude a contract for the supply of belarusian products there, the supply of goods both through payment directly in cash, which is called money, and through the import of cuban products that are in demand among us, that is they found all the schemes, in these conditions i believe that flying out of cuba with concluded contracts worth millions of dollars is also quite a serious result, as i will say, maybe the figure is not so big, but in those in the conditions in which cuba lives today, this is significant, we are just leaving with signed contracts, but we still have a whole bunch of, as i call, developments laid down in order to... implement them in the future. large quantities of powdered milk from belarus, so needed for baby food, will arrive on the island more quickly. belarus proposed that havana become a pharmaceutical hub for innovative cuban medicines on
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the market of the eurasian union. separate oncological drugs will be released together. more recently, it was registered in belarus cuban vaccine for the treatment of lung cancer. belarusian drugs in cuba can be used in international clinics. cuba can do it too. there are more cars than people, or the same number, so this is in nicaragua, central america, there, by the way, belarus is also known by our tractor, but now we are writing a new page of our cooperation,
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we will definitely fly here more often. it seems that no one in belarus missed this news: the largest deal in central america is with our machine-building enterprises. municipal and road equipment amkador and maz trucks will soon fit into this.
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breakthroughs without exaggeration, because a small central american country, we did not have such close relations with them as with renesela and cuba.
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will arrive in nicaragua in the near future, and this is not only equipment, it is also service, spare parts , everything else, and this is just the beginning, because the need is great, we discussed a possible increase in this range, this work is now underway, so this is probably the most so serious, in principle, our implemented project in the territory of this region, otherwise that the interest in belarus is huge, best of all, these personnel will say without words, our first deputy minister of foreign affairs in the lenses of all television cameras in nicaragua, as indeed our entire delegation throughout the entire week-long visit to venezuela, cuba, nicaragua, countries where they know the value of freedom, know how to value friendship and trust, where they are ready to speak on an equal footing and be there for you both on weekdays and on holidays, under the bright sun or in the pouring rain, and this is very valuable today and tomorrow.
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of course, the harvest was also affected by the elements. well, now let’s return to the south of our country, which swept through belarus, one of the affected areas of lelchitsy has already returned to a calm life, by the way, not only because of the elimination of the consequences of the bad weather, this is the region on the very border with ukraine, and thanks to the efforts of the head of state, the situation on this very border was defused. now everything is being harvested there, all attention is being paid to fulfilling the president’s instructions - to harvest the harvest without loss, to make sure of this, we went to the lelchetsky district as part of the regular column a place to live , we met those who make a choice in the benefits of a quiet life in the outback. as the classic said, the heart is healed in quiet nursing. whether this is true or not, anton malyuta found out. the past week has confirmed that the weather
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is an unpredictable thing, but still in the summer there are enough very sunny days, when not only the machine operators break records, but also the thermometers. it seems even hotter in the fields, because the work is really in full swing, and it’s even warmer when there are family members in the crew. i graduated from school this year and thought i should help my father and earn a little extra money before enrolling. this is what, together with... this is not does it interfere or does it help? no, it doesn’t interfere, on the contrary, it even helps, somewhere it will suggest something wrong. alexander, are you satisfied with your son’s work? well, why not be happy, of course you’re happy. the entire new field is now living in an active rhythm; the winter crops have already been removed and spring barley has begun. the largest successful farm in the region expects a harvest twice as big as last year. this is not an easy task for the very fragile shoulders of a woman leader.
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my parents also worked on the same farm, my father was a leader all the time until the end of his life days, i always enjoy harvesting, when combines are moving, livestock farming, milk production, well, it’s like, well, it’s all in the soul, it’s been laid down a long time ago, since childhood, probably, well, who will remain indifferent in front of the vastness of the belarusian fields, for the title of the most beautiful picture maybe bet, perhaps the agricultural town of glushkovichi. the crushed stone plant is the main enterprise of the region, here at a depth of 60 m, the basis of future belarusian roads, of course, to extract, process and obtain even one small pebble is a colossal job, but the main thing is that the belarusian subsoil provide such an opportunity to use their wealth. and according to forecasts, how long will it last, how much further can we go deeper, according to reserve estimates, given our production volume is about a million a year.
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present your belarusian goods on our market. the first products made from local granite were used in the improvement of the three sisters friendship monument, where belarus, russia and ukraine meet at one point. by the way, the region has a very long border with its southern neighbor, which is calm, because there is
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someone to protect. we feel protected from the outside states. over the past two years , two new border outposts have been built in the region. this year another third border line will be introduced. outpost, people live and work peacefully, build houses, and the choice in favor of such a measured life is made by those who once understood that there will not be a good, quiet life at home for a long time. oleg and tatyana left the east of ukraine in 2014, at first they were surprised by the contrast at the good attitude towards people and quality products and safety on the streets, although they quickly understood why this is the case in belarus, but because the president is like that, alexandru grigorievich is honored and respected. he’s serious, well, yes, it’s not that i’m not telling this on camera, this is honest, i’m telling people who will see, well, even now look, the conflict between russia and ukraine, but we are in the middle, well, belarus is not drawn into this conflict, it is thanks to whom, thanks to the president, the president is pursuing such a policy, trying
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for the people, and in general in everything, but it ’s clear that politics for the people is still an opportunity to build with state support, now a large family, tatiana, oleg and four daughters will have their own. above your head, well, look, we have now poured the screed, so we covered it with film until it, well, dries, so we are now trying to do this part of the house, and so that we can move in by the fall. for those who want quickly and inexpensively, there is another option: wooden house construction is a new belarusian trend, the local forestry enterprise was one of the first to join it, they are already actively selling ready-made kits, they have even reached the capital.
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anyone can use such a house, help preferential loan at 4%, they will bring everything and put it on the foundation, and for the improvement of the site, it’s already in the neighboring forestry enterprise, milosevichy, a local nursery, one of the few in the republic with the title of exemplary, decorated with ornamental plants, it seems the whole area, i drive through our streets of leichesky and i notice these flower beds, hedges from our seedlings from our nursery, we even... i feel some kind of pride that these are seedlings grown in our nursery, in our nursery. the area is changing landscaping is being done all the time. and we are ready to confirm this: the journey from minsk to lelchit takes at least 4 hours. the urban village is located
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far from busy roads, so many tourists avoid this region, but once they stop by, they have no doubt that lelchitsy is a place to live. from the south of belarus to the main broadcast. this is the result of the evolutionary path of development of the state, these are the difficulties in their application that the upcoming audit should solve, who else will join this work?
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and as we see the results, the president will make a decision yourself, but in general this does not
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mean that the work will last for years; how to ensure this is precisely the task of the administration and the national center for legislation and legal information. if we talk about the mechanisms that we propose to implement, then today a decree has already been adopted by the head of the presidential administration on instructions to the center in order to create working groups in which we will involve specialists. in addition to using the internet platform, that is, the legal forum of the republic of belarus,
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it will be possible to apply in writing with your wishes, proposals, sending them to the national center for legislation, legal information, well, of course, you can come in person, the role of the constitutional court, it should be visible in law enforcement practice, the head of state is aiming at this, that is, in essence a body that for a long time was so passive, and due to the fact that... it could not initiate constitutional proceedings on its own, today requires initiative from it, what kind of initiative do we need from the constitutional court today? v in general, the president quite clearly outlined the vision of the work of the constitutional court in terms of interaction with the population and bringing the constitutional court closer to the people. the constitutional court employs professionals in their field, people who can give the people the opportunity to understand what?
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who to turn to, this is also seen as the role, the active role of the constitutional court. olga
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ivanovna, they say that great things can be seen from a distance, yes, for almost 2 years now we have been living under the new, under the new constitution, belarusians together supported the amendments to the main the law that was proposed in the twenty- second year, as you can see, was everything adopted in a timely manner, how relevant are those changes today, the president raised the question of changing the constitution long before the referendum. these changes, they grew out of the depths of society, we significantly changed about a hundred laws, this is only with obvious changes, we worked for 2 years to bring the legislation in accordance with the constitution, but since this process takes place in time, not in for 2 years, then this is exactly the next step - this is what the president said, this is subsequent.
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to work, because we generally understand that we will not have chaotic movement, that we will not have some meaningless work, that we will have everything in order. olga ivanovna, thank you for the interview. thank you. since the beginning of the year, over 116 thousand residents of the european union have visited belarus without visas; this week the president agreed to such entry for citizens of 35 european countries. unfortunately, such a demonstration of principles peace takes place against the backdrop of yet another attempt by the baltic countries to isolate themselves from their inconvenient
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neighbor. they introduced a ban on the entry of passenger cars with belarusian license plates, justification.
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and became interested in drawing, yeah, so we lived in the capital for more than 10 years, but the paris stop turned out to be infinite, it all started that is happening now, black becomes white, white becomes black, sexual relations, yes, this lgbt, all this and pedophilia, this is all now as if human rights, now everything is confused, uh-huh, then it started
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russophobia in order to get a bigger salary or buy yourself a better car or something else. it’s good to have, you have to agree, yes, that now there is white, there is black, we decided to move to belarus, took our daughter with us, took a french dog, here we started life literally from scratch, i worked as a janitor then, my wife worked in kindergartens, difficult work, but as i said, the ease is such that you feel that any... difficult work can be done when you go somewhere to another country, and then come home, you feel so good, home is home, here, you get this feeling, you managed to add special flowers, for the first time on belarusian soil we started gardening, planted potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, dill, lettuce,
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it’s impossible to live without lettuce, yeah, strawberries, we it’s growing, they’ve collected it, made jam, we’ll pickle cucumbers, so for more than a year now their home has been polotsk, as it is also called the father of belarusian cities, another dad is mentioned more than once in our dialogue. we arrived a year ago, of course, before everything took shape, there were great difficulties, i couldn’t i work by profession, i am a driver of all categories, my license is expired, and in order to renew it, i need to see the residents.
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we really look at this factor byy, it seems like family, like our own, everything, songs, culture, and traditions, sincerely, and you understand that it’s yours, and in belarus they will offer a new place of work for the whole family at once and bonuses on top, i came across to the house of zhiritsa, a biosphere reserve, they were looking for a bus driver, a good
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salary, when i applied there, they took us as a whole family, they all gave us a job. they provide housing and provide opportunities for prospects there then build your own home, yeah, and i’m already thinking about this, this is some kind of gift from god, so a blank slate will begin in... the album, where there will be a completely different story, why did i even agree to this interview? i agreed because i want people to know that what is true, and maybe someone listening thinks that there are some innuendos, that they are setups, that people have been trained under well, that they should say that i want to share with this that everything is literally different here, on the main broadcast are elizaveta sinyak, sergey matveychuk and dmitry golovach. if this attempt had not happened, it should have been invented. it sounds cynical, but
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taking into account the national electoral characteristics of the united states, it’s just right. donald trump's campaign rally in pennsylvania almost ended in tragedy. the leading republican presidential candidate was shot at. we learn from the report what is known today and what experts are talking about.
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the leader of the white house a week before the assassination called on voters to put trump in the bull's eye, after the incident he hastened to apologize for what he said, and according to information
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congressman mike walt, the us secret service refused to increase the security of the ex-president. the director of the secret service must go, the shooter was identified as suspicious an hour before the assassination attempt because he was seen with a rangefinder and a backpack, and then they just lost him. why didn't the secret service post security on the roof of the building from which the shooting took place? the head of the department explains that the danger for agents is the sloping roof. as a result of the assassination attempt in the city of battler, one of the spectators was killed, three, including trump, were injured. twenty-year-old shooter thomas matthew crooks was killed by oncoming fire. his bullet miraculously missed the ex-president, piercing only his ear. fate has its own ironic jokes. trump was saved by migrants. if he hadn’t looked towards the screen where statistics on illegal refugees were broadcast. don't turn your head away, just a few centimeters. the bullet would definitely hit the target.
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the country would be in a very dangerous position because we are extremely divided right now, and if a hugely supported presidential candidate like donald trump were killed, i think everything would be fine. ended in bloodshed and civil unrest. this did not happen, the assassination attempt became the best possible pr move for... trump, without which his high ratings soared even higher, and the richest man in the united states took the side of the politicians. elon musk is ready to allocate 45 million a month to trump's presidential campaign. the businessman admitted that two attempts had been made on his life over the past 8 months. musk probably decided to accept the presidential candidate’s offer and become a white house adviser. new. figure jady vance has already entered the political race. donald trump nominated him for vice president. vance's position on the ukrainian conflict is tougher than trump's. we have now
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spent $200 billion. what is the goal, what are we trying to achieve? is there a risk of nuclear war escalation? it’s just that there are a lot of buffoons here in washington pursuing foreign policy, and president trump promised to go there for negotiations with the russian ukrainians and quickly bring it to an end. republican trump has every chance of becoming the forty-seventh president, the politician will fulfill his election promises inclined, even if not always in full, as follows from the experience of 2017, the promise of the current election campaign is even more ambitious. china is circling taiwan and russian warships, nuclear submarines operating 60 miles off the coast of cuba, are you aware of this?
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refuses to write about this, if i ran this country we would have nuclear submarines in cuba. in general, the proclaimed expectations of world peace are clearly reckless. following the resolution of the ukrainian conflict, trump intends to fight china. europe may lose american military protection, which will force it to independently build up weapons and troops on the european continent, and the theater of military operations. and will soon move to the indo-pacific region. nikita makhodkin, features of national american sport. on the main broadcast. they will shoot and will shoot. why acts of political violence have become a part of american history. attempted murders, dozens of victims of the highest level. the struggle for power and dirty methods, a split in society, a bloody trail democracy. will the us face a new wave
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of political reprisals? in an understandable policy, watch on monday after the panorama.
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the countdown is on. only 4 days left until the summer games in paris. the opening ceremony of the olympics will take place next friday. it is already known for sure that there will not be as many sports fans as expected. many fans have canceled travel to the world's biggest sporting events. this is confirmed by the dynamics of air ticket sales. quantity. the good news came last friday, i received an invitation to paris silver medalist of the summer games in tokyo, freestyle wrestler magomed khabib kadimagomedov. in total, 17 of our athletes will perform in ten sports. everything you need to know about
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the olympics in your own country. around the world, olympic village. the construction of this facility took 7 years and 2 billion euros, some delegations have already settled in, including belarusian rowers, academics, our evgeniy zolotoy and tatyana klimovich, who were the first to go to paris. they are seriously fighting, all these obstacles that stand in their way, a stepping stone to further good results.
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what? portions of food per day. clinic, anti-doping center, beauty salon, laundry, shops, police station. the entire territory of the facility is, imagine, like 70 football fields together. athletes will be able to cover distances on bicycles or electric shuttles. according to the plan , the olympics in paris should become more environmentally friendly. compared to the previous summer games in tokyo, the village has only cardboard furniture and no air conditioning. reduce the temperature in the rooms, the organizers offer. with the help of fans, because indeed, in the midst of the european summer, before the most important start in life, comfortable sleep is for the weak. the village is a place of innovation, so here you will see anti -pollution infrastructure that
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responds to the environmental challenges we face due to global warming, all surfaces are light shades, this cools the temperature inside the building. we also planted 8,000 trees. in the village so that there are green areas. naturally, by this time 41 olympic venues had been commissioned. all venues are ready for athletes to perform. in fact, only the paris aquatic center needed to build a temporary arena on the place de la concorde for bmx freestyle breakdancing and skateboarding. seine is also an object. it will host triathlon and marathon swimming competitions; the state has invested almost one and a half billion euros in cleaning the river, as has been proven. that e. coli or staphylococcus are no longer a threat, officials conducted demonstration swims, demonstrative swimming was delayed for a whole month, since there were water samples in the canopy back in june.
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