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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 11:35am-12:01pm MSK

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on tv channel belarus 24. let you love like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that is above the crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild. the song that i feel, for the sweet deep laughter, for the frequent call, for the clear eyes, for the young soul, may you love me, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then.
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for the most part, dear daughter, let me love you. hello, my name is pavel morozov, i came to belarus from russia and am acting as consulate general of the russian federation in the city of grodno.
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i came to belarus from moscow, before that i worked at the ministry of foreign affairs in the konovsky department, when the opportunity arose to get to belarus, i actually never thought about it, but what i read, what i saw in films, first of all, the brest fortress, and of course i could not refuse such an offer, i agreed and i don’t regret it a bit, belarus... struck me with its open spaces, people, history, then the way people relate to history, of course, the decision to change the region in within my work, well, in my opinion, it was right, i came to belarus for the first time to my shame, perhaps because before that the sphere of my interests and professional academic, so to speak, it was of course directed to the far east, to
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the north east asia, so coming to belarus was such a cardinal turn in my destiny, and i knew a lot about the country, especially since my relatives and parents came here, in general, i heard, watched, and read a lot, but probably the most important thing we always talk about they said in russia that it is very clean here, good roads, wonderful products, wonderful people, that’s all true, but there is a lot more here. what’s interesting, even when we chose belarus, one of the main aspects, in addition to the cultural and other proximity, was precisely the territorial proximity, the fact that moscow is close, you can always visit your parents, parents, friends, relatives, that’s probably what ’s missing, missing , as always, on any business trip there are not enough loved ones who are at home, but fortunately we always we can meet with them, so in this regard, belarus differs very... favorably from
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most of the countries where i worked, which are 10,000 km from my home, but here it’s very close. as part of a business trip , my family and i moved to grodno; it is not without reason that they say that this is an open-air museum, here... there is a huge number of preserved ancient buildings, institutions, and museums. now we are in the castle complex, this is a new castle, just an old castle, we really like to walk here with our family, we often bring delegations here. grodno lives history, there are many historical buildings, structures, museums, probably the largest number of museums that i have seen in any city in belarus, so there is always what is where and what... to know new things about the history of the country, about history of the world, including the history of europe. in december 22 , the consulate general of the russian federation opened in grodno; there is still a lot to be done here, but at least
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a corner of russia has appeared in grodno, where we are always happy to see our fellow citizens. consulate general located practically in kalozhsky park, on soglyannaya street, building 2, drov-2, and the place was chosen very carefully, it is really the center of the city, but at the same time such a quiet, peaceful place that invites you to take walks around a large number of parks, gardens there is a lot of work ahead. in order to establish the full functioning of our foreign institution, we are now working with a slightly reduced staffing and providing only a certain range of consular services, but i am sure that we will be here soon we will build a wonderful building, we will be happy
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to provide a full range of horse services to our citizens and citizens of the republic of belarus to all guests who come to the grodno region and need our help, we, too , within the limits of our capabilities, are trying to help the city improve not only the territory of the consulate general itself, but also the area around . there is already a project for improving the surrounding area; on the eve of victory day, we organized , together with the representative office of rossotrudnichestvo in brest, an event, a garden memory, this is international. the action, which is to plant 27 million trees in memory of the 27 million who died during the great patriotic war, the action has been taking place for the fourth year and more than 100 million trees have already been planted, in my opinion, every year this is exactly the number 27 million we are planted
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also took part in this action and with the help of the city authorities, right in front of our consulate general, we put up our garden of memory, which is already included on... the virtual map of this international action, we planted about twenty trees exactly on this area, which will be landscaped in the future and there will be a whole square laid out, we hope we talked with the city authorities, we thought that maybe we could call it a friendship square, we planted 20 trees, these are pines, and larches and fir trees, and even, well, for me at least at least a new sumac plant there - in the distance... this is such a tribute to my far eastern past, autumn there is always colorful, but we also wanted to bring some autumn colors here. i am not from
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a family of diplomats, but my father worked in the ministry of foreign affairs, probably this somehow predetermined my fate. probably, like everyone else, this all happens somewhere, probably by accident, but as we know, in our life all accidents are not accidental, i entered moscow state university, the institute of asian and african countries, in the korean direction, studied the korean language, and after graduating from the institute, i probably had little choice, either to go to some commercial structures associated with korea, or some... academic circles to engage in science, or i had a choice to go to work at the ministry of foreign affairs business, what in general i did, i worked in the first department of asia, almost immediately i was sent on my first business trip to north korea, and not to phkinyang, but to
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the northernmost province of north korea, this is the province of north hamgyong, the city of chongdin, where i spent almost 4 years, and basically even got married there. we still live happily, and after that i returned to moscow, again worked in the korean direction, uh, in the political department. in the tenth year i was offered to go to southern korea, to the city of busan, this our southernmost point, where we have a presence on the korean peninsula, so in general i traveled the entire korean peninsula from north to south, after busan, after 2 years i was transferred to the position of head of the konovsky department of the embassy in seoul. until the fifteenth year i worked in korea in the konovsky direction, so the choice
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was simple for me, i returned to moscow, came to the consular department, where i worked before arriving in the republic of belarus, having arrived in belarus, i did not feel that i had arrived somewhere abroad, for me usually you always come on a business trip abroad, you begin to study the custom. some rules of the host country, here this stage was skipped, since we think and think alike, i don’t consider belarus as just some kind of foreign business trip, i came to brest in 2019 in the summer, the idea was already in the air then in the air, to open the russian consulate general in grodno, the fact is that the consular district of the consulate general is in brest. included both the brest region and the grodno region, in
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in the grodno region, according to local law enforcement agencies, we have about 11 thousand russian citizens, the main task of the horse institution, naturally, is to provide assistance, support, protect the legal rights and interests of our citizens abroad, and all these 11 thousand citizens needed our help, they needed to register. to issue passports and certificates, to certify powers of attorney, and the distance from brest to grodno, in general, may not be that great, but the logistics are quite complicated, very many we just went to minsk, because it was closer and the road was more direct, it was then that there was already an idea to open our konovsky institution in grodno, well, the idea was in the air, in general it was far from being realized, in 2022
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this idea arose again, was supported by the ambassador of the russian federation, boris yacheslavovich grizlov, and was supported by the presidents of our countries within the framework of the forum of regions of russia and belarus, which was held in grodno in his video message, the president of the russian federation vladimirevich putin announced that the decision to open. the novokonsky institution of the russian federation in the city of grodno was adopted and the task was set to open the consulate general precisely before the end of the year, and on december 28 last year, in the presence of representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs, the governor of our ambassador, the flag was raised on the building on tsyglianaya street. since then, we have been carrying out the first reception of citizens. we didn’t delay too much and on january 9, immediately after the new year holidays, we already opened
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the doors for our first visitors, since then we’ve been hosting weekly receptions until we have all technical procedures have been completed and we cannot provide a full range of horse services, we provide them in a slightly truncated form, this is the issuance of passports, this is the issuance of certificates of no criminal record, this is notarization... and other consular services, we always say that we are doing everything in our power
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to ensure that the consulate general starts working on a full scale as quickly as possible and we will continue to do everything we can to speed up this process. greetings, i wanted to say that this cultural center has become significant in the history of our, generally short history of our consulate general.
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hello, hello, hello, how is the day, everything is fine, how are you, i corrected physics, physics, yes, well, great, let's go, now it works out for me, everything is fine for me too.
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i wanted to introduce my family, these are my companions on all business trips, my wife alina, son maxim and daughter alisa. we were together in south korea and now we happily moved to belarus, to the city of grodno. today we are here, we are in kolozha park, this is for us, well, such a place of power. what, uh, we we love nature, we love some kind of spiritual component of the place, yes, where, what could be more spiritual than a church of the 19th century, which breathes history, in general, we had the same situation in brest, where our favorite place was exactly garrison temple on the territory
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of the brest fortress, we really loved being there.
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a wife is more about the rear, it’s more about a home, a family, and, of course, if there is an opportunity to help, i’m always happy and on business trips, if there is an opportunity to prove myself in the work field, i take advantage of this with pleasure opportunity, on all business trips, after the wedding we were together, we got married in north korea on a business trip.
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it was very clean, light, we moved in the summer, and compared to moscow, it was clean, light, kind of nicer, when we moved, i went to second grade, and as i noticed, people here are much kinder, any a person can just help himself, in principle, it’s very beautiful here in many places, compared to moscow, it was all new. they have their own habits, their own jokes, their own culture, it was absolutely in a different way, every business trip didn’t look like moscow at all. this is a definite step, if the east gave us a family, formed our family, then belarus is more about the soul, where there is an opportunity for spiritual growth, and
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the small courtyards of brest, with domino players, and accordionists, and violinists, this gives more of an opportunity to look into yourself, where is this little one?
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good people, where we met a wonderful country, wonderful nature, where a piece of our heart will remain, and of course, a piece of belarus, we we'll take it with us.
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amazing people of our country, over time i realized that i was so fascinated by this that i didn’t see any other paths, just jewelry, they raised 700 gentlemen, the next year they raised 17,000, i was in shock, i was so scared, but it’s not for nothing that they say that the city takes courage, their calling is to bring enlightenment and spiritual development, you always strive for the highest, to achieve even more, and in my opinion there is no limit to perfection in this profession, the one who wants to achieve something...
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12:00 pm
in live news at noon in the studio elizave tolakotka, hello, in this issue. diversification. export and promotion of products to the sco countries at the independence palace meeting on industrial usa.


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