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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 3:25pm-4:30pm MSK

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house of friendship, traditional folklore songs, padguki, flutes and quatras, this venezuelan folk instrument, the guitar of the type, as presented to the belarusian public by the musicians of the entramada group. the duet has a hibernaculum and a flute player larel radrygis and a campasitar player johnny leon. much of venezuelan folk music is based on quatras, both on a rhythmic and harmonic basis. gathas are musical instruments that have been widely used in many genres in different regions of venezuela.
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france, austria, turkey and china, and then like brazil, argentina, mexico, spain, belarus. lipenskaya hibernation is timeout. as of this week, zhikhar is in the capital.
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at the exit, the yard does not change, it will be cool, if not hot, months with sales, navalnitsa. that's all, mostly on our site premnaga of the day.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute we will have a guest. will answer all questions. are you ready to meet our guest? vadim anatolyevich, are you worried? of course i'm worried. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise. good luck then! so, welcome
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our guest, rector of the belarusian state university of informatics and electronics, ex-deputy minister of education, vadim bogush. i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you don’t use it and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to tell me briefly about myself, time has passed, i am bogush vadim anatolyevich. born in 1975, i am a belarusian scientist, currently the rector of the belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, an excellent student in life, i hope that i am not a botanist, married, i have two children,
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i really love my family, my homeland and the business that i do, you nailed it perfectly. in 1 minute. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question. let's see how fast you can answer and who is ready to ask their question first. red sector, please. hello, my name is anna. when you were our age, you were probably tormented by the question: where to go? why you chose the university of informatics and radioelectronics? well, i've always been inclined toward engineering and science since high school. and... when i was choosing where to study, then of course i was aiming at moscow and st. petersburg, because i studied at school in the soviet union, and the centers of science were mainly there, but the nineties had just arrived and the best promising institute at
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that time was in belarus, it was the minsk radio engineering institute, so i decided to go there. did you have... a computer as a child, at what age did you get one? computers were just appearing then, and i mean personal computers. and we were lucky, we had a school that was equipped with computers, not even soviet -made ones, because the school had bosses, and there i first became acquainted with programming, with computers, and then very quickly personal computers began to appear and... probably i was in ninth grade when it became more or less accessible, and literally a year later, probably, personal computers appeared in every apartment, which, well, we used, it’s clear why, for games first and foremost, and only then for programming. what was the most
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technologically advanced thing you had as a child? i can tell you about the thing that i earned myself, if you’re interested, yes, which means i really really like music and i wanted to have my own device that would reproduce music with high quality, that’s when i finished eighth grade, well, in your notation, this is ninth grade, so i asked my mother, she helped me get a job at a factory, and i worked at the factory in order to get my first salary, so i received somewhere around 70 rubles, probably, in the union there was such a brand that produced high-quality equipment, it was called radio engineering, so i bought myself my first vinyl record player , so, in principle, it lived with me for quite a long time until i finished graduate school, they say that all
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the academicians are very smart, and how did you study at school, well, i got a gold medal at school, a red diploma at the university, an early defense of my candidate's dissertation, well... and i got a doctorate protected me when i was not yet 32 ​​years old, to myself, well, i told you that i am an excellent student in life, when you were in school there was no internet, but why now? therefore, if you really want to become
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a specialist, to become an educated person, then the internet can help you with this, but it will never do the work for you. why do you think everyone wants to become an it specialist now? well, because, on the one hand, this is enough. interesting work, which is in demand in many, many directions, that is, in your words, there is such a definite hype, uh, on the other hand on the other hand, well, i think many people want to become, although they do not understand what it is, sometimes, sometimes, it even happens that when entering our university and really understanding what it is... modern information technology, suddenly, well, a schoolboy says: oh,
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sorry, i probably got into the wrong place, we had a very interesting story, when we opened training in a new specialty, information technology, systems in the gaming industry, well, or design, that’s the first intake that we had, freshmen came, they say , so we will play games, no, this is not about that, the specialty is not to lose, this specialty is about creating and... first mathematics, models, graphics, design and so on, and then engines for development, so here there is also a very important element that concerns the fact that you need to understand what you will do later, including that our country really needs so many programmers, the field of information technology is just such a new direction, which is now not only in the republic. belarus is growing in the world, in principle, well, like this, recently
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there should also be a security specialist at every enterprise, in this part there is just a balance about whether there is a lot or a little, this is a very, very discussed issue, because the products themselves are possible in the field of radio electronics in general , information technologies, biotechnologies are becoming more and more. why is this happening? because a person wants to improve his life, he wants to improve his life in terms of life expectancy, in terms of its quality. accordingly, it is one of tools that allow, among other things , professional development, because, essentially speaking, it is now in the pocket of each of you, you asked me about the computer, yes, that’s it... the evolution is quite simple, and for there 50 - for 60 years, the computer
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first occupied a building, well, really a building, yes, then a room, then a box, now it fits in your pocket, and in terms of performance, the smartphone that you have in your pocket is an order of magnitude greater than that computer, who occupied the building, although in in principle, both there and there it was already... there was semiconductor electronics, which country ranks first in the world of it? well , to be frank, i would say that china, because china has its own view on things related to the development of information technology, from the point of view of prospects, i think that china really is, including the center of future technological development, and than ours? programmers are worse than chinese, our programmers are no worse than chinese, and if we are talking about
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a global issue in general, our specialists, they are in demand in eastern europe, belarus is a bright, clear leader. hello, my name is alexey. tell me why our programmers go to work abroad, well, because they are cool. that is , professionals in their field have the opportunity to choose where to work in this area. and i don’t think that this is strongly connected, for example, with wages, it is rather related to the implementation of interesting projects, and as for moving, this is also the specificity of this or that type of activity, which is sometimes required in order to
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well, moving there in order to communicate with the team, in order to gain someone else’s experience. adopt, study, therefore, i don’t know, fortunately or unfortunately, but there are certain specifics in the organization of work, and some professions require, including such trips. what needs to be done to get them to work from home? well, in fact, many people remain; there must be conditions that allow them to achieve their goals. second question, i can even draw it for you, but for you, what should be the conditions for you to be at home, i think that decent wages, conditions, and material support for working in this area, well
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, you see, that is, you are talking about those things that are on the surface. well, understanding the rules of the game, sustainability in strategic development or long-term planning, so for each time, for each stage of your life, i think there will be slightly different priorities, this is absolutely normal, and i want to emphasize that these priorities include depend on you, and probably this is it
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the key thing, what you need to appreciate most, is that you have an opportunity now. in order to get a job? here, here you are answering the question, that is, distribution is the process of providing work, that’s all, accordingly, we answer the question, if they helped you find a job, that’s good, now many children sit at the computer, parents
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think about becoming a programmer, and by what criteria? how do you define a future it specialist? well, definitely not in terms of the time he spends at the computer, but what if talking about the system, probably, of career guidance, well, the people who become successful are those who know how, well, with a high level of self-control, who know how to work on themselves, because...
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it’s a working tool, that is, whether i want it or not , i have it on mine in my current job i have to interact with a lot of people. well, accordingly, gadgets help me do this, i just save time in this way, about addiction, well, psychologists
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say that if a person denies addiction, then he definitely has it, and i want to tell you that, well, i do it every day i use it, i have more than one cell phone, i have quite a lot of communication channels and, of course, if i put them aside, then... it will be difficult for me to do my work, but i get quite tired from these, and sometimes i feel very tired. i wish i didn't have gadgets. what unusual applications do you have on your phone? well, i can say what i use the phone for, besides communication, and that is, in addition to communication, this is also a notebook, this is also a library, this is also a player. as a rule, i don’t like it when i have a lot garbage in your phone, why study to be a programmer now if everything can be written
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by artificial intelligence? well, in fact, programming is not writing code, programming is the development of algorithms , first of all, it is the creation of models, so artificial intelligence does not yet... write everything, that is, we can say that artificial intelligence is good, artificial intelligence is a tool, a hammer is good from the point of view of a person's quality of life, and a hammer an ax is good, because otherwise what will you be this is to do this work, so a computer is also a tool, it’s a human task. man, learn how to use it correctly in a good way, that is, good or evil is determined by a person, i
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would really like it to be good, which it specialties will disappear in the future and for neural networks, i think that specialties then they won’t be lost, and some functions can actually be simplified. well, for example, the functions of editorial testers, if you study in a specialty related to programming, even your assignment, believe me, the teachers themselves do not check the first iteration, that is, they leave it to testing programs, and only then they begin to look at your creative component, and what new specialties will appear in your field? this academic year, we do not open new specialties every year, but this academic year we have new ones, including two new specialties with big
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names, these are cyber-physical systems, one specialty, the second specialty electronic engineering, we, well, in fact , also have a very interesting specialty, we switched to a continuous training program in microelectronics, and now this is... ahead.
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do you think children should be limited in their access to computers? at what age should they be introduced to them? here, probably, the question is not even whether it’s with a computer or not , it’s about making sure that the time spent goes to the good, so that it goes to the good, so when you come back. now to the question, if you sit at the computer for a long time, then it’s beneficial this is definitely not good, believe me, with my experience in general, this is not
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good for health, this is not... this is our advantage compared to a computer - it’s still emotions, these are the emotions, the good ones that we have that are excellent in communication are that no computer can replace it, how else can you understand that a child is addicted to a gadget, you need to observe, but also... the simplest, simplest signal in general is when it goes negative reaction to the inaccessibility of the gadget, so it’s very easy for you to check yourself, try putting it there phone into the box and see how long you don’t go near this box, how long you last.
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hello, my name is timofey, in schools, in computer science lessons, we use pascal. don't you think it's worth switching to more modern programming languages? in fact, this is a long-standing question: is it necessary to teach at school, namely teach the programming language that is currently used, well, at the present time, from the point of view of organizing the brain, well, pascal is a completely, quite worthy language.
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years ago, now, well, students of twenty years ago are 20 years older than today, in general - it’s hard for me to say, i - i don’t have a temporary gap, that is, i’m constantly at the university, i was even when i was in the civil service, here i am i served not only in the ministry of education, i...
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and, but this is not only the rector, this is any leader, this awareness, understanding and generally accepting the sense of responsibility that is for the decisions you make, this is the most difficult thing, not only in the work of a rector in the work of any leader.
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and what is the easiest? i don’t know, we don’t have easy tasks, you are the chairman of the council of rectors, and i’m interested in the question, does this mean that you are friends with all the rectors of our universities? practically yes, i would not say that i am close friends with everyone, but i have...
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good competition, because we actually rejoice when we achieve success, because it is success. well, it’s just that this answer will not be for children, and i don’t think that this is the format of the program, we are recording your reluctance to answer this question. why are our universities worse than cambridge? or oxford, or are they still better? well, there is
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one parameter that distinguishes our universities, for example, from cambridge or oxford, this is age, the second parameter is the amount of money allocated for education, in this part we are not so rich, the next question is what is better or worse, the fact that we achieve better results with fewer resources, in my opinion, this is better, but the fact that, of course, we do not have access to the most expensive technologies, well, this is such a disadvantage, but at the same time it is not prevents...our talented graduates from taking part in the creation of such technologies, how do you think the success of a university is measured? well, there are basic
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directions, this is science and this is the success of graduates, so if the university has scientific research, there are developments that... are recognized outside the university, the country, if graduates find themselves in life and realize it, because in general the education system works for so that a person succeeds in life, and if the university makes its contribution so that a person has achieved success in life, which means he is a successful university, but how do you react when they say that bguir gives outdated knowledge? the opposite, in some part, you know, can be distorted, but mathematics is how old you are, well, i’m trying to give facts that show how chess is approximately, if not more,
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correct, mathematics is outdated, of course, well, actually not, because mathematics is the basis of all computer technology, and there are even special chapters of mathematics that you can use to draw, it’s interesting, really, because that i have a musical education, so i understand how to develop in science and in
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what i like, but i literally can’t draw at all, now everyone is talking about patriotism, do you think it’s possible to learn from a textbook love your homeland? “i think that you cannot learn to love your homeland only through a textbook, but a textbook can help with this, help through knowledge and understanding of your homeland, the history of your homeland, and aren’t people born with love for their homeland, well, maybe”? someone will disagree with me and say that a person by default, he is born with love, but the emotional sphere, feelings are also things that you acquire and will acquire, and accordingly,
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patriotism is a feeling that can be acquired, it can be educated, including there investment, yes, that is, people, what is family first of all for you? yours, that is, starting from the history of the family, the history of the land, the city, the place, either in which you were born, or in which you live now, then this is the emotional sphere, these are the people who... surround you, surrounded you, they will surround you, this is also all patriotism, this is also all patriotism, ending with such really, really important symbols that relate you to the country, to the homeland in which you live, well, that is , the highest level there, this is there state symbols, you know, i travel a lot around the world, we were there in the usa on a business trip, so...
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well, i think so, yes, i think that they are also advanced and artificial intelligence, they will screw in the very first thing as soon as they figure out how to do this, in fact, the university administers exams differently, starting from the classics, as this is done at school, ending, for example, with the approach when your textbooks are on the table, and you took a ticket, there are... questions and you can, in general, even watch something or
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get on your phone to look, but what you read on your phone won’t form precise knowledge, yes, and as a rule, when you study at a university, you study for yourself, and the teacher who teaches you wants you to understand , first of all, in the current conditions, information can be found, i don’t i say that it’s easy, but... it’s much easier than it was 20 years ago, 40 years ago, so you understand, this is still not an easy task. what developments of belarusian it specialists are you most proud of? well, probably, after all, the topics that are the most famous, so ...
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what would you do? i would do science, that is, in principle, this is part of the work that i do now, it’s just that now i have a lot of administrative functions, where i need to make sure that, that is, someone cannot come to work, someone gets sick , if a person cannot do this job, which means a replacement must be found, and these are the things that you are forced to do every day. there really isn’t very
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much time left for science, so if i had a lot of free time, then i would probably spend more time on research and science, because it’s interesting, and it’s not beneficial only to me, but to all the people who live in the world, hello, my name is ilya, there are many. i see, so on, all the programmers go
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around the office in flip-flops, truth or myth? myth, myth, but on the other hand, they don’t wear ties around the office, and one of the advantages of professions related to programming is that there is no strict dress code, that is, there are no uniforms that need to be worn in mandatory, but if you get into a party, i’m sure you’ll see everything. after all, that these are it specialists, well, of course , they’re just wearing ties now, then well , there are a lot of it specialists, my uniform is like this, well, i understand, yes, although i’m without...
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the salary level also correlates with due to the complexity of the problems that it specialists solve, there are different levels of specialists and different salary levels, so the fact that all it specialists earn good money is not entirely true. hello, my name is denis, and another stereotype about these people. it is believed that all girls want to marry these. do you agree with this? i don’t know, it seems to me that girls should get married, want a loved one, i’m not sure that this is the absolute truth. let's, in order to destroy the myth, now let's conduct a little experiment, girls, when you grow up, who will you be? one of you wants to marry an it specialist? raise a hand. may i know why you
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want to marry it people? who is ready to answer? well, because this is such a good profession, and at least for the wife there will be a very good status, that is, the wife of an it specialist, for me this is very important in principle, because my brother is an it programmer, that is, they constantly reproach me for this, then that your brother is a programmer, why can’t you do that, that’s why i want a programmer husband so that i can brag like that too, well, due to the fact that i have there are... i know it people, they are quite nice people, smart, developed and they really have something to tell about this field, and this is a really interesting profession that i want to listen to, so i think that if my young man is in the field it, then i think that i’ll even get involved in this myself, because it’s very interesting, but what about ichki and flip-flops,
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no, but it doesn’t matter, flip-flops are very cool, here i’ll enter into a discussion already, yes, that is ... in the denominator of all opinions that were expressed, that means, but i can say that girls want to marry intellectuals, smart people, not beautiful people, first of all, yes, well, in general, this is great, because people who are smart are always more successful in life.
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we will tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine: in moscow - shawarma, in st. petersburg - shawarma, in shklov - agurverma.
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we have forgotten how to enjoy little things, to be surprised,
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to feel the connection between generations, to simply notice, but every day is made up of tradition, today, a year or a century ago... ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through a generation, it’s in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar look , real traditions are formed from... these happy moments, we are proud of
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the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our the present. belarus 24. well, because we studied there, by that time i was already in graduate school, and she started working as an assigned worker, by the way , that’s all, and having seen each other several times, well, briefly, that was the moment when she appeared to me opportunity to meet. here after after we met, well, we started talking, then we started dating, then we got married, i have secret information
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that you met your wife at a dance, is this true or not? no, no, we, my wife and i met, uh, near the cash register, then they were still giving out cash, so, but we were dancing, it was her initiative, and my wife... was doing ballroom dancing, i , no, she me, there dragged me in, and yes, we really danced. do you still dance? yes, i dance, it’s very difficult, by the way, sick dances are very difficult to dance. and if i asked you to dance with me now, would you agree? yes, i would agree, but the question is that you dance, i can do anything, let's try. well, you are shy, but i ’m not, of course
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there was applause, bravo, tell me, do your children study at your university? no, why? is it their decision or did you talk them out of it? moreover, i did not persuade them to go to university, but in bguir, and despite the fact that i believe that bguir is the best university in the republic of belarus. i think that this is the best university, but i didn’t persuade them to enroll in guir, because i think that well... well, we talked and discussed a lot, and this is the decision that was made by my daughter, but
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that’s it. .. i am fully supported, thank you very much, but what decision did your daughter make, what profession did she choose? she is a veterinarian, and my son does not have a higher education. hello, my name is yura, let's move a little away from the topic of your work, recently i heard the following expression, how to always remain young, you need to communicate with young people, please tell me, what age do you feel yourself to be and how or in what way does this manifest itself? well , it’s hard for me to say how old i feel, physically i feel very good, thank god, that is, i didn’t have any serious illnesses, there were no operations, that’s why in this part, well, probably i feel younger than
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the average man at my age. but as for the emotional sphere, there, well, of course, not on 18 years, because a certain experience , and well, those experiences, so many different situations, they leave an imprint. please name three facts about yourself that only... your closest friends know, well, it’s difficult to formulate, because they know a lot, but don’t know a lot, i really have a lot of things that i don’t want they were public, there are my hobbies, there are some hobbies, for example, that i leave... there for
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myself, for some kind of personal space, well, yes, for example, yes, this is the music that i like to listen to, well, i like the bands there of the new wave of british heavy metal, for example, i like rock bands, there are my youth, this is the decline of the soviet union, there are the eighties, nineties, this is the music in this part. i’ll also tell you another secret, this is music that my family doesn’t really like, because it doesn’t always provide sound comfort there, that’s why i sometimes or mostly listen to it on headphones, like this partly yes, this is probably something that is very well known to my friends and people who
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are close to me, but completely unknown to those people who are with me... vladim anatolyevich, can’t you sing your favorite song? children, are you ready to help? vladim anatolyevich, let's go. this signal means that the time for asking questions to the hero has expired. vadim anatolyevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program? well, i liked the question about half an hour the most. so, please introduce yourself, where are you in what class? my name is alina, i study at school eighty-seven, seventh grade. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question
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receives a special gift from our guest. well done! vladim anatolyevich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. who's dreaming? and if he dreams, then what? my dream is to play like michael jordan in the future. great answer. just super, well, i have such a dream, that i want there to be peace on earth, although it seems to me that it’s all because of the dough, well, because of money, in short, because of resources, yes, i i want all over the world it was clean, there was no garbage lying on the grass, they threw everything only in the trash, and not just somewhere in the middle of a field, well, to be honest, i really
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like... reading myself, i want to write a book, i wasn’t even afraid to do something according to like a horror story, but unfortunately it’s still in development, maybe it’s a little banal, but since childhood... i’ve dreamed of running my own podcast, inviting popular personalities, interviewing them, attending film premieres, i hope this will someday become a reality, even as a child, i dreamed of learning to drive a car, because my dad is a driver, my grandfather is a driver, in short, everyone was a driver, good, but this is a completely realizable dream. vadim anatolyevich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. and here i ask you
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to stay. vadim anatolyevich, what was the most difficult question for you today? well, a professional question in a children's audience is the most difficult. what surprised you with the children today? well, sometimes with frankly adult questions. today you managed to answer 60 questions, tell me if we call you again, will you would you agree to come? i think yes. and now i turn to our children's audience. do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? if you think so, raise your hands. kostya was very open and tried to explain the answers to our questions in an understandable language. the man was not afraid. sharing with us his thoughts and some hobbies, hobbies, i think this is a sign that a person acts honestly and speaks honestly, he had open answers to
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questions, and he also inspired me to enter the desired university. and to whom it seemed that vadim anatolyevich was a little disingenuous today, maybe he was hiding something, raise your hand. not a single person, this is an excellent result, great, vadim anatolyevich, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place. this is a completely new experience for me, i don’t always communicate with students in a formal setting, but it’s still an experience for me to have such communication on different topics. new and well, i hope that it will be useful to me, too, so many thanks to the children and schoolchildren for that not only did they ask me questions, but also answered mine. rector of the belarusian
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state university of informatics and electronics vadim vogush was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. in the next issue, today our guest is the olympic champion in ski acrobatics, multiple winner of the world cup stages allad super. why do all athletes want to win the olympics? what do you usually think about while jumping? does love help or distract in sports? allah, have you ever been scared? can you show us any trick or
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exercise? 100 questions for an adult! a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. we will prepare zucchini pancakes along with red fish, in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. bulgur, great side dish, slow carb, low glycemic index gives you energy for 3-4 hours, just amazing. we will help. choose products to make the first meal tasty and healthy. when choosing a frozen product, pay attention not only to the manufacturer's expiration date expiration date, you want the bag to contain as
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little ice chips as possible. a good radish is easy to identify; it should be firm and have a bright, evenly colored skin. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. while charging, i do the usual head and shoulder rotations. i warm up my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. open your arms wide, from this position bend to the side, stretch the entire lateral line of your body, watch in the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, as well. propose projects and films that
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will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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