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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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without state symbols, without a flag, without an anthem, everyone fought, everyone tried, showed a fighting spirit, showed that belarus, that we are strong, yes, it was hard, but the preparation was probably harder than the starts themselves, somehow we came out in doubles, we just went and when we finished, there was such happiness that even we forgot about fatigue, about everything in general, there was only joy, yes... the team will have a short rest, and then back to the training process and preparation for the next tournaments . the closest is domestic championship. acceptance of documents at colleges continues in belarus. ninth-graders can apply for a budget until august 3, and eleventh-graders until august 6. in minsk, the state college of architecture and civil engineering plans to enroll 415 people in all forms of education. particularly popular among applicants here are creative specialties, for which there are no... as
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for construction specialties, our leader is the special construction of building structures, and with a recruitment plan of 90 people, we have we have already submitted 73 applications, and another very important point is that this year for the first time in our branch we are accepting documents on the basis of targeted training in two specialties: our entrance tests begin from august 4 to august 8, graphic design is of course the leader there in terms of number of entrance tests, these are three exams, drawing, composition and painting. in total, about 40,000 people plan to enroll in the college, more than 27 thousand of them at the expense of budget funds, this year they have expanded the opportunities to enroll according to the target direction, admission numbers have grown to more than 5,000 places. at 19:00 more. up-to-date
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information, see you on the evening news broadcast. even 4 centuries ago, this place looked like a bear's corner. no, not in the sense that people didn’t live here, there were dense forests all around. on the contrary, there was already a settlement; people simply shared the status of local residents with the bears; they glorified the city throughout europe. what united them all was their love for local delicacies. of course, after all , according to some information, we are in the homeland of bagels, however, over time, from the former bakery greatness remained, except for the donut hole. i wonder what this city tastes like today, welcome, morgone and i.
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have you ever heard about the smargon academy, maybe you know who got the nickname smargon teacher and student, you would have asked two centuries ago. passers-by, they would first laugh and then explain. let's check whether smargonets remembers the local phraseological units. hello. hello. tell me, please, what was the smargon academy called at one time? do you know? doubtful educational institution. and in this case, who were the smargon teachers and students then? gypsies with bears? local bears were also jokingly called academicians. and a training school
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where street performers were trained with the morgon bear academy. in the 14th century it was discovered by the radevils, who owned the estate, and already in the 18th century its fame spread far beyond its borders. just like the famous balagur and veselchak, the owners of smargoni of that time, karoly stanislav gave birth to lady kokhanka, the same one who in the summer in the stale mountains from i rode salt in my dormouse. it is not surprising that it was with him...
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the cells, of course, were playing on the floor, and not their paws, of course, the fallen metal ones were playing, they were hot, they were dancing on the lid, they were changing from paw to paw, and the geta gave magic, potassium the music played loudly, until such a reflex was developed at this time, it moved from paw to paw, and even the coming moments were possible for such little puppy dogs to go to the kirmashyl ​​no. upon completion of training, the bears were awarded medals and even given titles. they didn't give royal ones. but there were noblemen among the four-legged ones, princes and counts. true, already at the beginning of the 19th century, bears lost their honorary titles. the training school was closed. and in 1870
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, st. petersburg officials banned such performances. the memory of the disservice still lingers in this city. true, today there are only sculptures, which are literally at every step here. if artist bears brought fame to smargoni , the existence of the settlement itself was known even before the reign of the greatest magnate family. why smargon? accurate the answer is difficult to find. some suggest that the first inhabitants of the settlement were driven. turpentine, the so -called smar or smur. hence the name of the local profession smaragona or smurgonya. or maybe the name came from a combination of two words: morgue, a unit of area equal to 0.71 hectares, and goni - an arable plot. since then
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, the areas began to be called smorgh gone, that is, gone the size of smorgh. thus , descendants managed to preserve two archaisms in one name. for the first time everyone learned about smargon thanks to the church, which was built on the banks of the oksna river in 1505 appeared on the initiative of yuri ivanovich from the zenovich family. unfortunately, not a single image or description of the shrine has survived. but another city temple can still be seen today. main attraction. a rare architectural monument of the renaissance era for belarus, the church of st. michael the archangel, early 18th century. the temple is greeted with simplicity, high windows, and a belfry tower, which is the only entrance to the shrine.
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shall we pass? a unique place, all kinds of prayers have not been heard by these walls. for 400 years the building belonged to calvinists, orthodox, catholic and even an atheist. a sort of chameleon temple. the very first calvinist sanctuary was built with the money of shishtof zinovich. the statesman and governor of the grand duchy of lithuania wished that after his death he would be modestly buried in a shrine he had built. century, a tomb of the zenovich family appeared in the dungeons. there is a legend that secret passages are hidden under the temple. you can allegedly take them straight to vilnius and kreva. true, during the reconstruction the workers did not
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find anything like this. so guess now, is it fiction or camouflaged well. and for us to continue the route, moves that would shorten the path to nothing. the future site of the transfiguration cathedral is just around the corner. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. was. and the goal is to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one moment, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, our technology
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today is actually very reliable, reserve colossal strength is built into it, let us introduce you to these are the most knowledge-intensive, most complex machines, in principle in mechanical engineering, that exist in the world. this was her long-time dream, i have three children, and it is impossible to love someone more, someone less, these are also our children, yes, they are all good in their own way, so in fact the attitude towards any product is the same, look the project is a quality mark on our tv channel, they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer, the first mention is the village of perru, the end of the sixth beginning. 7 centuries. 2-2 and a half kilometers, maybe three from
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the village in the forest there is an old settlement. a happy childhood and youth, a calm and measured life, they have what many strive for. everything worked out for me here, and i don’t regret one bit that i stayed in this wonderful place. you can see for yourself what beautiful places we have here, it’s just a matter of walking through the woods, without a specific purpose. the forest, it seems to calm you down, you go to the water, here you also find some kind of peace, i like this life, why should i change it, project about how modern poleshuks live, a person, if he wants, then he can also do a lot, and with his work he achieves great results, in any place there are conditions for development, everything, everything depends on the person. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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the only orthodox church in smargon cannot boast of its rich history. but the shapes and sizes are simply out of pride. this is the largest building in the city, the height of the five-domed cathedral is about 40 m. if necessary, the temple can accommodate 1,500 parishioners, and the location was also thought out. the church stands at the highest point in the city. therefore, no matter what part of smargon you are in, you can easily appreciate the beauty of the byzantine style. here is the look of this bronze man in straw. hat, a thoughtfully looking picturesque temple, and what’s interesting is that it appeared here on the day of the consecration
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of the church, september 6, 2009. surely you recognized the silhouette of one of the main founders of russian fiction, poet and publicist frantishek bagushevich. by the way, with the appearance in smargon of a sculpture by the author of “belorusskaya dudka and smyk belarusian", justice triumphed, because until that moment there was no monument to the belarusian classic in the whole country, yet a significant mistake was made with the opening of the monument. those who do not know bagushevich’s catchphrase, do not leave , but the people of our belarusian cabal did not die. in his most famous quote, engraved on the pedestal, initially the words of our language got lost in the text and took the wrong place. now i checked the plaque personally, so there is one less threat to the fund of golden belarusian quotes. the poet, even though he was born in.
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grodno region, has the most direct relation to the smargon region, lived in the village of kushlyany, located in the region. if you want to know in what interiors the great classic created, welcome to his family estate. it has long been turned into a house; the museum is located only about twenty kilometers from smargo. and very soon we will visit another estate, where another well-known person of art once drew inspiration. we'll just finish our walk through central park. there are many stones in the heart of smargoni, in the literal sense, here you can see a real garden of boulders. yes, the sculpture greets us with stone faces, should i know? what does all this surrealism mean, but in any case, the author called his creation the tree of life:
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a summer amphitheater is two steps away, the stage of the audience is divided by the oksna river, i wonder if its mood depends on various melodies? unfortunately, today the songs are not heard from the amphitheater stage. but there is no doubt that smargonshchina has good musical taste. and to convince you of this, we are going to the agricultural town of zales. this estate remembers hot political arguments, the tramp of dress shoes and the rustling of starched women's dresses, the sounds of instruments performing an as yet unrecognized masterpiece of tomorrow. i wish i could put on a luxurious floor-length dress now and turn my head to the sounds of this ancient 19th century piano. and don't even
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ask what to dance? of course, palanese, because once upon a time the maestro himself created in these halls. the diplomat and politician of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth of the russian empire received the estate from his uncle, who did not have children of his own. being a friendly person, mikhail oginsky took care of the appropriate filling, equipped several living rooms, a music room and a games room. on the estate of every self-respecting gentleman of the princely family there is a billiard. this is no exception; this is an english snooker table from the 19th century. i wonder how the master would react if a girl beat him? in the same room there is a chess board and a card table for cards.
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because of cheating, they hit me on the head with a candelabra, a large candlestick, heavy, so that they would not cheat. there was this device, it’s called a boulette lamp, you lit a candle on it, your hands with cards were on mind, and because of the design of the lamp, your face was darkened and your emotions were not visible. i am overwhelmed with emotions, but we have not yet seen the special pride of the estate, the winter and summer greenhouses. how lukashenko treats corrupt officials as a president, we all know this very well, if you are a thief, then you will sit, no matter how pro-state fuck you are, lukashenko is demanding of everyone, but he is especially demanding of those who are nearby, our
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chief enemy, carelessness, fraud and corruption. homeland, in my understanding, this is, of course, both my country and mine. cities, but first of all, the homeland is people, every third person on the territory of belarus died from the war, when now someone suddenly does not understand what belarus and specifically its leader lukashenko are doing, when we are either conducting maneuvers, or combat coordination, or the wagnerites we call you to learn from experience, then we return nuclear weapons, the enemies present this as aggression, that they are maneuvering there at home, but all that alexander grigorievich wants for his homeland is to the same thing did not happen again, every third, stable situation, which is controlled, but... watch the propaganda on the belarus24 tv channel
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that the camera does not transmit the smell. it is better to experience this battle of aromas once than to hear about them several times. this greenhouse grows olive, coffee and citrus trees, as well as pineapples, peaches and apricots. the gardens did not always bloom here. during the first world war they were replaced by barracks for soldiers, and a hospital was located in the estate itself. and, by the way, it was managed not by anyone, but by alexandra tolstaya. that one's daughter the pacifist writer himself, who reflected the actions of another war, albeit in four volumes of the famous novel epic. here, on the family estate, mikhail aginsky, together with his wife and children, spent perhaps the most fruitful years of his life. and today
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the composer’s family warmly welcomes guests. good afternoon. good afternoon. we are glad. welcome you to northern athens at the estate of michal kleofas aginski. bow and exit to polonest. this is a normal walking dance. there are the usual three steps. the fourth step comes from a half-crouch. well, let's try. while dancing, the man looked at the lady. the lady looked at the man, they smiled at each other. it’s only from the outside that the procession dance looks simple, but you remember, in these parts the masters even taught how to dance with pigtails. yes, the composer’s relatives, in addition to their kind souls , also have an enviable sense of rhythm.
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a sad fact: today mikhail oginsky has about 150 real relatives, and there are no bearers of the composer’s city surname among them. the sons never gave birth to heirs, grandchildren, but the main brainchild of the musician self-taught. threw the polish-lithuanian commonwealth after defeat of the kosciuszko uprising. let me remind you that the unofficial name of polonaise is farewell to the homeland, therefore both logic and approximate dates are on the side of this version. mikhail kleofasaginsky created not only the world famous polonets with his own hands. having erected an estate here, the maestro had a picturesque hand in the local landscapes.
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the road along which noble guests departed in their carriages is lined with ancient linden trees; the owner himself left the family garden along it alone. it's time for us to return to samargon. we turned off the path, our stop is the village kreva. how to get past the first stone castle of the grand duchy of lithuania of the 14th century, or rather, its former greatness. once upon a time, real palace passions boiled behind these now dilapidated walls. just remember the family games of thrones, grand duke jogaila. by his order in 1382 in the dungeons of krevsk. in the castle , the pretender to the throne, his uncle keistut, was strangled, captured along with his son bitovt, but cousin jogaila managed to avoid death from
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a brotherly hand. if it weren’t for the family ties of tayanna’s species, this story would have ended tragically, because it was the wife who came up with the cunning plan to escape to polotsk, dress the husband in a woman’s dress and switch places with the maid, who remained to portray the exhausted prince. women were brave after all. three years later , the union of krevo was signed at this place. thanks to the agreements worked out, jogaila united the grand duchy of lithuania and poland under his crown. the castle is now mothballed. impatient note, want to see the castle in its heyday? please, don’t go to the village of kreva, to the neighboring village of chukhny. on his plot, an artisan of ismargones, a telling surname sergei bondarenko, assembled a 10- fold smaller copy of the fortress landmark. they say that a lover of literally small
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architectural forms even allows one to lay a brick into his creation. and we are going to look at another castle model at the smargon museum of history and local lore. pavel petrovich, as far as i understand, the structure is unique, this is the first stone castle on the territory of belarus, right? indeed, this is the oldest castle on its territory, preserved, and, it should be noted, never rebuilt, according to at least, we are talking about towers, as happened with... happiness in 1433, so after that, then the towers remained in this state. several centuries before the construction of the castle, kreva was known as a center
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of pottery production; clay could be mined there in large quantities, and since it was used to make bricks, this made it possible to significantly save on the construction of a defensive structure. back in the 18th century, krevsky castle was in good condition, later. its destruction began, which ended with the first world war. through the front line passed through kreva, and in the fall of 1915 it divided the village into two parts: among the objects occupied by the enemy was kreva castle, not as a historical and cultural site, just a strategic place where shelter observation points were established. who will think about the price of the property of the past. in battle for every second of the present.
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information, this is the most clear proof to our enemies and enemies that at any moment the whole country will unite to defend our country, god forbid that this does not happen. don't miss it on tv channel belarus-24. meeting amazing people and immersing yourself in their profession. the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, since... with an increase in yield , in some cases there is a dilution, a decrease in the amount of nutrients. we mix the ingredients, which consist of clay, sawdust and sand. and we end up with a product called shitta. all the heroes are completely different, what unites them: the desire to achieve the best result.
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our consumer who buys our product can to check whether the brick is of high quality or not, a ringing sound has been tapped, which means the quality of the product is appropriate, few know everything, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed, watch the project one day on our tv channel. on september 15, 1915, the last peaceful day ended for the local residents of smargon and the surrounding area, the next one has just begun. in
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2 years and 3 months, not for everyone, for a few. the first battle broke out in the evening; the battle lasted 8 hours, but it was not possible to defend the city. residents received military orders. evacuate by all possible means within 3 hours. leave houses, households, things, everything that somehow reminds you of a normal life and run, run in order to simply survive. refugees, soldiers of the first world war, winged genius of soldier's glory. a memorial complex of three sculptures on the memory alley was opened on the centenary of the end of the last war of the russian empire. after 5 days the city was liberated russian troops, but the battle for smorgon ended only after 810 days. the battles were brutal, thousands of casualties,
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mass defeats. chemical weapons, after which russian soldiers were afraid even of the morning fogs. years of testing human endurance. in a well-known saying of that time, whoever has never been under smargon has never seen war. the same text is in circulation for descendants on the memory stone. more details of the battle locations can be seen on the military map cast in bronze. here's the last big one. offensive of the russian army, more powerful she has not yet collected artillery, 800 guns of various calibers are in the arsenal, even naval artillery. the brutal battles near smargon in terms of destruction and fury of battles can be compared with stalingrad in the second world war and the great patriotic war, and in duration with the blockade of leningrad in the destroyed...


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