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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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losses of people, mass destruction by chemical weapons, after which russian soldiers were afraid even of the morning fogs. years of tests of human endurance, in the well-known saying of that time, whoever has not been under the smargon has never seen war, the same text is addressed to descendants on the memory stone. the battle sites can be seen in more detail on a military map cast from... bronze, here is the last major offensive of the russian army, it has not yet collected more powerful artillery, 800 guns of various calibers, even in the arsenal naval artillery. the brutal battles near smorgon in terms of destruction and fury of battles can be compared with stalingrad in the second world war and the great patriotic war, and in duration with the blockade of leningrad in the destroyed... burned city, which
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was nicknamed dead, out of 16 thousand inhabitants, 130 returned home. it’s scary to realize that these are not just dry mathematical numbers. the post-war city was being restored in small steps. at first, its residents earned their living by twisting wire into rolls and selling it for money. then it opened sawmill, leather factories resumed their work. by 921 , only a few people were added to the list of smargon residents; the exact figures, according to the population census, were 154 smorgon residents. i found information that in the thirties in smargon there were approximately 60 bakers of those famous bagels. agree, it’s not that much for an entire city, but if you calculate it, it’s about 40% of the entire population. it’s interesting how...
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60% of consumers fought for the demand for their product. it turns out that the business was more external than internal. smargon's small bagels and pretzels were extremely famous. in belarusian they were called ovarankas. and also, according to some information, bagels often bought scamaroks for their artists, bears from...
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mishka, please come back, it seems to us that you deserve a reward, you deserve it, here you go, you’re great, we’ll hug you, so why local the baking business faded away over time, and what if the mysterious disappearance of smargon bagels can be explained by the appearance of competitors.
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remember, at the very beginning of the program i wondered question: what does smargoni taste like? so, it seems my answer is ready. the taste of the real thing is definitely local ice cream. the taste of the past - smargon boiled eggs. the greenhouse on the estate of mikhail kleofas oginsky adds a taste of exoticism. by the way, there is a similar botanical garden at the smargon polytechnic lyceum. and he himself is famous. the composer imbued these lands with musical taste. for dessert we left franciszek bagushevich, the literary delight of the region, personally, the aftertaste from our trip was very pleasant, come and you and try all the flavors of smargoni.
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july 1941, hitler's insertion into... it was here on july 16 that the extremely important meeting of the leaders of the reich took place, to what extent the minutes of the meeting testify to the goals of the war against the soviet union.
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the arsenal of genocide includes a punitive operation involving the destruction of populated areas, usually along with people. hijacking into a slave one of the means of mass extermination of the population was concentration camps. hundreds of thousands of civilians became their prisoners on the occupied belarusian territory. residents of prisoners of war. creation of a whole network of camps for our population. i know that we were just down the street in the area. wide, but i remember well, for example, the kunzcamp in the area of ​​​​present kuibushev, between masherov and velikhoruzhi streets. the hill was surrounded by barbed
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wires, there was a big, big camp for prisoners of war, but there were also just civilians there, uh. we went there often. one of the first camps was created on june 29 , 1941, by order of the commander of the fourth army, kluge, in the area of ​​the village drozdy near minsk. about 140 thousand military personnel, the civilian male population of minsk, under the pretext of re-registration, ended up in... what happened in the camp in figures and facts recorded by the emergency state commission to establish the atrocities of the nazi invaders and their accomplices.
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in the first 12 days, the nazis shot more than 10,000 people in the blackbirds, about 200 died because of. heat, hunger, the outbreak of an epidemic, so the fastas began to implement plans regarding the local population, prisoners of war, whom hitler ordered not treat front-line soldiers as soldiers and destroy them mercilessly. avoiding an epidemic. the camp in drozdy began to be disbanded, the jews were transferred to prison, the residents of minsk, after registration, began to be released home, and prisoners of war were sent to a newly created camp. it consisted of an urban part and
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was located in the area of ​​modern surganov, cherny, kalinin, yakub kolos streets, as well as a forest camp in masyukovshchina, the city and 90 branches at railway stations and became one of the largest not only in the occupied territory, but in europe. in he went down in history as shtalak 352. general prosecutor's office of the republic of belarus. a criminal case on the fact of genocide of the population of belarus during the great patriotic war and the post-war period. shtalak 352. in a note
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by pavel fitin, head of foreign intelligence of the ussr, data on german atrocities in the occupied territory. august 17, 1941. script. there is a prisoner camp not far from minsk. in this camp, prisoners are not allowed to eat for several days. after which they bring barley, scatter it on the ground and force the prisoners to gather it and eat it. there are cases when the germans bring crackers, throw them on the ground, when the prisoners rush to pick up the crackers, the german soldiers beat them with sticks. just one example: bysukov. yes, it’s quite high, a large area,
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there’s a railroad running nearby, and the main street there. it was cold, somewhere around the end of november, the beginning of december, i remember that, it passed, people were sitting on the ground, no scarves, nothing, basically our prisoners of war, but they were raised and taken to work in several places. the first months
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of their stay in the camp were terrible for the prisoners, when the barracks 400-500 people, and there were only 70 places, slept in piles on an earthen or concrete floor; those who did not have enough space were in the open air. the camp contained from 130 to 14,000 prisoners, from food... according to documents, 100-150 people each. there was no time to bury the corpses; they
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were piled up on the camp grounds and waited until spring to take them out and bury them in pits. i remember new year, 1942, it was frosty, terrible frost, they were driving a huge column of soviet prisoners of war. they were completely exhausted. at the beginning of forty-two politicians from outside
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the germans' attitude towards the use of concentration camp prisoners changed somewhat. in the occupied territories, there was an urgent need for labor; it was filled with prisoners. they began to be actively used in enterprises, debris removal, railways, and other facilities. special teams were formed from them. in march 1942 , a german convoy from a forest prisoner of war concentration camp entered the territory of the zhdanovichi holiday home. delivered another batch of workers, it was formed from
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prisoners. the workers immediately went their separate ways places and under the gaze of the guards froze, waiting for the distribution of tools and materials. the sergeant major was already lingering longer than usual at the point of issue. dissatisfied with something, he sorted through the tools. an altercation ensued with the security guard. an unexpected blow from behind. in an instant, the german convoy was disarmed and liquidated by prisoners. this was an unprecedented case of a daring attack on security, followed by escape. five prisoners of war, having killed the convoy, were able to escape from the fascist hell. subsequently, they, together with the residents zaslavsky district, they will organize a partisan
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detachment sturm and will fight the invaders. then it was akin to a feat. no one has ever managed to escape from a concentration camp, especially since it was a camp where the regime was particularly cruel, but even in these conditions the escape was not the only one. in july 1943, on the territory of the concentration camp near the village of masyukovshchina, work was underway to repair military equipment in the workshops created here. the brigade, assembled from
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prisoners of war, was engaged in the repair of armored cars. former locksmiths, mechanics, signalmen, sorted out parts, corrected damage inside the cabin, paying special attention to radio communications. the guards were pleased with the work, everything was done quickly, efficiently, and now the prisoners worked intently, were not distracted by conversations, only sometimes with a nod of their heads they gave each other a signal to bring this or that tool, it’s time to relax, summer, heat, what a surprise it was for them, the appearance from the depths of the hangar of an armored car, which was moving at full speed towards them, sweeping away everything in its path. the shooting began. two prisoners were killed, the rest managed to break
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through the fence and barbed wire and break free. decades after the war, the world learns about the uprising on october 14 , 1943 in the sabibor camp. its organizer was alexander pechersky, a soviet officer who, among the prisoners, was transported to poland from a concentration camp in minsk. i was in belarus in july 1940.
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torture, which was practiced in all concentration camps, covered literally the entire territory of the republic.
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the heroes of this program chose life for city, because you didn’t want to go to the village, but there was no such plan. well, not that there was a plan, but there was no desire to return, there were other plans, that’s for sure, there were other plans, but all these plans were crossed out and you realized that this is the kind of life you want, then you converted
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your parents’ house into a stable, now you save horses dogs, you have about seven horses now, yes dogs, i just lost count, you probably know better how many there are, but you can’t see for yourself, i don’t know for sure, they see more there perhaps. so that it somehow moves. look project i'm from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s easy to explore belarus, just
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create a non-trivial route. the long-awaited weekend has arrived, and this is a great reason to go on an exciting journey. and today i am building my route to tolochin. the most important thing is to be open. for amazing mysteries and facts. chagall, lissitzky, pen, malevich, these famous teachers brought up many talents at the vitebsk people's art school. we are our museum of modernity and 100 years ago, approximately marc chagall stands next to school, which was located in this historic mansion. and don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions. trouble in these views, i would be. watch the project route
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built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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