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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 7:25pm-8:00pm MSK

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on june 24, 1945, red square is filled with clearly lined up troops of the active army and the moscow garrison, their formation exactly corresponds to the location of the battle fronts, from north to south. to the sounds. of a huge
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combined military orchestra, which brought together almost 1,400 musicians and incessant cheers, zhukov rises to the podium, makes a speech, at the end of which the anthem of the soviet union and 50 volleys of artillery salute sound. the victory parade begins, it is opened by a regiment of the karelian front, followed by soldiers leningrad front, and behind them the first baltic front, led by the army general, hero of the soviet union, ivan... at
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the victory parade, ivan bogramyan led the combined regiment of the first baltic front. first baltic front. the operational unification of the soviet armed forces during the great patriotic war, operated in 1943-45 in the baltic direction. created on october 20, 1943 as a result of the renaming of the kalinin front. the front itself was created quite late, it is the front that became functioned only since the fall of 1943, well , its first commander was yulemenko, although not for very long, about a month, then ivan bagramyan led the front, his tasks included the liberation of northern belarus and military operations in the baltic states against. searching for the enemy, under his
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command the first baltic made his contribution to the operation that shook the whole world. ivan khristoforovich, bogramyan was born into the family of a railway worker, graduated from a railway and technical school and...
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at dawn on june 22, 1941, when was sent as part of a column to a military unit. no one immediately realized that the drone of planes was heard. not from a neighboring airfield, then the bombing began. and after that , ivan bagramyan more than once found himself in situations where his life, in the literal sense of the word, was under threat, but he never sat in the rear, he was always on the front line. june 23... 544 is a memorable day for the belarusian people. on this day, one of the largest strategic offensive operations began, which can rightfully be considered one of the most ambitious operations of the great patriotic war. from the memoirs of ivan
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khristoforovich bogramyan. at the beginning of may i was called to moscow, where general antonov received me. despite being extremely busy, as always, he greeted me cordially and introduced me to the draft plan for the belarusian operation, as he noted then, the main offensive operation of 1944, which later received the code name bagration. we left, inspired by the enormity of the upcoming offensive, gripped by an ardent desire to quickly begin preparing troops for great battle. for belarus. the first baltic front attacked the northernmost flanks of the belarusian balcony. the task of the first baltic front was, in cooperation with the troops of the third belarusian front, to encircle and destroy
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the enemy’s vitebsk group, and then, building on the success in the direction of polack, complete the liberation of the territory of belarus and transfer the fighting to the territory of lithuania and latvia. and cut off the army group north from the army group center. army groups north and center. operational-strategic association wehrmacht troops during the second world war. there are over forty battalions of security regiments for various purposes. the first echelon was defended by five infantry units, an airfield division and two divisional groups. the remaining forces echeloned.
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a large detachment of agitators from among the most authoritative warriors who became famous in battle worked actively. a recording of a conversation between an experienced soldier of the 210th guards rifle regiment, sofronov, has been preserved. he told young warriors: battle is a thing where you can see right through a person’s soul. if you hesitate in battle, it's the end you. we, the infantry, must.
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the attack turned out to be, as the course of the offensive itself testified later, very successful; the enemy concentrated his main efforts on holding the area of ​​polotsk and vitebsk, and the attack followed in the gap between them, where it was least expected. bagramyan
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developed a lot of creativity here. the fact is that on the sector of the second belarusian front, general zakharov used the experience of breaking through the enemy’s defensive positions. and bagushevsky directions, that technique of a barrage of fire and an offensive following the barrage of fire, which he successfully used still on the kurdish arc. after the victory in the battle of kursk for skillful management of the armed forces of the eleventh guards army and demonstrated operational and strategic knowledge, bogramyan was awarded the rank of colonel general, at the same time by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr. bogramyan was awarded the highest military order at that time, the order of suvoroy
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, first degree, from the memoirs of ivan khristoforovich bagramyan. the front command did everything to ensure that the offensive of our troops was unexpected for the nazis, it became like this. the risks were such that it would not be possible to break through the german defenses in the first day. again, like... at the beginning of 1944, the troops would get stuck in the forefield or on the first line of trenches, and they would have to gnaw and gnaw through this defense with a lot of blood, but the main risk was that the german command could act quickly and remove part of forces from army group north to strike the flank of the offensive group of the front, then a layer cake situation may result.
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of what would happen, well, everything seemed to be going well just as the german generals in berlin and
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minsk thought. on july 22, when it was just light, i and a group of commanders arrived at the observation post to direct the battle of the allocated units. it was foggy, and the area was poorly visible, but the sun broke through the horizon, and the haze began to slowly dissipate, by 5 o’clock the visibility was already tolerable, i turned to khlebnikov, who was looking at me impatiently, and said quietly, it’s time to start, reconnaissance in force began german . in some
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of the areas, start fighting in the first trenches. the first crack in the nazi defense appeared in the area of ​​our 935th infantry regiment. the first attacks of his units attacking shumilin from the east were repulsed. then the regimental artillerymen rolled out a gun in their hands into the infantry battle formations and struck straight at... the enemy’s fire immediately weakened sharply, and just at that time a red flag flared in the wind over one of the tallest houses in the enemy’s rear. the warriors, as if on command, stood up with a shout of hurray and rushed forward, nothing left them... after the battle, it turned out that in shumilino, unnoticed
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a group of fighters led by sergeant sakhatov infiltrated. the brave commander climbed onto the roof of the house and tied a red flag to the chimney. this caused great panic among the nazis. it seemed to them that soviet troops were already in their rear. by evening the attack subsided. in the end, the army group headquarters decided that... artillery groups on the belarusian balcony rained down 35 shells per minute on german positions and this lasted 2 hours, when bomber attack aircraft took to the air, when, by and large, they were hitting not on areas, but on identified strongholds and
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enemy firing positions, in general the result met all expectations. local residents helped maintain the high rate of advance of tank units in difficult terrain. if a tank unit was delayed by a powerful enemy stronghold, which could not be captured immediately, then it was usually bypassed. and in this matter, local villagers were invaluable helpers. former soldiers of the 159th tank brigade will never forget maria andreevna, a resident of the village of popki, vetrinsky district. shook, who, despite her very advanced age, gladly volunteered to lead them behind enemy lines. our tankers quickly crossed the wooded and swampy area and cut off the road to the retreating enemy troops. for active assistance to the red army, maria andreevna was awarded a medal for military merit. these
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days we observed many examples when commanders of regiments and divisions boldly sent their troops to bypass populated areas if the nazis managed to gain a strong foothold in them. such nodes of resistance as a rule, they were attacked from the rear. judging by the commanders' reports, belarusian partisans continued to provide great assistance to the troops. their task was to capture crossings, seize road junctions and bridges, prevent them from being undermined by german troops, and impede the approach. the expectation of surprise paid off . during the vitebsk-orsha operation, the enemy group in the area of ​​vitebsk and orsha was surrounded and destroyed. building on their success, the troops of the first baltic front liberated the city on july 4, 1944
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polotsk, after which, without pause, they began offensive operations on... to a large extent, the success of this offensive operation depended on who commanded the front. the first baltic front made a great contribution to the liberation of the northern part of belarus, such cities primarily as vitebsk, polotsk, those territories that probably suffered the most from
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the occupation regime, there were actually huge human casualties, therefore. for belarus, the liberation of these very territories from the nazi invaders is it was very important. therefore, the baltic, because his main task was to liberate riga, to liberate the baltic states, but the path lay through the belarusian lands, so he also took part in operation bagration, in the liberation of belarus. ivan bagramyan -
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but if it comes to battle, then no blood will be excessive, if the task is to achieve victory and achieve the defeat of the enemy, a military... chief endowed with outstanding abilities, he has experience in both command and staff work, which helped him with success resolve issues of troop command, as well as
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experience in developing a military action plan, and he strives for victory in the shortest possible way, and has a strong, persistent character. ivan khristoforovich bagharomyan knew how to find a common language with any soldier. and a new recruit, yesterday's schoolboy and with an old man who had more than his first war behind him, he could be a father commander, a brother commander, and somewhere even a son commander.
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a very decent person, a good military man and a good operational worker, who played a big role in organizing resistance to hitler's invasion in those areas where he was assigned to deal with this matter. the great commander was just as persistent in matters of the heart. he was distinguished by his devotion not only on the military, but on the love front. bogramyan was 20 when he fell madly in love with a girl named tamara, but by that time she was already engaged to someone else, and this could not be changed. fate itself decided everything. tamara's husband soon died. the young woman was pregnant, but this did not stop ivan, who, not paying attention to the gossip, married her. born
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bagramyan raised the boy as his own son, and soon he and tamara had a daughter , margaritka. from a letter to my wife. don't worry about me. grieve, i feel good and cheerful, i can cope with my work, i work as the chief of staff of marshal timoshenko, we have nikita sergeevich khrushchev as a member of the military council, we are happy with my work, i ask you, write more often, because your letters are a great joy for me. having received the letter, the wife decided that she should be. nearby and went to see him at the front; for ivan
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, his beloved’s arrival turned out to be a real holiday. from her he learned that their son had also been at the front from the first day of the war. unlike many of his fellow military leaders, bagramyan never had front-line girlfriends. all his thoughts were only about his wife and children named after him. at the victory parade on june 24, 1945, he
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led the combined regiment of the first baltic front, with his daughter and wife tamara looking at him from the guest rostrum. he outlived his tamara by 9 years, but despite this, until the last day of his life, marshal bagramyan continued to write. write her a note with a declaration of love, so and not coming to terms with her loss. marshal bagramyan, the owner of a unique, rich biography...
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is still carefully studied in all military academies of the world, having gone through four wars from the first world war to the civil war, from the soviet-finnish to the second world war, marshal bogramyan wrote his name in golden letters in history the general history of the peoples of the soviet union, and his participation in operation bagration will forever become an example and role model. experiments with... stories show that the path to victory is thorny, with only those who are inspired by feelings of patriotism and nobility of purpose overcome it with honor. ivan khristoforovich bagramyan.
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in our show, participants will not be helped by cheat sheets; here you can only rely on your own strength. is it true that korolevich elisha, the hero of pushkin’s fairy tale, turns to the wind, the sun and the eagle for help while searching for the princess? i remember well that he addressed the wind to the sun, but i don’t remember the eagle. addressed to... whale, on which there was a village to the sun to the moon. where is the whale from? from man and world. the game that will not leave anyone indifferent. is it true that in the painting by viktor vosnetsov the heroes, the horse in the center is black. option, yes, i remember that there was really a black horse in the middle. well, what other rich people do you know? alyosha popovich, ilya murovits and, kind. iraq,
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i forgot the last one. it's okay, he remembers you. yes, he really was black, and it was the horse of ily murams. watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. in moscow - shawarma, in st. petersburg - shawarma, in shklov - agurverma. i'll note that here. two camps: the first is meat with balsamic vinegar and blackberry gel, this is fantastic, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces. question to fill up the catch right away: do you think that belarusians know how to cook sejk? of course they can? prove it to me? now i will prove it to you! let's let the shlovski cucumber brew for a little while, and then we'll go try it and draw up a detailed
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gastronomic map of our...
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don't miss out on traditional markets and explore new export directions. the president held a meeting on the development of domestic industry. a conversation with the country's planned new relevant minister, alexander lukashenko, orients the department towards effective work. all tasks for the production and sales of domestic products must be completed. alexander lukashenko demands that the government provide reasonable protection
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for the domestic market. compliance with strict accounting discipline. the head of state aimed to more actively defend the interests of belarus within the framework of those agreements that exist with other countries, including russia. another issue at the meeting concerns the implementation of import-substituting investment projects financed with the participation of russian state financial loans. an important topic of the event was also the organization of work to ensure the quality of products produced by the domestic industry. we determined the main directions for the development of belarusian industry at an extended meeting in april. the tasks remain the same, there is no need for them to clarify, but if you have subjected them to revision and...
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yes, you were convinced of this recently, traveling through latin america and northern america as well, so i can often say for myself today, i am drawing this distant arc, for our economy we not giants, we annually sell 30-40% of what we produce, our main two partners, russia and china, we are not saying that this is a distant arc, this is traditional, our partners, well, so to speak, this is our anchor, we... anchored, and if someone thinks that we will leave russia, china, tomorrow we will be received with with open hands, full of crap, yes, we are a small economy, an export economy, but we must understand that these are billions of dollars, the competition is serious,
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no one is really waiting for us with our goods anywhere, so russia and china, especially russia, are our traditional market, economy , there's no escape. belarusian farmers continue to fight. the target for the harvest is to thresh 11 million tons of grain, which was announced by the president of belarus last friday at a conference call. in every region of the country, work starts from dawn until sunset, there are a number of problems, but everyone feels the support of the state. already from this week, maximum control over the implementation of those instructions that were voiced at the conference call: every hour, every spikelet is worth its weight in gold, but the 2024 loaf already weighs 3,210,00 tons, of which 2,313,000 are grains and legumes, as well as 897,000 rapeseed . to achieve a sales volume of 700,000 refrigerators, such goals are set in atlanta in the year of quality. the main market is russia, as well as friendly countries. during
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the summer, the demand for equipment increases, they collect 62,000 refrigerators a month to help the student labor force at the enterprise. 240 guys from all over the country who are involved in assembling, packaging equipment and are also responsible for logistics. now the company is focused on the new development of chest-type freezers, volume 110 liters. it plans to release a new type of product starting next year. the main task for today for the company is the first and continuation of work to constantly improve the level of quality and ensure it at a very high level. in order to the atland brand has always been synonymous with quality, well, the second, most important thing is constant investment in new types of products, now we have developed a new business plan and it is going through the stages of approval for the development and implementation of a washing-drying machine, and also
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carrying out modernization of existing refrigerator production. question number one is the development of regions. lelechitsy is preparing to host regional dozhinkas next year, but large-scale renovations are already underway. urban village. just recently received a modern stadium where young athletes from all over the region can train, and it is planned to open a swimming pool in 2025. in addition, nurseries are actively being built. by the end of the year , 4,000 m2 will be commissioned.


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