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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2024 9:45pm-10:06pm MSK

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belarusian education continues to strengthen its quality components. a bill related to innovations in the education code has been submitted for public discussion. focus attention both on the system as a whole and on its individual levels. for example, changes will affect the development of extracurricular activities, youth employment, and logistics. the adjustments will be considered in september during the opening of the house of representatives session. about the key points of the new. document, interview panorama. sergei mikhailovich, a draft law has been submitted to the house of representatives, associated with changes in educational issues, it is already being actively discussed in the teaching community. tell us, what areas will these changes affect? our main task is, of course, to make education more comfortable and safer. the new adjustments are expected to ease the issues of financing, transportation, and delivery of our children from educational institutions. home and back, this, by the way,
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is the norm, which, say, is dictated, among other things, by citizens’ requests. in addition, we we looked at what might really be necessary and allow us to finance transportation for our students as part of the work of the sixth school day, to go on an excursion, to go, say, to the city for some cultural event, so that there would be an opportunity to do this , including due to the transport capabilities that our educational institutions have, another norm that i think will be for... educational institutions, if such an opportunity exists there. in the document there are quite a lot of additions and changes that specifically correct different levels of education. special attention is paid to the target audience. tell us what changes will affect this population group? there are cases when an organization has placed an order for preparation. cutter specialist, which means
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that in the process of this training there are 4-5 years, this organization is either liquidated, or it , for example, refuses this order, and the responsibility of the customer organization is provided for, they will be obliged to compensate uh, this means that the state spends on training a specialist, but if such an organization is liquidated or for some reason cannot accept the specialist they ordered for the job of a specialist, then the state will distribute such a specialist. for 5 years, well, in those specialties that the person received where it will be needed. what else will be new? the question arose that today individual entrepreneurs are indeed independent, but they cannot comply with either material, technical, or sanitary and epidemiological standards wealthy, to create educational institutions of this kind, such as preschool educational institutions, they are liquidated by the draft code, that is, such an opportunity will no longer exist, this again, first of all, we are talking about the safety of our children, about the quality of education, including preschool. every belarusian can
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take part in amending the education code, right? how can this be done? with the help of our deputies, because our deputies are quite mobile, open, everyone we have our own social networks where you can write, where you can call, come to an appointment, the coordinator of issues related to the adjustment of this law is the commission on education, culture and science, which i think will be happy to consider any proposals, meaning comments, which our citizens will introduce to the house of representatives is...
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citizens, while some of the youth do this quite consciously, having made a choice in favor of studying in security universities, others in every possible way avoid meeting with the military commissariats. and they even waste a lot of money for this, turning to some third-party companies. the prosecutor's office took up the problem of evasion. so what kind of pseudo-help are they promising draft dodgers and what do they get as a result? details in the next story. i started dodging military service, purely by accident. but the second time , a resident of brest did it quite consciously. using all your professional skills. it turned out that i was studying to become a psychologist , and in fact, since you are a psychologist, and seem to be dodging the army in psychology, that means you you're faking it. well, of course they were shocked, but then they came to terms with time.
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i also had to come to terms with the criminal charges that the young man received for evading military service; the punishment he would receive was a year of home chemicals. these are the very consequences that military commissariats warn against. our main goal, of course, is to prevent violations of this legislation, yes, to prevent young people from the need to serve in the armed forces of the republic of belarus, at the same time, some individuals consider it possible to break the law, if this happens, then our main goal here is the inevitability of punishment. according to statistics, the number of draft dodgers is decreasing; this decrease is insignificant, but it is there. young men receive a conscript certificate from the age of 17, not yet... not yet liable for military service, but are registered with the military registration and enlistment office from that moment there is time to think about plans for the future and options for serving, this will be the so -called conscript, contract or service in the reserve, all that remains is choose a suitable alternative unless there are real reasons to defer service, the law warns that you should not deliberately look for them;
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administrative liability has been established for evading conscription activities, and if this prevented the draft commission from making a decision, then criminal liability. with a penalty of up to 5 years in prison, military commissars and law enforcement agencies are taking all available measures to search for such careless conscripts, including abroad. conscripts are told about this to their parents, but someone, in defiance of all warnings, continues to look for loopholes on how to bypass military service, they find an interesting offer on the internet - providing assistance to conscripts, mainly in the form of consultation, advertising guarantees a deferment from military service for a certain reward, supposedly everything is within the framework. legal framework, but such a promise in itself cannot have legal force, since it contradicts the current legislation of the country. the so-called assistant companies in quotation marks do not provide any assistance to our conscripts, they are created only for the purpose of personal gain and enrichment our conscripts by
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misleading them with promises with their help to 100% not fulfill military duty, but then conscript. when they start to take part in the recruitment event, they are convinced that this is a hoax, such companies cannot be trusted, their money is wasted, they understand that they have been deceived by scammers, and, interestingly, payment for a specialist’s consultation was accepted either in foreign currency or in the form cryptocurrency, and how many of those who contacted these companies thought that, in essence, under the guise of providing legal services conceals obvious incitement to crime. prosecutors use it. they declare their powers - they file lawsuits in the courts to recognize such internet sources as extremist materials. in practice , there are already such decisions made by the court. according to the prosecutor's office in belarus , access to two websites of assistant companies for draft dodgers is limited. the same fate befell
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more than two dozen social network accounts and instant messengers. by the way, it is impossible to share such internet resources when they have already been declared extremist by the court, otherwise there is a risk of also receiving a protocol. and while some are running away from military service, others find in it an opportunity to build a career or even their own vocation. there was no desire to cut off at all. i received a summons, so i immediately reported to the army, they took me into conscript service, i liked it, so i decided to switch to contract service, joining the army is the choice of a real man. by the way, the presence of a criminal article for evading conscription into the army does not exempt you from service until you turn 27. as soon as the criminal record is expunged, the draft dodger will again they will be waiting at the military registration and enlistment office. and at the end of the issue, i offer a television excursion to a unique belarusian city, it was included in the guinness book of records, where you can see the largest
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wooden spoon in the world. the region itself is famous for its forests and ecotourism; there are also locations for retro travel, for example, a 19th-century manor in the style... tours of the city on the berezina river will be conducted by angelina triputa, a teacher at a children's art school in the project a place to live. derzhino is a small town that holds a special place in my heart, population is. our city has a rich
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history, it is more than 500 years old, and this year the district turns 100 years old. one of the main attractions of our city is the potorski manor, built in the mid-19th century, which, by the way, is planned to be reconstructed. it is located in a picturesque place. on the berezina river, one of the largest in belarus. i decided to connect my life with culture, i now work at the berezensky children's art school, as a teacher in the pop vocal class, i sing on the regional stage, i try myself in leading role, and in general all holidays, festivals, concerts in our city are held on a very large scale and brightly, which adds joy to the residents of our city. our city has
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all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children , for example, the berezensky children and youth sports school, there is a gym, a sports hall and, of course, a swimming pool, which is in demand not only among children, but also among adults. as for the healthcare system in berezino. we have a hospital, a maternity ward, an ambulance station help and, of course, a clinic. i can just say that the clinic has recently undergone renovations, it is very fresh, clean, bright and beautiful, and the staff is always very friendly, very polite. our city is surrounded by green areas and the berezensky forestry enterprise is engaged in forest protection and restoration. planting material is grown in nurseries for the first time. 2 years ago, a hazelnut plantation was planted, and more recently,
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a pill production facility appeared in the berezensky forestry enterprise. the pride of our city is the cheese-making plant. they produce here products such as cheese, butter, milk, sour cream. all products are of very high quality, very tasty, and are widely known outside our area. the brand of our city is the wooden spoon. now we are near the regional center of crafts, there you can see various exhibitions inside, here you can see a record-breaking spoon, its length is 23 m 62 cm. for me, berezino is a comfortable place to live, i love this city and want it. so that everything here continues to develop, so that as many people as possible come to us, our
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the citizens remained just as kind-hearted and welcoming. well, that’s all for me, right now we are looking at clear politics, states, a split in society, the bloody trail of democracy, the struggle for power and dirty methods. is america in for a new wave of political violence? just the facts. this is an understandable policy. hello, today we’ll talk about the harsh political traditions of the united states, assassination attempts on senior officials, when bullets whistle at the head. silence in the united states lasted until 1981, when the loner shooter tried to kill president reagan, but all modern
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america as a whole has a big bloody political trail. the course of history here has repeatedly changed by force, we only have the facts, you can draw conclusions.
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over two hundred american years , four presidents have been assassinated, the number of assassination attempts goes into dozens, and the shots at two american leaders are considered to have changed the world; let’s start with one of these, april 9, 1865 ended. an important page in american domestic history: the civil war. conflict the union of the northern states and the confederacy of the southern states won the former, but at a high cost. from both about 2 million people died on both sides, about a third of civilians. the main result of that war was the addition of the thirteenth amendment to the us constitution to abolish slavery. true, de facto, this did not achieve anything, because almost
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immediately a period of racial segregation began in the country. blacks were separated from whites into special zones or reservations. but let's return to lincoln, as a representative of the northerners, he became the head of the united states after the surrender of the southern states. the politician was going to carry out large-scale industrialization of the country and integrate blacks into society, but everything changed my american cousin. abraham lincoln went to this performance with his wife on april 14, 1865. the actor, a supporter of the southerners, was short-lived by his president during the 2.5-week journey of the funeral train from washington to springfield. tragic. lincoln's death helped to create around his name the aura of a martyr who gave his life for the reunification of the country and the liberation of black slaves. later it will become known that the killer wanted to kidnap the president and take him to the southern states to blackmail the authorities. after the plans of the conspirators failed took place, budt planned the murder of three top leaders of the country at once.
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vice president andrew johnson and secretary of state william stewart were to die along with abraham lincoln. booth's associates lewis paul and david herald contacted the secretary of state. sewart was ill at that time, he had been injured in a road accident and was at home. pavel managed to get into his room and even strike him several times with a dagger, but the wounds turned out to be non-fatal. george was responsible for the assassination attempt on vice president andrew johnson atzeroth, however, he immediately aroused suspicion among the staff of the hotel where johnson was located and he was arrested. in american history, well, there have been numerous attempts or murders of those acting there. presidents of the united states and even presidential candidates. well, probably one of the most resonant is, of course, the assassination of abraham lincoln, right after the civil war. this is what actually led to a rather serious constitutional crisis in the united states. yes, because his position was immediately taken by his vice president, such a northern democrat. so, he stopped the policy of reconstruction of the southern states, which led to an increase in the contradiction between the south and the north, and
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even at one point brought america to the brink of a new civil war. james garfield is not so well known in our latitudes, but he served as president for a little more than 8 months. the politician is also the last classic owner of the white house, as those who were born in a forest hut are called. many americans lived this way back then. garfet is a republican. and in those years the party was divided into two factions: zdoroviki and half-breeds, simply put, conservatives and liberals. the politician became a figure of compromise, but his sympathy for the liberal wing bore its bloody fruit. just moments after the president entered the train station waiting room, he was shot in the back. according to eyewitnesses, garfield managed to meet the eyes of the killer, who said: “i’m the big guy among the big guys.” arthur, now president. this was referring to chester arthur, the vice president who actually took over the country after garfield's death. when he was given first aid, garfield saw
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a purple stain on his clothes and said to the medic casting a spell over him: “alas, doctor, but i’m already.” the politician began to recover, but there was a bullet in his back that even the famous scientist alexander bell, inventor of the telephone, could not reach. the president simply stopped paying attention to lead in his body and died abruptly in september of the same year. as for the killer, it was charles ghita, a lawyer. gitta did not agree with the choice of garfield for the role of president, the man had plans to kill the politician for several months, but wanted do it beautifully. so gita bought an english bulldog revolver, but with a hand. “i thought that it would be better to see this in a museum, the killer later said during interrogation. on june 30, 1882, charles zagit was hanged. this situation was one of those cases when his opponents had no other arguments, except for pistols, except colt.


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