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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 23, 2024 2:05am-3:05am MSK

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today, when we have allocated certain powers to develop relations with organizations, some countries, to members of the government, there are ministers, heads of organizations, of course it is important that mit remains the coordinator of this work and still concentrates this work on itself. in addition, you know, i’ve always been a little bit struck by one topic, that we kind of live in the same space, apparently. the same events, but we don’t see how the president reacts to them, suddenly the president’s proposal is born, here we go let's try to do this, and we are already starting to move, we are preparing some kind of preparation, that is, a breakthrough, and then, in general , we are developing it, and i immediately told my colleagues, as soon as i came to the midfield, why we always go, well, it’s like being a step or two behind the president, but it’s clear that the president naturally feels many things much better.
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more sensitive than we are, but we will never get away from the fact that there will be orders, there will be expectations, but we still have to deliver more shells than just carry out his tasks, that is, we have to do something ourselves to initiate and throw it there means for elaboration, so that the president sees that the foreign ministry has an understanding of the current agenda, and we are also not a little isolated from the country, we are trying to reformat this international agenda to meet the needs.
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already received - the minister of foreign affairs of china, before that in astana you already talked with the heads of the foreign ministry of russia and kazakhstan, this is about this shake-up, hasn’t the rhythm become too frantic? uh, well, in many ways, i will say, this rhythm was set before me, by sergei fedorovich aleynik, in fact, i am very grateful to him, because many of the things that i have today in my work schedule of meetings and travel contacts were all immediate. worked out by him with the mead team, but i am very grateful, and indeed i further strengthened this dynamic, because this is exactly how you show yourself in the first days, weeks, months of work, how you make acquaintances, how you position yourself in relations with your colleagues, largely depends on how smoothly or unsmoothly you enter this community, what or foreign policy, which we are very interested in today necessary, and of course for me, as a young person.
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in literally 10 days i have become acquainted and already resolved some issues with our closest allies, in fact this is a great help in further work, well, i can even say special gratitude, considering that this is true for my colleague from kazakhstan, in fact , as soon as the appointment also took place , my visit to the foreign ministry was immediately organized, a meeting was held and a gala dinner there was organized from the point of view of the fact that we had met. and it turned out that
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headed the presidential administration, so there was something to talk about, these points of contact have been found, now i understand that i have a friend in central asia, he also understands that there is someone to rely on in belarus, but i also cannot help but highlight meeting with lavrov, because i had a telephone conversation with him, literally on the second day after the appointment, there was a very important topic, we worked it out very well, and of course, the first official conversation upon arrival in astana, and... i may not do justice to wisdom and such in general the conceptual approaches of my colleague from china, mr. wang, and, of course, i was very amazed, the meeting, instead of the short time planned there, lasted 3 hours, and was in a government country residence, which has never happened, and all this was confirmed after my already appointments, so of course i built this rhythm for myself, based on what happened before, but to be honest...
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i’ll start with a familiar neighboring country. on tuesday, latvia banned cars with belarusian license plates from entering its territory. poland. creates constant obstacles at the border for our heavy trucks, lithuania is generally concerned about the belarusian food basket for those who cross the border. mead once promised that he would give his asymmetrical answer, so this is the answer that mead gives? the ministry of foreign affairs worked out the proposal; together with those interested, all the details were discussed and submitted to the president for consideration. here is a proposal for visa-free entry into the territory of belarus for citizens of a number of states, this proposal was made by the president supported, and i am glad to our colleagues and partners from the eu countries to announce that from the 19th
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at 8:00 am a new regime will be introduced for citizens of the european union countries and other european countries for which until now there was a visa regime without... visa entry procedure through railway road checkpoints to the republic of belarus for a period of up to 30 days, this visa regime will be valid until december 31 of the twenty -fourth year, as you know, we have the same regime for citizens of poland, lithuania and latvia, that is, when our our closest neighbors are closing their doors and making all sorts of obstacles to the development of cross-border cooperation and contacts between people, which, from my point of view , is a gross violation of all... existing conventions within the osce, the council of europe, the european union, we, however, on the contrary, show our openness , the desire to show your country to the international community, come, see, work with our people, do business, take tourist trips, and
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most importantly, make contacts with with your friends, acquaintances and loved ones, but there is one caveat, for holders of diplomatic service passports, for those who today, in fact, are at the heart of these sanctioned things, the visa regime will continue, that is, it turns out that belarus is better once everything -i’ll see it, right? i think that whoever comes to belarus will come more than once, and after seeing the first time, he will want to come a second, third and fourth time, taking into account the fact that this will be a visa-free regime, i am sure that he will bring more of his friends of those who are easy-going, we agreed, let's go to belarus tomorrow , let's go, as they say in the foreign ministry, welcome, poland: for me personally, the possibility of closing the borders
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to goods is nothing more than a pr decision that will obviously hit the poles themselves, no matter how they put on a good face when they play poorly, won’t it turn out that way? for the poles, it’s definitely not a secret, so for you and for the viewers of the program too, my grandmother was maria genrikhovna, and my mother was bronislava frantsevna, along that line, it means it was just, let’s say, the polish part of my gene pool.
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colleagues lost interest in any kind of intrigue in this part, the most interesting thing is that by cutting off this piece of transit, poland naturally... attacks the interests of both its economic elite and those people who live in the eastern parts poland, and those who, in principle, thought that they would make good money due to the fact that latvia, lithuania, transit once stopped before poland, now all goods will go through poland and go to polish ports. actually in fact, you need to understand that the poles are far from stupid people, and what is happening. on the part of lithuania and latvia will never happen on the part of poland, they will not cut off these last things, they have purely
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politically determined demands on us, which we do not consider justified, and even if they need them, then we need to talk, and not to achieve something with the help of an ultimatum, we will never agree to this, and i think that the poles, knowing me, also understand that i will be the last one who will advise doing this in in their relation, from the point of view of contacts with china, this is also an attempt to influence us for a clean solution to their polish issues, but there is one thing, that in this way poland shows the entire european union that here, in this area, in economic relations between china and europe, from the point of view of implementing those tasks that the european union seems to have delegated to poland to protect this border, prevent migration, cooperation with belarus on border customs issues. today, in general, they are setting up the european union is that they don’t want
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to do this, trying to benefit from belarus from some bilateral things, that is, you hang bilateral things on bilateral things, but you don’t engage in petty blackmail at the expense of the interests of the organization in which you are, because these migrants today are a really serious problem for the european union, problems with cargo flow, a serious problem. for a company in the european union and chinese partners, but here they decided to make everyone hostages, and i think that as soon as they see that this doesn’t work, then figuratively speaking, this topic will go somewhere , they will be forced to engage in cooperation with us, let me remind you that the president made them an offer, we are waiting for them in belarus, we will show them everything, tell them everything, talk if they have there are some doubts, some comments, we are ready to listen to it, but we are ready to work, understanding that...
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and lithuania, our closest neighbors, has become a haven for our fugitives, including for people who are really criminals , but love for them has recently begun to turn, to put it mildly, into non-acceptance, yes, mass refusal in vonge, in lithuania, in the same, yes, declaring people a threat to national security, numerous relocations under 40% of companies that left first in...
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time and historical paradigms of the existence of the lithuanian state, in fact, i remember vech, the first president of our visit to lithuania officially, it was, in my opinion , ninety-five, in my opinion, ninety- four, ninety-five, probably our president, signing an agreement on friendship, cooperation, several more agreements on the border, there on the status some objects, stands for all lithuania, speaks out, and there,
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it means, hangs a gobilen of some century with a coat of arms, which means the pursuit, where the tail is...
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to preserve the sustainable development of our country, as i said earlier, then we, through relations with the west, for in order to seriously lose sales markets and supplies of equipment from the point of view of diplomatic instruments, we must find a replacement for all this, of course, it’s a pity, because from the point of view of optimality, looking across three seas, when you have it here across the border, is a big expense, that's how they do it there is a need, they have a need. but today this is the only opportunity, because the lack of agreement of our partners across the bug is absolute, and we always welcome any consultations, we are ready to be open to any negotiations on any topics, to resolve any issues that are on the big agenda, but today we are forced to go to ours already further away from our partners, where they are waiting for us, where they are waiting for us, where i
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will tell you what i can be sure of, that our partners are further there, russia, countries with... ge, china, our partners are in africa, they are in asia more reliable, because in fact it turns out that we look at the world with the same eyes, and in fact all of us, through organizations such as the sco, brix, regional organizations that exist in asia and latin america, here in the middle east, we are all adherents of that new world of multipolarity, and these adherents are becoming more and more numerous. let’s take only one sco organization. the sco has almost 3.5 billion people, 40% of the world's population. if you combine the sco with brix, there will already be more than half the population.
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just try to explain what this organization gives to each of us, and not to the state as a whole, that’s what? well, within the framework
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of these organizations and the sco and brix , the common approaches of the participating countries are being worked out, partners and observers also participate in this, which means to resolve economic issues, social issues, educational issues, in addition, this is a powerful platform for building a common political line. this is a platform for holding multilateral and bilateral meetings, for further solutions already bilateral track of issues, this is support in international organizations, and i say that within the framework of these organizations we can rely and believe that our partners will not abandon us and will support us, and practice proves this, this is the solution of financial issues that we they are also worried today, this means promoting joint ones.
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it just so happened that on the thirtieth anniversary of the first presidential elections, yes, the first ladies of zimbabwe and nigeria visited belarus. but from the point of view of a diplomat, what is interesting to us? africa and why is india interesting to us, since you already remembered it? well, in fact, i am in favor of using any mechanisms to achieve our goals and objectives.
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africa, one and a half billion people, that's decent. the second topic is the further dynamics of population growth, and that is, the consumer market will only increase. the following: these are huge resources, according to many indicators, more than 30-40% of the total world reserves, and they are in great demand in metallurgy and industry recently. and look how independent they started african countries are pursuing a policy, more and more, untethering themselves from previously imposed agreements or agreements,
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let’s call them the countries of the collective west. there is an increasing desire to build your own life and independence of your own foreign economic policy. why is this interesting to us? why might they be interested in working with us? we are going there as partners, real partners. neither the belarusian people nor the soviet people have ever been to africa or india, they have never been as a colonialist. we've always been there those who helped them build their economy and social sphere.
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so the color revolutions also shook, we know where they started, tunisia, because these countries at some point switched from such a simple trade with the west, which was expressed like this: there, relatively speaking, there is oil, there are diamonds, bauxite, something else , even in exchange for western goods and equipment, they began to develop the corresponding production in their own country, at some point a dilemma became for western countries, and so good, buy from them... oil, i buy from them some kind of resources, we have to drive something there, and if, in fact, they began to develop their own agriculture there, then neither wheat, nor vegetables, nor fruits will go there from europe, that is, assembly production has begun there , processing with the help of belarus, russia there, china and so on, what will happen, the pumping of capital will be from european countries, nothing
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good for them, in many ways. the same paradigm was in relation to these wars between the west and china there in the 16th century, when china simply began to actually pump out silver from the new world and from europe, switching to silver currency, not buying anything in europe, but selling there from silk to paper and everything that china was famous for at that time, so here is the same approach, purely predatory and as soon as they start to develop, these countries are increasingly uninteresting, we need to change rulers, which means we need...
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a little more priority, and of course, in this regard, it means that the inertia of movement is a little greater, but i want to tell you, despite this, there are a number of projects, there are a number of agreements, and i am sure that in the near future time, without revealing them now under the covers, well, we will be witnesses, which means their implementation, there is one topic that only the lazy are not interested in and which is directly related to your field of work, and our dear american yes...
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partner, that’s it, that’s it this situation that happened just the other day in the usa, we said that the elections in the usa would be very... today they are not asleep, in response to your question,
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i want to say right away that the belarusian side really hopes and really wishes that all managers of america’s development policy will somehow us presidential candidates reached the finish line healthy and without injury. from this mentorship of the united states, interference in which, frankly speaking, we are already a little tired
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of topics that, well, from the point of view, so to speak, of the collective international community, well, in principle, is not the business of the united states of america, yeah, in america itself, too. fatigue from the fact that today the country’s leadership is very much involved in external political affairs, foreign economic affairs, sanctions, and so on, and is less involved in the internal development of america, the migration agenda, creating jobs, building security on the streets, in the regions, you see what is going on there today, solving drug problems in the end, right on the street in the central one, who remember that... there are such people, so there are many opinions, we understand , that any of the next presidents will, first of all
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, proceed from the interests of america, that’s what the interests will be at that moment, i would like these interests to first of all correspond, you know, to such civilized methods of achieving theirs... goals abroad, if this happens, then we will welcome these changes in american foreign policy; if it continues, then this policy of unilateral pressure, sanctions, unleashing wars, after all, these are wars that are hot on the perimeter of china and russia points, this is all, strictly speaking, sponsored and encouraged precisely from the ocean. growth points for this conflict potential, which is capable of going beyond the boundaries of purely these regions to embrace some more serious interregional things, here and if instead the leadership takes up
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the peaceful agenda, i am sure that the authority will only benefit the united states; they will be able to implement a lot of their projects that they think that they can only implement today through planting here and there. their proteges and the implementation of their tasks, look what time has shown, no matter where they climbed, well , outside of europe, yes, everywhere sooner or later their proteges lost, which means they were forced to leave there, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq , everywhere, well that's all confirms in fact, therefore, if they come to the understanding that through, on the contrary , a non-conference approach, taking themselves more...
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whom you met recently, yes, the main thing is to always remain honest and not betray anyone, not in life, not at work, according to nietzsch, all diplomacy consists of petting the dog until the muzzle is put on it, this is our and western approach, whose opinion is closer to you, the sovereign?
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not to let our partners down, what our president always says: if they promised carry out, control, achieve, well, of course, we expect this from our partners, and of course, this is building a matrix of relations with some states on a bilateral basis, it is very important that they work with us, be friends and implement the projects about which we agreed not only next year, in 5 years, but also in 10, and in 20, for 100 years, so that we will inherit this friendship, on which... the entire complex of economic, social, political
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contacts remains ours. children, as the president always says, if you achieve some kind of subordination of the interests of another country, as nidsha preaches, that is, he defined it, as the collective west preaches, then of course there will be no stability in these relations, this is the first, second, there will be no further trust in you from third parties states, because seeing how you get along here... they will also evaluate the prospects for cooperation with you, the most obvious examples are that russia’s assets were seized there in the european union, now they want them all there, which means confiscating them somewhere, interest from them goes there send it here send, well, you see, everyone today started talking about large holders of some kind of bonds or funds there, which means in dollars, in euros, they began to slowly get rid of this matter, so... this is again predictability and trust
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of partners , which are based on some examples. if we are talking about the muzzle, well , what distinguished us in the west is that over the last 200-300 years they have been putting this muzzle on africa and asia. and today we see what the relationship is like. french relations with the african continent are simply breaking down pieces. the british flag there no longer flies so proudly in those former dominions and former colonies, and they have completely forgotten about germany, which was once also present in africa, not to mention belgium, which or italy, which fled at one time , having taken only the last suitcase there from their former dependent territories, and they allowed such a massacre, allowing such a massacre, it is simply their good that until now these countries at a very serious international level... have not raised the topic of the genocide of their peoples, which was carried out in my time,
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they didn’t raise the issue of some kind of compensation, reparations, the return of the historical heritage itself, which was mercilessly carried around in its time, which is located from the louvre there to the watchanton in america today, well , listen, that’s why i still choose a responsible approach to my partners, here’s a muzzle for now we’ll leave it to those who use a muzzle, it’s like, i think, a matter of time, thank you, thank you, don’t miss out on traditional markets and develop new export directions, the president spent.
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other countries, including russia. more one of the issues at the meeting concerns the implementation of import-substituting investment projects financed with the participation of russian state financial loans. an important topic of the event was also the organization of work to ensure the quality of products produced by the domestic industry. we determined the main directions for the development of belarusian industry at an extended meeting in april. the tasks remain the same, there is no need to clarify them, but if you have revised them and
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see that something is wrong there, you should not maybe you will have an impact today. our main goal is export diversification. as i said, we are everything.
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it’s a big export economy, but you have to understand that it’s billions of dollars, the competition is serious, no one is really waiting for us with our goods, so russia and china, especially russia, are our traditional market, the economy, there’s no escape. belarusian farmers continue to fight for the harvest; the task has been set to thresh 11 million tons of grain, which was announced by the president of belarus last friday on a conference call meeting. it works in every region of the country. from dawn to dusk, there are a number of problems, but everyone feels the support of the state. already from this week, maximum control over the implementation of those instructions that were voiced at the conference call: every hour, every ear of wheat is a canopy of gold, and the 2024 loaf already weighs 3,210 thousand tons, of which 2,313 thousand are grains and
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legumes, as well as 897 rapeseed. to achieve production and sales volume of 700 refrigerators, such goals are set in atlanta in the year of quality. the main market is russia, and also friendly countries. in the summer , the demand for equipment grows, 62,000 refrigerators are assembled per month, and students are recruited to help the enterprise. 240 guys from all over the country who are involved in the assembly and packaging of equipment, and are also responsible for logistics. now the company is focused on the new development of chest-type freezers, volume 110 liters. a new type of product is being planned. starts next year. the main task today for the company is the first continuation of work to constantly improve the level of quality and ensuring it at a very high level, so that the atlant brand remains always synonymous with
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quality. well, secondly, the most important thing is constant investment in new types of products. now we have developed a new business plan and it is going through the stages of approval for the development and implementation of a washing-drying machine, as well as the modernization of the existing production of refrigerators. question number one is the development of regions. lelechitsy is preparing to host regional donations next year, but large-scale updates are already underway. the urban village recently received a modern stadium where young athletes from all over the area can train, and it is planned to open a swimming pool in 2025. besides, lelki. are actively being built, by the end of the year 4.00 km of individual housing will be commissioned, the key to the success of the district is the implementation of investment projects, private business is also actively developing, 15 new retail facilities have recently been opened, new production is also appearing, including within the framework of the district initiative, one project. our company for
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in recent years, it has been extensively modernized; this is an open new production facility for processing granite with a crushed stone plant. lushkevich , our forestry institutions carried out a large-scale re-equipment of equipment, drying chambers were installed, and today the entire range, the entire line of dung products, is already being produced. in addition, starting from last year, lelchesky forestry has mastered a new production, this is house building. the main goal, of course, is to preserve our teams and retain young specialists. this year they are already started construction of two rental residential buildings. the belarusian team showed its best result at the 65th international mathematical olympiad in great britain , fifth place among 109 countries, the guys won. gold and two bronze medals. the team included graduates of gymnasiums in minsk, vitebsk and gomel. the fifth
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sominskaya ukha festival was held on the shore of the lake of the same name in the ivotsevichi district. this year the holiday was dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. nine teams took part, family and corporate. they competed in fishing, sports relay races, presentations of the farmstead and, of course, cooking fish soup according to their own recipes, which have been passed down from generation to generation. generations also organized traveling trade, a field kitchen and a foam show; the atmosphere of the holiday was complemented by a concert program. meeting amazing people and immersing yourself in their profession. the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, as the yield increases. in some cases, dilution occurs, reducing the amount of nutrients. we
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mix the ingredients, which consist of clay, sawdust and sand. and in the end we get the product called. all the heroes are completely different, but they are united by the desire to achieve the best result. our consumer who... buys our product, can check whether the brick is of high quality or not, here we knock, there is a ringing sound, which means the quality of the product is appropriate, because few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and even though we don’t have our own olives in belarus, but we have wonderful modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed, watch the project one day on our tv channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries,
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broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous people. belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia. syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the aizerspace-1 satellite dish.
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the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. the replicated soviet one is now somehow not up to the libraries and crashed into reality in 2002, while the stock treasures are being treasured. publications in minsk and even at the castle, and to get access to a servant you had to crowd in lines for weeks, the new sovereign belarus
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began to create her own symbols, proud and monumental. the futuristic house in which the national word lives, on behalf of the head of state, they fought without skimping on resources, financing in unison with a line of classics. there are so many people who are more precious for their native language. this will be the appropriate port where ships of knowledge will arrive, the national library will become a symbol of a sovereign and enlightened belarus, and the whole country will build it. in this place there was an old village with dilapidated houses, all of which were destined for demolition. of course, there was no technology. books were carried by hand from the storage room in the reading room. plus there were several spare book depositories outside the city. at the beginning there was rejection of this
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project because it was extremely difficult. when we already imagined that this library itself with its collection is the greatest value of humanity, so we presented this ball in the form of a diamond, every
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belarusian participated in... the new building, it is, of course, much more comfortable, and most importantly , the book has become much more accessible, you don’t have to wait a week, for example, until the book is brought from the crown, no, right away, all at once, the document is stacked using a teleft, this is a single-flight transport system for document delivery, it is sent to
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the service area within 15. well, the reader will be able to receive the document. during the year, our reading rooms are visited by readers about 500 thousand times, and we issue more than a million documents. at the top we always have documents on law, economics, history, our famous round hall, oval hall, events with participation were held here.
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whisper, there is a microclimate here, comfortable temperature for capricious guests is 18-20°, air humidity 45-60%. the system of centralized dust removal and non-supply air conditioning is in operation. and yes, no safeties, this is today, the keepers of the cultural code can already choose, they prefer shelves made in belarus and do not like ultraviolet radiation. the curator
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of all technological vagaries is the dispatcher. department, the heart of engineering systems, diamond high-rises were launched even before we engaged the reader in interiors, since then we have been on duty around the clock, we have two thermal point in the library, a heavy load, since it’s almost like a microdistrict, a special fire extinguishing system, the automatic relay system is triggered, which means the room is released with carbon dioxide.
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910, 908, 913, documents come to us in the fund, now in modern formats. for example, this is the atlas of belarus on a flash drive, we can find sheet music with debussy’s autograph in the fund, both teachers and students come, they turn specifically to vinyl records, the most complete collection of classical music has been collected, we are one of those places there are few where you can listen to a vinyl record in high quality, here you can listen to music, audio texts, 3-2 years without stopping. principles of acquisition: everything that concerns belarus, no matter what language it is published in, it will be here in the national library, we have a significant percentage of budget funding allocated for the acquisition, in belarusian, of kazhurudrukov, here is
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our acquisition of the latter, i can say, we fought, this is a complete collection of grodno provincial reports, funded by a grant from the president documents, privileges and charters of the 16th-17th centuries were acquired. actually, we have two unique copies here, written in cyrillic. one of them is the privilege of zhegemont ii. minsk uniate monastery, and from the tyshkevich collection. today's library is no longer just a reading room adapted for storage; accordingly , there were damages, and there were questions, first of all, of microbiological safety. apart from our library, partly an art museum and an archive, they do not engage in complex restoration. this leaf topping machine, this device. allows us to do work with very dilapidated literature that simply crumbles in our hands. the task of our library is to really preserve the book heritage and not only
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that we have it in physical condition, yes, but we have kept books since the 14th century. we digitize about 750,000 pages a year. there is a whole range in the arsenal. first-class equipment, literally in 10 years we have stepped forward, which is great, it’s amazing, start, automatic page turning, so in in real time on the monitor we see what has been scanned, we are creating an electronic library, uniting the entire network of our libraries with this electronic service.
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46 lamps, we must follow the times, but what we see and the interest in the library, which is through internet requests, is what we see from readers, like...


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