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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 23, 2024 3:55am-4:50am MSK

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for each stage of your life, i think that there will be slightly different priorities, this is absolutely normal, and i want to emphasize that these priorities depend on you, too, probably this is the key thing, what you need to value most of all, then, that you now have the opportunity to determine these priorities yourself, and then move towards them, distribution can correct the situation? or
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will it only make things worse? well, here i am as a student, i often meet, yes, i ask the question, why did you go to university? what would you like what to do after university? what do you want to do after university? what are you for? for example, why are you studying? in order to get a job? well, here you are answering the question, that is, distribution is the process of providing work, that’s all. accordingly, we answer the question, if they helped you find a job, that’s good, now many children sit at the computer, parents think he will be a programmer, and by what criteria do you determine the future it specialist, well, certainly not by the time he spends at the computer, well, what if...
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you are a radio technician there, but no, but tell me, how do you feel about gadgets and do you have any addictions? well, i have a fairly normal attitude towards gadgets, yes, because for me it is also a working tool, that is, whether i would like it or not, i have to at my current job. communicate with a lot of people, and accordingly, gadgets help me do this, i just save time this way, about addiction, well, psychologists say that if a person denies addiction, then he definitely has it there is, and i want to tell you that i use it every day, i have more than one cell phone, i have quite a lot of communication channels and... of course, if i
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put them off, it will be difficult for me to do my work, but i , i get quite tired of this, and sometimes i really wish i didn’t have gadgets. what unusual applications do you have on your phone? well, i can say what i use the phone for, besides communication, that is, besides communication, it’s also a notebook, it’s also a library. this is also a player, as a rule, i don't like it when i have a lot of junk on my phone. why study to be a programmer now if everything can be written by artificial intelligence? well, in fact, programming is not writing code, programming is the development of algorithms, first of all, it is the creation of models. so
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no, a hammer is good from the point of view of a person’s quality of life, and a hammer and an ax is good, because otherwise how will you do this work?
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pays off to testing programs, and only then they start looking at your creative work component, and what new specialties will you have this academic year? we don’t open new specialties every year, but this academic year we have new ones, including two new specialties with big names, these are cyber-physical systems, one specialty, the second specialty is electronic engineering, well, in fact, we also have very an interesting specialty, we switched to a continuous training program in microelectronics, and now it is a continuous master’s program, with very fundamental on the one hand, on the other
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hand, a high-tech view of the graduate model, but these specialties are actually not purely it and not programming, because well , we have a specialty in artificial intelligence , and soon we will celebrate our twentieth anniversary, this is the question of no matter how we manage, we are sometimes ahead. do you think children should be limited in their access to a computer? at what age should
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they be introduced to it? here, probably, the question is not even whether with a computer or not , it’s about... uh, time the work done was beneficial, so that it would be beneficial, now returning to the question, if you sit at the computer for a long time, then it definitely will not be beneficial, believe me, with my experience in general, this will not be beneficial benefits to health, this is not beneficial, well, i mean physical, mental, including psychological and so on, probably the main one... ours is our advantage compared to a computer - it’s still emotions, that’s it those good emotions that we have are excellent in communication is something that no computer can replace. how else can you understand that a child
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is addicted to a gadget? it is necessary to observe, but the simplest, the simplest signal in general is when to go to more modern programming languages, in fact, this is a long-standing question, is it necessary to teach at school, namely to teach the programming language that is currently used, well, at present time, from the point of view of organizing
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the brain, well, pascal is a completely, quite worthy language, in this, in this part, it’s probably necessary to divide this way, that is, there should be: a tool that creates a common understanding, here is pascal, for example, for everyone, if you are good with pascal, please, then learn additionally, and there, if you see yourself as a programmer. i want to tell you right away that you will not limit yourself to one language, you will not limit yourself. how are current students at your university different from students twenty years ago? now, but the students of twenty years ago are 20 years older than the current ones, in general, it’s difficult for me to say, i don’t have a temporary gap.
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i’m learning from you even now, for example, yes, i’m learning from you to ask interesting questions, well, probably, this is a more human quality and in general i believe that a person is not only what he is himself, it’s also the people who surround him, which is why you treat your friends very responsibly and value the people who are around you. what is the most difficult thing about being
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a rector? publicity and, but this is not only the rector, this is any leader, this is awareness, understanding and generally the acceptance of a sense of responsibility, which,
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was better, he wants his students to be the very best, in this regard, this, well, i would say, is probably such good competition, because we really rejoice when we achieve success, because this is the success of the system, this is the success of the country, that ’s what’s important, you look, if...
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the parameter is, after all, the amount of money
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that is allocated for education, in this part we are not so rich, then the question is, what is better or worse, the fact that we achieve better results with fewer resources, in my opinion, this is better, that, of course, we we don’t have access to the most expensive technologies, well... this is such a disadvantage, but at the same time this does not prevent our talented graduates from taking part in the creation of such technologies. what do you think
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can be distorted, but how old is mathematics in our country? like chess, approximately, if not more, right? mathematics is outdated, of course, well, actually not, because mathematics is the basis of all computer technology, and there are even special chapters of mathematics, which are used to describe our information world,
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discrete mathematics, probability theory and so on, well, you’ll have to go to university,
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help through knowledge and understanding of your homeland, the history of your homeland, but aren’t people born with love for their homeland? well, maybe someone will disagree with me and say that a person is by default, he is born with love, but the emotional sphere, feelings are also things that you...
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this is the emotional sphere, these are the people who surround you , they surrounded, they will surround, this is also all patriotism, this is also all patriotism, ending with, well, really very important symbols that relate you to the country, to the homeland in which you live, well, that is, the highest level there, these are state symbols, you know, i travel a lot around the world, we were there in... in the usa on a business trip, we go to the university, the belarusian flag is hanging, i immediately see, it’s different, it stands out, and well, our compatriots came, studied, hung the flag, went on to work somewhere, a piece of the homeland is everywhere , i assume that at your university
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the most advanced students, and which ones? and you took the ticket, there are questions, and you can, in general, even look at something or get into your phone to look, but what you read on your phone won’t form that.
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what developments of belarusian it specialists are you most proud of? well, probably still those that are the most famous, but here ’s a paradox, but, but, but not games, here’s a very interesting application, this one, which was for women’s health, a very simple idea,
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but to all the people who live in the world , hello, my name is ilya, there is there are a lot of myths about it people, let's play
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a game, myth or truth, okay, let's try, well, so, most programmers' programs are wimps, is it true or a myth? smart programmers understand that they need to... look after their health, because physical health also determines performance, and as a rule, programmers are not wimps, of course, so on, all programmers walk around the office in flip-flops, truth or myth? myth, myth, but on the other hand, they don’t wear ties around office, and one of the advantages of programming-related professions is that there is no strict dress code. that is, there is no uniform that must be worn, but if you get into a party, i’m sure that you will
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still see that these are it workers, well, of course, it ’s just that now they wear ties then, well, all the it guys have a uniform like this, well, i understand, yes, although i’m sometimes without a tie, i’m often there; all these guys earn a lot, is this true or a myth? i guess i want to tell you that this is a myth, but, but half, understandable the fact is that they are more in demand, it is clear that in order to attract them, they are paid higher wages, but the level of wages also correlates with the complexity of the tasks that... it specialists decide that there are different levels of specialists and different salary levels, so the fact that all it specialists earn well is not entirely true.
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hello, my name is denis, and another stereotype about it people. it is believed that all girls want to marry it specialists, do you agree with this? i don't know, it seems to me that girls should get married. to want for your loved one, i’m not sure that this is absolutely true. let's, in order to destroy the myth, now let's conduct a little experiment, girls, when you grow up, which of you wants to marry an it specialist, raise your hand. may i know why you want to marry it people? who's ready to answer? well, because it is such a good profession. and at least the wife will have a very good status, that is, the wife of an it specialist, for me this is very important in principle, because my brother is a programmer it specialist, that is, they constantly
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reproach me for this. the fact that your brother is a programmer, why can’t you do that, that’s why i want a husband who is a programmer, so i can grab it too. well, due to the fact that i know it specialists, they are quite pleasant people who are smart, developed and really have something to tell about this area, and this is a really interesting profession that you want to listen to, so i think that if my the young man will be in the it field, then i think that i will even get involved in it myself, because very...
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always more successful in life. hello, my name is irina, how did you meet your wife, well, i met my wife at the university, because we studied there, by that time i was already in graduate school, and she started working as an assigned worker, by the way, that’s all having seen each other well... briefly, there was a moment
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when i had the opportunity to get to know each other, after we met, well, we started communicating, then we started dating, then we got married, i have secret information that you i met my wife at a dance, is this true or not, no, no, we, my wife and i met near the cash register, back then they were still giving out money in cash, so, but we were dancing.
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i can do anything, let’s try, you ’re shy, well, you’re shy, but i’m not , of course there will be applause, bravo! tell me, do your children study at your university? no, why? is it their decision or did you talk them out of it? moreover, i did not persuade them to go to the university in guir, despite the fact that i believe that bguir is the best university in the republic of belarus. i think,
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that... this is the best university, but i didn’t persuade them to enroll in guir, because i think that, well, we talked a lot, discussed it, and this is the decision that was made, well, by my daughter, but on my part fully supported, what decision did my daughter make, what profession did she choose, she is a veterinarian, and my son does not have a higher education. hello, my name is yura, let's move a little away from the topic of your work, recently i heard the expression that in order to always remain young, you need communicate with young people, please tell me what age you feel like and how or in what way this manifests itself, well , it’s hard for me to say how old i feel, physically i feel very good, thank
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god, that’s it - well, that is i didn’t have any serious illnesses, i didn’t have any surgeries, that’s why in this part, well, i guess i myself... feel younger than the average man, at my age, but as far as i’m concerned, here emotional sphere, there, well, of course, not for 18 years, because certain experience still, well, those experiences, so many different situations, they leave an imprint. please name three facts about yourself that only your closest friends know, it’s difficult to formulate, because
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they know a lot, but don’t know a lot, i really have a lot of things that i don’t want to be public, these are my hobbies, there is a hobby, for example. some, that's what i leave there for myself, for some kind of personal space, well, yes, for example, yes, that's the music that i like to listen to, well, i like the new bands there waves of british heavy metal, for example, i like rock bands, there are my youth, this is the decline of the soviet union, there are the eighties, nineties.
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this signal means that the time for asking the hero has expired. vadim anatolyevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. well, i liked
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the question about half an hour the most. so, please introduce yourself, where do you study, in what class? my name is alina, i study at school eighty-seven, seventh grade. according to the rules of our program. now you have the opportunity to ask children my question: who dreams, and if they dream, then about what? i dream of playing like michael jordan in the future. great answer, just great. well, i have such a dream, that i want there to be peace on earth, although it seems to me that it’s all because of the dough, well, because of money, in short,
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because of resources, yes, i want so that the whole earth is clean, there is no garbage lying on the grass, everything is thrown only in the trash, and not just. somewhere in the middle of a field, well, to be honest, i really like to read, i want to write a book, i wasn’t even afraid to do something according to like a horror story, but it’s still in development unfortunately, maybe it’s a little banal, but since childhood i’ve dreamed of running my own podcast, inviting popular personalities, interviewing them, attending film premieres, i hope this will someday become... reality, i even as a child, i dreamed of learning to drive a car, because my dad is a driver, my grandfather is a driver, and in short, everyone was a driver,
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okay, but this is a completely realizable dream. vadim anatolyevich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. and here i am... i'll ask you to stay. vadim anatolyevich, what was this the most difficult question for you today? well, a professional question in a children's audience is the most difficult. what do you have? the children were surprised today, well, sometimes with frankly adult questions. today you managed to answer 60 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? i think yes. and now i turn to our children's audience. do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? if you think so, raise your hands. bone is very open and tried to explain the answers in an understandable language for us. to questions, the person does not
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he was afraid to share with us his thoughts and some hobbies, hobbies, i think this is a sign that a person acts honestly and speaks honestly, he had open answers to questions, and he also inspired me to enter the desired university, and who thought , that vadim anatolyevich today was not... a little disingenuous, maybe he was hiding something, raise your hand, not a single person, this is an excellent result, well, great, vadim anatolyevich, we have such a rule, the last word is always with the hero, sum it up conversation that took place, for me it is a completely new experience, i don’t always communicate with students in a formal setting, but it’s still an experience - such communication on various
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topics is new for me and well, i hope that it will be useful to me, too, so many thanks to the children and schoolchildren for the fact that they not only asked me questions, but also answered mine. rector of the belarusian state university of informatics and electronics vadim bogush was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next episode! today our guest is olympic champion in ski acrobatics, multiple winner of allot super world cup stages.
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why do all athletes want to win the olympics? what do you usually think about while jumping? does love help or distract in sports? allah, have you ever been scared? can you show us any trick or exercise? 100 questions for an adult!
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we of belarus, dear people, are far from the mortals, we are stretching our strength.
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glory to the land is our bright name, glory to the people, the versian union, our beloved, motherland,
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all our belarus, ours.
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this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day calendar monday, july 22, look in our issue, the whole schedule for
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the industry, why it is important not to rest on our laurels and what’s wrong with the markets for our goods, details of the presidential... windbreak areas for sorting wood, energy supply is handled by energy workers, the consequences of the disaster are being eliminated throughout country, forestry workers provide all possible necessary assistance to residents of the private sector during the cleaning process, emergency services. we will tell you all the details in the panorama. belarusian military is studying advanced methods actions. nut plantations, cheese banks and the largest spoon in the world. berezino is a city that is included in the guinness book of records. we will show you a place to live in the project on a tv tour. don’t skimp on money, but
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work more actively. this is exactly the guideline that the president and industrialist set. at a meeting in the palace of independence, following agriculture, the state of affairs in the industry and prospects were discussed today. yes, the situation is developing well, but this is not a reason to relax. alexander lukashenko emphasized that we can do everything. the main thing today - sell. there is demand in foreign markets, as there are buyers. here it is important to count not only on our traditional partners - russia and china, but also. work more intensively on the far arc, in africa, latin america and beyond. we discussed ways to solve problematic issues. not all businesses operate smoothly and work on investment. projects that will strengthen technological sovereignty. natalya brios, more details about everything. if the last work week
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ended with a global conversation about agriculture that has not yet cooled down, then this starts with not changing the industry's hottest issues. it was agreed to discuss the state of affairs in this area at the end of june after the appointment of a new minister. by order of the president, the format is expanded from a report to a meeting. with the participation of the heads of some important enterprises, from atlant integral to maz, babruisk gromash and belgzhi. judging by the information on my desk, the situation as a whole is going well. this is not at all a reason to rest on our laurels and think that we have already done everything. relax under no circumstances is it possible. all assigned tasks for production and sales of products must be completed. the appointed minister of industry has a long time to shake things up. they didn’t , however, the person in the department is not new, his report contains restrained optimism and positivity, despite external pressure in the last 3 years
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, the belarusian industry has not slowed down production, on the contrary, they have reached record exports, from the series they are strangling us, but we are growing stronger, this year’s trends are also encouraging; given a conservative scenario for industrial development, we predict positive the growth rate is planned to reach production volumes of more than 31.6 billion belarusian rubles - with an ifosu growth rate of 2.4%. we also expect positive results for exports in the amount of 102.5%. these are the minimum numbers. there are certain reserves and the ministry of industry, together with our enterprises , will use the reserves as much as possible in order to further improve these indicators, and by the thirtieth year we plan to organize up to 30% of all exports to distant countries. the work is not well-established, and this, as a rule, means, drive to russia, of course, is a way out of the comfort zone for sales people, but still, efficiency
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is assessed not by how much came off the assembly line, but by how much money returned to the plant. the main goal, the president will say, is export diversification. we know how to do everything, but the main thing is to sell, there is a demand for our products, there are also states and countries that are ready to buy our products. russia and china, these are our traditional partners, well, so to speak, this is our anchor, we are anchored, and if someone thinks that we will leave russia from china, tomorrow they will accept us with with open hands, complete nonsense, yes, we are a small economy, an export economy, but we must understand that these are billions of dollars, no one really expects us anywhere to compete with our goods.
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egypt gradually moved further, but things moved noticeably after the president’s personal visits to zimbabwe and equatorial guinea. today, even skeptics agree that, yes, the future belongs to africa. mozambique needs us more than zimbabwe, and i know that for sure. and the president of zimbabwe. good relations with the leadership of mozambique, promised me and is doing everything in order to arrange normal work for us in mozambique, so we are directly from mozambique, their ports, we can cooperate with zimbabwe, they need everything, they know us, they value us, they are ready to work with us, here is one point in the south africa, take the west coast of the atlantic. african continent, recently the first lady of nigeria visited us, she told me that they are very interested
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in belarus, why do i ask a lot? countries, no, we know what colonialism is, we want to cooperate with equals, here you are showed well in africa, starting with egypt, even then, this is being discussed, so she came and told me, we want this, we want that, but these are 220 million people, we have established good relations with the neighboring state, nigeria, equatorial guinea, here you go, in the west, a node, in west africa. kenya, east africa, my relationship with the president is excellent, they say, here they are about the americans, they want to develop their country, come too, we want this, this, this, this is a huge country, they want everything, no matter how difficult it is neighbor in the east, we are known in israel, we have excellent relations with syria, the war
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will end someday, but now they need to live, with... relations with india is one of the tasks of the new minister of foreign affairs, but in general , each direction is assigned his own, as the president, the authorized one, will say, in addition to the ambassadors in russia, this is the head of the presidential administration, cool from old memory, china
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behind the first deputy prime minister snapkov, latin... we have a good deal there, these are the richest countries, the united states of america cannot do without them, so they start lining up relations with venezuela, this is good, good for us, yes, there are problems, i repeat again, in africa, in other countries, but i mean diversification of exports, that is , sales of our products, that we are interested in opportunities not only in russia, but in china,
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but along this entire perimeter, we need... maybe not to break through, but to be more active in the direction of brazil, a huge country of over 200 million people, politically influential , they need what we want to sell , the far arc is defined. accession of belarus the sco opens up new opportunities; it would be a sin for enterprises not to use this political alignment in their own.


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