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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 23, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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telephone connections: more than 13,000 trees fell, seven people were killed, 75 were injured and 13 are still in the hospital, three of them in serious condition. electricity has already been fully restored to ensure power supply in 22 settlements and facilities in the gomel region, 32 electric generators have been used. by august 1, power engineers plan to completely switch to the standard scheme. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 on our air, all the best, history, nature, culture, faith, people. shchodrasts,
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once you hear it and you won’t forget it again , it’s all right here. we greet everyone who is now with us, hello, it just so happens that this is a special day in our history, it explains a lot about us today, so let’s start with it. on july 10 , 1994, the second round of elections took place in belarus; they were choosing not just a president, but destiny. in the first round, six such different candidates met, from communists to nationalists, this is how the country was in a fever, but the people made a different bet, they chose with their souls. in the second round
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alexander lukashenko received more than 80% of the votes. irina vasilievna, if you ask the question in a broad sense, what actually happened in july of 1994? this means that if we turn to economic theory, which is criticized there, no matter how it was created in the west, then its subject is the science of the choices that small economic units make in conditions of limited resources. in this case, the people, you say, chose with their souls, i would not say that they chose with their souls, the people are quite literate, and we understood perfectly well at that time, what is it, i don’t want to say such a banal phrase: an assembly shop, we were an assembly shop, we needed it, we were created , and enterprises in the soviet union on the territory of belarus were created in order, so to speak, to supply products to all other regions of the soviet union, and we were very dependent on these markets, when the collapse occurred, clearly...
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but it was associated with that corrupt, chaotic era - the early nineties, the dominance of the nomenklatura, the bureaucracy, which allowed a great collapse country and, strictly speaking, did not offer anything. if we take shushkevich, he was completely discredited by chatter, it was the worst option, you know, almost such a caricatured option, an intellectual who promises a lot, but does nothing, and poznyak - it was just an ischadia.
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although he took third place there, even those regions on which he was counting on support, in which they opposed him, have amazing memories of his associate.
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so that we would now stand together with ukraine, in one line to this tragedy, which the ukrainian people are experiencing, alexander grigorievich, what slogans did he put forward then, take the people away from the abyss, we really stood at the edge of the abyss, take the people away from the abyss, i’m not with the left, not with the right, i’m with my people, these are the slogans, his the anti-corruption position that he has been professing all these years and... firmly implementing, nevertheless, be that as it may, let's say frankly, his smile, his charm, his influence on people certainly played this role, and exactly 30 years ago began an era in which we live with, the era of alexander lukashenko, his 30 years later, look, a curious episode in the fields with journalists
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immediately after the military parade, on independence day, in general, in fact, this is such a frank thing that the most difficult thing is the president’s version. to add, how lukashenko’s company differed from all other candidates is the fantastic performance of alexander grigorievich and his staff, when he personally met with the absolute majority of voters in small settlements of belarus, that is, i remember practically
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it was impossible to catch lukashenko in minsk at that time, i was a journalist then, almost all candidates had access, lukashenko was always in the regions, personal meetings, personal... in general, taking, discussing problems, which, accordingly, was face to face face, as they are, quite seriously, this style, of course, i liked it, and if we talk about programmatic things, they are also very important, yes, in fact, you already remembered the bureaucratic market of kebich, which has already realized itself, yes, that is, he is already in ninety-two, nine in the third year , a bureaucratic market was created in belarus, which compensated for this decline in industrial relations that it had... it worked out and somewhere in the fourth year it already began to close, that is, it was necessary to start something new, in this regard, lukashenko’s project , a project of close integration with russia, which will allow, in fact, to feed russia and sales markets and gain access to russian resources, but
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strictly speaking, it worked again, let’s just say that it made it possible to preserve not just industry, but urbanization, the degree of urbanization, because belarus, starting with... would lead to this, that it was on the thirtieth anniversary of the institution of presidency that we had accession in such a full status to the shanghai cooperation organization, a good sign, and, of course, a good organization, and many people say, that ’s why we joined, that’s what kind of
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organization it is, well, in order to understand what kind of organization it is, it was formed in general, i remember it, so to speak, it’s very easy to remember against what, thesis anti-antagonism with terrorism.
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and accordingly we get such a powerful market, because when i talked about, we talked about the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency, and i
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said that the task was set to restore cooperative ties, for us cooperative ties are important on the one hand, but on the other hand, when you cooperation , you create a product, it is important for you to sell it, we need markets, we don’t just say so, we trade resources that everyone will buy, we trade with, i would say, medium-tech products, but this does not mean at all that this is bad, this is our...
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separatism against solving regional problems, then its number of members increased and the effectiveness of decisions
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fell sharply, because the principle of consensus, the principle of agreement between everyone and everyone, yes, that is, an inevitable process, as long as it lasts a new picture of the world and an idea of ​​how it should be developed, now the show has transformed, in fact, it has added itself another function, that is, it is again by the will of the united states, because the united states is now promoting the concept. world order based on rules, that is, that a situation where the source of law is an international organization, and the sco, accordingly, unites the state, which is based on the principle of sovereignty, where the source of law is the state, in this regard it is its own main center, this thing turned out to be extremely attractive and in demand today, yes, then there are those states that want to independently decide what will happen within their territory,
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at one table, at a round table, on equal terms at a time when all these things need to be decided, because these are the first things that formulate very important worldview things. well, that is, how do we sit in the cube at the beginning, say what the problem is and how we can solve it, and then we move on to the level of how we will solve it? so, if until now, for the most part, the foreign policy of belarus was faced with the question of how to do this, now the question arises, what to do? that is, the transition to the next level, and with this we can actually congratulate
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the corresponding belarusian president, and belarus as a whole and the belarusian mit, because that these are completely new... well, how do you like this replenishment at the expense of minsk? hello, colleague, let me first of all congratulate you on your country’s entry into the shanghai cooperation organization. if we talk about the significance of this event, then with minsk granting full membership status, the number of participating states in the show became double-digit for the first time.
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this division of the organization is a completely historical breakthrough, which once again indicates that the sco is gradually becoming the most influential regional international organization. well, we generally answered for ourselves a long time ago, why the sco, but how do you see it from your side? the sco is an important international organization that carries out constructive cooperation in the fight against the three evils, organized crime and drug trafficking, for belarus itself full true membership. crime in order to maintain the stability of the internal situation and at the same time, being a non-military alliance, the show is also a multilateral mechanism aimed at strengthening economic,
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cultural scientific and technical exchanges of cooperation between participating countries. i note that today the state members of the organization account for 65% of the total area of ​​eurasia, and its total population has reached 45% of the world’s population , the market potential is simply enormous, last year the total volume of trade was only between the scammers and strange members of the show, according to according to the chief customs officer. management of the state people's republic has already exceeded 490 billion us dollars, with the annexation of minsk, economic complementarity between state participants is only strengthening and the potential and awareness of cooperation will continue to grow. well, thank you, vadimir
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franzovich, here we are talking about why... we are interesting, including to our partners, irina vasilevna told the example of astana, which in the twenty-third year attracted almost 5 billion dollars in the form of investments, and we there is such potential, why are we interested in this organization? look, firstly, it must be emphasized that the path the sco has taken, it was created largely as a reaction to the taliban coming to power in afghanistan, then it seemed that this was such a threat to the region, how the situation would develop there. corporately banned organization in russia, yes, but at the same time, i do not exclude the possibility that in the near future, well, in relatively near afghanistan, under the leadership of the taliban movement, they may join the shusk, so that they understand their interviews, he says, that’s how i saw them on st. petersburg economic forum, they are easy to identify, they have national clothes, which, by the way, is also one of the signs of the new world,
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now we will talk about this, why belarus is interested in the shanghai cooperation organization, i will remind you that belarus is the first, the first full... member of the shanghai cooperation organization with ten, which is completely geographically located in europe, all other countries are geographically eurasian or simply asian, we are completely located in europe, so all the logistics chains that are being built, north-south, others, they - in many ways, belarus is strategically important for them, moreover, the shanghai organization cooperation is now developing, we joined in conditions of acute geopolitical confrontation, but this is... an organization of the future, we must understand that this, along with brix, is one of the crowds of the future world order, and of course, we will cooperate with europe, a new europe, a sovereign europe. a changed european union or something that will arise on its basis, but of course there will be this cooperation, here, in the future, belarus is simply an indispensable participant for this
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organization, in addition, we have very good trained personnel, we have established cooperation in the field of education, i will remind you about chinese students, so, we have very cool qualified personnel, which is also an investment in the sco, in the development of this organization, we have extensive experience not only industrially. cooperation, but also industrial, industrial development in general, agriculture, all this is important for the sco, in addition, look, when our president spoke, he came with a big humanitarian agenda, an ideological agenda, why he was there and secretary general of the united nations, one of the principles of the sco is respect for the un charter, not to live by the rules, but to live according to the charter, you know, in the worst times of hazing in the army, the americans are such a typical impudent grandfather. in the army, yes, who simply need to be forced to live not by the rules, but by the charter, which means one of the principles is that we live by the charter of the united nations. the next point is that we are not
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striving for a new globalism, as china and the americans accuse there, we are not striving to create some kind of universalist ideologies, new ones to replace neoliberalism there. the sco principle is respect for identity. look at countries with different political regimes. the people's republic of china is a communist democracy, a people's democracy of that kind. the type that once arose during the second world war, the russian federation, well, such a transitional regime is still a combination of authoritarianism and democracy, we have our own, our own distinctive form of democracy, look at islamic democracy in iran, the last elections absolutely proved stability of this system existing for 40 years, there india, as they rightly say, is the largest democracy in terms of population in the world, pakistan with its foundations, i can continue to list the central asian republics, and no one imposes rules on anyone. how we should live is fundamentally important for us, besides, let’s look from a security point of view, the security system in europe has been completely devalued, the osce is
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a piece of paper after the latest actions, we don’t have such an organization on this large continent of eurasia, which called, except the sco, which would guarantee these security rules to such a volume, in such a number of countries, on such a territory, yes , there is our csto organization, but the sco is much broader, and of course we... are of interest to a wider range of countries, how quickly they began to support the idea of ​​belarus, vladimir putin, now we see how it was put forward in october last year, about signing a diversity charter for
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a multipolar world, this is our idea, and we in this organization can come up with such ideas, they will meet with support. the issue of security in this case and the sco is really related to what we are seeing around us, in brest there are anti-terrorism exercises taking place together with special forces. people's liberation army of china, here it is interesting that the british guardian, in its review of the main world news , put information about the joint exercises of minsk and beijing in the foreground. i'll quote. this comes a few days after belarus officially joined the shanghai cooperation organization. led by china and russia, which deepens their coordination on military, economic and political issues, writes the guardian. well, you noticed everything correctly. strengthened it. strengthened it.
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and let’s also say, this completely destroys the concept that supposedly duda went to beijing and sidinpin, yes, listen to how sidinpin put pressure on us, he says, he shouted loudly at belarus, shouted so much that we were accepted into the highway, shouted like that , that we had a parade box of chinese military personnel at the parade, that we are conducting exercises together in brest, how once again on that border for security. which the atmosphere of bilateral relations is so worried about, these stereotypical propaganda constructs, it completely destroys. yes, i agree, and
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the point is that if we talk about... that is, this is a resource that, if added up, allows us to guarantee security on an absolutely significant area in the vast majority of eurasian territory, not to mention the fact that this is the security of markets, country security, and in fact, yes, these are very strong threats, especially to the british, who are used to always divide to rule, which are always accustomed to, in general, oppose, and
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having quarreled these here... two parts further, this can be managed safely, but the whole middle eastern section, when britain left the middle east, it was made as extremely conflicting, when exactly for in order for all conflicts to be insurmountable, the division of india into india and pakistan, and what lord mountbeton did, who then burned all the records, because it is clear that he provoked a monstrous conflict, that is, millions of people died in the subsequent redistribution, division between hindus and muslims. despite the fact that before the british they lived perfectly together, and no one got too dirty, there wasn’t this discord, so yes, any integration is perceived by the british as a direct challenge to themselves, as a direct challenge - in fact, to anglo-saxon hegemony, especially since britain still views itself as a more effective partner in tandem with the united states, that is, it is considering the possibility of returning the british empire, so yes, naturally, they are worried about this, let me remind you,
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that britain is quite strongly... present in the baltic countries, in poland, in ukraine, and, in fact, in the transcaucasus, in general further in those countries of central asia, reuters continues on the situation in poland : warsaw wants to attract border guards from finland , germany and greece to protect the border with belarus. preparations are already underway, the polish government intends to raise the issue of protecting the border with belarus at the nato summit, that is, it’s not enough for them that they’ve already brought together some amazing people, i don’t know. here somehow they are building some concepts there, putin forced lukashenko, this is a hybrid war, what happened, in april of twenty -one, the polish side interrupted all contacts with the belarusian, attention, border authorities, they do not support with our side at the level of border security
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none. contact, the european union, which before this, whose security on the eastern border was based largely on direct contacts with our state border committee, let's be honest, to the point that they have some kind of money allocated for border protection, to stop these flows, they stopped all this, poland demonstratively broke off these relations, there is a simple rule, there is a whole science about border protection, and there are axioms there if you do not maintain normal contacts with the country. on the other side of the border, you won’t have normal border security, that’s all. we ask simple questions, poles, oh, why are we scared, we should spend our money to protect you from migration flows. the second point is that you are carrying out sanctions against us, that is, you want us economically strangle, and we, at the expense of our taxpayers’ budget, must create camps, track these people, violate some of our laws, and so
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on, we do nothing.
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i didn’t answer anything, everything stopped immediately, and then he said: well, excuse me, uh-huh, when time passed, that is, they understood, that is, it may have been difficult to immediately understand what was happening, but time passes and understanding comes, thank god this is happening, about
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the main threats to trying to save the world from the final collision, we will try to understand what orban’s tour will lead to, stay with us, we continue , the next nato summit has opened in washington. feelings of deja vu, again they have about ukraine’s membership. 61 foreign policy experts have signed an open letter calling on nato not to promise ukraine membership in the alliance ahead of the july summit. they say this will make the country an arena for protracted showdowns. en stoltenberg, who is living out his last months as secretary general , says that no one said that ukraine would be accepted into the alliance even after 10 years. i ’ll quote a phrase now.
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obligations for its conditional protection there, that is, they understand that if ukraine is a member of nato, then the military operations that are now taking place, in accordance with the nato charter, the treaty that was signed in washington in 1949, this means that with all their armed forces, well, at least ukraine has the right to request consultations, most likely they will have to start a war with russia directly with their troops, this will lead to a nuclear war, but while managing the escalation they don’t want to bring it to that extent, but how to understand then, watch cnn, and even the day before... she referred to her sources, reports that in the final declaration they will call ukraine’s inclusion in nato irreversible, this is also understandable, they say inclusion in the eu is irreversible when this happens , a matter of time, that is, they imply irreversibly that they
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will defeat russia in their understanding, some kind of transition period will pass, they will overcome wild corruption in ukraine, then ukraine may become a member of nato there, but this will not happen, because not cnn, but already experts on... at the front of these fighters who are there, but nevertheless russia is moving forward, this has a heavy, demoralizing effect on ukrainian society, russia is increasing its efforts to achieve its goals, they cannot oppose anything to this,
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their military experts westerners say that even the allocation of this 60 billion aid cannot lead to a turning point in the situation, and in this regard, nato is trying to take, as they say, a strong... position, everyone is well aware that the current the confrontation will one way or another end with negotiations, one way or another it will be some kind of formula for peace, this is definitely not a formula, in this situation the parties want... to show the strongest position, so nato raises the stakes, says: we will accept ukraine into nato there tomorrow, to the ukrainians they say, well, most likely we won’t accept it, the russian federation, it naturally seeks to enlist the support of its allies china, india, turkey, the same, or partners, let’s say, not necessarily, these are direct allies. in this regard, it is necessary to consider orban's tour of the world, virtually everyone understands that the us elections in november will somehow affect the situation, regardless of who wins, but now trump's chances are very good...
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the international community must create conditions and facilitate the resumption of direct
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dialogue with russia and ukraine. kirillo evgenevich, this is really orban’s tour, how should we perceive it correctly? well, firstly, this is the appearance on the european political horizon of a real european politician, yes, that is, not a political actor, but european politician, because the political actor is the one who is responsible to the director, yes, that is, he, who he owes for the campaign, must.
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the united states, i think that it will expand, here it is necessary not only with the democratic administration of the united states, i would say so, orban is quite a pro-american politician, but pro-american in a pro-trump sense, and there is such a curious phenomenon here. the not yet elected us president has an influence on politics like no other yet to be elected the president of the united states did not support its history, so he will meet with trump, they will talk about it. yes, therefore, one cannot say that he is anti-american, this, i think, is not entirely true, but it is also amazing, orban uses the institutions of the european union, look, seven main institutions, he is now the head of state, the chairman of the council of the european union, this is one of the seven institutions, according to their documents, the council of the european union has
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the right to conclude agreements on behalf of the european union, only then it approval is needed, now he has a full-fledged mandate as... the chairman of the eu council carries out any negotiations and no one can interfere with him, but i agree here, what gives him legitimacy? he is now the only one of the leaders of the european union at the institutional level, elected, none of those who criticize him and say, he has a mandate, look, so too, jose borel, charles michel, kaya kallos, who even in my opinion did not take this post, yes, that means ursula vonderlein, none of them were elected, moreover, the majority, some of them, come on, they will leave. they criticize the elected , full-fledged, full-fledged leader of the european union, who has secured the mandate of the trust of his voters, for the fact that he does not have a mandate, he can simply ignore them, the process that they are trying to launch the early deprivation of hungary’s presidency of the eec council will be
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mean an institutional crisis of the european union, will only lead to its additional split, so in this regard , orban calculated everything brilliantly. no peace is possible for belarus settlement. at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation , it was stated that moscow will support individual diplomatic contacts with kiev, through attention, minsk. we had, twice , the minister of foreign affairs of hungary. the president openly spoke about the fact that we have emissaries from other states, and there were
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these leaks, which we can confirm, but no, that these are representatives of the french military-political very close to macron.
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well, europe wants to completely abandon pipeline gas, pipeline gas - this is the cheapest gas and it is clear that it goes to hungary through ukraine, which is why he also went and met with zelensky, i think, to agree that, well , maybe, let this gas be partially supplied to hungary there, because using gas, the one offered by the united states, but it is quite 30 percent there, it seems to be more expensive, this is...
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for preventive purposes, i would like to touch on one episode, the fact that everyone is asking him to leave the race, this is also such an interesting game, there is
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dramaturgy in this, well, here’s the promotion from the publication reports that the largest donors of the us democratic party are demanding that biden be removed from the election. this topic has already been discussed many times, i do not propose to touch on it now, but i was wondering what kind of sponsors these are, the main ones. and then, the most interesting thing, abil disney, heir to the walt disney media empire. company or netflix co-founder reed hastins. and here it turns out that when we watch a movie from disney or a series from netflix, we must understand that behind these companies there are people who control the elections in the united states. this means they have a goal, and apparently, this goal is not art. well, of course, yes, of course, not art, these are, in fact, representatives of the deep state, but i would draw attention to one more thing. yes. now we are watching. such a historically very important thing, discovering the limits of manipulating public opinion, this is interesting, that is, if before this it was actually believed that
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manipulation was omnipotent, that you could mold, in general, out of anyone, anything, that you could fool any society, now there are clearly limits when it doesn’t work out any further, then trust is lost, the whole situation somehow collapses, and if we talk about respectively...
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let’s figure out how to actually promote your interests, how to deal with this, you need to do everything solidly, and not try to somehow go , bypass, the situation of the confrontation between clinton and trump in the elections, respectively, which trump won, it is completely similar to the situation when in the kostorama province the municipal head, in order to definitely win, set himself up as the only rival his own cleaning lady, and she won the choice, that is, it turned out that not only... he was popular, or rather, she was not popular, they voted against him, so
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it turned out that this machinery, because let's look at the united states, after all, two families since the eighties, the bush family, the cheins and the mccains, and the rotham, clinton family together ruled the united states before the arrival of trump, because reagan is a protege of the bushes, the bushes, it is clear that father and son personally ruled, with clinton too all. it's clear, obama is a member, in fact, of the clinton clan, well , the rotham clintons, in this situation, when two people have managed to rule so well for so many years, more than 40 years, the question arises, how can one now stay in power due to what and how can one manipulate all this and what something to do, because the tragedy is not even to remove it, therefore, the time is almost already, let’s leave this question rhetorical, focus on yourself, i’ll ask you to maybe do this. some conclusions, the results of the program, we very often, well, journalists constantly use this word, and then experts are forced, accordingly, to talk about
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the transformation of the world, so we call transformation a change in the world, so let’s see these times, which we talked a lot about today, this is what we must manage to change in ourselves during this period, and what must remain inviolable in us so that we do not dissolve in all these processes, frantsovich, you know, we need to look at exactly the program with which alexander... lukashenko went to the elections for the whole world, we need to save the world from the abyss , in ninety-four, he implemented it in our country, now these words are relevant to the slide into the third world war, and you don’t need to be guided by any ideological stereotypes, that’s the same thing, neither with the left nor with the right, you need to listen to your people, then there will be no such manipulation, it will be necessary to look for its limits, in fact , our political model of our democracy is original, it is now characterized by interest all over the world, and it is not for nothing that these days, when we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary
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the presidency of alexander lukashenko, it is not easy for this to acquire such significance. yes, what you need to leave is to stand firmly on your feet, that is, understanding what your interests are, and understanding that the basis for everything is the interests of society, it lies under the state and under the individual, and under everything, and what is possible and you need to change - this is probably to constantly add to your intellectual capital, an understanding of what is happening, and an understanding of the coordinate system, knowledge
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is never superfluous, this is the thing that equips, which... makes you stronger, stronger and stronger. thank you for participating in our program. thank you. well, finally, an important detail in which the essence of our politics and national soul is compressed. in a series of high-profile events, many missed this message. alexander lukashenko, on behalf of the belarusian people, personally, congratulated the people of the united states of america on independence day. well, in general, this form, for us, is, of course, not new to the poles. the president regularly congratulates the lithuanians, the nevets, and the french, not the politicians, but the people of these countries, why? all it’s just, firstly, the western elite is actively degenerating, who to talk to, judge for yourself, even in a purely bureaucratic sense, there are not positions there, but some kind of mutants, they either have a diplomat, a tank driver, if they are passionate, then they also have a barrel i still don’t understand whether he is responsible for the european foreign ministry or for the ministry
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of war, there are generally special specimens, for example,
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it’s hard to believe, but once upon a time there were centuries-old forests on this land, we are in the thicket, welcome and let’s go on an exciting journey, was carried out extensive trade in friends brought lavender oil, rose oil, in this stone iconostasis, rare for belarus, not just a whole historical era, but a piece of the soul of each parishioner, local families donated money for some icons, and pilgrims for others. to show how extraordinary and wonderful our country is. the poet wrote 17 poems here, which were included in two cycles: old belarus and the place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in 1871 a temple grew on this site, later consecrated in honor of the intercession of the most holy theotokos. ancient iconostasis and rare icons. st. nicholas, the protection of the blessed virgin mary, she
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has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . let you love it like a vegetable in the field, like a young plant that is over a crayfish. yak is a bailed bird, hut on a wave, dazzlovli lyubitz, dazzlovlov lyubits for the song, i feel, for the srabny ghudona laughter, stupid zvinitsa, for the wax of the clear, for the soul, i loved the zyaba, the longitudor of the ziaba love.
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the hours you give me every hour, for the most part, dear daughter, let me love you.
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a show where they fight, not with the help of physical force, we remain hockey, and i am the first, just like that, we try, the khl team representing kazakhstan, kazakhstan, borys, borys.
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