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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 23, 2024 9:45pm-10:00pm MSK

9:45 pm
hopes not to recognize a relative of non-humans at the border, has been watching since 2021, this is the very beginning of the conflict, everyone is against, everyone is beating, no one needs it, no villages, no home, it’s very hard to imagine yourself in such a situation, watch what’s happening at the border, because from the very beginning, in fact, but since the bruzgi, when they were, when the poles were watering, yes, why then did they go there to help, our little one? i am a general practitioner, i also worked as a translator, for some time, well, when they asked me for help, i could not refuse, these shots have been done many times showed that the polish army uses tear gas, water cannons, stun grenades against the unarmed, cold and exhausted, violence against children, women, the elderly, all these facts were recorded by belarusian researchers.
9:46 pm
next to her, it was all in front of the children, with her husband, and almost the entire family watched as their mother and wife died in their arms, and this woman could have been helped in the adjacent territory, but they, as her husband explained, were expelled, pushed out, barefoot, when our border guards discovered their woman was already is dead, such cases are repeated, this...
9:47 pm
is constantly recorded, all these materials were sent to neighboring countries, the result, replies, or no response at all, physician and translator ali, we will return to him later, he worked in an international organization for migration, now at unicef and the un, why are international organizations silent? belarusian-latvian border, a family of six fled from iraq to germany, they have examples. that everything worked out, i want a normal life in europe, i’m very scared by the army’s appeal to my children, i’m afraid death, i'm scared for the children, look at them, they are 10, i thought that i would die that night, they all looked death in the eyes that night , thousands of kilometers from iraq, she was in human form with...
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9 days of hell are behind and after hours of torture , not everyone managed to get out of the latian forests, where, like the nazis, they filtered people according to things that were understandable only behind the cordon.
9:51 pm
you're safe, tell me what happened to you, my name is. yam, i'm 18 years old and from somalia. or, just imagine, you ’ve been carrying a long-awaited child under your heart for almost 8 months. for the sake of his safety you decide escape from samali. after the gas sector and sudaan, this african country is recognized as the most unsafe in the world. there are paramilitary gangster groups operating there, they rob, kidnap, and kill. what parent would consciously want such a fate for their own? i fled with my husband from samali, we wanted to get to holland, i lost my child at the border, the child is no more. near the border with latvia in the verkhnedvinsk region , local residents found maryam and came to a cry for help.
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later, doctors will say, another couple of hours, and the heart would stop beating not only in the fetus, but in maryam herself. today she categorically does not want to remember what happened. the woman was really in an extremely serious condition, in stupor, tachycardia was 150-155, 35 respiration, the tests were extremely bad, that is , leukocytosis 47 when the norm is 10, but 12 in pregnant women, and a decision was made, taking into account that the readiness of labor there were no paths to permission for delivery, through the natural birth canal to surgical delivery, permission to transfer the patient to eb due to her general condition. to all.
9:53 pm
why do you kill, what are human rights? here i feel human rights in belarus, i really have lived for 35 years, and here the diaspora, afghans, children are provided with funding, even the state provided housing, thanks to the president, thanks to the politics of today, i feel safe, this is peace, this is beauty, said is so emotional , and this is understandable, he represents the afghan diaspora in belarus, a lot of afghans are fleeing to europe, the man will also... tell you about the reasons, but first what reaction should the world have to the death of unarmed people on the border, they were killed, they killed, this is cruelty, inhumane, how is it possible in the 21st century to kill a person in the middle of broad daylight, now by a person, you know
9:54 pm
the destruction of afghanistan, iraq, libya, the afghans themselves are not to blame, american troops, they had bases, there were military bases, 20 years . they were present in afghanistan, america spent trillions of dollars in afghanistan, only for war, afghanistan was like a testing ground, the americans tested the most powerful bomb in afghanistan, we saw nothing from the afghans except murder, destruction, except rape, except, well, that’s what they did, but not prosperity, so young people are now forced to leave the country, in 2015...
9:55 pm
there are still questions about why they want to go there, poland, lithuania, latvia, like belarus, are only transit countries, these are everything is a lie on social networks on television, they lie to people. western democratizers did not come to their countries to help, they don’t care about people, they care about resources, gold, oil, they beat us very cruelly and... they threatened that they would kill us if we returned, they pointed to weapons and they said they would shoot us if we returned, but we are people, they are animals, we risk our lives for the sake of children, these are brothers for more than 10 years who lived in lebanon, they themselves are from syria, we remember children’s photos and one lost in the latvian forest, ushad too. four children worked as a nurse, the salary was small, in order to get to europe he put it aside, borrowed, the debts, if not repaid,
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would fall on his wife and children in lebanon, he planned to take them, having earned money in germany, after they crossed the border in latvia, they were like one and a half days, that is, they are staying overnight there was leucorrhoea, after that they were found because they were with a dog.
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بليز نو نضرب شي. in addition to a stun gun, batons, dogs, he received injuries to his head, back and a broken arm.
9:58 pm
a very healthy man, 100 kg stepped on my neck, beats the others over me, that’s how my arm was broken, there was no mercy at all. none of those with whom we communicated said that poland, lithuania or latvia are bad, that people are wild, those who scream - face, their watchdogs on the border. this is who this film is about , and as part of a criminal case in relations with poland, a polish soldier was also interrogated army, who entered the territory of belarus, emil chechka, his testimony is available in the materials of the criminal case, he was interrogated everywhere using video recording, that is, it is all visible in the materials, that the person was not subjected to any influence, neither physical nor mental, he talks about this himself repeatedly.
9:59 pm
we shoot them near the pit at a time, that is , he had more than one or two of these trips, and he was also not the only such serviceman who was subjected, at gunpoint, to the demands of higher-ranking polish military officials shoot those refugees who were discovered by them, that is, he tells it all, describes the people, we compiled identikit photographs with the help of...
10:00 pm
migrants and refugees from germany to poland. poland at the same time.


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