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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 1:45am-2:00am MSK

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the situation on the polish-belarusian border is getting worse because germany has begun expelling people with asian and oriental appearance from its country to polish territory. it looks more like a local agreement that they decided to use for internal political games both in poland and in germany. but this is probably different. in fact, it goes back a long way. the british were the first
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to want to encircle russia, depriving it of its status as a great power in the black sea region. this is how the idea arose to expand nato, so that every country in the black sea region around russia became a nato country. in 2007 , president putin gave another clear speech at the munich security conference. there he said: “gentlemen, did you promise us in 1990 that nato would never expand? nato expansion is not an isolated thing.” in case of deception, the united states, as a key country in the alliance, has the following position: if you don’t deceive, you won’t survive. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things. be surprised, feel. the connection between generational times, it’s easy
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to notice, but every day is made up of tradition, today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, without noticing it, we pass on knowledge and experience, through a generation, this is in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar look, real traditions are formed from simple happy moments.
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how does lotto work, how much do the organizers earn from it and who should you notify if you hit the jackpot? go! it became known that the ministry sports and tourism has established two new lotteries, they are called glass bridge and sea battle. both so far exist only based on documents, both will be instant and electronic, that is , there will be no paper version of the ticket, and it will be possible to find out immediately whether a person has won something or not. sofas. the experts immediately outlined
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their position: it would be better if we organized a relief fund, built new gardens, schools, hospitals, roads, and further down the list, which are used in cases where something new needs to be filled with negativity, gardens, schools and roads are being built, funds are working, and it is completely incomprehensible why, against the backdrop of all this, the state should not establish new lotteries, and the state is here despite the fact that only state structures have the right to engage in lottery... activities in belarus, while this is mostly done there are only two government bodies: the ministry of sports and tourism, the administration of the president of the republic of belarus. all lotteries in the country are organized by these two departments; private owners cannot conduct such activities, because they cannot yet provide complete transparency of the process. the ministry of sports and tourism owns the brand of the national sports lottery, the administration of the president of the enterprise. for the family, the
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deadline has ended, the register itself can be found on... on the website of the ministry of finance in the section activities for organizing and conducting lotteries and electronic interactive games. the electronic lottery is protected in the same way as the paper lottery. each ticket has a unique number, and it is guaranteed not to be repeated on those tickets that people buy at newsstands at the post office. which tickets will hang in the internet cloud, and which ones need to be printed, which numbers will be in the cells of the ticket and which one. will bring an instant win to the buyer, the machine decides, the founders of lotto give orders to companies that have special generators, this is a complex technique, a person cannot interfere with its work, predict the results too, it does not make mistakes, does not get tired of the numbers , therefore it always draws up the circulation correctly.
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almost all lotteries that currently operate in paper format have been selling electronic tickets for a long time. it's convenient, no need go nowhere, you can buy a ticket through your phone at any time, and if it comes... and an instant lottery, you can immediately find out whether it is a winner or not. an instant lottery is when you can find out whether you have won or not immediately after purchasing a ticket. usually there is a window with paint on it, which can be removed with a coin or a fingernail. it’s called a scratch layer; underneath it is hidden the amount of the instant win or the name of a valuable item that the winner can take from the organizer. in addition to the instant lottery, there is a lottery, which is when you... buy a ticket and wait for the event that will show whether he won or not. usually this is a draw on live television, but when it comes to betting, it is a match, fight in the ring or race. often the organizer combines these two formats in one ticket, and the lottery becomes a combined one. you buy
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a ticket, erase the scratch layer, regardless of whether there is winning under it or not, the ticket continues to play until the main drawing is broadcast. when filled out, the lottery can be active or passive. or active-passive. active is when you yourself fill in the cells on the ticket with numbers. passive - when you buy an already filled ticket. active-passive when both options are available. all these nuances are spelled out in presidential decree no. 209 of may 4, 2007. true, since its adoption it has been changed several times to make the lottery more attractive to those who like to try their luck. the last update was approved by the head of state in december 2023, that’s all. they joined in march. how much money does the sale of lottery tickets bring to the organizer? tickets can be understood by the prize fund of the circulation. this, by the way, is the first indicator of transparency. the size of the prize fund is announced before each drawing. if you
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see that in a particular circulation it is 50,000 rubles. you can multiply this amount by two, because as a rule, half of the money received for tickets is given to the drawing. from the remaining part, the organizer pays... 8%, in some cases he takes part of the amount for his own needs, and gives the rest to the founder, that is, the state. let's take as an example super lotto, their organizer is the national sports lotteries, the founder of the ministry of sports and tourism. one ticket costs 5 rubles. on average, every week we manage to sell 20,000 tickets, multiply 2000 by 5, we get 100,000 rubles. about half of this amount goes to the drawing; the organizer pays tax on the rest and transfers funds to the establishment. ministry of sports and tourism. our lotteries are in the hands of the state precisely so that even someone’s passion and faith in luck will benefit the entire country, and not specific to people. in presidential decree 209,
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it is written in black and white that the money coming to the budget from lottery organizers is intended for the development of physical culture, sports, healthcare, education, and liquidation. consequences of accidents and natural disasters, provision of state targeted social assistance to citizens, environmental protection, historical and cultural values, as well as other things determined by the president of the republic of belarus. the money that the ministry of sports receives from its lottery organizer goes to support the olympic and paralympic movement, and this is the health of the nation, it sounds pretentious, but it is so. the policy of alexander lukashenko, through the hands of the ministry of sports, brought a healthy lifestyle to the top. look on the social network what... zoomers and millennials most often trump, photos of muscles, girls rocking their butts, guys rocking their torsos, one of the most popular hashtags in the belarusian segment of the internet is leg day and emoji nut. sports are fashionable and stylish; taking pictures with a cigarette and a glass in your hands is now maviton.
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sport promotes light industry, for they sew beautiful clothes and high-quality shoes, and stamp equipment. sports stimulate the food market, farm products, quality. milk, greens, sweets with minimal sugar content - it’s all about sports and food, and after them about a healthy generation of belarusians who will give birth to strong children and less often turn to the health care system, if... the state machine is configured correctly, every gear is involved in the work of the entire system, one thing always leads to another, and even our lotteries work for everything society. by the way, if the winnings are not collected for six months, the organizer also transfers it to the founder, and we have such cases. for example, a year ago a person did not take back an apartment that he won in the super lotto. the ticket was sold and raffled off, but either the owner lost it or never found out about the winnings, no one showed up for the housing, its cost was transferred to the ministry of sports, and the property was raffled off again. but this is the very case when everything
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is very ambiguous. it would seem that when big money falls on the head of a person who has worked hard all his life, this is an absolute good, but practice shows that most often a large win in the lottery becomes an absolute evil for the lucky one. this is billy bob, an american from texas. 1997. he hit the jackpot of 31 million dollars, he bought himself a ranch, provided all his relatives with cars, donated a lot to the local religious community, but those around him wanted more and more money from the man, his wife left him and 2 years after winning he shot himself, ibiron kaeli from canada in ninety-one she won 5 million dollars, she hid this fact from her husband and gave away part of the money son, and squandered the rest in a narcotic stupor in a casino when she realized that there was nothing left in... she pulled out the family savings, the husband found out about everything and killed his wife in a fit of rage. in 2001, the mukhamedzyanov family from
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ufa won 29 million russian rubles in lotto. then it was almost a million dollars. they bought a couple of apartments, and then began to waste money, give it to relatives, give out loans for friends, unfortunately, and drink. the woman died 5 years after winning, at only 52 years old. her husband and two children live a reclusive life when... him for the last time... there are people who invest wisely, invest in some business and thank god for the gift, but there are objectively fewer of them than those who cannot withstand press wealth. there are examples when people hit the jackpot and gave it entirely to charity because they did not feel strong enough to accept their new status. chologists say that if the amount is really large, and the person lived modestly before the sudden wealth, you should not undertake
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to spend money in the first 6 months after winning. this time needs to be dedicated planning expenses and investments, decide how to put your eggs in different baskets so that in case of force majeure you don’t lose them all at once. if a person’s financial literacy is poor, it is worth hiring a financier to plan expenses, but not from among friends or family members. no one except the closest relatives. experts do not advise talking about winnings, otherwise there will be many who want to spend other people’s money or borrow and not pay them back, because the money is not earned, it’s just luck that they came left, it’s okay, if you don’t return, this position is often demonstrated by those closest to you. according to the law, everything we buy in marriage is jointly acquired property, including a lottery ticket, and therefore the winnings from it from the husband and wife. and if the family has cracked and a division is coming, the winnings will also be divided in half; the scenario will be different
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only if, before the divorce, the spouses draw up a prenuptial agreement, where they will spell out exactly what things will go to whom after the separation. no, you do not need to pay tax on lottery winnings, this norm is enshrined in the thirty-second paragraph of article 208 of the tax code, but we are talking here specifically about a lottery, organized according to all the rules prescribed in presidential decree 209 on lottery activities and which is registered in the state register of lotteries. if all these requirements are met, the surplus winnings are not subject to income tax. treat the lottery sensibly and do not expect too much from it. this is a way to point your finger at the sky in very rare cases and get a high five in response. keep yourself in control if luck turns. face to you, winning should not become an incentive to go on a spree, quit your job or waste it on
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new attempts to get rich; with a win , the universe tells you: you worked hard, it will be easier for you to work further with capital in your hands, and don’t take losing tickets as marks loser. in belarus , state lotteries work for the benefit of the country: if you win, you buy, if you don’t win, you donate, but that doesn’t equal losing. i’m marina karaman and how lotteries work in belarus, we figured it out, everything is clear. before meetings.


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