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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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i get lost in my thoughts, and there i get wet with my soul, and there i get wet with my soul. good morning country, olga venskaya, nina mazhaika, we are glad to welcome you to the belarus tv channel, one of the belarus 24 satellites, and today we have a wonderful occasion to celebrate july 24, you know what day, what, what, the day of a healthy egoist. it’s called
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a little differently, a day of self-care, that’s what i was thinking about now, are we not selfish? instead of sleeping like someone who sold wheat, we get up early in the morning, at dawn, in fact, earlier sunshine, i would say, in order to wake up the whole country, for some reason all this brings joy to us, and you know, that’s why the question is that we take care of ourselves and those around us, when there is a return, then you too it’s also nice, it seems to me that this is the philosophy you and i have of early awakenings, and you know, another philosophy of early awakenings is that it is important what time, in fact, you get up, it is important what time you go to bed, if everything comes together , you will feel great, just like you ninom mazeika, although you know, in general the purpose of this holiday is very serious, to remind us all that we can maintain health only if we take care of ourselves, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by the way, that ’s why the date was chosen: july 24, here so, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekday or a weekend, you always need to find time, well , at least a little for yourself,
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i confirm for sure, because, by the way, most health problems arise precisely because of an unhealthy lifestyle, stress overwork , so today is a must set aside a couple of hours for rest and relaxation, and this investment in yourself will definitely pay off handsomely, you will have to go to doctors less often , spend money on medicines, well, it’s clear that doctors will be able to pay attention to those who really need serious help, but here’s what i thought, you know, what are we inspiring the whole country to do today? someone will come to work and say, no, i’m not working today, i’m just... you understand, and if you argue against this, it’s okay, after all, the day is an official holiday, that’s why friends, let’s not forget not only to work well, but also to rest well, let’s start doing this right now with the most cheerful energetic music on the air of the good morning of belarus.
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trying me once to make for more, oh yes sir, i can boogy, but need a certain song, i can boogie, boogie, boogie, on the lord, yes sir, i can look it, if you say you can go on, i can boogie, boogie, boogie.
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no sir, i don't feel very much like talking another walking, you want to know if i can dance, already told you the first, and i will give you. oh yes sir, i can believe, but i
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need a son song, i can buy it. you danced all night long today, we, of course, congratulate you on this, that you have the strength to do this, you have continuous boogie-woogie in your life, then friends, be that as it may , it’s still time to wake up, it’s already 6:05 on the studio clock, we remind you that the calendar says wednesday, july 24, well, with us a simple break for
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cheerfulness, just a couple of minutes in the morning for a productive day, history in the faces, we’ll visit the exhibition of the artist alexander shilov, a sub-patient, we’ll see how future doctors hone their skills on realistic androids. the subtleties of the profession, let's get acquainted with the tour guide at the enterprise. well, besides this, according to wednesday tradition, we will set up a telemomel. our colleague anna kustacheva will tell you the news of this region. well, today we will also learn about who and how can become a student at the academy of management under the president of the republic of belarus. well, at the end of the broadcast , sergei shmats will perform at our concert venue. a new song called whim, in general he will fulfill our whim, maybe yes about that, but now it’s time to cook breakfast, the season of fresh vegetables is in full swing, our food blogger anatoly moiseev knows how to prepare them so that they are tasty and healthy, write down his new recipe. good
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morning, they say that it is much healthier to eat seasonal ones. vegetables and fruits. let's do this. today we will prepare a quick delicious pie, quiche with zucchini, tomatoes, herbs and peppers. this is a real summer pp recipe. we will need tomatoes, zucchini, sweet peppers, rokova, sulaguni cheese, flour, butter, eggs, sour cream and spices. first we make the dough, sift one and a half. wheat flour, grate half a packet cold butter, grind everything until crumbs form, add 50 ml of cold water and a chicken egg into the dough, mix everything well, the dough should come together,
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wrap it in maple and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. cut the young zucchini into rings; this will be the base of the filling. we mark the rukula, cut the tomato into rings, cut the sweet pepper into strips, grate the suluguni on a coarse grater, take out the dough and roll it out directly on the parchment, it’s more convenient to put it in a baking dish, we level the sides and pierce the bottom with a fork, dry the dough in the oven for about 15 minutes so that it does not become soggy from the wet filling. now we prepare the filling, put a glass of sour cream in a bowl, beat in two eggs, add salt and pepper to taste, enhance the aroma with dried garlic, mix well, all that remains is to assemble the pie, take out the mold and
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fill it evenly with zucchini rings, pour in the sour cream and egg mixture, put the tomatoes on top, then sweet. sprinkle with herbs and put in the oven for half an hour, then sprinkle with grated salugune and finish baking another 15 minutes. you can call this pie open, you can call it aspic, the essence does not change, it always turns out appetizing. the thin dough brings out the flavor of the roasted vegetables, and the eggy, creamy texture of the filling holds them together. it's worth a try, bon appetit and good mood.
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a review of popular print and online publications is presented by a television news agency. the belarusian exhibition at vdnkh in moscow is of great interest to residents and guests of the russian capital. in the first half of the year alone it increased by 20%. the number of visitors compared to last year, and accordingly, a record increase in the revenue of retail outlets is recorded. what belarusian goods are in greatest demand among russians? belta correspondent talked with the general director of the belarusian trade exhibition and information and marketing center. a decrease in housing prices in minsk is not predicted until the end of the year. according to realtors, the average cost per square meter is sold. in the secondary apartment market at the end of june amounted to $1,490, which is approximately
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corresponds to the level of summer-autumn 2013. it is noteworthy that at the end of 2023 there was a peak in prices; at the end of october, the average cost per square meter was $1,730. when is it worth buying a property in the capital? forecasts of experts, read on the pages of the newspaper sb belarus today. money is one of the greatest inventions of civilization. and the trigger for its development, but their brilliance is fraught with many pitfalls for public morality. one of the modern sins is conspicuous consumption, when things become a measure of intelligence, hard work, and success. belarus for everyone parameters refers to a middle- income country. this macroeconomic position is even very strong for the next round of development, and, what is very important: we have not yet had time to form a layer of people with super incomes. why does excessive consumption deprive society of incentives for development? we'll find out on the newspaper page. public. initially, messengers were conceived as
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a convenient channel of communication between people. over time, some of them smoothly transformed into social networks, the most popular internet resource today. we are constantly engrossed in watching videos, chatting with friends, or reading the news feed on our smartphone. during a meeting at work, the boss does not take his eyes off the phone, and a couple on a date in a cafe is more passionate not about their partner, but about messengers. what to do? if you fall into the trap of addiction to social networks, read on the pages of the people's newspaper, from the soviet election in pero, july 24, 1944, the troops of the first belarusian front at bresse.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. was and the goal is to create, not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one bag. all this was gradual, of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region
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or the ministry of culture, our technology today is actually very reliable , the safety margin is enormous, it is the most knowledge-intensive, the most complex machines, in principle, in mechanical engineering that exist in the world. we will introduce you to people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and generally ideological inspirers.
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good, good morning country, beloved belarus, wake up, it’s already 6:15, it’s time to turn
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up the volume, friends, in order, first of all, to hear our most sincere, good, good morning, and... some kind of prediction ... then you’re absolutely right, well, it’s as if you have a gift, olya, absolutely, today there will be hot indicators observed in brest, it ’s quite hot there throughout the country, and the hottest today is 27-29 with a plus sign, although they promise light precipitation, but i think that there will be little rain, in minsk 26-28 with a + sign 25-27 in the northern capital. in vitebsk the air will heat up to +28, let’s call it that, because it will warm up, this is not at all serious, calling it such things, it will be 25-27 in gomel, in grodno, 26-28 in mogilev with a plus sign. well, fire lovers, now they are dancing, yes, the sultry summer, everything we love, is coming back. by the way, weather forecasters warn that today
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thunderstorms are expected in places in the west of the country, and even heavy rain in some areas during the day; fog is possible in the morning, so we urge all drivers. be careful well, everyone else, take umbrellas with you today, it won’t hurt, that’s for sure, well, despite this, minless halls urges everyone to refrain from visiting the forests in the coming weeks, the forest has warmed up very much during the hot july, wood, as you know, is a material that it is easily flammable, the slightest spark can lead to big trouble, and that’s not the only reason why our forests are currently a high-risk zone, now they are developing windbreaks and windfalls, hanging tree crowns at any moment. can fall at least at your feet, or, alas, on your head, and this is especially unsafe for mushroom pickers and berry pickers, because they, passionate about their work, we have no doubt about this, do not look up, so take care of yourself, please, be vigilant, well and take care, including your legs, especially, by the way, today we will pay special attention to them during morning exercises, join our colleague tatyana
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matusevich. still wondering when to start doing exercises? know that the best time is now, and we are starting. today's complex we will perform standing, after our long sleep we need to cheer up, so finally get up, finally get up, yes, so let's get started, and the first exercise we will have with you is a squat bend on the buttocks. for the squat we have. you can find the bones straight, put two straight lines down perpendicular to the floor, place your feet and i recommend turning your feet a little to the side with your toes so that the knee joints do not fall inward during the squat, we slowly smoothly go down, preferably a little
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below the parallel with the floor, we grow and then we immediately have an inclined buttock, we abduct the pelvis with minimal flexion. joint back, as if you are being hugged with a detail pulled back, again we go to the starting position standing, the second exercise we have classic lunges, we stand, collect the legs, but they are together, we leave them too on... the under-strength joints, and we take one leg back, put it on a high half-toe, bend both knees approximately at an angle of 90° , return it to the starting position, and do this from right to left, alternating, and if we are a little wobbly, how to find balance? to do this, you simply turn the foot of your front leg inward a little, like this, yes, well, not
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exactly like that, but a little, it just increases your support area, and try to catch on. not only with your fingers, when you do this exercise with your toes, it is as if your foot is completely on the floor. well, the third exercise, you will have to sweat a little. we place our feet with you, and as in the first exercise, we stitched the wounded joint. it turns out less, there’s nothing wrong with that, do this exercise every day, in a week you’ll be sitting for a minute or more, so 30 seconds, but how many
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approaches do you need to do? three approaches, and if we understand that it is very difficult for us, is there any way we can help ourselves? of course, think about pleasant things, great way! play sports and be healthy, see you in the next issues, the dewy hag always laughs, flies in the sides, and the girl in sneakers, let's go crazy and let's scream loudly la-la-la until dawn,
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july evening with you at the club, and i want to hang out until it’s cool, cool wind, bad, and this night you and i are young, the girl in sneakers, the kicker is always laughing, flies in the sides and the girl in sneakers, let’s go crazy and let's pour some light, because grupkala, you look like a dream in this. in a dark hall i ’ll sing closer to her and what’s faster, let’s run away to where it’s more fun, let’s love,
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let’s scream, let’s get high in this world, let’s love, let’s dream, let’s we will just dance, the girl in sneakers, grown-up bully is always bolder.
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girls in sneakers are about us, nina mazeika, yes, friends, we really wish you not to neglect this ahead, walking to work, but at least one extra stop, here’s a boost of energy for you, and of course, this is important for your health, we wish you a pleasant awakening, good health, we remind you that today is wednesday, july 24, well , probably someone has already counted how many kilograms of cucumbers they ate this summer, nina, how many, i honestly don’t personally know such people. i haven’t yet counted how many kilograms of cucumbers i’ve eaten, but i know for sure that, for example, five or six cucumbers replace a glass of water for us, it’s just a super healthy vegetable, cucumber, then look, if you don’t have water on hand, but
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you’re thirsty , but there is a cucumber, they took it crunchy, here’s my advice, as they say, in the morning, and, by the way, the variety of these varieties, cucumbers, i mean, is impressive, you know that there are salad types of cucumbers for pickling, for example, yes , miniature, giant, those that need to be eaten immediately, and the kind that will stay fresh in the refrigerator for a very long time. in general, there are a huge number of species, well, you’re just some kind of cucumber queen, there’s so much information, i didn’t want to spread it to the whole country, but since you said it, it’s as it is, friends, in general, if anything, for advice, for recipes , for cucumber pieces, you know who to contact, well , it’s clear that the cucumber is good, it should be juicy and crispy, yes, that’s what’s important, only in this case there is a chance to win the world cucumber crunch championship and such things are carried out, can you imagine, nina, it seems to me that you should have been aware. it was according to the script, yes, at least. by the way, such unique competitions will be held this weekend in the russian village of istobensk, kirov region. the competition will bring together
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participants from more than 10 countries, they... bite into a cucumber, and a special digital microphone will record these sound characteristics of the processes, can you imagine? i would like to take part in such a championship, it crunched, honestly, victory, of course, holds the loudest participant, well, at least, or the loudest cucumber who passed the loudest crunch, as an option, the case when the result is not important in competitions, the process itself is important, the main thing is participation, eat cucumbers, for example, in any case, the holiday promises to be very fascinating for all lovers of unusual competitions, but in the meantime: in the hensington gardens of london a pumpkin appeared, so that you think, rather than a pumpkin, i wanted to say, a pumpkin, it was she who appeared, and did not grow, because this is a huge sculpture of a pumpkin, by a modern japanese artist , yayo and kusama, the height of the work is 6 m, the diameter is 5.5 m, this is the largest publicly available work by the artist that she has created at the moment. the image of a pumpkin is one of the central ones in kusama’s work, inspired by her childhood memories. he appears in her works
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on the internet, the artist, look how it turns out, she once invented these same polka dots, they work for her all her life, they work, you’re absolutely right, this is also a story about a personal brand, about the power of a personal brand, that’s how it happens in life, well, the most amazing thing is that it looks real very interesting, although it seems difficult circles on a yellow background for example, that’s it, and you know this is such an inspiring example
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that at any age. art museum, russian sensation. here, on the canvases, ordinary people from the people meet with prominent figures of art, science, culture and history. alexander shilov's style is a unique fusion of elegant mastery of portrait techniques and a masterly ability to convey human essence. this is not the artist’s first visit to belarus; the portraitist’s paintings have already been in our country twice, in minsk and mogilev. this time we also brought portraits familiar to everyone, this is
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a citizen of your country, the republic. belarus is metropolitan filoret, we also have the famous cosmonaut klemuk here, also represented in the exposition of this exhibition, and among other things, alexander maksevich brought exactly a cross-section of the people he writes, different in character, in their position and, of course, in to your inner state. this exhibition at the national art museum is organized on the initiative of our president, congratulations alexandra shilova with assignment.
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the artist uses strokes of paint to penetrate into the very essence of the human soul. the exhibition project was located in the large gallery of the national art museum of the republic of belarus and collected over thirty paintings by the master. you can see the artist’s works until july 29 inclusive.
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i’ll leave at dawn and return, if i can, in mine. will the wind, but i won’t have time to catch it, taiga, and kilometers, the star barely shines, sibat, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga, and kilometers, the star and... the body shines, sipi, who will answer, if you shout, the snow is knee-deep, deeper even higher, i
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’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, yes the game, yes the kilo. meters, star, or shining, siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, yes kilometers, star, barely shines, sibi, who will answer you, if you shout, between, snow and blizzards, frosts, and micelles, it’s not too late and not early, but we didn’t have time to meet each other, taiga and
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kilometers, the star barely shines, siberia, who will answer? if you shout to you, taiga, yes kilometers, the star barely shines, sybil, who will answer, if you shout, i’ll go to dawn, i’m no longer jealous of you. no one will help now, i will drown in siberia, taiga, taiga, taiga, yes kilometers, a star, barely shining,
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siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga, yes kilo. meters, the star barely shines, siberia, who will answer you, poly kriknesh.
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our live broadcast continues, olga venskaya, nina mazeika, in our morning invigorating post we do everything to ensure that your morning is not just good positive, but also informative, by the way, we do this on two tv channels at once, belarus, one satellite belarus24, today we remind you of wednesday morning, july 24, summer, heat and... by the way, statistics say that one resident of our country
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eats about 3 kg of ice cream per year. how do you like these numbers? although, when the temperature rises above +30°, it seems that this figure is clearly underestimated. i also thought, obviously i’m not included in these statistics, where is my 3 kg of ice cream? yes, of course, many people eat ice cream in the summer, they expect that it will help them better withstand the heat and cool them down, but doctors say that the cooling effect of this delicacy is rather psychological, because the body optimizes the temperature of the food that goes into... i mean ice cream. either way, the ice cream is delicious. in addition, despite all the diversity of this dessert, manufacturers never cease to offer new items. so recently, a litsa manufacturer presented ice cream with the taste of an energy drink. oh, wow, this didn’t go well, an unusual combination. i agree, although they say that the composition of the ice cream is quite traditional. but like energy drinks, it contains caffeine and
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taurine, so i would go for this ice cream i took a closer look, especially in the mornings, nina, how do you like to have an option in the mornings, in general, in the middle of the dessert there is a creamy ice cream with pieces of raspberries, god, i wish i could have two servings at once, please, by the way, children can eat it too, if suddenly you think about it, there are no age restrictions on the product, so on hot summer days you can recharge yourself with ice cream without a twinge of conscience, listen, what a convenient option, yes, you can drink hot coffee in the heat, well, well... you have a story, agree, yes, and so, you know, i ate ice cream, and the energy recharged, again a delicacy, enjoyed it, the main thing, friends, remember that ice cream is wonderful, but throwing an ice cream wrapper anywhere, this is definitely not worth doing, because as you know, it’s clean not where they clean it , and where they don’t litter, this is how this problem is solved, for example, in italy, the problem of street garbage, there, as you know, it is very important how they solve this problem, so, employees of the italian technological institute in genoa presented robot for cleaning cigarette butts.
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the device is equipped with a vacuum cleaner, the hoses of which are connected to each of the four legs. using cameras and a neural network, the machine detects cigarette butts on the ground and successfully collects about 90% of the garbage. during the first tests , the robot demonstrated high efficiency. cigarettes are one of the most common types of waste on the planet; out of the six trillion cigarettes smoked annually, more than 4 trillion cigarette butts are unfortunately thrown onto the ground. releasing over 700 toxic chemicals into the environment. the new development is aimed to solve this environmental problem, offers an automated way to remove garbage and improve the condition of the urban environment. well, i don’t know how effective it is, but to be honest, from the outside, with all due respect to the respected robot, it looks a little slow. it seems to me that in general the process takes quite a lot of time, but this also matters, you must admit, you take into account the number of people who smoke.
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who did not support this movement of vapes, and smoking smoke of everything else, did not in fact, we are promoting an extremely bad habit, they are adherents of the classics, this is the story, you know, the sad thing is that they see a kind of aesthetics in this in everything, it’s bad that a bad habit is elevated to such a high rank, in general friends, we are for having the right habits and the right aesthetics, for having high-tech assistants, by the way, our specialists have recently had just such, for example, you can use a high-tech one. androids for conducting various educational medical
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manipulations, which is what robot patients usually complain about, our correspondent anna ganger found out. what is your name? my name is alexandrevich. this robot is a godsend for the employees of the republican scientific and practical center for mental health. he plays the role of a patient, helping doctors train and make a diagnosis. this robot is highly realistic and humanoid. and his task is to simulate the patient, that is, he portrays the patient in various fields, such areas as dermatovenerology, therapy, neurology, cardiology...
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a training option is training in the communication skills of our medical specialists in various fields in order to collect the necessary anamnesis at the stage of a shortened outpatient clinic appointment, check the examination that is loaded into it for various nosologies, for various diseases , establish a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. know-how medicine can also tell jokes, interesting facts and even sing a song.
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here we have today you can see the percentage of questions that it was necessary to set, there are 100 of them, in this case i set 8%. the simulator is also used to test graduates of medical universities thanks to a special “exam” program that helps test students’ knowledge without the presence of a teacher. today we are cooking vegetables in a chinese style in a wok. the principle of this preparation is simple: all ingredients are cooked at high temperature and fairly quickly. the products are fired, a protective crust is formed, and all useful vitamins and minerals are preserved inside the products. the first thing you need to do is
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prepare vegetables. cut the carrots into thin slices. we must feel its taste in the future dish, so we should not grate it. stem. cut in the same way as carrots. cut the sweet pepper into thin strips. to make the dish brighter, use peppers of different colors. the cutting of all vegetables should be approximately the same, so we cut the eggplant into strips. we cut the champignons quite large; they contain a lot of moisture. it will melt and the mushrooms will decrease in size. chop a clove of garlic. the vegetables are prepared. let's move on to the wok pan, it warmed up add olive oil to it, first add garlic to the frying pan, the oil acquires a characteristic aroma, as soon as the garlic begins to brown, add champignons to the frying pan, of all the products they will take the longest to cook, add some sumjut seeds and soy sauce, after all, it’s asian we are preparing the dish.
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now, one by one, we send peppers, eggplants, carrots, celery and a little more into the vog. soy sauce. don't forget, the temperature in the wok is very high, so the ingredients need to be stirred constantly. now it's come spinach time, add the leaves, tear them with your hands, mix. all that remains is to transfer the dish into a beautiful dish. we use a lime wedge as decoration. call the children to the table, bon appetit.
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six years ago, we are 17 years old, and it seems we can avoid the terrible morning, that then we have to go to work, because it’s summer, every day, every summer night is right on the road, this is true in every sense, but we continue to be friends with you enjoy the hot summer, in addition, residents of the capital are looking for coolness on the beach near the water... for example, a catamaran, a boat, a river bus, or use this summer's new product, a bike or pedalo . oh, what does it look like? let's
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take a look and get inspired, for those who don't know, this is a combination of a sobboard, a bicycle and a catamaran, in one, as they say, gadget. bicycle boots have a light bicycle frame, thanks to which the resistance of the water is almost not felt, they accelerate easily, riding takes place without any special effort, as they say, with a breeze, it’s even pleasant, yes, well, of course, to eat while walking. bathe water, but it is necessary to take into account that in this case the water will soften the fall of the water, although you will be afraid of falling, you know, they say that the user can use a pedal boat in pairs, one pedals, and the other enjoys the views, everything is like in life, some are romantic, some are just enjoying themselves, and friends, in general, i don’t know how you were already inspired to try this next weekend, it’s interesting, yes, just don’t forget to put on a vest, so i ’ll tell you, greenhouse, so that he pedals, and you enjoyed the views, yes, the main thing is that it doesn’t work like a buoy later, if something happens, but in any case, right now we are ready
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to tell you a little more international news, and now we will find out what views one egyptian traveler was lucky enough to enjoy during his trip : forty-five-year-old mcdee eisa set a new guinness world record by visiting all seven modern wonders of the world in less than 7 days. it took him a year and a half to draw up the ideal route; he began his journey with east, first china and india, then jordan, then italy, the longest flight, the western hemisphere and three more attractions in brazil, peru and mexico. according to the rules of the gaines book of records, magdy had to get to the airport, to the next point and back exclusively by buses, trains and on her own two feet. you couldn't take a taxi or rent a car. a couple of times the achievement almost failed. in petra he was late for his bus, but... persuaded him to take him on the next one, and he also missed the flight to mexico, but managed to convince the staff to skip the registration tincture. the
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biggest trouble happened when the achievement was recorded. mcday's flight from mexico to egypt was canceled, and it took him two days to get to his country. he traveled around the seven new wonders of the world in 6 days, 11:52, which is 4.5 hours faster than the previous achievement, set last year by the englishman jamie macdonald. this is all good, not now. an understandable statement, you know, they say that it’s a runaway across europe, but in this story it’s a runaway all over the world, in that moment, he’ll see the sights and fly on, well, it’s kind of a so-so story, how can you enjoy, yes, absorb the energy of this place, maybe live, taste this place in the literal sense, in general, this is, you know, tourism from series, it’s like fast food, only fast tourism has such a story, all for the sake of a record, but i know exactly what skill he has improved by 100%. this is a communication skill, of course, because look how many times he had to simply negotiate with people in order to achieve his goals, here he is
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i would also like to improve my skill, you know what, punctuality , judging by the number of latenesses that we observed here, that if i weren’t late, i wouldn’t be such a unique person, so you know that everything i do turns out for the better , and i am for still enjoying this life and the sights of this world, slowly, literally, you know, breathing in every moment, well, those who have traveled at least once in their lives. i’ve been to museums on sightseeing tours, i know for sure that a lot of the success of such a cultural trip depends on tour guide, of course, we suggest you understand the intricacies of this profession in our regular column. my name is alena meya, i work as a tour guide in the department of industrial tourism, strategic development, i wake up at 6 in the morning, take a shower, prepare breakfast for my large family, i am a mother of many children, i have four children, three
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of them are schoolchildren, and the eldest is already a student. belarusian national technical university, first year student at the faculty of information technologies. my working day starts at 8:00 am, on my responsibilities include organizing and conducting excursions for our guests of the country and also foreign citizens, also... working with primary documents, providing reports for the planning department, financial management, analytical, keeping statistics on tourist attendance, as well as additional services, such as a dynamic simulator and travel on a mining dump truck, after graduating from university with a degree in economics, enterprise management, she came to the plant in the welding shop as a storekeeper, then entered. end of year offer work in production, move to the industrial tourism department, i decided to try, my cheerful work buddies began. i
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love my job very much, because it is connected with... communication with people, and we also give the mood to all our tourists and guests of the enterprise, the profession is versatile, information is constantly updated, innovative technology appears, we study it all, we are sent for training , that is, we are developing together with the plant, keeping up with the times, every day in the industrial tourism department is bright, interesting and rich. i... i think that my profession is very important because we can convey to our citizens of the country, and also to foreign citizens, the merits of the belarusian people, using the example of the staff of our enterprise to show human potential and thereby stimulate young people to new accomplishments for the benefit of our beloved homeland. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. for some reason,
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looking at this heroine, absolutely. she definitely believes that for her, her business is life, her work, which she truly loves, but i remember that she a mother of many children, she has four children, listen, how great it is, in general, kids, make your mother happy in the morning, please, listen, come on time, i wanted to say to school, it’s the holidays, what a school, how good, our heroine thought, yes , that during the holidays you don’t have to deal with all these everyday things, when you have schoolchildren, children, and you need to take them, deliver them, it’s just a whole job, well, look, if only my mother worked for me, so... i , well, it’s in such an amazing place, i would definitely go with i would love to go to work with her and ask, mom, take me for a ride in this big car, but it’s so cool, and i thought your mom brought you to work, today, no, i’m mine, yes, in that same big car , yes friends, by the way, we are also trying to make your morning good and are ready to share with you another good news, an event that the children's show business of belarus has been waiting for for several years, for the first time the bela tv and radio company
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is announcing a call for applications for participation in the children's song contest our: generation 20-24. a large-scale television project will be held in russia for the second time; a year ago it united 13 countries in an international vocal battle. and belarus is looking for its representative now; these should be singers from 9 to 15 years old. on stage there are soloists or a group of no more than six people. a prerequisite for participation in the selection is the creation of an original song from scratch. applications are accepted until august 10 on the website. details below. if music lives in your soul, if you dream of seeing the world and want the world to see you, what i'm treating this, thank you! our generation competition is your chance! we invite talented young performers to apply to participate in
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a new, bright, international... show. applications are accepted on the website of the belteleradiocompany don't miss your chance to become part of something new. apply today and discover the world of tomorrow. our generation. forward. so, dear friends, go ahead, send your children, or if you are watching this video right now, then be sure to act right now, and we are ready to share with you the weather forecast for this morning. olga venskaya, she has all the parameters. i , of course, inspired by this story of an amazing competition, could sing you a weather forecast, but it seems to me that you will understand little, so i will simply do what i am more accustomed to talking with pleasure about the
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beautiful weather that is observed early in the morning in belarus, in minsk in the morning... earlier up to +15 in brest, even more up to +17 and the same in gobeli and grodno, in vitebsk 13:15 above zero, the same in mogilev, and only in one regional center , v in grodno, a refreshing rain is falling early in the morning, but everything is correct, the city is preparing for a new, active working day, so we need to knock down the dust with this morning rain, i think it’s great, okay, let’s see how the situation changes, already in the afternoon, i’m sure the indicators will be the highest, the hottest, so, they say that... today in minsk the exact indicators from belhydromet 26:28 above zero the hottest today will be in brest up to 29 in vitebsk 25-27 with a plus sign only in grodno in gomel and mogilev also have the same indicators 26-208 at the same time, again, in grodno and also in brest today there will be, i believe , short-term refreshing rains, although about the bres here it is necessary to clarify,
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there will be rains, but they will be so strong, so do not forget with... umbrellas, well, on such with positive, i would say, life-affirming news, the first hour of the live broadcast of the program good district resident of belarus ends, we really still have a lot of interesting things, a lot of interesting and useful things , we hope. guests, so stay tuned, i'll see you right after the release news, your flight through life, on that land, where the sun has set, on the hidden day and the spider's dawn, the abras have sculpted
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hell into the world for an entire hour, the greenery is growing brighter.
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the fish is a nascent one, not like white natives .
7:00 am
the tv news agency begins an information day in the studio. good morning to this episode. the amount of work is significant. the president signed an order to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane. specific deadlines are indicated.


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