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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

9:50 am
i’m proud, but as a child i had a wall, and i personally remember very well how those who were most afraid of all, during the fight itself, beat their opponent in the bersrok regime, whatever the reason, formally an excess in the use of physical force against the civilian population, even against those for whom criminal cases were later instituted, there is a violation of the law, the law, of course, is sacred, but at that moment it was categorically impossible to begin to deal with these excesses, because if in the morning the power ... kam comes with the words: guys, stand firm, many of you will suffer, some will remain colleagues, some may die, but the future of the country and the absence of war in it depend on your resilience, guys, by the evening some kind of check begins on some of them, they say, and did not go too far whether he uses a stick, then regardless of the results of this check, which can and most likely will show that everything was within the law, the guys who came out to defend the country will perceive this as a betrayal, soldiers will be drafted tomorrow, today... stand like that as
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persistent as yesterday, maybe completely different reaction, they say, our comrades in hospitals with fractures, we are shoulder to shoulder with them, we stand for our homeland, and you are against our guys, starting some kind of checks? at the moment there were, sometimes , not enough laws, and that decision of the president was one of the ones that saved the country, now russia is waging a military defense, but in fact a war, in any war illegal excesses happen, because this is a war, people suffer from death, pain and horror the roof is moving. all these cases will be dealt with later, but then, because sometimes there is no time for the laws, always above the laws common sense and logic, on which alexander lukashenko has been building his policy for three decades. this was a global task, but there is also a local one, when sometimes there is no time for laws, let’s take a less striking example: a hurricane passed through belarus and buildings and structures need to be quickly repaired, there are two ways, the one that is prescribed in the laws and the one that is dictated by logic. the first way is everything completely.
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agree, get a paper with a million signatures, take into account all the nuances, hold a tender somewhere, because the law requires a tender and so on and so forth, it will somehow be as legal as possible, but it will be stupid in the moment, because it will be a very long time, the situation is emergency, requiring emergency solutions, therefore in these matters the law gives way to logic and correctness of actions, about which on friday , the president says with examples, one of the problems for solving the issue of...
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already agreeing on payment for the problem of receiving assistance from the reserve of material resources to eliminate emergency situations, in this case they require title documents for everything objects, in some cases there are no such documents for farms, restore damaged roofs, houses, etc., and then we will figure out what the title documents are, if there are no documents for some premises in these unfortunate collective farms, absolutely, what are you waiting for now.. . the skoda will die there, that is, when you need to urgently solve a problem, to hell with it, how should this be done according to regulations, the main thing is to do it quickly in order to minimize the inconvenience for people, and then figure out what’s wrong. these regulations, maybe they are long overdue, it’s time to change somehow, this desire to put logic in emergency situations above some pieces of paper is one of the reasons why alexander grigorievich is a leader, and not just a politician, he is ready to take on himself responsibility in... along with risks and
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he does this regularly, but lukashenko is alone, and even in this one hurricane there were a decent number of such local issues, if he does not personally make all these strong-willed decisions in dozens, then decisions are not made in principle, and if he suddenly gets busy with these decisions, then he will be constantly distracted from global tasks by something small, so the president says: if you can’t make a decision, something is missing, well, pick up the phone, call, coordinate. it seems that everything is correct, but if all those in power in the country start calling the president to coordinate any more or less important issue, then the president will be on the phone for days, which is also not the norm, to put it mildly, then the following will happen: call, coordinate , head the state was, let’s say, busy in negotiations, there was no agreement, so i’ll wait until it’s free, i’ll dial again and keep dialing until i agree, time passes, the decision is still not made, at the moment when the official got through to the president , decision, or suddenly he approves
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not my decision, but some other one, it turns out that i proposed the president the wrong decision, and this is bad, so in such a situation an official might think: i won’t call to coordinate, i won’t make a decision either, and then suddenly it’s wrong and in general, i don’t seem to have such powers, maybe the problem will somehow resolve itself, so that it resolves, i’ll go, probably light a candle, and what i’m talking about, everyone understands perfectly well, because the middle and lower levels have this in absolutely everyone. sphere in any enterprise, no matter where you work, but if this happens in a small enterprise, it’s a problem for a dozen people, it’s unpleasant, but it’s not critical, but if suddenly it happens somewhere at the top, then it’s already critical in on a state scale.
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the institute of presidential commissioners existed before, but the list of these especially trusted persons was updated on friday, precisely before the conference call on two important topics, and the conference call showed that on both topics there were cases when there were no people who would have made a strong-willed decision without direct participation of lukashenko, and as for me, this is not the direct fault of, say, the chairmen of regional executive committees, ministers or even the government, because they are all executive power, they perform within certain limits instruments that are spelled out in the laws, can they take the initiative and make a decision that is most likely to be correct in essence, but which differs from those laws according to... in which these officials are obliged to work, in principle they can, but formally they are not obliged and do not have the right to do so, therefore in belarus the institution of presidential commissioners is being strengthened, who, on behalf of the head of state and by the head of state, are empowered to make their temporary and correct decisions, even if there are nuances, and
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this is an epoch-making moment for the system government, now i’m walking on very thin ice, on which, what’s there? i like to walk, we do not have the positions of vice president in our country, but the presidential plenipotentiary in their regions for which they are authorized, in some emergency situation, to solve some non-standard task, are actually vested with the powers of deputy presidents, with an important caveat: all of the above authorized persons have long been work with the head of state, they are experienced, wise, know well and understand the approaches of alexander lukashenko personally, they... will accept these very strong-willed decisions, rather than at their own discretion and on behalf of the president, will be made as these decisions would be made by a president in his name. in any case , it seems to me that alexander grigorievich conceived their work exactly this way, the work of those people who understand
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the president very well. decisions are made instantly, i conveyed to them the conversation that you have told us every time for 30 years that the leader must make the first decision. the decision, the second, is not to bypass something, and the third is not to steal, and just such experienced government managers as mikhail ivanovich, understanding the requirements of the president and his managerial style, having unconditional authority in the public administration system, they will be able to make these decisions, which will definitely be implemented by everyone in the region, also using the example of mineral fertilizers, they introduced sanctions on mineral fertilizer, okay. let's give these mineral fertilizers, although we sell them, but we sell them cheaply and so on, let's sell them through meat, milk, we need a good one get a harvest, we get as much milk and meat as you want, we can sell it, and this is how to bypass these beautiful sanctions, in principle there are no problems with
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mineral fertilizers, they helped even those who do not have money, that is, according to the law. if you have money, you can buy fertilizer. if the collective farm has no money, then a conditional prosecutor will come to the conditional belaruskali with the question: “why are you breaking the law here, shipping fertilizer to a bankrupt collective farm, this is criminal negligence that caused damage to the state.” to prevent this from happening, belarus-potassium will not ship fertilizers that will remain on their warehouses, the collective farm will not receive them, they will have less harvest, there will be less meat and milk, less sales, less revenue, less money for the budget.
10:00 am
my name is igor, this was my propaganda. belarus - these inexhaustible forests, black rivers and azers, uncracked nature, hell of some kind of non-magchy adarvat vachey, and yashche belarus - this people, we are covering their forest for you. we carry the traditional heat and time after time.


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