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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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with which alexander lukashenko went to the elections in 1994, he implemented it in our country, now these words are relevant for the whole world, the world must be saved from the abyss, sliding into the third world war, and there is no need to be guided by any ideological stereotypes, here the same thing, neither with the left nor with the right, you need to listen to your people, then there won’t be this manipulation, you won’t have to look for its limits, in fact, our original political model of our democracy...
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constantly add your intellectual capital, understanding of what is happening, understanding of the coordinate system, knowledge is never superfluous, this is the thing that equips, which makes you stronger, stronger and stronger. thank you for participating in our program, thank you. well, finally, an important detail in which the essence of our politics and national soul is compressed. in a series of high-profile events, many missed this.
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i mean, there are no positions there, but some kind of mutants, they either have a diplomat, a tank driver, if they are passionate, then barel also didn’t understand, he’s the european deputy responsible or for ministry of war, there are generally special specimens, such as boris johnson, well , biden, again, i’m not even talking about the same-sex bias, they so stubbornly attacked family values ​​that they took away something very important for the continuity of what was good once they had it...
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lukashenko aptly recorded this, they don’t even have anyone to pass on the gene of hatred to. therefore, we appeal to the peoples, the peoples are the custodians of genetic memory and tradition, we know this for sure, with the peoples, including western countries, with those who live for the sake of their future children and grandchildren, we will always find a common language and come to an agreement. that's all for today, happy.
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the song of iradzima is still standing, and everything may change, if the yans are not fallen, you will not know the smoke of spring. only this will not be an hour, there will be an eternal life, as well as life, bright folk words, monthly expressing on the grass, and no matter what life is not a great sand, you,
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kama aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there will be a song. budze song, irojima live. music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer all
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the questions: are you ready to meet our hero? igor nikolaevich, what do you expect from the children you will meet now? harm. in what mood do you go into a conversation? i'm very afraid. promise to tell only the truth. abeki. are you ready to come out to your children? yes, sure. good luck then. dear passengers. today in our studio we have the general director of belavia airline igor nikolaevich cherginetsk. we're taking off. igor nikolaevich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to answer three times refuse the question and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one
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minute to briefly talk about yourself, time has passed, igor cherginets, general director belovyan, 56 years old, working. army, compulsory military service, 2 years, voluzhin city, belarus, then studied at bsu, graduated from yours, well, almost immediately there with the little one. in his professional life, he began working at belovia airlines, started in the marketing department, was involved in advertising, then for a long time worked as a representative of the airline za taxiing, well, i made it to the general director. you didn’t get it done in a minute, but
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now questions from our young passengers, dear passengers, on behalf of the airline crew, i welcome you on board our airliner, fasten your seat belts. igor nikolaevich, in what family did the future director of the airline grow up? oh, well, almost everyone knows my family, my dad, well, he’s already retired, there are dads in many guises, he’s a writer, he wrote scripts for films, the most important thing. he was a policeman, criminal investigation officer, he caught criminals all his life, before that he was a football player, played football, fought in afghanistan, was wounded, well, now retired, ladies and gentlemen, at the request of the airline’s ground services, we must change the flight plan,
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we are moving to the purple sector. hello, my name is paris, why didn’t you go into politics like your dad, you’re probably a romantic at heart. well, probably, we are all romantics about politics, when i was preparing for adulthood, i had not yet been involved in politics, at that moment he was just... involved in the police, was the head of the criminal investigation department of the republic of belarus, then of course, that’s why there was no smell of politics there yet, and i didn’t think about politics yet, i wanted to be a policeman. who influenced your future profession? probably, it was to a certain extent accidental, my parents had just returned from afghanistan and were in the same company with the pilots, well, they were talking about aviation, about airplanes, about this. i really liked it, i said that i want to go to bilava. on the left side there is a black sector. where
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should you study to become a big boss? well, i can say that learning to become a big boss is definitely impossible, especially right away. and, probably, if you dream from the very beginning of becoming a big boss, then probably nothing will work out, because you have to go through all the stages. the steps are like this, here you have three steps, i also had almost the same number of them, maybe a little more, so i started in the very, very lowest position, the smallest advertising manager, we placed advertisements in our newspapers, magazines and so on further, and then i grew little by little, and in fact i didn’t miss a single step in the airline, well, on my own path, you have to go in small, small steps, you finish, for example, school, graduate from college... university and they immediately give you a position and a salary, well, maybe in this life it happens to someone like that, but this is very
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rare, and i have almost such cases it is unknown, everything else is work-work-work, nothing more, whether your father’s gift for writing was passed on to you or you like reading books more, several times, several times i had the desire to write something. but this has never worked out in my life, maybe someday it will work out, or i’ll try, let's just say, this doesn't mean that i will succeed, for now, until this has not happened, until this has not happened, maybe it will happen in the future, and what kind of literature do you prefer, maybe there are top three favorite books, you know, literature - this probably depends on age, let’s say, if you take your age, well , about yours, then i read books,
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the needs in this life, there was a period, so i, of course, there and my father, different, different probably, i read almost all of akunin, according to - in different ways, in different ways, it probably depends on the mood of the person, on his condition. grew up in a wealthy family, your parents probably catered to your every whim, i can say that probably, but if we talk about childhood, children probably have little understanding of how much their parents, well in my case , earn, how much money they have or don’t have , to say that in my family as a child there was nothing to eat, but this is not true, with age i can appreciate what... it was like at that age at school or at the institute, not only was there not enough money, but they lived like that,
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parents just gave money to friends pay, this kind of thing happened to each other, that is, to say that it was a lot of money, no, but it certainly affected when my father finished writing another book there and there were some fees that allowed something there, probably , allow a little more. myself, but this is to say that there was some kind of carefree childhood there, there was a carefree childhood, i didn’t feel that there was a lack of money or something, something there, my parents owed something there somewhere, but say that they were swimming in gold there, there were cars, there were planes, there was no such thing, what was your favorite toy as a child, i absolutely loved and love football, i have been playing football since childhood - first of all, because my dad, he played football professionally, he played
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dynamo played in minsk, played in moldova, and this was before working in the police, and this was passed on to me, so i fell asleep and woke up with a soccer ball, and so it lasted almost until the army itself, although even after that i played football and i love watching it, now i can’t really play there, but... but i love football very much, have you ever rebelled against your parents, and how were you punished for it? no, well, sometimes in my childhood i got hit...
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i have a question for you: what privileges does an airline director have? maybe you can fly for free? i can’t fly for free, of course, when i fly on a business trip, i fly at the expense of the airline, well , i don’t buy a ticket, i have to issue a service ticket there. if i go on vacation with such a privilege that i took it there for free and wrote myself a ticket, but there is no such thing, we have this called corporate card, that is, our employees. according to the collective agreement, they can afford to fly for free once a year, but this is not only the general director, all employees of the airline. what do you like most about your job and what annoys you? but it infuriates, infuriates sometimes, the relationship
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both likes and infuriates, it’s all probably in one bottle, i like it when people’s eyes light up. my employees, they are proactive, they do their work with love, i have a lot, a large number of such people, unfortunately, in this life, everything happens, you come across people who are not dutiful, not proactive, who just came to sit at work, look at the computer, or better yet, play with something, and there is a saying from my childhood, i ’ll go to work , but i won’t work with worked. left, it’s about these people who take up space, it’s unclear why, you really like to travel, or is it a forced part of your work, and of course i could be lying and say that it’s travel that torments me, no, definitely not, i really i like my job, i really like traveling, especially before covid, when
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there were a lot of them, and i visited, i’m afraid to say, well, probably about 30-40 countries, different cities, it’s very interesting, of course, and i like it . hello, my name is sasha, which country impressed you the most, which country do you dream of going to, but have not yet succeeded? you know, a lot of countries are memorable, probably the last one that impressed me very much, well, the last country, we opened a flight not so long ago to india, delhi, unfortunately, that’s all. business trips they are like that there for 2-3 days it’s not really possible to see the country, i was only in dally, i saw a little of delhi, i couldn’t go to the famous taj mahal, this is the same gua island that everyone wants to visit, swim, soak up , very interesting,
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i was very impressed by brazil, we took our next plane, brazil sao paulo. a little city, this is also a huge country, a huge history, and i would definitely like to go back, where i haven’t been, where i really want to go, there are generally a lot of such countries, but never i’ve been to china and i really want to go to china, and i think that this dream will come true. dear passengers, due to changes in flight schedules, our flight is landing in the yellow sector. is there friendship between airline executives and? only competition, oh, you know, it’s both this way and that, we can be friends with each other in the evening, and quarrel during the day, fight to the death, sometimes it happens that there is some kind of antipathy, these are people, we are all, we are all people , we can talk to someone, just not talk or there is a bad relationship with each other
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to treat a friend, but there are just sympathies and there are many of them, the aviation business, it is very... a beautiful airline - it is generally a very clean business, the advantage is that people there between airlines, between managers, between employees, have quite good personal relationships, and competition , well, competition has not been canceled, how busy are you, or do you still have more free time than others think? and you know, well, you can feel very good... but we are all people, we want to relax and exercise and... so the presenter and i have a hobby of riding motorcycles, if we talk about sports, then i have two hobbies, sports, this is tennis,
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tennis, and well, this is an exotic sport for belarus, an exotic sport for belarus, it has only just begun to develop for several years, this is golf, we have a golf course near minsk, in principle, within the city limits, i invite everyone, there are a lot of children there. do you like risk? you know, the older you become, the less, although sometimes a motorcycle or a car provokes you, but from experience i can say that you need to control, and the risk must always be justified, what is an unjustified risk, well , this is, well, an unjustified risk actually leads. where in everything, in business, in life, in sports, in everything? what's the most extreme thing you've ever done in your life? extreme act in my
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life? - i’m probably finding it difficult even to tell you, probably the first question i’ll recuse myself from, i just don’t because i really can’t remember what it is that goes beyond the scope. normality i could do this, i probably i won’t say, we are recording the first refusal to answer the question, do you think you should try everything in life, but i don’t think you should try drugs, probably this is the answer, not everything, many, many things in life should be tried, you should get out of your comfort zone, but there are things that... well , you should never approach them or these people or some things, so what would you like to try, but hasn’t worked out yet? well
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, let’s say i can say a few things right off the bat, probably due to my age i couldn’t either he didn’t want to or was hesitant to go study mbay, i wanted to finish there about 10 years ago, i started to figure out for myself why it wasn’t... i had to do it, in the end i didn’t succeed, besides, i’m constantly envious, well, in the strength of my profession, i can go into the cockpit somewhere during a flight, and especially evening flights, when it’s sunset, when you fly from moscow to minsk, there are such views that you start to bite your elbows, why didn’t you become a pilot, and you can, by the way, it’s impossible to become commercial there...
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these are not the ones sold in stores, their you have to glue it there, no, these are solid models, and i brought one of them to the studio, maybe they’ll show you, i’ve been making these models since 1999, count 25 years already, i’ve collected more than 300 pieces, and we have them all on display in the office, we made a special style like this, and there are all these models of different airlines, different airplanes on display . you can see them there. what is the most unique aircraft in this collection? yes, there is the most unique plane there, this is the yag-42 plane, soviet, in levrey of
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the aeroflot airline, i saved this plane from a fire with aeroflot office in the city of warsaw, there was nothing heroic there, but nevertheless , they gave me this model, i washed it of the bad stuff , and here it is now. i know you took one of the planes with you, let’s demonstrate it, i can, by the way, promise, comrade presenter, but now they don’t have such an opportunity, what am i asking for one of the questions, this is a young man, i can arrange a personal excursion, he will see these models, airlines, it will be a wonderful gift, i will ask you to bring one of the beautiful planes collections of the belavia company, game nikolaevich, tell us what kind of plane this is, this plane
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is the most... the modern plane in the airline’s fleet is the boeing 7378 max, we have the only one in our fleet, i hope there will be more, well, this model is just presented here, ladies and gentlemen, ground services are warning that we have entered a turbulence zone , passengers in the black sector should fasten their seat belts, well, ask a question: i saw your page on instagram, but it’s even linked, your nickname is aviation, i have the following question: and why is there a number 134 in your nickname? there in nika there is not only 134, there is my niktulev 134, unfortunately, probably few of those present here know what a tupolev 134 is, this is a tu-134 plane, a soviet plane, just in aviation when i came, most of my life as since i was associated with this plane, this is one of the main things...
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quite a lot, i flew on it a lot, many different stories, a very beautiful plane that we had in the belavia park, theirs was an outwardly beautiful plane, probably one of the most beloved ones, and this is where this one came from niktulev 134, and another question: do you have an active page on instagram, do you run it yourself, or does someone run it for you, it’s a very good question, because they rarely believe me that i... say that i run it myself, i think that i probably have an advertising and pr department there, that’s all they do, i don’t have a page, there’s not a single post there that someone else would make, i do it all myself. igor nikolaevich, do you follow the development of new aviation technologies? yes, of course, without this it is generally impossible,
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us. a lot of technology, a lot of software, we were the first company, not an airline, but a company in general in belarus, it was with us that sales began, online sales of anything at all in belarus back in 2007, even before that it was possible in an online store order a product and it was delivered to you, you paid in cash then, then just... the era of online sales in belarus began with belaya airlines. what gadgets make your life easier? which one is your favorite? oh, well, i actually have a lot of gadgets, i have iphone, ipad, they all make life easier, and at home there is a robot vacuum cleaner that makes life easier, you don’t have to go there to vacuum the apartment, no.
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i certainly like all this very much, but at work, let’s say, i don’t at all, although with one gadget i just can’t figure out why it’s needed, and i really love coffee, my day starts with coffee and ends with coffee, at work there’s a coffee machine, which has wi-fi for no reason, so theoretically reading the instructions, you guess that you can use your phone to make coffee for yourself, you you understand that you still need it.
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whether we want it or not, including in aviation , airplanes will already be tested without human intervention. many people suffer from aerophobia, how to deal with it? i would say that aerophobia is a disease. in principle, the disease may not be a fatal disease, and you may not need to worry so much that someone has it, but in principle there are special techniques that can reduce the impact of aerophobia on a person. either
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somehow, or remove it altogether. what is your biggest fear? the biggest fear is it is always fear for relatives, for loved ones, for one’s family, etc. for my wife, for my children , for my parents, for my animals, i have two dogs, terrible wolfhounds, i’m also afraid for them that some big dog will attack them, chew them, that ’s really a lot of fear.
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and as usual, marina vasilevskaya became an astronaut, why did they choose her? marina vasilevskaya is an ordinary girl who joined the airline and flew flights for a while. airlines, we have probably prepared, well, applicants were also asked from us more than a dozen applicants, and marina and another girl, not only marina, the two of them practically passed. all stages of selection, but they chose marina and chose an understudy, but not from the airline doctors, so they went further, but marina, yes , she really is the best, says the crew commander,
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our flight takes place at the height of the twenty-fifth question from the purple sector, is it true that morina called you from space, is it true, true and... i was very surprised, to be honest , i thought it was some kind of a joke, because it was april 1, late in the evening, i was just walking my dogs, a phone appeared, and i looked at a number from the united states of america, to be honest, the idea was not to pick up the phone, not to answer the call, but when answered when i heard marina’s voice, i’m even honest, at first i still didn’t believe that it was... marina from space, we talked for 8 minutes, it was really with the station, a lot of questions, a lot of information, emotions, it’s a pity that only 8 minutes, what’s the most heartfelt thing you’re talking about? we were talking, and i was generally interested in her
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condition, we all know that space flight is such a very difficult thing from a health point of view, it makes people sick, it becomes bad, i was afraid. for marin, really, that ’s how her condition was, and she was laughing, she was in such a mood that it was very difficult to believe that a person who had gone through such stress could be in such a mood in such a state, she was in a very good mood in a very positive mood, talking about everything, about the earth, about condition, about the station. there was a lot of information about the crew, but i’m wondering what the first belarusian cosmonaut will do, will she really become a flight attendant again?
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well, this is probably a question for marina, not for me, marina is currently undergoing rehabilitation, she is in high demand now, all groups, schools, universities are demanding her. various enterprises, everyone wants to see and hear marina, talk, ask all the questions that you asked here, that marina most likely, yes, i’m almost sure, will no longer be an ordinary flight attendant, this is true, have you ever dreamed of flying into space, but the history of my family turned out to be such that... my parents were very friends with the gagarin family, the first cosmonaut. we, of course, did not meet cosmonaut alekseevich gagarin, because he crashed, died on the plane, the gagarin family very often came to minsk
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, stayed, stayed at our house, spent the night, so, naturally, i also dreamed of being an astronaut, but unfortunately , this... never happened, in one famous song it is sung, first of all, planes, but... then, where is love for you? for me , love comes first, it not only lies in the love between a man and a woman, love has a broader meaning, well, let’s say, i really love aviation, and it is love that drives everything, everything in this world, of course, love to your family, to your homeland. to anything, but love should be everywhere, and
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any person should live by this, hello, my name is lisa, when you got married, it was love at first sight, when i got married, it was already love at first sight, before, yes, of course, we met my wife, her name is olga, probably this is the feeling that arose, probably, right at the first meeting, when, in your opinion, should we think about starting our own family? but this should come precisely from a person, from a feeling, and not from the fact that in society it is customary to get married there at 20, at 25 or at 30, just because your mom or dad wanted it, so that it’s time for you, no, under no circumstances, it must be a person who has a feeling. that's how you are they said there about my wife at first
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sight, that’s when this feeling arises, then you need to get married, passengers in the yellow sector can unfasten them and ask their question: what does it mean to be henpecked? well, this is just about me, i don’t think this is a common opinion , henpecked, probably someone is evaluating someone from the outside. for example, i really love my spouse, wife, i really like to fulfill her desires, whims, dreams, but from the outside it can be perceived as henpecked, even if someone thinks so, but there is in this word some kind of negative, but the main thing is that the two men and women feel pleasant and comfortable, but how is this considered? glad, well, you don’t need to pay attention to this. oh, hello,
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please tell me, does your family share your hobby? yes, how else? for example, i have a wife, i have already said what i love , my hobby is a motorcycle, my wife is also into motorcycles, in the winter she races on the ice on the minsk sea... on a motorcycle, in the summer in flocks of road-circuit racing , well, and between this, he can drive around the city in motorcycle like that. i also have two children, the youngest is a candidate for master of sports in motocross, he and the eldest are also very technical, they repair cars, they can repair cars, motorcycles themselves, in general , all this is connected with technology, we are very... we love you, well, this is probably the main thing,
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what is in the family. doesn't your wife scold you for your extreme driving style? and i’m not attracted to such an extreme driving style, but i think that i, at least from a motorcycle, why i got on a motorcycle, quite recently, 6 years ago, it just turns out it’s a pleasure when you, especially outside the city, go 90 km/h, the views are beautiful, you don’t want to press the gas there and rush around like a fire with wild sounds there , 200 km per hour, i absolutely don’t want to, no, i’m trying to enjoy it a little in another way, they say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so how are your children similar to you, my children, well, first of all, they are related to the senior manager, he works at the airport,
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sports, although this was a relatively long time ago, i am very i'm glad they are purposeful in this in life, they achieve everything themselves, set... goals, now, let’s say, they decided that they need to do a little extreme drifting, if you know what it is, these are races in flocks in our cars, they are beautiful such things happen there, well, they resisted, they bought old, old , old junk cars, which in
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principle are there, you probably don’t have to buy them anymore, but just find them in a junkyard somewhere, so now they are in the name of... listed on this honor board, well, those enterprises, let’s say, that have something reached last year, the airline minsk national airport is listed on this scoreboard in a difficult situation, you all know, there was covid, all these sanctions
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that not very good countries decided to subject the country to transport aviation. we really hoped that by this moment or very quickly, that we would cease to simply exist, this is what was done, we exist, we show very good results, we fly, you probably heard a little, we open new routes, new flights, we live, show wonderful results, we smile, this is probably the biggest achievement in recent times.
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where do you want to spend your next holiday? i have a problem with this, my last good vacation was in 2019, my wife and i vacationed in dubai, after that, unfortunately, there was covid, then these incomprehensible restrictions, sanctions and so on, i have not yet been allowed to fully . and i really hope that this year i will be able to fly somewhere to the seaside, relax, i don’t know, we recently opened a flight to qatar, doha, maybe there, maybe, i was remembering india, delhi, there is gua, 2 hours of flight from delhi, maybe there, maybe somewhere else in turkey, but
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can you recommend new routes for the new season, is that right? literally a few days ago we opened a flight, a new flight from minsk, a direct flight to dagestan, the city of makhachkala, for us, of course, for you, for us a very unknown, unknown direction, it’s definitely worth flying, to see, not only the mountains, it’s very a lot of stories, ancient ones, some sights, there... turkey in egypt or in the emirates, but still this is a sea that we, unfortunately, do not have,
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tell me, belavia often flies to different countries, especially to europe due to sanctions, maybe something will change at this moment? unfortunately, this is the situation, grown-up guys sometimes do nonsense, forgive me, but just like that, until relatively recently we operated flights almost all over europe, it was such a goal, i had such a dream that we would operate flights to all the capitals of europe , walked towards this with leaps and bounds, opened direction after direction, flew almost... to all significant capitals of europe, politicians do not always listen to ordinary people, for some reason, not very correct reasons, in my opinion, flights between the european union and belarus. of course this won't happen forever. someday,
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someday people will force these politicians to return by traveling. why can’t we come to the same paris and see the beautiful paris of ordinary people. these are exactly 100 questions that need to be addressed to these european union politicians. to gather them in this studio and ask and torment them why they made such decisions, incomprehensible and unfair decisions, in any case, someday, and i think that in ours, in mine and in your lifetime, these flights will resume, and we will again walk around london, paris, rome, berlin, warsaw, passengers of the black sector, from on behalf of the entire crew, i welcome you to the ship’s port, ask! question: it would be interesting to know if there are any statistics on reliability and safety, or maybe there are any safety criteria for your airline, of course, of course,
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there are statistics, and there is such a concept punctuality, this is again related to flight safety, well, let’s say, recently the belavia airline has become the most punctual airline in all moscow airports, we have a large number of flights there, several times a day... i have a top question, what kind of planes belavia flies , they are old? 737, various
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modifications 300 800, this is the airplane that i showed you, the model, max 8, these are reliable airplanes, these are the most modern airplanes in the world, there is no such thing in aviation as old airplanes, there is such a... concept airworthiness, but this is a very specific technical name , airworthiness, that is, simply put, an airplane can be there for 20 years, airplanes can fly for a very long time, and 20, and 30, and 40, 50 years is completely normal, it all depends in principle from maintenance to care, we have it at a high level, we have our own aviation technical department. base, we service all our aircraft ourselves, we do not give them into the wrong hands, our engineers are very
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familiar with the pilots, flight attendants and they they can’t afford to provide poor service to the plane, because it’s their loved ones who will be operating the flight, people sometimes complain.
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money, tickets, your journey, your emotions, today, just for understanding, at
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the end of last year, we have now opened several flights. from brest to moscow, from gomel to moscow, from gomel to st. petersburg, well, to understand the cost of tickets today, the minimum cost of tickets from these regional cities moscow to st. petersburg is cheaper than reserved seat, the cost of a reserved seat train ticket. is it expensive or it is cheap? i don’t really think that this is an extremely expensive airline. hello, my name is camilla, if you were told that you could teleport into the past, what would you change in your life, in my life i would definitely do more sports so as not to have a belly like this, so young people, when if you are thinking of going to mcdonald's there again, please slow down and exercise. for every person
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there is something that makes him happy, what he values, and what does the word happiness mean to you? happiness happiness is when, probably, there is some kind of balance in your life, balance, peace, when everything is fine at home, when everyone is healthy, your parents, in a word, this comfort, it exists, and it lies here. .. probably, out of many components, i have this signal, which means that the time for questions to the hero has expired, igor nikolaevich, now you have to choose the best questions for this program? firstly, at the very beginning i promised a tour to the office for a question about airplane models, we will show our models
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planes, after the broadcast we will probably come to an agreement. when we can do this, great, this is the first gift, there was a question that i could not answer about extreme sports and a question about philosophy, thank you, today we are having an evening of giving out gifts,
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candies, those same little candies that, so as not to cause stuffy ears , and for them to go on sale in some stores, which is very tasty, i would like them to open a lot more flights, because when we flew, let’s say the last time to sri lanka, we flew on a different flight, then there is another company, so i would like there to be direct flights, i would like the company to promote. igor nikolaevich, our flight has landed, it’s time to take the ramp to the plane to say goodbye to the young passengers, i hope you enjoyed the flight, thank you, i really enjoyed it. so, the general director of the airline, igor nikolaevich, is visiting today on the program 100 questions for adults. igor nikolaevich, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. and here i ask
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you to stay. the questions asked today were the most difficult for you, you know probably not just one question, but a lot of questions, several questions, it’s surprising that they asked me about my personal life, it wasn’t just one question, and there were several such adult questions, purely philosophical, was there a moment when you wanted get up and run away from the studio? no, i wanted to sit a little longer and answer 100 more questions. how did our audience surprise you today? there were a lot of adult questions, just uh, it was even surprising that there were no such completely childish questions there at the level there is first grade, these are adult questions, the guys are already adults, it is felt and visible, today you managed to answer 66 questions, will you come to us again to beat your result? yes, after all, 100 questions are still
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far away, i will try, i am addressing our young... audience: do you think that our hero was as open and honest with you today as possible. whoever thinks so, raise your hands. he tried. give the most detailed answer possible, without hiding anything, and honesty is valued in our time, it was very interesting listen, and it was interesting to hear his opinion on the questions we asked him, the more we all sat here, the more we got the feeling that sitting in front of us was not just a director of a large company, but a person already familiar to us, his answers were comfortable,
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we could talk and maybe the format did not allow us to argue some questions, but it was very interesting, a very good experience, thank you very much, so, the general director of belavia airline igor nikolaevich chergenes was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults.
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12:00 pm
the news is on air at noon, in the studio sergei lopanitsin, hello! in this issue: both where they were preparing and where they were not expecting, the president inspects the fields of the minsk region, there is something to work on.


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