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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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on the air news at polden in the studio sergei lopanitsin, hello, in this episode, both where we were preparing and where we were not expecting, the president inspects the fields of the minsk region, there is something to work on. monitoring the state
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of water in swimming areas is carried out systematically in the country; you can monitor changes on a special interactive map. warsaw opposes the admission of ukraine to the european union, it’s all about the volyn massacre. according to poland, this issue needs to be resolved. for those who have problems with reactions things are going well. drone racing is a new sports discipline taking into account the interests of the armed forces. the russian team already has medals. tactics-harvesting company, depending on weather conditions, the president today inspected the situation in the fields during a working trip to the minsk region. on the voskhod farm. alexander lukashenko first of all inspected the field with rapeseed. the result is quite good. we discussed in detail with experts how we managed to achieve this. the peculiarity of this year is that many crops have ripened at the same time, so now it is necessary decide. where to focus
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your main forces first in order to prevent losses. also, after the raging bad weather, there are many areas with dead grain, they need to be removed before they are completely gone. on the other hand, you need to act wisely so that when you get involved in harvesting fields with polluted fields, you don’t lose more in good areas. taking into account these circumstances, it is necessary to make a prompt decision, the president instructed. and then, as often happens, he himself unfolded the itinerary of the visit. we looked where we didn't expect. grain flow, machine yard, dairy. the complex was reported to the head of state about the work of the enterprise as a whole, but the president was seen in the area from a helicopter quite far from everywhere, especially for lands near industrial centers. the aerial inspection continued after the farm visit. details in our next releases. the brest region collected the first million tons of grain, including rapeseed. in total , more than 3,782 thousand tons of new crops were collected throughout the country.
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along with rapeseed. of these, 960.00 tons of azimov rapeseed, the rest is grains and legumes. by the way, gomel and brest regions have already completed harvesting rapeseed. as for the numbers by region, the leader of breshchina is followed by the capital region 917. the tone of the new harvest. further, grodno region - 883. grain tone taking into account rabs. 419 were harvested in the gomel region - 353 in the mogilev region, 206. a ton of the new harvest was collected by farmers of the vitebsk region. harvesting of such crops as spring barley, winter rye, wheat, triticale, and oats is also underway. is it being collected, is it 60% harvested? areas to be cleaned. straw after harvesting grain, cereals and leguminous crops was removed by 44% of the mown areas. work continues on the procurement of grass feed, already + 2.36 centners of feed units compared to last year. the task has been set for the agarians to prepare as much as possible to apply organic fertilizers in the summer autumn.
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period. belkuopsoyuz continues to procure agricultural products and raw materials. the largest share is purchases from the population of over 60% of the total procurement turnover. compared to last year, people were paid by a third more. they buy potatoes, vegetables, berries, apples and other crops. as for apples, the harvest is expected to be good. the population plans to purchase about 40,000 tons. 40% will be sent for processing to a consumer cooperative enterprise, the rest will be sold. in retail and will be offered to domestic processors for the production of juices and other products. currently, we purchase cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, cultivated berries from the population, that is, everything that the population can offer us. since 2006, thanks to the presidential decree, every year we we receive credit resources for settlements with the population at the time of purchase, that is, we have no debt to the population for purchased products. we pay
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the population at the time of delivery. as for berries, the belkopsoyuz plans to supply frozen belarusian products at retail; according to expectations, they will not be inferior. one that was previously imported from european countries. in the gomel region they continue to restore power supply after the bad weather. seven settlements still use diesel generators. for today morning in the country, according to the ministry of emergency situations, about 5,500 roofs of residential buildings damaged by the hurricane have been restored. let me remind you that the day before the president of belarus signed an order to eliminate the consequences of the storm and set a deadline. the ministry of energy has been instructed to ensure connection to electricity supply by august 1. of all de-energized households, by august 22 , transferring temporary power supply schemes to permanent ones, by december 31, conducting an analysis of the state of electrical networks and preparing proposals to improve reliability. the ministry of forestry, natural resources, environmental protection,
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education, as well as the administration of the president of the national academy of sciences of belarus has instructed to complete the cleanup work by carrying out clear sanitary felling by november 1, and by december 31, 2020... poland knows how to support in difficult times in warsaw opposed the admission of ukraine to the european union until the issue of the volyn massacre was resolved. according to the minister of defense of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, kiev must first resolve issues related to the exhumation of bodies in remembrance to the victims. indicated that warsaw should not put pressure on kiev by imposing conditions on volhynia for the provision of military assistance. however, ukrainian authorities must understand that future european prospects will depend on meeting polish demands. but kiev does not intend to follow anyone’s lead except washington. instead of peaceful
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promises, square decided to get involved in another war, this time an economic one. zelensky's office confirmed that oil transit to hungary was stopped for political reasons in order to punish. make him to be more loyal to ukraine, only they are not strong-willed there either; in response, orban stated that he intends to block kiev’s access to funds from the european peace fund, zelensky should receive 6.5 billion euros from it for the purchase of weapons. by the way, along with hungary , slovakia also lost access to oil. both of these countries have already demanded intervention from the european commission. however, instead of demonstrating european unity, they are putting pressure on hungary within the union. reuters reports that the head is a diplomat.
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the seats were still not sold out, so also those who still, i decided to visit paris; i risked not getting to the games. the capital's airports union announced stock-outs on the opening day of the games; employees are demanding more extra pay on hot days and improved working conditions, otherwise they threaten to disrupt the work of charles degaulle harbor, orly, as well as beauve airports. exactly how many flights will be affected is not yet known. july 21 became the hottest day in the history of weather observations, the agency reports. referring to weather forecasters. on sunday, the global average temperature was recorded at 17.9°. last year's the record was surpassed by one. according to experts, the earth is now experiencing its warmest period in at least the last 100 thousand years. this is due to the pollution
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of the planet, fossil fuels. this july in belarus is very hot. in the coming days , it will again reach +30 across the country. of course, people are drawn to water on days like these. the sanitary and epidemiological service monitors resort areas on a weekly basis. this week, experts checked more than 400 beaches and examined over a thousand water samples. based on inspection results in thirty-four zones swimming is limited, of which six are in the capital. we are talking about a number of beaches of the drozdy reservoir, as well as in recreation areas on the tsnyanskoye and zaslavskoye reservoirs. we have three types of restrictions. the first is the restriction of bathing for children, when the content of e. coli is low, if... does not exceed higher limits, bathing of children and adults is suspended, also if the concentration of e. coli is high enough, and pathogenic microorganisms are identified, then bathing is prohibited adult children, as well as water sports activities. based on the results of laboratory control, restrictions
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on the swimming of children and adults at seven beaches in belarus have been lifted. the full list of places where swimming is restricted is updated regularly and is available for viewing on a special interactive map posted on the republic website. russian center for hygiene, epidemiology and public health. you should take care of your personal safety. a diver's injury is one of the most insidious when relaxing near bodies of water. every year in belarus about 30 people remain disabled, another part die from heating due to damage to the spinal cord and immobilized limbs, and often the cause is careless behavior, alcohol intoxication, unexplored bottom and depth of the reservoir. a person hits his head on the bottom, a so -called diver's injury occurs, the cervical spine is damaged, the cervical vertebrae are broken, but the saddest thing is that the spinal cord is damaged and his ears are damaged. in this case , the person is paralyzed, that is...


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