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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2024 6:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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[000:01:10;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania,
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serbia, croatia, poland , lithuania. latvia, estonia! set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. good afternoon on the air of the belarusian radio and tv channel belarus 24 is a current microphone project. welcome to evgeniy meleshka. and i’ll immediately introduce our guest, sergey rachkov,
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deputy, candidate of sciences, diplomat and member. the restriction of political contacts happened, it’s just that from year to year the collective west, as they say, tightened the screws all the time, in the end it came to the point that the masks were thrown off, we were called enemies, we are considered enemies, but we are not considered enemies in other parts of the world, first of all this concerns the so-called
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distant parts. arc or the global south, this is the asian, latin american, middle eastern african region, that’s right, so we shouldn’t miss this chance, this opportunity, to establish new relationships, to find new friends, although we always had friends there, we’re just probably not very active cooperated with them and were friends, but that time has come, here is the last
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example of our tour... the president determines the direction of both foreign policy activities and externally
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economic activity. to the development of bilateral relations, not only political, but in the economic sphere, in humanitarian cooperation, in general, i would like to draw your attention and radio listeners to the fact that
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this hemisphere is developing quite dynamically today, i mean the countries of this
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hemisphere where the prime minister paid visits. minister, which is what the republic of belarus is doing, the visit of the prime minister to cuba, venezuela, nicaragua shows that these countries are strongholds in this region, but there are other countries that i am sure are also such large-scale visits will take place in the future, primarily of an economic nature. yes, a visit
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indeed. there is a problem that needs to be solved, so the purpose of our such a long visit is a tour,
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one might say, across countries. in general, economically, cuba was significantly influenced by the covid period, when very serious damage was caused to the tourism industry of cuba, so today cuba especially needs to develop economic relations, here we are, despite all the difficulties, we may not have very high solvency. we are cubes
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we find opportunities to provide support to cuba and advance our economic interests. this country, first of all, needs food, dairy products, other products, of course, our engineering products, so this delegation, it solved some of these problems during the visit to cuba, we are also particularly active with venezuela there was a period of relations and, above all , economic relations during the era of president chavitsa, then this political turbulence that was observed in this country somewhat slowed down our interaction, you remember, there was an attempted coup. in venezuela,
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in fact, an attempt to carry out a color revolution, but the authorities of this country, the people of this country survived, and, so to speak, serious economic pressure was also exerted, oil purchases from venezuela were stopped, and a certain situation was also created by the west. economic to put pressure on the venezuelan authorities through the people, therefore, a number of economic projects in our country were somewhat slowed down, but now the situation has returned to normal and we are returning again to the projects that we implemented in venezuela, and this is the assembly production of mass trucks, this is... tractor production, this is
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the functioning of agricultural towns, and a number of others, a number of other projects, it is necessary, yes, it should be noted that in its time, venezuela very seriously lent a shoulder to the republic of belarus when it supplied us with oil, and we , so to speak, remember the good that was done by this country, the leadership of this country, so now we are... offering a shoulder and realizing our economic interests in interaction with this country today in venezuelanational. on july 24, they celebrate the birthday of simon balivar, the liberator who was going to create the south american united states, although this was not successful, but as they say, thank you for trying, well, we will congratulate our friends on this holiday, in this regard
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, i note that in general, latin american countries, countries... of south america, in general they are leaders in the creation of various integration structures, but i would also like to draw your attention to the fact that venezuela is on the threshold of very major political event. on july 28 , presidential elections will take place in this country, we hope that they will be held with dignity, the declared contender, president maduro will win these elections, and i note that for the first time we are sending both parliamentary representatives and representatives of our civil society, the central electoral commission
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for observation of the presidential elections in venezuela. i hope that your words will come true, that maduro will win. by the way, he visited us twice in belarus, uga chavis came to visit us in belarus at least five times, lukashenko, alexander grigoryevich has also been, well, at least three times in my memory, to venezuela, so yes, we really have close relations and now god forbid that they become more active, but due to what you said, there is restlessness, turbulence in this region and , first of all, probably... how stable are the political regimes in this region, including venezuela, due to the circumstances that exist today, due to the international situation, pressure from the united states,
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which considers these countries under its belly. and how are we do we take this circumstance into account in our relations in politics and economics? including, well, you know, indeed, we have stable relations with the countries of this region, we began to develop them not today or yesterday, but practically from the first days of the independence of the republic of belarus, special in a number of countries, today we have an embassy in brazil, cuba, venezuela, colombia. therefore, as far as i know, the government is considering the possibility of opening more diplomatic missions in this region, but the solution to this issue will depend on the development of relations with countries, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that
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this very serious, major visit
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of the prime minister to this region, he... business meetings, business forums, conclusion of contracts between between commercial structures. by the way, let’s look at another fragment of the interview with roman golovchenko, because he visited another country , nicaragua, with which, after the collapse of the soviet union, we, in general, had practically no relationship as such. i generally
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i don’t like these words, such arrogant breakthrough. in the countries of south america, when we said out loud that we were planning to bring it from nicaragua, they expressed very big doubts about this, but the fact is a fact, commercial agreements for very serious sums have been concluded, more than 700 units of belarusian equipment in the near future will arrive in nicaragua, and this is not only equipment, it is also service, spare parts, everything else, and this is just
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the beginning, because the need is great. well, yes, there are hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts, well, these are good, good numbers, especially 700 units of equipment, these are truly breakthrough, breakthrough agreements, in those conditions that are really difficult, i have already said that , of course, the united states continues to work with literally every country in this region, trying to contain their contacts with countries , which do not suit the united states, well
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, first of all, with the republic of belarus, we must give credit to the political will, the leadership of these countries, which continue to not only interact with us, but also implement such large contracts, but here we go again i note that this visit was being prepared and these contracts were also being prepared, the presidential adviser came. nicaragua on issues of investment, trade and economic cooperation, the prime minister met with him during his visit, and i think that those agreements, those visits that were carried out the day before, yes, negotiations are held, and so they then become such a significant result in the work , well , the chamber of commerce and industry of belarus
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is active... talking about difficulties all the time about problems is unlikely, hardly anything will work out, but you also need to remember about them, yes, well, well, it may be necessary to remember, but nevertheless, it is necessary to set certain goals to work systematically, so if the work is built systematically, not, you know, episodically, from one visit, they spent the visit and forgot about 2- 3 years. then, of course, there will be no results, this result, it was achieved precisely due to the systematic work
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of the government, the ministry of foreign affairs, and our enterprises. development bank, because , of course, this is the largest contract, it is supported by loans from the development bank, the bank development, the development bank is the government, it is a state tool, it is providing support to our exporters in promoting their goods to these markets, therefore, but i also want to tell you that... there is always a certain kind of competition, competitiveness between countries, between diplomats, who, of course, are surprised by some of our successes, where maybe they didn’t expect and maybe they didn’t work themselves, but here is the result, well, a large delegation went, this means that
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there were certain serious results prepared. and people knew what they were doing and what they were leading to with this visit, but if the embassy, ​​if all those structures that i mentioned above continue to work systematically, then uh, i assure you, neither the united states of america nor anyone else will not be able to stop the development of these relations, including in the economic sphere, well... let's hope that we will be able to do everything that we have outlined, we hope that the united states will not be able to interfere with us, especially since they today the situation is not the most rosy and generally interesting, with one on the other hand, we talk a lot about what is happening in the united states during this
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election campaign, we are surprised, we laugh, we are upset today. our relations today with the united states, as a whole, with the collective west, are very weak, practically non-existent, maybe we pay too much attention to this or is it still necessary, well, we are part of the global world, and of course, we must pay attention to what
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is happening in other parts of this world to a great extent. unfortunately that low level relations with western countries, including the united states of america, this is not the fault of the republic of belarus, we have always pursued a line of cooperation, interaction, searching for common topics for discussion and for cooperation in specific areas, in the economy, in the investment sphere, in the humanitarian . of course, we are interested in what is happening today in the united states of america, because it is the largest country, it undoubtedly has an influence on the development of the situation in various regions of the world, unfortunately, the ongoing foreign policy
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globalism of this country, it is not always justified. and we see that today this, including interference, attempts by the united states to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, also have a negative impact on the situation in the country itself, when the country’s leadership does not deal with its own problems, but looks, therefore, into others the country is trying there, that means, either to change... the order or to try to arrange people so that they live according to the rules that the americans themselves do not always understand and, most importantly , do not comply with, but what is going on now active election campaign, and this is an internal political matter, of course, of the united states of america, well, experts agree
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that there is a good chance for donald trump to return. to the white house, but, as we see, it is still the democratic party, it decided to change its candidate, as far as it was planned. exposed biden to this blow, knowing in advance that he would not withstand it, in order to castling her candidates,
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well, this is of course very, how to say, it may be offensive for biden, but that’s how it is the policy is very tough, we see, i already expressed the other day literally in... in the first comment there was an assumption that maybe we will see biden step down from the post of president of the united states, give way to camila haris, who will serve duties of the president of the united states, which will create even more additional points for her in the dispute with trump in the future. path to victory in the presidential elections on november 5, but i would like to emphasize once again that we are, of course, monitoring this situation in this country, but this is internal
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it’s up to the americans who to elect as president of this country, but as for, returning to south america, of course today for sure, and we feel it, that the united states is not so attentive to these countries now, they are busy with their own problems, in including issues of ukraine, which, of course , we are especially concerned about this topic, it affects us, it directly concerns us, but for now the countries of latin america have the opportunity to feel it, yes , work, yes, work with their friends. thank you, sergey anatolyevich, for this conversation, for serious answers to serious questions. sergei rachkov was in our studio, a diplomat, first of all,
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a candidate of sciences, a deputy, the chairman of the standing commission on international affairs, the house of representatives of the national assembly. and i say goodbye to you, all the best, take care of yourself and see you soon. secrets of a good morning and a good mood, we’re going to a real dairy farm, i remember how it used to be, there’s dawn here, there’s a star, this just can’t be, what i’m... meeting interesting people, olya, well how is it possible to have time to do this hairstyle, put on this sundress, not a single blade of grass, only flowers. i have never seen
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such a beautiful one, the manager of the farm, and a lot of useful and fascinating information, the girls and i have already discussed what kind of bells of a southern country they are, some kind of yuca , it grows beautifully, blooms beautifully, and what is your favorite berry? so you went out in the morning barefoot, when did you pick what, what berry? strawberries, and raspberries, and raspberries, and wash the strawberries or eat them like that, see good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya on tv channel belarus 24, everything is always fine, for tomorrow that’s for sure, oh, i won’t see your husband, i would ask him how he lives with such
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a spark. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? the technical revolution, the rapid development of computer technology, the appearance of the first robot patient in the usa in 1965. scientifically, they are called simulation devices;
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in addition to the human body, they have a voice, a heart and... programs, complex things in simple language, and the brain is all thanks to special computer also the most interesting facts. but, finding themselves in monstrous conditions, our scientists continued their work, contrary to hitler’s plans, and brought science to a new level. thanks to our academician lipatov, new data were obtained on the improvement of the technological properties of rubber, which then served as the main raw material for the military. watch the science nearby project on our
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tv channel. live news in elizaveta lokotko's studio. good evening. and in this issue. air control on the ground, the president inspected the progress of the harvest in brestskaya regions threshed a million tons. the mutilated dead were still noticed. the council of europe has accused warsaw of violating human rights


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