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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 25, 2024 1:00am-1:21am MSK

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move this skirt. i believe that a designer should work closely with the development of science and technology. the topic of sustainable fashion, this is what concerns eco-design, has been developed by me for several years, and even i was identified as the best researcher at the university last year, in terms of the educational program, i was awarded a certificate from the minister of education of the republic of belarus, which i was very ... it’s nice to receive this literally in winter, ideas are born, there are a lot of them, they need to be realized with the help of my creativity students of whom i can be proud, who glorify the vitebsk state psychological university, and for which special thanks to the rector of our university kuznetsov, andrey aleksandrovich, in the person of the fact that our projects.
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beautiful daughter, this sincerity, cordiality, love that surrounded me, of course, was fueled by, thank you to my granddaughter for being there, for being wonderful, my ingridushka, hope, my daughter, and her husband oliver, and mom, mom - it’s generally just a miracle, a divine woman, when i i always go to ryazan in the summer...
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to visit it, i walk around the ryazan expanses, this is only in ryazan, i need two or three weeks in order to nourish myself with my native land, my native birches, my native land, and again visit my beloved village of konstantinovo, from where my beloved sergei yessenin, in belarus i relax differently, my husband taught me to walk through the forests, which i had never done before, belarus gave me an awareness of my dignity in... as a person, as a family member and - gave me in ultimately love.
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, and find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, as well as suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether project. watch on
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belarus24 tv channel.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four sacks of loaves of bread are found in the world element of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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the most popular question on this show is how he does it. magic and art or technology? well, it's time to experience the magic of illusion before it disappears. yulia burlo is with you, and this is a cultural fashion project. from time immemorial, magic tricks have been considered one of the art forms, the history of which goes back
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more than 4,500 years. in all centuries , they have enjoyed great popularity among all peoples. this can be explained by the fact that people have always been attracted to everything mystical and unusual. mysterious and inexplicable, he always wanted to fly like a bird, appear and disappear unnoticed, dreamed of subjugating objects of his will, it is the art of illusion that gives him a sense of his own power. the appearance of a person from fire, hypnosis and mind reading, levitation of huge objects, the mysterious disappearance of a girl on stage, her appearance among the audience, magic with colorful doves and teleportation, illusion. the circus and variety genre consists of demonstrating tricks and tricks that, despite all the mystery, obvious illogicality, create the impression of complete authenticity and reality. focus is a violation of logic that creates a wow effect. for example, a child does not know
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the laws of logic, everything around him is beautiful, when an object takes off, adults are more surprised, because they know that it should not fly, but kids do not have this understanding, they are more surprised. surprises. the most magical profession is an illusionist. he is a director, choreographer, inventor and artist all rolled into one to make the impossible possible, to create sincere emotions that viewers remember for a lifetime. all devices and devices of the illusionist are carefully disguised. his actions, just like those of his assistants, are thought out and worked out in detail. every gesture has its own meaning. ilya, good afternoon. good trick, how would you define this concept? i would characterize the concept of focus as an emotion, if the focus does not evoke emotion, it is either a bad focus or not a focus at all, a focus, it should evoke some feelings in the viewer,
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for example, surprise, joy, experiences, sometimes maybe even sometimes disgust, there is such a genre in magic tricks, but in any case, every magic trick. each trick should hit the viewer right in the heart and evoke some kind of emotion. is it difficult to become an illusionist, is it accessible to everyone? in our life, everything is possible, no matter who you want to become, if you really want it, dream, do everything to achieve your goal, you will definitely do it. an illusionist is a very complex profession, it’s not just some kind of tricks, sleight of hand, no, it’s more psychology, this is choreography, these are speech scenes, acting, directing. it turns out that illusionary art combines many different areas of activity, i am an event director by training, and this helps me a lot in organizing illusion shows, events and various events. just curious, how did you come to this
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art? from early childhood , my parents and i flew to turkey when i was 4 years old and just turning five. already the next artist, i accidentally child, i took this magician’s props without asking, in fact, i came out on stage during another artist’s act behind him, did this trick, it worked for me, the audience applauded me, my parents didn’t interfere with this, they were only behind the scenes, well , just a little - they scolded me a little, but we realized that we need to support our son in this area. at the age of 6, at my graduation in kindergarten, i... performed my own impromptu magic act, during which even the teachers
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at first looked skeptical, what can a child do ? , and then they’re like, what? they are not they believed it at first, yes, they didn’t believe it at first, that’s how i gradually began to practice magic tricks, at the age of 11 i began to directly engage professionally in the art of illusion, performing on stages, i liked it very much, and i firmly decided to connect my life with it. how important is it to develop a story behind the act and trick? this is a very good, interesting question, because i always believe that even the most boring trick can be presented in such a way that people will watch and admire it, that is, every trick needs to be presented with a bit of some modernity, i’ll give you an example, harry houdini, a long time ago known to everyone, freed himself from chains, handcuffs, a box... there were chests and so on, but it was all, let’s say, the old way, and if we do it,
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for example, not a metal chest, a glass one, fill it with water, or, for example, fill it with piranhas or something else, or for example, not just a person, let’s say, free himself from chains, but also teleport and appear somewhere else place, that is, in fact, the same trick, but on a new topic, but the task is to make your own business, that is, an artistic atmosphere is created, of course, in my show, in each number, a magical atmosphere is created, which helps the audience to completely immerse themselves in this situation of a miracle of magic. is it possible to experience an illusion? there is only one way to experience the illusion: to come to my show. each number has, let’s say, a climax, this magical note that... flies like a spark, the audience catches it and gets just incredible sensations, it’s magic,
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joy, laughter, but most importantly, when the viewer sees this illusion and a note of miracle, he, like an adult , teleports to childhood, this is the most important thing, without which there can be no trick? i will say this, any trick, any performance, any action on stage is a huge achievement not only of the performer himself. but no one even realizes what a colossal amount of work has been done to
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embody what is now happening on stage, because we still create an illusion, if, for example, a juggler comes out on stage, juggles, his ball falls, he always has a second opportunity to repeat this trick, if i don’t succeed in the trick, i won’t tell you anymore, so guys, stop, stop, forget it, now i ’m doing it differently, because everything, yes, yes, absolutely true, how important the role of assistants is ? the role of the assistants is no less important than my role on stage, i must completely trust my team so that they do everything clearly, because, you know, tricks, somewhere somewhere someone needs to divert attention, i have something to do at this time do something secret, and at the same time the assistant is doing something else, there must be some kind of symbiosis on stage between the main illusionist and a team of assistants, when this symbiosis happens, well, even the audience feels it, this is energy, what is it? magic: micromagic is one of the types of illusionary art, this is when tricks,
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let’s say, are shown at arm’s length, that is, there are coins, rings, money, some kind of cards, for example, there are many different types of illusionary art , the entire sphere of illusions, it is divided into several segments: micromagic is the smallest thing, there is big illusions are when a girl is pierced, there she disappears, she is sawed, she teleports. liberation from chains, handcuffs, and so on, and liberation from the chains of handcuffs is even scapeology, this is even a separate global topic that needs to be studied, there is a mental one. mental magic is psychological tricks, techniques, hypnosis, imposing some thoughts on a person and then controlling them, well , stage magic, stage magic is some kind of medium-sized tricks, classics genre, let's say, that is, tricks with pigeons, there are candles, there is something else, some kind of flash fire, this is stage magic, strictly speaking, comic tricks,
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you can’t do without this, we don’t even have clowns in the program, we have a comic illusion... duet, they work like magicians, but comic magicians, that is , when something doesn’t work out for them, something works out, they drop, fall, and this makes all the spectators feel funny and at ease , and then i go out and show real tricks, it ’s this contrast that creates the play of emotions our show, but there are also very interesting props, as i already said, there is a genre of big illusions, big illusions are when some big props are used, special boxes,
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belarusian doilitstva, which is your jumping, it’s important to practice skills and mastery . russian classicism is mostly found in modern architecture. halounae, if they were great, such recognizable forms. you are a fan of two vezhas, which are flanked by negatichny. such a whole party of old people and all this new life and velma tsikava was at attention. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. these elements of the garden are based on two algeas, which are the historical features of the architecture associated with the earliest baron functions. these palaces would have been completely destroyed, but since 19
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stagodzi, when the pennies have appeared, they have been published in the style not. this is all because of me? no, it's because mom doesn't love dad, and are you really going to die without this child? she consulted with me, now let her sort it all out herself. this is just a deal, this is not love, i signed an agreement, and vika will never even see this tailor. i won't just leave it like that. i was mistaken, this harmful gene, passed on to you from your mother, is asleep, it does not
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threaten you in any way. i spent so much effort and money all in vain. who will it be for? not everything that an airplane flies, not everything that is incomprehensible, is worth reading with focus. a trick must necessarily have a technique in it, as in any type of human activity, the art of illusion has its own techniques, for example, forcing or substitution. they are based on psychology, the viewer’s ways of thinking, his physiological characteristics. what
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does an illusionist work with with balls, scarves, boxes? no, it works.


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