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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 25, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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there will probably be more than a thousand warheads. i'll start today's program with a quote from ronald reagan during a debate with democrat walter moidel in 1984. i won't make age a key issue in this company. i am not going to use my opponent's youth and inexperience for political purposes. so, a seventy-three-year-old republican teased a fifty-six-year-old opponent. and watching this year's campaign in the us, similar ones. jokes about age are already perceived with a bitter smile, about how what the american elections are moving towards and what impact they are already having on the world agenda, we will talk in today’s program, i am glad to welcome anatoly anatolyevich bulavka, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, to our studio. hello, hello, for the first time in our program, malik dudakov, an american political scientist from the russian federation. hello. yes, i salute you. by tradition, we begin our program with a quick question. malik, assassination attempt. on trump:
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turning point in the us election campaign? to some extent, a turning point. another thing is that, of course, you need to understand that there are still 4 months before the elections and a lot can change. yes, here is the news background, the news cycle in the united states, it is so crazy that i think another month and a half will pass, and many will already forget about this very assassination attempt, because there will be a slightly different agenda, but right now there is really an assassination attempt in the moment influenced many events, that is, i think that the election , for example, of jedi vence, a candidate trump’s vice presidents are directly related to this assassination attempt, and that’s what we are seeing around us. and the fact that it may theoretically help him still retain his post as candidate of the democratic party in these elections may also be connected with this assassination attempt. anatoliyvich, how would you respond to a blitz? i absolutely support malek, the only thing i would like to add is that the history of the united states of america already knows a case when there was an attempt on the life of a presidential candidate, this was in 1912 , if i’m not mistaken. theodore roosevelt.
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anatoliyevich, we have prepared the graphics. chronology of assassination attempts on us presidents, so for clarity, we will display this on the screen. well, this is exactly the classic example of theodore roosevelt, when, unfortunately, for him this assassination attempt did not in any way affect the result of the election race. in this particular case, absolutely, i will emphasize again, i agree with malik, there is still too much time before the elections. and knowing the propaganda machine of the united states of america, even superficially, one can imagine, during this time, what resources will be invested in order to for this particular fact to fade into oblivion. i am glad to connect to our broadcast an american journalist, american analyst john varoli, who is in touch with us right now. mr. varole, i am very glad to see you on our television program.
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indeed, as we know, now there have been rumors that they supposedly thought that he was some kind of unofficial sniper from the police, that is, there was, of course, wild miscommunication, in general , the level of work of the secret service, even us there if we take it aside. it's all theories there there was no conspiracy, about who was behind it, in any case, the level, of course, of the work of the secret service, their quality of communication with the local police leaves the best, it is clear that now i think that certain reforms will still be carried out , yes, security has been strengthened and everything else, but i respect the opinion of john varoli, i know him personally, i still don’t completely agree with him about what he just said, but about what if trump wins, he will be killed 100%, well, i think that now, firstly, it’s still like that the assassination attempt will be somewhat more difficult, this time. and secondly, after all, the election of jady weens as a candidate for vice president, in my opinion, becomes in many ways insurance for trump, namely against a future assassination attempt, yes, because it became clear after this assassination attempt that he needed to take a vice- presidential position the president is not some kind of systemic politician, but then trump really could have been killed, and tim scott, marco
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rubio, doug burgum could have been installed there, with whom it was possible to come to an agreement. in the end, trump chose a man who is even more radical, more right-wing in views than himself, yes, this is gidilens, more of a trumpist than himself. us vice-presidential candidate, a conservative populist, critic of mass migration and the concept of the climate crisis, called on president joe biden to stop the enormous assistance to kiev, committed to ending the ukrainian conflict. malik, well, you will agree that in the face. and you and i understand perfectly well that trump will be elected there, trump will not be elected, yes, sooner or later he will leave politics, after all, age plays its part, there, many people laugh at biden’s condition, but you still need to understand that trump is not
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young, but 78 years old, and jady vance will still have a long political career in america, he will promote this very ideology of trumpism and the trumpism movement develop already there many years after, i think, even death. and that is, as if now making an attempt on trump’s life, killing trump, well, it kind of loses its meaning, his place will be taken by an even more ardent trumpist, and also a young one, so it will really be play the role of insurance, it will be much more difficult to come to an agreement with him, and you also need to understand that if trump is still an american of the old generation, a person who believed in the system and he really believes that if all these institutions are changed, reformed, i i don’t know, remove the bad people there, put in good ones, they will work, after all, jady vance is already a representative of the younger generation of millennials, i think that he, of course, no longer believes in this system at all and... wants, like many of them quite radical right, in america, just destroy it to the ground, and then build something in this place. here is anatolyovich, i think you will agree that jady vensa, you definitely cannot write him down as one of the narcissistic banvians of the golden era of american capitalism, in other words, he does not play the role of a conservative and
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nationalist, as, for example, in italy he was in his berlusconi's time, this is what he is, you will probably be surprised, indeed, i agree with this. because this, in my opinion, is true, because it’s enough to look at those steps that passed, i can almost say, the vice president in less than 5 minutes, so that it becomes clear that this person is absolutely natural, he is not someone’s puppet, he has his own views, which not everyone shares, which are not very popular, including in world politics.
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criticizes him a lot and speaks aggressively against him. thinking about mr. vance, as you said, he is quite young, he will be 40 in a few weeks,
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no, 40, every american politician, of course, has his own price. naturally, we want to hear what what is mr. wentz’s opinion about what is happening? right
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now, direct speech. any person with a brain knows that the conflict in ukraine will end with negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to the borders of 1991 is ridiculous, no one really believes in it. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of a ukrainian armed forces officer is 43. this is tragic. it's in america's best interest to accept that ukraine will have to cede some territory to the russians, we need to end this war. american authorities should stop the bloodshed, not write more and more blank checks for the war. antolic, and what is significant, congresswoman margerit taylor greene, on the sidelines of the republican party convention , said that trump, if he wins the election, will establish peace; of course, opinions in our studios were divided, some believed that biden.
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not only belarus, any state, moreover, the ukrainian people are already tired of this war, today, judging by the rhetoric of the same trump, the same vence, we can conclude that if at least 50% of their words are implemented in practice , that indeed, there will be peace in ukraine, but at the same time it should not be discounted. and a number of european politicians who, by and large, from an economic point of view
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, are interested in the continuation of this military conflict, but at the same time we are all sensibly aware that in this conflict today, probably, the american lobby is fundamental in maintaining this conflict, and if this lobby changes somewhat, down... to a lesser extent, then , accordingly, the conflict will subside. the positive thing is that big, big, american politicians have begun to talk about this out loud, and we all understand that very few people want to hear it. well, in confirmation of your words, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry called the upcoming elections in the united states a turning point in resolving the conflict in ukraine. please. the us presidential election will be a turning point. i think that if president trump wins, there will be a good
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chance to start peace negotiations this year, because if president trump wins, the position on the ukrainian crisis will change. mali, what do you think will happen? ukrainian drama will develop in the future, and i think it is important to emphasize that these processes are interconnected, of course? no, of course, of course, yes, after all, a lot still depends on the united states, yes, one of the world's superpowers. what trump, mazhari taylor greene, jaydee vance and so on are talking about is, well , the general rhetoric of many right-wing isolationists in the camp of the republican party, but what is their main idea, but they see china, and not the russian federation, as their existential enemy in xx century, yes they believe that america is wasting its military-political and economic potential in ukraine, tied up in this clinch with russia, while not being able to defeat russia, yes, that is, it ’s like such a stalemate, as many yes this is called on... has developed, and against this background, yes, china is strengthening, in the new cold war, which is beginning,
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yes, between the united states and china, well, beijing really has opportunities to win, yes, for example, jady lens, he has repeatedly spoken out against ukrainian trenches, precisely because the americans, relatively speaking, spent a lot of their ammunition there, yes, including even an emergency supply of artillery shells, a huge number of missiles for air defense systems, america’s industrial base is not capable of sustaining such a high -intensity conflict, yes. therefore, the question arises, yes, what if not only the conflict in the middle east breaks out next, which has already happened, yes, not only the conflict with the houthis, which the americans also cannot resolve, for example, the conflict around taiwan, yes, will america be able to pull off a fourth conflict? well , most likely not, that’s why such a pragmatic approach, this has nothing to do with the fact that they have some kind of friendly and friendly relationship with russia, yes, they simply understand and realistically assess the capabilities of the united states, this is not the nineties, not a unipolar world , there is no way to drag out all these conflicts at the same time, even if it is a pro-oxy-warrior, while what trump and his supporters are talking about, if we are talking about them
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conditional proposals for the normalization of the ukrainian crisis, yes... it is based on several points, yes, the first is a proposal to freeze the conflict along the current front line, then providing guarantees to russia, and not ukraine’s entry into nato, and the third is already like some additional negotiations with russia regarding the future of the chinese strategy of the united states, that is, confrontation. by the way, how did you react to trump’s statement that taiwan should pay us for providing security, well, yes, well for trump’s typical rhetoric, that is, he said the same thing about south korea about europe, that is, you shouldn’t think that i don’t know, trump will come and give thailand to china, well, most likely this won’t happen, but it will happen. you force, of course, to pay more money to the americans for placing american bases there, instructors, everything else, and so, as we see, yes, trump’s advisers, despite the fact that they take a pragmatic position on ukraine, and at the same time call for the same european countries spend much more more money for rearmament, yes, that is , they are already saying, for example, 2% of gdp for the defense industry is not enough, for us already half is 3%,
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and from some countries of eastern europe, including poland and the baltic states, they would like to see there 4, 5, 6, more percent. so i think that of course, unfortunately, yes, there, if possible in ukraine, there will still be some potential, yes, to agree on something, yes, then in europe in general, i admit that this is the situation with the cold the war may continue, even under the trump administration, but at the same time they, of course, they will most likely be much less active on the european track, for them the main direction is asian, competition with china, so they would really like to throw the blame on the european bureaucracy there on some eastern europeans, relatively speaking.
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the expansion will continue until they face stiff resistance, and this happened in the donbass. and they are very angry, which is why they oppose russia so harshly. well, right now i suggest you pay attention to the dynamics trump biden's ratings over the past 6 months. anatoly antolyevich, well, i think mr. trump has obvious advantages. the
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speeches that trump makes, his rhetoric, his and his teams. it is the rhetoric that ordinary americans want to listen to, who want to hear the restoration of america's power through strengthening american politics within themselves, people definitely like this, why does biden have such a rating, let's try to remember during biden's reign what successes the united states had states of america, always alone. there are mistakes, no matter what they try, nothing works, but here trump, i emphasize again, represents a positive program.
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also, in general, have morally come to terms with the fact that they are most likely losing the elections and are already preparing for the 26 congressional elections, the next presidential race in 28, but now, as we see, again some of biden’s opponents have become more active in the camp those of the party, but you mentioned antipilos, and of course the latest news is that chuck schumer, the leader of the democrats in the senate, the majority leader in the senate, also did not publicly invite biden to think about the possibility of early withdrawal from this presidential race, however, you need to understand that, of course, in american politics, as in any other...
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registration of candidates in in many states, including agaya, well, that’s a plus, if , for example, biden withdraws, and tomorrow he says: i’m leaving the elections, but then all the money that is in the campaign headquarters, there’s a little bit of 200 million dollars and kopecks, they find themselves in in a frozen state, because no one except biden can manage them. and so on, so there are a lot of legal issues, not to mention the fact that the primaries took place a long time ago, yes, 14 million democrats voted for biden, he won in all the states, that is, how not to treat him, but that’s all - after all , he has a certain carte blanche from the voters of the democratic party, and unlike anyone else there , from kamala harris to gavin newsom or michelle obama, who is now being considered for joe biden’s place, well, grandfather biden himself, in my opinion the view is still, well, despite all this pressure, i’m not ready to adapt to it, so of course we’ll see how... the situation will develop further, because every day something changes, right now, yes, the latest news is that biden has been diagnosed with covid again for the third time, and even there he seems to be stopping his campaign activities for some time
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, but at the same time, in general, the biden team is hoping for the end of july, that is, without waiting for the party congress on august 19, already arrange a virtual call of all delegates democratic, but then formally approve biden as the official candidate for the elections, so i think that of course the dramatic period there will last for 2-3 weeks, but if... the extremely complex electoral system in the united states of america, the distribution of votes in the electoral college by state, we have prepared two graphs, it’s worth talking about them, we see those states that are in thought, that is, this is what the map looks like on the eve of the elections, but if the elections happened today, please show the following: the data is impressive, unless, of course, if we believe public opinion polls, which roughly show such a picture, although again , of course, i have questions there whether, for example, trump will be able to win in michigan, because
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his lead there is minimal, or, say, in nivada, where the gap is also small, well, yes, as if all the polls turn out to be correct, then yes we will see such a picture, but you still need to understand that polls in america are often wrong, this time, almost every election cycle, and the last ones elections in general in the west and in britain and france showed that this is not always the case.
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today we see that signs are changing somewhat, interests are changing, priorities are changing, and this is very important, so i would like to emphasize once again that the current presidential campaign is probably the most interesting in recent history, it is this company, in my opinion, that will influence for all geopolitics for the next 4 years. yes, i want to believe in it, and you know, we just recently discussed it in the studio.
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all the attention of journalists is given to all the front pages of newspapers, an attempt on the former is possible the future president of the united states alarmed the public. now these shots can safely be called historical. the incident occurred on july 14 in pennsylvania, one of the swing states. trump had barely begun his speech there when gunfire interrupted the peach. bullets, screams of blood, consequences. the politician
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raised his clenched hand. fist. it seems that the gesture was much more eloquent than words. a minute later , the favorite of the presidential race, surrounded by a tight security ring, left the stage. with his bleeding ear he called to the crowd: fight. within 2 days the police. appeared before the public again. what touches the shooter, he is destroyed by return fire from secret service agents, an attempt was made on the life of perhaps the future head of the white house by a certain thomas crooks, a twenty-year-old american. the weapon he fired was legally purchased by his father about six months ago. officially, the motives are not named, but without such statements it is clear that... the reasons are on the political field, this is noted by political experts, among them one who himself was recently in trump’s place. slovak prime minister robert fica, whose assassination attempt was committed on may 15, noted similar scenarios of the instigators of what was happening.
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biden also commented on the situation; he interrupted the weekend and urgently headed to the white house, addressing the nation before doing so. the very idea of ​​this kind of political violence in america is simply unacceptable, it is unacceptable, everyone should condemn it. condemn and discuss, because what happened raises many questions, why the suspicious man on the roof, whom the crowd noticed, the police pointed out, was not checked, why they were given time to fire so many shots, a representative of the secret the service that protects trump to reporters never came out. the assassination attempt heated up the already tense pre-election race between the two leaders to the limit; there was no doubt from the start that it would be dirty, but no one could have predicted such a development of events. then analysts note that trump’s assassination attempt will add points from voters, but for all police officers, this is far from the safest country, the enemy of problems. i am glad that commentators across the entire political spectrum in the united states repeat one thing: we miraculously avoided a national
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catastrophe - the assassination of a presidential candidate in such circumstances would easily open the way to a full-fledged civil war. even trump's enemies realize this. what they didn’t understand in ukraine at the time was political terror against the exponents of the views of one significant person. parts of society will inevitably lead to the collapse of society as a whole, and malik, and i think you will agree, that’s what donald trump himself said, and those people who support him, and what is this, god’s providence or luck, as you would describe it, i think , that both are together, considering, of course, how many of trump’s supporters are evangelicals, such very conservative and religiously minded representatives of american society there, then i think that of course many of them there... are in exaltation, they are sure that trump after this assassination attempt is literally the messiah, that is , such a second coming, given that they they really like to find a divine plan in all, even the small intricacies of american politics, here i think that of course yes, there is such a mood,
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and we see, of course, what an enthusiastic greeting trump was, yes, when he first the day immediately after the assassination, i attended the beginning of the republican party congress in meluoka in the state of wisconia, and well , i would say so, i agree with that... assessment that america is indeed balancing and is still balancing on the brink, well, not exactly like that a real civil conflict, yes, but something like it, yes, this of course will not be a repetition of the civil war of the 19th century, after all, the main split there now is not between the states, but between , relatively speaking, the 25 largest metropolises of the united states, where all a is concentrated the essence, the entire base of liberal america, and the rest of the country, which seems to live in rural areas and mostly supports trump, but... nevertheless , colossal, the polarization of society is at the highest level there since, probably, just that the civil war itself, that’s why yes, now this is of course not the 2000 elections , yes, when there really wasn’t much difference between bush and al gore, and in some domestic and
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foreign policy issues, now of course the split is very powerful and needs to be understood that trump will leave at one point, yes, biden will leave, the split will not go away, it will only get worse, yes, because the main problems are economic, social, political, demographic and so on. inside the united states remain, so trump will not be able to resolve them, although i think that there may be partly a migration crisis there, but he will still be able to resolve it, but in general, of course, one should not expect that that under trump the same golden revival of the golden era of some kind will begin american greatness, i think that, of course, they have too many problems, so each election campaign will become more and more dramatic , bringing america closer and closer to that very surge of political violence. and which can already be characterized as such a civil war 2.0. well , by the way, about the assassination attempt itself, there is a projection where you can see that we can watch the flight of a bullet and then miraculously donald trump managed, someone said
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that he was distracted by the prompter, to turn his head and avoid death. donald trump spoke.
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and here we can actually see a chicken reaction of political violence that could lead to civil war, but only in such a situation. well, you see, anatoliyvich, at the same time in europe they are afraid of political violence after the assassination attempt on trump, i will explain why, since they remember the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz, which occurred in may, in june the attack by the prime minister of denmark, matte fredrickson, then is there any iran in gibe?
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or a european action movie, what is the general outline,
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a lone hero saves the world, especially since the main way, let’s say, of political struggle, even if we take the current election campaign of the united states of america, they are trying to make some kind of monster out of trump, but what about a hero who will not save the country, and maybe the whole world. from this monster and they are skillfully using it, skillfully using it, including some possible special services, in my opinion, based on this result, this cultural, let’s say, activity that took place, i once again emphasize the decade, including and in recent years in ukraine, this is a completely natural result, and in order to reverse it, it is necessary to begin the fight against the cause. why is this so, that is, somewhere in
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the information field the idea is conveyed that it is not lone heroes who save the world, it is societies, countries, unions, and negotiations who save the world, i am grateful to you, anatoliyevich, for your answer, and i am glad to welcome you to our studio, then yes, a political analyst from the united states of america. mr. henriks, i’m very glad to see you on our tv programs, i’m glad to see you nadya. dear one. and it counts. joe biden has been trailing in the polls for a long time, unlike the sixteenth or twentieth year, donald trump has had a stable lead for many months. do
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you think anything might change in this dynamic? it is very difficult to predict the election results. donald trump, of course, has a significant advantage, he has already gained good momentum, so of course it won’t be easy. yes, that one, tell me, donald trump said that it was luck or the will of god, but he was saved, and he said that he should already be dead, not to be.
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that he, as a democrat, should not take part, this will be a historic election. thank you very much for your time, thank you very much, let's hope to see you again on our tv shows. it was very nice to be with you. yes, we are moving towards the completion of our program. malik, we will sum up the results, so i give each participant the right to the final word in the program. well, as we
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see, there is indeed a very dramatic election campaign in the united states of america, so i wouldn’t get ahead of myself, to say that one person is the favorite in the presidential race, be it trump or. biden, there’s still a lot that will happen , in august, september, october, plus in america there is such a thing as an october surprise, that is, a certain event that occurs 2-3 weeks before the election and can dramatically change the dynamics of the presidential race, right now, at the moment when you and i are discussing all this, and in july 24 it really seems that trump is doing well, but the assassination attempt there was unsuccessful, ratings are growing, he receives a huge amount of donations, well, plus, as we see there, many decisions of courts at different levels are also positive for trump, and the decisions of the supreme court, which... secured partial immunity for trump and the recent decision in florida to annul one from criminal cases, and so on, that’s why i don’t think that the democrats used all the trump cards against trump, but many of the ones they used really didn’t work, so here, of course, trump manages to interrupt the entire wave, well, we see that part of this american deep state is, in general
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, ready to see trump in a second term, and it’s not for nothing that very rich people are now donating money to him, including there even such old families as melona, ​​for example, created this very wallstreet back in the 19th century, but i fully admit that there is also part of the intelligence community there, which seems to be dissatisfied with trump, but has already, in general, come to terms with the fact that he could be the president, so i i think that in fact trump’s chances of winning are not small, but at the same time , we probably shouldn’t hope in advance that when he comes, he will immediately have some kind of big internal struggle with this deep state, that is, in deepstate’s first term in 2020, deepstate, on the contrary, ate him, yes it’s true, of course i think trump. perceives it very sharply, yes, but here i fully admit that if he wins the election there will be some kind of agreement, so i mean that you shouldn’t underestimate trump’s chance of winning, but at the same time you shouldn’t overestimate his ability to win this same deepstate if he wins. yes, anatoly anatolyevich, the final word of today’s program, summing up our rhetoric today, i want to say one thing:
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no matter what the outcome of the elections in the united states in america, we must, i mean, we are russia. europe in the united states of america, because this is important for us, no matter what relationship we have with these states. i will emphasize once again, rely only on yourself, look for friends, allies, unite and demonstrate to the whole world that the power
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world peace can only be achieved by uniting, and not by singling out any one state in the form of some kind of hegemon, world policeman, and justice of the peace.
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the states will stop our oligarchs. i understand that this is strange, i am an american, and i am telling you to unite against us, stop our government, our elites, but this is the only way to save america, save the world. stop the american oligarchy. thank you very much, thank you very much for our wonderful conversation. thank you. whether we like it or not, no other electoral the campaign in the world does not influence the global agenda that much. and i would like to end with the words of the ancient greek philosopher plato. one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you will end up being ruled by your enemies. thank you, this was the “sas is authorized to declare” program. see you in a week. western elites enjoy less and less support from citizens of western countries. well,
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now i propose to talk to us about the beautiful thing, that is, about women's volleyball. last season , the menchanka didn’t do much for us, let’s be honest. i was pleased, but the current preparations look promising for a number of reasons, which we will talk about in the next story, and for this we will go to the west of belarus, to the city of ostrovets, we will look.
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i hope not, i hope that we will also strengthen by one, by one position, well , i can’t talk about it yet, but i hope that we will be able to strengthen even more, volleyball students baranovich and the duo of hopes, the bully is deadly stayed close and , as they say, walked in the vanguard, smernovo, which we remember how malosai returned sminchanka after. pause, she is already a more experienced mother, volodko and sokolchik are just returning from maternity leave. as for elena fedorinchik, she returned during the last season, in general, mothers in polchevskaya’s circle and a whole gang. you have a lot of mothers in your team , these are some additional ones, god forgive me, they cause difficulties during training camps, for example, well, we basically discussed everything, that is, families come to the girls on weekends, they come with their children together, there are husbands , mom is coming, it’s calm here we relate, by and large. that so far we have not had any issues that would interfere with our work, all this is discussed, agreed upon, so that nothing interferes with work and restoration, as they are functionally
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in the background, for example, especially people like turchin, who, you know, are digesting loads by a friend, in another way, example, here natya is running, why is she inferior to the stick, she runs faster than she was inferior in jumping work, the same thing, i believe that these players, they are professionals, they know how prepare yourself for the season, there is no need to compare yourself to young players, i think that...
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on the verge of strength, but with team support, the libero duo victoria golodukhina and elena fedorenchik have their own job, for example, simulating a move in volleyball. fedorinchik, by the way, will become the team captain in the coming season. of course, i will try to ensure that the atmosphere in the team is good, and support each other, be sure to put emphasis on this, and of course, in difficult and joyful moments , to be together all the time, united, i was probably not ready for this role. now there will be such a period of adaptation, the story with the liberal captain is a very rare story, but somehow it was chosen by voting, so the girls, the coaching staff voted, made their choice, oh, they constantly observed the pulse indicators, took short breaks and went to a new circle, behind to this the minute was only half of the workout. and
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viewers, explain why sand is useful for volleyball players during preparation, now we have already moved on to... loads, before that we worked more on movements, on speed footwork, we need to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus first of all, the second is stabilization, that is, to fully prepare all the joints, our knees, and feet for full work, but at the same time developing strength, we add a jumping load, which will help us later when moving into hall, for me personally, sand is the basis of your physical training for half-asleep until... december, this is enough for you, well, you tolerate it all normally, i generally adore it, they are twisting the weight there, like how can you love sand at all but i love beach volleyball is hard, but it’s such a thrill, you go through it, then just training, yes, we survived it, especially the run at the end of 11 minutes, when we worked there for 2 hours, under the scorching sun of ostrovets, although in minsk that day there was a terrible a hurricane, the girls split into
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pairs at the stadium, here also the baranovichi stayed close, as did grodno, sokolchik and fedorinchik. sometimes it seemed that the experienced volleyball players were a little isolated from the youth, but this was a deceptive effect. in general, i'm really so glad and i really hope that it will be great in this film, such an atmosphere, uh, this is very important, the team, this is exactly the internal healthy atmosphere - this is, well , fundamental to a normal result, great, now everything is super, i’m sure that it will continue to be the same and more better, no, here you are talking about the fact that they went to drink some water and sat down on a bench somewhere, but...
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when the training time was approaching two hours, the menchanka volleyball players finally took up the balls, probably after such a lot of work it was a special thrill to work with main attribute of the game. after a couple of exercises, a series of playoffs with their own characteristics, semi-finals and a final. cool down with intense running. after last season, but unsuccessful in the super league, here is what result in the future you will consider good, and what, let’s say, excellent.
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but i think that this team can do very, very well this season. on july 21, the training camp in ostrovets came to an end, in august there was a national team match, where the menchanka volleyball players will probably go, at the end of the month there will be sparring, and in september there will be a start in the russian cup and the super league. and in completion. last week, probably the most famous belarusian goalkeeper in soviet history passed away. mikhail bragienko passed away at the seventy-fifth year of his life. we spoke with michal nikifirovich at this place exactly 2 years ago, on the eve of the anniversary of dynamo minsk’s victory in the ussr championship. she was then turning 40 years old. by that time , vergienko was already an experienced goalkeeper and, in fact, after the golden season, his career began to slowly end. let's listen to
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some phrases from that interview and once again feel what a blessing it is to live with these. people at the same time, the sports footage will be on air a week later, bye, i was invited to the team by sansanch sividov, in the sixty- eighth year i received a telegram at home with: dynamo minsk is leaving urgently sividov, imagine, just an 18-year-old boy who is coming, coming to staika, enters the room, enters the cinema hall, which is on the first floor in staika, in the cinema hall there are malofeev, adamov and kobersky, i was in such a shock, i saw malofeev, it turns out that we found an amazing era, undoubtedly, for remba, ryomin, malofeev, pogalnikov, taleyka, vasiliev.
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we didn’t understand how it happened, the warmest memory of our team, so it brought joy even to this day, sometimes people go and remember, you ’re an unbeliever there, yes, oh, thank you for that
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eighty-second year, that’s how it was, i generally i was delighted that i found myself in this environment, and even sitting one evening, there was such a uh, clear sky, stars, i wonder if i will ever play in this minsk dynamo , will i ever win some medals. and i wished, here i will be, i will be, i will be ever champion or not, in fact at this moment the star flies, the star falls, i think, can it really be, later it will be fulfilled. we follow the sporting life of our country. the belarusian school of batuta again shows
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a high class. the winner of the fourth stage of the swiss world cup was belarusian stanislav yaskevich, oleg ryabtsev took bronze. congratulations to our guys. a result that, to some extent, can be considered historical in terms of the medal count in our sport. belarusian athletes completed their performances at the countries' sports games. having won 247 medals, we review the most interesting event. the chicago black hoaks selected our fellow countryman with the second overall pick in the draft, and this is our highest result of the angel talent fair in history. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i was pleased and also pleased with the performance of our ska, because not a single victory of bgk over them was easy. now the generation has come that understands that if they don’t study in the summer.
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it will take 2 days to apply a pattern like this on this crumb, everything is done by hand, literally 2 seconds and the design is ready using special ceramic paints that are absolutely safe. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. agency. the news is presented in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. let's take a look at the all-union navukova dasledchyny.
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crispy potatoes are in great demand; they are an excellent snack for breakfast, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, and an indispensable convenient food for fishermen and tourist hunters. dozens. various
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produces dishes, among them the belarusian potato aladi, so familiar to everyone , their preparation is not always easy for amateurs, as you can see, now it has become much simpler and easier, dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and can be easily transported over long distances, dishes prepared from them have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes.
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the president of belarus signed an order to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane and set a deadline. the ministry of energy has been instructed to ensure connection to electricity supply for everyone. de-energized households, by august 22, the transfer of temporary power supply schemes to permanent ones, by december 31 , the ministry of forestry, natural resources, environmental protection, education, as well as the administrative office of the president of the national academy of sciences in belarus has been tasked with conducting an analysis of the state of electrical networks and preparing proposals to improve reliability complete the cleanup work by carrying out clear sanitary felling by november 1
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, selective sanitary felling by december 31, 2000, also in the order outlines the time frame for the restoration of facilities in the regions of belarus. in addition, it was instructed to organize the involvement of citizens in cleaning up clutter. tactics of the harvesting company, depending on weather conditions, the president today inspected the situation in the fields during a working trip to the minsk region. at the voskhod farm, alexander lukashenko first inspected the field with rapeseed. the peculiarity of this year is that many crops ripened at the same time, therefore.
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abandoned lands, and this is near minsk, a terrible impression, i won’t say that there is a disaster there, like the gomel region you have, but this is not the minsk region of the land, everything should be out here, that’s how he has these fields, it’s bad, then alexander lukashenko himself turned around the route of the trip and headed to the grain farm, the machine yard, the dairy complex, they reported to the head state about the work of the enterprise as a whole in... in the area from a helicopter , this is especially true for lands near the president was not satisfied everywhere, industrial centers. belas will supply hybrid mining dump trucks to sakhalin that are used as... hydrogen fuel the company signed an agreement with russian partners providing for the supply of the first three 1330-ton dump trucks to begin their trial operation. last fall, belas presented its own innovative technology, a test prototype with a hybrid operating system that combines hydrogen fuel cells and batteries
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. this project was of interest to russia, since according to the government’s plans , sakhalin should become the country’s first carbon-free region. belkab. the union continues to procure agricultural products and raw materials, over 60% in the general procurement turnover - these are purchases from the population, when compared with last year, people were paid a third more, potatoes, vegetables, berries, apples and other crops are purchased, as for apples, the harvest is expected to be good, it is planned to purchase about 40,000 tons from the population, 40% will be sent for processing to a consumer cooperative enterprise, the rest will be sold in retail and offered to domestic processors for... currently, we purchase cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, cultivated berries from the population, that is, everything that the population can give us offer. since 2006, thanks to the presidential decree, every year we receive credit resources to pay the population at the time
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of purchase, that is, we have no debt to the population for purchased crop products, we pay the population at the time of delivery. on the tourist map of belarus there is a premiere, a new location for zootherapy, master classes on caring for exotic animals, guests of the petting park can pet and feed their pets with healthy treats, fruits, vegetables and special feed. they live in south america at an altitude of 3.5-500 m, this is a high-altitude animal, mainly, of course, alpacas are raised for what? for their fur. alpaca wool thread can be used for all types of weaving fabrics. we take into account the opinions of our guests, as guests call ours. pets, some are redheads, some are helmets, some are blackies, so we will then decide what to name our pets, eight plush animals from the camel family are exploring the green plains in their new home. everything you
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wanted to know about the unique relics that are located in ancient temples. there are pieces of many others here. saints, and people know from vitebsk, they come and pray for these saints , they turn to them, about the history of the most ancient religious educational institutions, future regents, future singers graduate from our school, study.


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