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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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yes , a large amount of water combined with frost, of course, affected the safety and masonry of load-bearing structures; more vulnerable elements, say, such as, for example, a huge canvas, 6x6 m, wooden floors, were also damaged. here above the hall they partially
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burned down, the floor was flooded with water, the whole thing froze and turned into a skating rink. at that time, even to think that in such a short time everything here would shine with gold and look so beautiful, it was quite difficult, a short period of time, in 7 years such a huge object preserve and restore. the state invested quite a lot of money here, and they worked. the best specialists of belarus, restored monuments are already national capital, which is not subject to devaluation. there were very detailed inventories present and we tried the color of the walls, the pattern of the parquet, the pattern on the ceilings and so on. all this has been recreated. this
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palace castle or castle palace is a real teleport to the 16th and 19th centuries, all because adjustments were constantly made to the overall ensemble to match the times, here we are we can find late renaissance, baroque and even classicism. in this room we have an original one. he feels like he is visiting his family. on our territory, which is controlled by the museum-reserve, there are also objects that are not part of the reserve museum, such as the famous church of the body of god. in 2005, nesvizh castle
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, together with parks and the nesvizh far church, was included in the unesco world heritage list, these documents, copies of which are stored here so that any visitor can see, how the state preserves its history, protects it, and we must leave this piece of our history of the 16-19 centuries, so that our children, great-grandchildren, can see the history of belarus, its roots, which come from afar. therefore, everything that we have begun to do to understand our past, its influence on today and the future of our belarus must continue.
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let me love you, like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, let me love you, let me love you for the song that i smell, for srebny guchny laughter. let me love you for
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the bright hours that you give me every now and then, dear daughter-in-law. you love.
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it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. the long-awaited weekend has arrived, and this is great. a reason to go on an exciting journey, and today i am building my route to tolochin. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets and facts. chagall, lissitzky, pen, malevich, these famous teachers raised many talents in vitebsk national art school. we are our museum of modernity and 100 years ago, approximately marc chagall stands next to the school that was located in this. historical house mansions and do not forget to give free rein to positive emotions, giving these views, i would be someone, what were the names of these people who watched all this? warriors, i would be a warrior, because the views are simply incredible, look at the project
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route built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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hello, on the air. program "sas is authorized to declare." i am its leader nadezhda sas. greetings. and i remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we will talk in more detail about the assassination attempt on trump and the consequences for the election campaign in the united states immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. belarus has introduced a new visa-free regime for citizens of a number of eu countries. according to the minister of foreign affairs. affairs of belarus maxim rozhenkov proposal on visa-free entry for citizens of countries the eu was submitted to the president of belarus alexander lukashenko for consideration. the head of state supported this initiative. ryzhenkov said that the new visa-free regime will be valid until december 31, 2024. the same regime has long been
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in effect for citizens of poland, lithuania and latvia, who in turn are only moving away from constructive dialogue. let us remind you that earlier lithuania and latvia closed their borders to passenger cars. shuttle diplomacy of hungarian prime minister viktor orban. which for the sake of promoting peace initiatives in a week visited kiev, moscow, beijing and washington, and was sharply condemned in brussels. eu officials and members of the european parliament from globalist parties are torn and tossed about orbán’s readiness to engage in direct dialogue with vladimir putin and sijinpin. the formal reason for criticism was that as the chairman of the eec council until the end of this year, politician orban had to coordinate his trip with his partners in the bloc. moreover, in moscow, kyiv, beijing. the hungarian prime minister has never claimed that he speaks on behalf of the entire european union. actually
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in fact, the reason for the attacks is that the peacekeeping efforts of the hungarians sharply contrast with the mood of most other leaders to continue the confrontation with russia. orbán's diplomacy only highlights the aggressiveness of the rest in the eyes of their own voters. it is doubtful that hungary will be deprived of the eu presidency, but the events planned within its framework in budapest have already been decided to be boycotted by the majority of other members of the bloc. condemnation of the initiative. orbán was the topic of the first resolution voted on by the new composition elected in june by the european parliament. beijing has decided to suspend negotiations with washington on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation. this was announced on wednesday, july 17, by the official representative of the mid-prc, lin jian. he cited the continued sales of american weapons to taiwan as the reason for this step. the agency representative blamed washington for suspending the consultation. stated his readiness to resume dialogue with the american side on the basis of mutual respect if the united states
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respect china's core interests. earlier, the us department of defense concluded that china is apparently increasing its nuclear arsenal faster than expected. according to the department, in may 2023 , china had more than 500 ready-to-use nuclear warheads; by 2030, beijing will probably have more than a thousand warheads. i’ll start today’s program with a quote. “i will not make age a key issue in this company, i am not going to use the youth and inexperience of my opponent for political purposes, so a seventy-three-year-old the republican made fun of his fifty-six-year-old opponent while watching this year’s campaign in the united states, such jokes about age are already perceived with a bitter smile, about what the american ones are moving towards..."
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which, of course, you need to understand that there are still 4 months before the elections, and a lot can change , yes, here’s the news background, the news cycle in the united states, it’s so crazy that i think another month and a half will pass and many will already forget about this very assassination attempt, because there will be a slightly different agenda, but right now in the moment it’s really the assassination attempt influenced many events, that is , i think that the election of, for example, jady vance as trump's vice-presidential candidate is directly related to this assassination attempt, and that's what we are seeing around biden and what might theoretically help him hold on here on mine.
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one can imagine during this time what resources will be invested in order for this
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specific fact to fade into oblivion. i am glad to connect to our broadcast an american journalist, an american analyst, john varoli, who is in contact with us right now. mister varoli, i am very glad to see you on our television program. thank you very much for inviting me. john, tell me, is the assassination attempt on donald trump a turning point in the election campaign? weeks ago, i would have told you that biden would win this election very easily, simply because all the resources are in the hands of the democrats, in the hands of the white house, all the financial resources, the secret services, the military, the massive tech companies, the mass media, all the resources concentrated in the hands of the white house, and
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this could guarantee them victory in november, for all we know, they can falsify.
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trump assassination case because us secret service snipers spotted matthew crooks on a rooftop 20 minutes before he shot presidential candidate donald trump at a campaign rally. well, there were a lot of such moments, indeed, as we know now, yes, there were rumors that they supposedly thought that he was some kind of unofficial sniper from the police, that is, there was, of course, wild miscommunication in the general level of work the secret service there, even if we take it aside, all the conspiracy theories there about who was behind it were not, in any case , the level of work is of course a secret. their service there , the quality of communication with the local police leaves nothing to be desired, it is clear that now i think that certain reforms will still be carried out, and security will be strengthened, everything else, but i respect the opinion of john varoli, i personally know him there, that’s all -i still don’t fully agree with him about what he just said, but about the fact that now, if trump wins, he will 100% be killed, well, i think that now, firstly , it will be
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somewhat more difficult to arrange such an assassination attempt, this time, and secondly, after all, the election of jady vance as a candidate for vice president, in my opinion, it becomes for trump. us vice-presidential candidate, a conservative populist, critic of mass migration and the concept of the climate crisis, called on president joe biden to stop the enormous assistance to kiev, committed to ending the ukrainian conflict. malik, well,
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you will agree that in the person of vance the american the left, they have found a new arch-villain, because he is younger than trump. more radical, you know, he's more trump than trump himself. well, of course, you and i understand very well that trump will be elected there, trump will not be elected, yes, sooner or later he will leave politics, after all, age plays its part, many people laugh, yes, at biden’s condition, but still- you still need to understand that trump is not young, yes, he is 78 years old, and jady vence will still have a long political career in america, he will promote this very ideology to develop trumpism and the trumpism movement, already there, many years after, i think, even the death of trump, and that is, it’s like now to make an attempt on trump’s life, to kill trump, well , it kind of loses its meaning, his place will be taken by... even more an ardent trumpist, he is also young, so this will really play the role of insurance, it will be much more difficult to come to an agreement with him, and you also need to understand that if trump is still an american of the old generation, a person who believed in the system, and he really believes what if change all these institutions, reform, i don’t know, remove bad people, install good ones, they will work, after all, jady vance is already a representative of the younger generation of millennials, i think that he, of course, no longer
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believes in this system at all, and wants, like many such rather radical right-wingers in america, to simply destroy it to the ground, and then what... those steps that i have gone through, i can almost say, the vice president in less than 5 minutes, so that it becomes clear that this man... absolutely natural, he is not someone's puppet, he has his own views, which not everyone shares, which are not very popular, including in world
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politics, not to mention the united states, but at the same time he positions himself as a man of the people, as a fighter for the rights of the common people, workers, farmers and so on, this is probably his popularity, this is probably his strength, and...
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a very serious american family with a long history, considering the situation with
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ukraine and russia, everything is quite difficult, i spoke to her 7 years ago, she is quite i was negatively opposed to russia, but they support vence, the family, but since we touched on the topic of ukraine, naturally we want to hear, what is mr. wentz’s opinion about what is happening? anatoly anatolivich, and what is significant, congresswoman marjarie taylor greene, on the sidelines of the republican party convention, said that trump, if he wins the election, will establish
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peace, of course, opinions in our studios were divided, someone believed that biden was more profitable because he is predictable, and trump promised to make america great again, that’s what means making it great again, that is , competitive, making key decisions, but on the world stage, as you think, well, for many, i think. day, the people are already tired of this war, today of any state, moreover, the ukrainian one , judging by the rhetoric of the same trump, here... the same wentz, we can conclude that if at least 50% of their words are implemented in practice, then there will really be peace in ukraine. at the same
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time, one should not discount a number of european politicians who, well, by and large - from an economic point of view , we are interested in continuing this military conflict, but at the same time, we all sensibly give ourselves...
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i think that the presidential elections in the united states will be a turning point, i think that if president trump wins, then there will be a good chance to start peace negotiations this year, because if president trump wins, the position on the ukrainian crisis will change. mali, how do you think it will develop? in the future ukrainian drama, and i think it is important to emphasize that these processes interconnected, of course, not unconditionally, of course, yes, after all , a lot still depends on the united states, yes, one of the world's superpowers, what trump, mazhari taylor greene, jaydee vance and so on are talking about, this is, well, the general the rhetoric of many right-wing isolationists in the camp of the republican party, but what is their main idea, yes, they see china, and not the russian federation , as their existential enemy in the 21st
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century, and they believe that america... is wasting its military-political , economic potential in ukraine, tied up in this clinch with russia, while not being able to defeat russia, yes, that is, such a stalemate situation, as many call it in the west , has developed, while against this background, china is strengthening , in the new cold war, which is beginning between the united states and china, well , beijing really has opportunities to win, and for example, jady lance, he has repeatedly opposed the ukrainian trenches, precisely because the americans are very a lot, relatively speaking, of their own there... they spent supplies, including even an emergency supply of artel shells, a huge number of missiles for air defense systems, they , america’s industrial base is not capable of sustaining such a conflict of high intensity, and so the question arises, yes, what if it flares up no further only the conflict in the middle east, which has already happened, and not only the conflict with the houthis, which the americans also cannot resolve, for example , the conflict around taiwan, but will america be able to continue a fourth conflict, well most likely not, that’s why such a pragmatic approach, this has nothing to do with the fact that they
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have like... some kind of friendly, friendly relations towards russia, but they simply understand and realistically assess the capabilities of the united states, these are not the nineties, not a unipolar world, there is no way to drag out all these conflicts at the same time, even if it is a proxy warrior, while what trump and his supporters are talking about, if we are talking about their conditional proposals for normalizing the ukrainian crisis, yes they are there on several points are based, but the first is a proposal to freeze the conflict along the current front line. then providing guarantees to russia, and not ukraine’s entry into nato, and thirdly, this is some additional negotiations with russia regarding the future of the chinese strategy of the united states, that is, confrontation. by the way, how did you react to trump’s statement that taiwan should pay us for ensuring security? well , this is typical trump rhetoric, that is, he said the same thing about south korea, about europe, then there is no need to think that i don’t know, trump will come and give thailand to china, well , most likely this will not happen, but it will force him, of course, to pay more money to the americans for placing american
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bases there, instructors, everything. well, as we see, yes, trump’s advisers, despite the fact that they take a pragmatic position on ukraine, at the same time call on the same european countries to spend much more money on rearmament, yes, that is, they are already saying, for example, 2% of gdp for the defense industry - this is not enough, for us it’s already half 3%, and from some countries of eastern europe, including poland and the baltics, they would like to see 4, 5, 6, 7 more percent there, so i think that of course, unfortunately, yes, there, if in ukraine there may still be some... potential to agree on something, yes, then in europe in general, i admit that the situation with the cold war may continue to persist, even under the trump administration, but at the same time, of course, they will most likely show much less activity precisely on european track, for them the main direction is asian competition with china, so they would really like to throw onto the shoulders of the european bureaucracy there, and some eastern europeans, relatively speaking, the whole story connected with the further containment of russian influence, as
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they like this is to say. so simply switch to all other directions, again, whether it will work out or not is a big question, but this is approximately the strategy that many trumpists in the united states adhere to. john, a question for you, what is the role of the ukrainian issue in the company, friends whom i trust, who deeply understand us policy, say that this time, as always, most americans are not very interested in foreign policy, their interest in the war in ukraine is simply displeasure with the high.
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foreign policy, naturally, is very often in the hands of those people who are unofficial leaders, shadow leaders, this... “our foreign policy is actually in the hands of a couple of thousand people, the entire us population for the most part is simply not interested in foreign affairs politics, we don’t want to hear anything about it, we don’t understand it, so it’s very easy for the elites to form foreign policy, nothing can stop them, no president, trump, venz - it doesn’t matter, the elites will still pursue the foreign policy that they want it, it will remain the same." " nato expansion is what happens from today to tomorrow, no, this is a matter of decades, for 30 years it all happened, and the expansion will continue until they
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encounter stiff resistance, this happened in donbass, they are very angry, this is why they oppose russia so harshly, well, right now i suggest you pay attention to the dynamics of trump biden’s ratings over the past. trump is obvious, the speeches that trump makes, his rhetoric, his and his teams, it is the rhetoric that ordinary americans want to listen to, who want to hear the restoration of the power of america through strengthening american politics within themselves, people definitely like it. why does biden have such a rating? let's try to remember during the biden administration what were the united states of america successful? there are always only punctures, no matter what you try,
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nothing works. and here trump, i emphasize again, presents a positive program, the program that ordinary americans want to see.
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sixth year to congress the next presidential race in the twenty-eighth year, but now, as we see, again some of biden’s opponents have intensified the party, yes, they mentioned nancypelosiva, and of course the latest news is that chuck schumer, the leader senate democrats leader majority in the senate, also non-publicly
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suggested that biden think about the possibility of early withdrawal from this presidential race, however, you need to understand that, of course, in american politics, as in any politics, there is a certain inertia, and of course, the longer if you drag this out, yes, the more difficult it will be to remove biden in the end. yes, 14 million democrats voted for biden, he won in all the states, that is, how not to treat him, but still he has a certain carte blanche from the voters of the democratic party, and unlike someone else, from kamala harris, to gavin newsam or michelle obama, whom joe biden is now considering for his place, well,
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grandfather biden himself, in my opinion, is still well, despite all this pressure, yes i’m not ready to adapt to him, so we’ll see, of course, how the situation will develop further, because every day something changes, right now, and the latest news is that biden has again been diagnosed with... covid for the third time, yes, and it seems like he’s stopping his campaign activities for a while, so, but at the same time, in general biden's team hopes already at the end of july, that is, without waiting for the party congress on august 19. arrange a virtual meeting of all democratic delegates and formally approve biden as the official candidate for the elections, so i think that of course the dramatic period there will last for another two or three weeks, but unless there is some really very serious force majeure for biden over this period of time, i honestly highly doubt that it will be changed, well, i agree with you, and really extremely the complex electoral system in the united states of america, the distribution of votes in the electoral college by state, we have prepared two graphs, it’s worth talking about them. we see those states that are in thought, that is
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, this is what the map looks like on the eve of the elections, but if the elections took place today, please show me the following data is impressive, if we believe the public opinion poll, which approximately shows such a picture, although again i have of course, there are questions whether, for example , trump will be able to win in michigan, because he has a lead there minimal, or let's say in nevada, where the gap is also small, well, yes, as if all the polls turn out to be correct, then yes we... on the 2020 results. anatoliyevich, do you think, do you believe in fair elections in
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the united states of america? well, based on that electoral system, again, i don’t want to offend anyone, but the electoral system of the united states of america, in my opinion, i want to emphasize, in my opinion, is the most complex, the most confusing and the most opaque of all existing democracies, and it is designed absolutely for honest, unbiased electors, but where can you get them? one thing is clear, that the system that currently exists in the united states of america needs some correction. and today , the trump team is playing the role of these reformers. if we take the course of the election campaign as a whole, then in my opinion, this is probably the most interesting election campaign in the recent history of, let’s say, the united states of america.
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and it's very interesting, people support biden because they don't like it.
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he received all the attention of journalists, all the front pages of newspapers, the assassination attempt on the former , possibly future president of the united states alarmed the public, now these images can safely be called historical. the incident occurred on july 14 in pennsylvania, one of the swing states. trump had barely begun
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his speech there when gunfire interrupted the speech. bullets, screams of blood, consequences. the candidate for the main post was immediately surrounded by representatives of the security service. they tried to quickly remove trump from the stage, but he managed to give first reaction to what happened. the politician raised his hand with a clenched fist. it seems that the gesture was much more eloquent than words. a minute later , the favorite of the presidential race, surrounded by a tight security ring, left the stage. with a bloody ear, he called to the crowd: fight. after just 2 days , the politician appeared before the public again. as for the shooter, he was killed by the return fire of secret service agents, an attempt was made on the life of the possible future head of the white house, a certain thomas crooks, a twenty-year-old american, the weapon from which he shot was legal thus, bought by his father about six months ago. officially, the motives are not named, but without
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such statements it is clear that the search for reasons is on the political field, this is noted by political experts, among them one who... himself was recently in trump’s place. slovak prime minister robert fica, whose assassination attempt took place on may 15, noted the similarity of the scenarios of the instigators of what was happening. biden also commented on the situation. he interrupted the weekend and urgently headed to the white house, addressing the nation before doing so. the very idea of ​​such political violence in america is simply unacceptable, this is unacceptable. everyone should condemn this. condemn and discuss, because what happened raises many questions. why. the suspicious man on the roof, whom the crowd noticed, the police indicated, was not checked, why they were given time to fire so many shots, the representative of the secret service, which protects trump, never came out to the reporter. the assassination attempt heated up the already tense pre-election race between the two leaders to the limit;
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there was no doubt from the start that it would be dirty, but this no one could predict the development of events. analysts note that the assassination attempt will add points to trump from voters, that’s all. i think you will agree that this is how donald trump himself spoke, and those people who support him, and what is this, god’s providence or luck, as you would characterize, i think that both together, taking into account, of course , how many of trump’s supporters are evangelicals, such very conservative and religiously minded representatives of
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american society, then i think that there of course, many of them are in exaltation, they are sure that trump, after this assassination attempt, is literally the messiah, that is, this is the second one. so that just such a real civil conflict, yes, but something like it, yes, this, of course, will not be a repetition of the civil war of the 19th century, after all, the main split there now is not between the states, but between , relatively speaking, the 25 most. large metropolises of the usa, where the whole essence, the whole base of liberal america is concentrated, and the rest of the country, which seems to live in
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rural areas and mostly supported by trump. but roskow is nevertheless colossal, the polarization of society there is at the highest level since, probably, just that very civil war, which is why now, of course, this is not the 2000 election, yes, when there is a special difference between bush and al gore and, in fact, it didn’t exist in some domestic or foreign policy issues, but now... it won’t, it will only get worse, yes, because the main problems are economic, social, political, and demographic, and so on within the united states remain, well , trump will not be able to resolve them, although i think that there may be partly a migration crisis there, but he will still be able to resolve it, so, but in general, of course , you shouldn’t expect that that same golden revival of the golden era of some american greatness will begin under trump, i think that, of course, too... they have a lot of problems, so each election campaign will become more and more dramatic more everything
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bringing america closer to that very surge of political violence, which can already be characterized as such a civil war 2.0. well, by the way, about the assassination attempt itself, there is a projection, where you can see that we can watch the flight of a bullet, and miraculously donald trump managed to do it, someone said that he was distracted by...
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the democratic party does not shun such tactics, and a civil war could, of course, affect the situation with big states like texas or florida, mostly i guess we're talking about texas here, let's imagine imagine that biden will win, most likely as a result of fraud, and here we can really see a chain reaction.
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it is appropriate to say this word, the work that was carried out for many decades by the same united states of america, and the same europe, you remember, any american action movie, or european action movie, what a common convoy, a lone hero saves the world, especially since the main a way, let’s say, of political struggle, even if we take the current election.
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so, that is, somewhere in exactly start the fight with the reasons why in the information field, the idea is conveyed that it is not individual heroes who save the world; they save the world, society, countries, alliances and negotiations.
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now everything is moving in this direction. key voices in the democratic party are also largely leaning towards withdrawing biden's candidacy. so far they have not succeeded, but i assume that this will happen one way or another, since there has already accumulated a critical mass in the ranks of the democrats, those who say that he, as a democrat, should not
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take part. this will be a historic election. thank you very much for your time, thanks a lot tod. let's hope to see you again on our tv shows. it was very nice to be with you. yes, we are moving towards the completion of our program. malik, we will sum up the results, so i give each participant the right to the final word in the program. well, as we see, a very dramatic election campaign is going on in the united states of america. now, i would n’t get ahead of myself and say that one is the favorite in the presidential race, whether it’s trump or biden, there’s still a lot that will happen in august, september october. plus there is one in america. understand how an october surprise, that is, a certain event that occurs 2-3 weeks before the elections and can dramatically change the dynamics of the presidential race, right now at the moment when we are discussing all this, and in july of twenty-four, it really seems that trump is doing well, yes, the assassination attempt there was unsuccessful, his ratings are growing, he receives a huge amount of donations, well, plus, as we see there, many court decisions at various levels are also positive for trump, and the decision supreme court, which granted trump
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partial immunity and a recent decision in florida to quash one of his criminal cases. and so on, that’s why i don’t think that the democrats used all the trump cards against trump, but many of the ones they used really didn’t work, so here, of course, trump manages to interrupt this wave, and well , we see that that part... after all, of this american deep state, it is already , in general, ready to see trump in a second term, yes, it’s not for nothing that very rich people are new now they donate money to him, including even such old families as melona, ​​for example, who created this very wall street back in the 19th century, and i fully admit that part of the intelligence community there, which seems to be dissatisfied with trump, but already in general , he comes to terms with the fact that he can be president, so i think that trump’s chances of winning are not small, but at the same time, we probably shouldn’t hope in advance... here he comes he will immediately have some kind of internal there is a big fight against this deep state, that is, in the first term, the department of 2020, on the contrary, ate it, ate it, yes, it’s true, of course i think trump takes it very seriously, yes, but here
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i fully admit that he wins the election, what will happen? -that’s an agreement, so i mean that you shouldn’t underestimate trump’s chance of winning, but at the same time you shouldn’t overestimate his possibility, this is the deepest state to win if he wins, and anatoly anatolyevich, the final word of today’s program, summing up. occur in european countries in the united states states of america, because this is important for us, no matter what relationship we have with these states, but i will emphasize once again,
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rely only on yourself, look for friends, allies, unite and demonstrate to the whole world that world power can only be achieved. ..
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