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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 25, 2024 10:05pm-10:15pm MSK

10:05 pm
the last 5 years is the annual amount of forest planting per year, do you understand what these numbers are? biki write-offs occur specifically in 2013, 500 hectares and 2020, even more than 5,000 hectares. here, perhaps, it is appropriate to explain what write-off means in this context. as we have already said, after planting, seedlings are given 7 years to become a mature forest, but unfortunately, some of the small spruces, pines and larches during this time... time disappears for various reasons, so foresters write them down, it turns out that the state is wasting money for the production of seedlings. belarusians during for weeks, forests are planted all over the world, and then due to untimely care, and sometimes natural disasters, some of them simply die, for example, in 2022 , over 21 thousand hectares of forest plantations were written off; almost 800 hectares of forest crops were lost from this volume.. .
10:06 pm
the following situation arose: the results of inspections show that reforestation work is not always carried out at the proper level, as a result of which the young forest has a low survival rate. as a result, by the age of seven, not all forest animals the crops meet the standards for quantity and height; when the time comes to transfer the young trees to forested lands, it turns out that the plantings have died and the young forest has not grown. this spruce, in
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particular, is 7 years old today, but its annual growth is no more than 5 cm. accordingly, upon reaching the age of seven, this spruce simply cannot fulfill the required standard for input, even with a sufficient quantity, although there is a decent waste as a result of flooding was barely achieved, even with sufficient in quantity, we simply will not be able to achieve this area in terms of height, and there are simply no prospects for its further cultivation here. another one. an indicative example is from the same glubokoye forest farm: a young forest was planted near dokshes in 2017. once upon a time , top was mined here, and after the completion of mining , the land was transferred to the ownership of the local forestry department. the task of his employees was to establish a new forest of spruce and alga here. they planted more than 2 hectares of seedlings, but almost all of them had already died by this time. the cause of death here is the flooding of this plot. the 3 m flooding of this area
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here is primarily due to the inactive metering system, which does not fulfill its functions, which was transferred to the forestry enterprise together with the former excavations in 14-15 for afforestation. almost every spring and autumn this place looks more like a swamp than a young forest. as a state control specialist says, it was possible to foresee this problem at the forest laying stage, but this did not happen. i think i'm guessing here. having such a reactive system in such an abandoned state, namely a forester, that is, it is very difficult here , so they tried to do this, but as we see, in 6 years practically nothing has grown here, because if you go further and look, we examined these areas with the chief forester, where there is a hill, somewhere else some kind of system works, there is, there it grows normally, and the pine feels fine, if the spruce and so on, here it’s like such a factor , most likely due to the fact that the system has already become completely unusable, in simple terms, well... well, in simple terms, then
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probably, it was necessary to somehow regulate this water regime; just last year , almost 8 hectares of forest were written off in the glubokoye forestry enterprise alone, and more than five of them were precisely because of flooding. yes, the reason is natural , but you can somehow fight it. there are complexes of measures that must be carried out without fail in order to preserve young seedlings from flooding, thick grass and even wild animals. but we have it.
10:10 pm
indeed there is a population of moose and deer in recent years in belarus has grown very much, the animals need something to eat, so they like to covet young animals, it would seem that for us, damage by wild animals is a completely new phenomenon, but what justification is there for the deer density to have increased fourfold over the past 10 years, because there was a resettlement program , we are again purchasing equipment for the production of fencing nets, and we are already enlarging several thousand hectares of fencing. according to the ministry of forestry , more reforestation was carried out in belarus from 2021 to 23. than 127 hectares, addition forest crops covered 193,000 hectares, and seedlings were cared for on 400,000 hectares; it turns out that forestry workers visited each area several times. of course, we should give them credit, they
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do what they can, but sometimes there is mismanagement in these ranks. i worry about every hectare, and these are not loud words, so when i say... the process of reforestation, we saw just how merciless the natural elements can be, just last week. hurricanes destroyed hundreds of hectares along their path not only young seedlings, but mature forest. of course, all these places must also be restored, and this is not a planned,
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but mandatory case for the miniskhoz. the dark forest is for dark people. every year we have the volume of reforestation, if there are no cataclysms, yes, these drying out. specialized.
10:13 pm
every year 11 million seedlings are grown here. the process of cultivating seedlings begins in early spring. first they grow in tiles, and then they are sent to fields in the open air. fertilizer, moisture and other timely care bears fruit. the yield here is almost one hundred percent. we have the first rotation in the month of march, we plant it in a certain cassette, there the cell volume is larger, if we see here, this is the eighty-first cell, it is a little smaller, there we have cell 60 fourth, that is, it is larger in size , deeper, in order for the root system, uh... to form better, as far as i understand, in the fall these seedlings will go to planting for a week of years, these seedlings, part will be sent in the fall, and some of us are packed in a box in the fall and sent
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outside, the fields are covered with snow, from there you can easily take the required amount of planting material, refrigerators are also used for storing seeds, their preparation is where you start. spills into metal containers, and the empty buds are again separately packed into metal boxes and moved further into a dried cabinet. the entire process of seed procurement can take up to several days, depending on the crop, there is refrigeration here chamber at a temperature of 1-2°, the seeds are stored
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for several years, and at the same time their properties do not deteriorate. from experience, i want to say that our refrigerator has been operating since 2000, we had such batches that were stored. after 8-9 years, it must be said that under such storage conditions, the quality of the crops does not change, at whatever quality we planted, such quality was achieved. the creation of such nurseries has become...


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