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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 1:35am-2:00am MSK

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the coat of arms of the family of the founder, and the founder himself , are represented by two small apses on the stage: the maltese roofs, which pleased the people of the maltese order, and the jerusalem roofs, as the symbol of the birth of the magnate of the elon family it's the christian faith, we remember that this morning there was a trinity cathedral in the village of charnauchytsy. i have a history of nature. culture, faith, people,
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beauty, adzin times you love it, and it doesn’t grow any more, everything here is new. relations and record numbers belarus and nicaragua concluded contracts agreements amounting to more than $85 million, searching for new markets and effectively promoting their products, diplomacy and business are joining forces to increase exports. our path, peace and openness. belarus provided visa-free services for citizens of 35 european countries. and based on real events , the military drama karuz was filmed in the minsk region. the program "events" is on air. olga in the studio. nishchenko,
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hello. a historical moment, as the belarusian government called the conclusion of major deals with partners in central america. a delegation led by prime minister held fruitful negotiations in nicaragua. we will find out more details from our columnist oles vysotskaya. contracts worth more than $85 million have been signed. we are talking not only about the supply of equipment, but about the creation of assembly plants with a view to sales throughout the region. with this distance is not a hindrance if there is mutual interest in life.
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their water lands and part of their agricultural lands so that belarusian companies can grow agricultural products and then export them to other countries of the world. nicaragua is launching many large-scale projects, such as the construction of a port, an air harbor, roads to connect the pacific and atlantic coasts, and of course, our equipment is needed for such work. today i consider a very significant day in the history of our relations, intense.
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the hard work of enterprises and departments of the two countries today ended with the signing of a solid package of intergovernmental agreements and commercial contracts. taking into account the volume of agreements signed, i think it is possible to confidently call today's event a real breakthrough in bilateral relations. the belarusians, having arrived in nicaragua on the holiday of the forty-fifth anniversary of the revolution, brought. gifts, an ambulance with modern equipment, and grants for studying at belarusian universities in specialties that are important for the country, but the fact that there is interest in belarusian was confirmed by the business forum. find new markets and effectively promote products. the principles of work in this difficult time were discussed at the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry at meeting of the heads of the diplomatic mission. what are the accents? exports of belarusian goods increased by 14% over 5 months. this is the main indicator, but in its...
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this year, belarusian producers plan to increase exports to african countries by at least 2 and a half times. key partners - egypt, kenya, nigeria, zimbabwe,
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south africa, equatorial guinea. in these hot countries they are just looking at our milk, but belarus has a lot to offer from milk powder to condensed milk. more than 200 representatives came to meet the ambassadors. they work 24x7, about 40 tons of high-quality fresh bread leave the conveyors per day. what surprises the buyer? they value naturalness, original recipes, experiments with shape and packaging, also for every taste, plus full-cycle production. the pride of the capital's bakers and the so-called
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highlight of belarusian bread is natural sourdough. traditional technologies were minimized in neighboring countries, but we retained them. quality, top priority, bread, symbol of the brand in belarus. the sales graph is expanding annually: russia, israel, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, armenia, bahrain are just some of the countries to which bread is exported from minsk. shock freezing technology allows products to be delivered 1.00 km away. this bread can be stored for up to six months, while all the consumer properties of the product are preserved. the technology was developed by the beltechnokhleb enterprise. the shelf life of products is extended without the use of prohibited preservatives. according to them.
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lactating women to feed school- age children. manufacturers will study the tastes and preferences of their customers, offer new types of products. and today there are over a thousand types of bakery products on the belarusian market, from classic to exotic. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel at it's peak. holiday season: more and more belarusians prefer holidays in their country, choosing sanatoriums. among those wishing to improve their health are many foreign guests. what are the benefits and advantages of health tourism in belarus and how the visa-free regime influenced flow of foreigners? let's ask the director of the republican center for health improvement
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and sanatorium treatment of the population, gennady bolbatovsky. gennady nikolaevich. hello. hello. i think it’s no secret to anyone, doctors always advise getting healthy. in our native climate, now is the equator of summer, in fact, do we have places in belarusian health resorts, is it still possible to get there? well, it’s almost impossible to get in, because the places in our sanatorium were already booked and purchased, and of course, today is very problematic, in the event of some unforeseen refusal of vouchers, how can you get in, so today i can state that...
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this means that there are also 147 health camps that operate only in the summer, the total bed capacity, the so-called . it is about 60 thousand with an average load of more than about 80%, this allows about 1 ml of 300-400 thousand people to receive sanatorium and resort treatment annually. last year we just set a record for attendance, this figure exceeded 1.48.
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procedures are used using ordinary water, then today our sanatoriums can use mineral waters to achieve a greater therapeutic effect, and of course, spa areas today are actively developing in every sanatorium, without exception, even in our children's sanatoriums today, which are there for accompanying children, we have uh... some elements of the spa in the form of rooms or individual procedures, and if
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we talk about the spa infrastructure in general, today we have full-fledged, in general, full-fledged spa facilities, we have 73 adult sanatoriums, today in twenty sanatoriums, these are full-fledged spa complexes , all other sanatoriums provide this or that. services, so this area is developing, it is especially interesting for the western consumer, because this is a familiar type of vacation for them, as you know, in europe especially spas are practiced, most people go to spa hotels for a short period of 2-3 days, which is today very popular in our country. has the lack of visas affected the flow of foreigners?
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year when we reached peak values, according to it was possible to travel visa-free from all european countries, practically what will happen now when 35 countries have entered.
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to the public, those unique possibilities and effects of treatment are often not achieved by traditional methods of treatment, therefore the main direction today, which is positioned in treatment in sanatoriums in our country, is the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system and neurological profile. well, what do you think
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attracts foreign guests to belarusian health resorts today, perhaps first of all, or everything in the compartment? our quality is belarusian, it could be a price that is relatively affordable, yes, well , probably affordable for many foreigners, or still our medicine, our technologies, our natural resources, which means it’s all in one complex, let’s start, of course, with prices and quality services provided, the ratio is optimal today, so the consumer has the right to choose, he will go to a european resort and come here, secondly, the brand...
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complex, somewhere the share is about 50% of exports in general tourist services. if we talk about dynamics, then, for example, according to the results of the twenty
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-third year in quantitative terms, the dynamics are plus 15.5%, that is , 217,500 foreign citizens came to us, sales revenue was an increase compared to the twenty-second year by... 27 % and exceeded 311 million rubles, that is, in equivalent, this amount exceeds $100 million annually, and i can already say the figures for the first half of the year, the dynamics are better than in the twenty- third year, we have an increase in number of 22%, already more than 109 foreign citizens at...
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motor product, naturally, we are working on the quality of the services provided, so today a lot is being done to strengthen the material and technical base and develop and expand the list of services provided. we set tasks for the owners about what exactly needs to be done, not to stand still, to develop, to position the uniqueness of our product due to this. natural healing potential, because this will not happen, that is, conditions for accommodation, food, accommodation can be created in any
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other place, so we are working on in order to use our natural potential more widely to create a favorable image of our sanatoriums in our country. well, thank you. let me remind you that the director of the republican center answered questions about the event program. congratulations to the sanatorium-resort treatment of the population by gennady bolbatovsky. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. belarus has introduced a visa-free regime for citizens of 35 european countries. the entry and exit procedure began to apply on july 19. our columnist elena pontus has more details. path for guests of potential partners are open through all ground air. people's checkpoints are an addition to the already existing visa-free regime for our neighbors, lithuania, latvia and poland. the only and fundamental limitation that does not in any way affect
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the interests of ordinary europeans is that the new large visa-free regime does not apply to holders of diplomatic service passports. the updated procedure is valid until the end of the year and allows you to stay in belarus for no more than 90 days a year or thirty days at a time. it's effective continuation of our policy. to establish good relations between our neighboring european states, i am sure that this will also make it possible to inform the entire world community, of course, the inhabitants of europe, about what is really, what is really happening in belarus, these are these fakes that they are constantly trying to stuff european society, they will be broken into this reality, and the reality that european citizens will see when they come to belarus. the first belarusian visa-free regime for residents european countries were taken advantage of by a german citizen who entered from lithuania. the state border committee reports that in just the first four days, about 100 foreigners took advantage of the visa-free regime. a story about loyalty and heroism. filming of the war drama koruz took place in belarus. what will the creators
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of the film tell you about who will play the main roles? the film is based on real events; it is a story about a dog named koruza, who saved people from starvation in besieged leningrad. full film, debut of russian director ivan kharatyan. his father, people's artist of russia dmitry kharatyan will also appear on the screens.


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