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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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generally perfect, just perfect, the food is anywhere on the belarus tv channel, 24 shows where they fight not with the help of physical force, we stay and i’m the first, just like that, we’ll try, the khl team representing kazakhstan, kazakhstan, borys, bors, absolutely right, we’ll play more alive, so quantity will turn into quality, name the athlete who is encrypted in this picture. messi, absolutely right, lionel messi, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, but activity will also play a role. difficult, most difficult question, three steps. name the only belarusian football referee who regularly works in the group stages of uefa club tournaments. i know him. this is ivanov, this soviet athlete
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is recognized as the best hockey player of the 20th century according to the international hockey federation. sergey, i think vladislav trits. absolutely right, vladislav trits. watch the intellectual and sports project “ head game” on our tv channel.
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hello, i'm vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i can’t imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of the cafe, lato macchiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people. change life
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in the city to the village. today we will go to the owners of the equestrian club in the village of okolitsa. a premium car often becomes a goal, often a dream, because it is a symbol of prosperity, a symbol of the fact that you have achieved absolutely everything in life. but today i will visit a family for whom this is not so important, a family who gave up all this, a cool car in favor. real horsepower. let's get a look. in fact, you don’t need to travel far to find yourself in places where the air is fresh and the surrounding beauty is clean and remote. the village of okolitsa is located just 30 km from minsk on the territory of the prilepsky nature reserve. in pre-revolutionary times, it was known as freebies, but not because food lovers lived here. she bore this name after the surname of her freebie owners. i’ll be honest, how... as much as i saw
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vladimir, i immediately realized that i wouldn’t have a freebie today, hello, good afternoon, me name, there at the entrance i was met by a charming, sweetest black-and-gray pig, this is yours, ours, there is no one here except ours, pig pirate, well, show me, well, let's go get started, so, well, the morning begins with feeding, hatching, well we’ll show you everything else as we go along. yes, first of all we feed, provide water, hay, take them out to you, and there’s some kind of horse canteen where this happens, it all happens in their stalls, yeah, we bring it, we distribute it, well now i'll show you everything, well, as i expected, we immediately took place in the quarry, my name is vasya, pomelo, it says papaya, that’s who to believe, the nickname is pomelo. and the name is popaya, pamela papaevna,
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hello, and why is it written - pamela, and there it is written papaya, papaya stands in the day of the pomelo, yeah, and where is the pomelo, the pomelo is walking, the pomelo, i'm for... i came popaya to saddle up for a walk, okay , it’s clear that nothing is clear, okay, let’s figure it out, look, look here, you’ll be stunned, like a typical women’s bathroom, lotions, conditioners, care products, lubricate, and here is a real pharmacy, and this is at first glance, if you forget that we are in stable, and... you can imagine that this is some kind of adult playroom. filming pavilion of fifty shades of gray. the excursion was informative, but short, and people here are not used to idleness, so
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they immediately asked me to get down to business. first of all, we need to feed everyone, here they are, yeah, these are plates, yes, yes, these are plates and we carry this, and what in? inside there is barley, barley, but you can do something else, you can use oats, you can use pipes, you can use muesli, so we hang it here, we close everything , we close it, then she can handle it, everything and the same let's give it to someone else, i also have a wife, she says, she gets tired all the time, until she feeds you all, what is there to feed, nonsense, hello, yes, there is, yes, wait, like this, please, food is served, sit down, eat, please, and the horses during feeding, they are just as jealous as dogs, well, that is, you can’t touch them, or you can, as long as he, i see that he is, yes, while he’s distracted, pet him or you don’t want to, well, it’s better not
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to, it’s better not to, interesting that after eating well, the horse will not sleep sweetly, like many other domestic animals, it needs move a lot in... the devil knows, i’m really interested in this, because it’s hard for me to imagine myself in such a morning, in which i sat at home and realized that this is all not mine, i’m not interested in all this, i want everything this
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is to leave, i mean the city, and move here, as happened with you, well, the disease developed slowly but surely. suddenly suddenly appeared, it all started with the fact that i just went to the bathhouse with friends, seriously, we have a tradition, on the thirty-first we go with friends, something like this, that is, we celebrated the day the birth of a friend and after the bath we went to a cafe, and it so happened that my wife was also celebrating her sister’s birthday, yeah, and in the whole establishment the two of us were non-drinkers, that is , we met my wife, yes, and you met then, you then, yes, we met then, at that moment with my wife, she was involved in equestrian sports. she had a horse, that’s actually cerga, this, this is the first horse, yes, everything started to go crazy with him, well, of course, as often happens, if a man decided to change his life, then, as the french say, chershelya fam, no woman here it all worked out, we got to know each other, it all started with
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passion, then another horse appeared, soon after the second horse appeared, that ’s how much time the three of you spent, let’s say, your spouse and... well, probably six months, yeah, well, then the carriage was made into a crew, we rode in minsk near the pushkin monument to a wedding on cerberus, in fact, then, when there were seven of them, we had to make a choice what to do, or continue there, that is, until seven everything was fine, it was still possible, it turned out to do everything in parallel, that is we rented a shed there,
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now he won’t tell him that we’re reading the newspaper in the evening, there won’t be dinner, i have a headache or i want to go somewhere, whether you want it or not, you need to provide it yourself, with someone else’s, well, someone else’s, as practice shows , even more difficult, because you need to find this person, motivate, provide, control how much time you were doing this together with your wife, well, until you got someone from some staff, the first, well, the first staff - these were usually ... well, volunteers, not volunteers, there girls, boys, who are also interested in this, on some mutually beneficial
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terms we, well, they provided assistance, well , initially we are both residents of minsk, yeah, let's go, but you don't ask, you see, i understand, let's go, silver bush, let's go, let's go , let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, that's all, he didn't go, but you stroked him, that is, you showed him that, well, why do these people still need him? because he doesn’t obey, let’s go, there’s always one person in command, either an improver or a person, yeah, if you don’t have to work, suck it up, but it’s already a normal living being, intelligent, what the top three qualities can be identified - in order to do this, in order to be close to horses, so that horses obey, respect, these are the three most important, most important qualities, well, probably, calmness and patience, the ability to recognize something that if a horse doesn’t understand something, then it’s not his fault, it’s yours. and what is the normal age
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for a horse, let’s say, the average age of life, well, it is believed that nature has measured 35 years for him in terms of motor life, to put it in understandable language, but in belarus 20-25 is is already considered so advanced, a respectable age, that is, tserbert, you are a pensioner , well, i’ll say another man at the dawn of his strength at the dawn of his strength? well, what else are we going to do? raska, are we going to prepare him for work now? i already had to wash a pony, i hope to clean a horse as well, but the amount of work is a little more. we clean the wool, gently, confidently, this is a scraper, this , that is, we rub the sand with the main scraper, that’s right, that’s all, yes, yes, if there are any stickers somewhere, everything along the wool, confidently, calmly. comb it all with a comb we make the dust completely with a brush,
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can i squeeze under you here, yeah, thank you, i’m very grateful, and some special shampoos, because i see that hair, well, there are conditioners that help you comb it with hats, that is, in fact, if the horse had such a full-fledged one, well , ours...
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and fell off, very convenient, by the way, how many horses do you have 36, 36, there were 42, every day you need each horse, in fact, as needed, how they work, that is before work, each horse is cleaned, some two or three times a day, probably, if i were the owner, this whole business would open just for me to clean the horse, the sun would already be setting and there would be a huge line of dissatisfied customers, saddle, saddle, we do everything on the left, that is , this is not physiologically determined in any way, but we saddle,
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unsaddle, sit down, dismount, someone comes towards us, everything moves away with our left shoulders, i’ll just turn him around now so that we can sit on him comfortably. 30, 20 seconds, yes it was, record, record, ok, i thought. all the most difficult things are behind us, and these were just flowers, we have been here since the very morning, i have not sat down even once, i don’t believe that it cannot be that in this busy schedule there is no time for rest, so that somewhere sit down, relax, make coffee, just contemplate, look, otherwise why do this, now we’ll clean up, let’s go here, and here and that is, i
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felt, yes i knew, well, i can handle this, i’ve already rolled the carts. category b in cart rentals, so we'll be clearing the hay, right? no, we will clean up poop, but at least i tried, and we have a pitchfork, we have a shovel, why, that is, our task is to make it clean, dry, so that it smells of the forest, for a long time, until tomorrow, until tomorrow, tomorrow the same thing, of course.
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that’s it, now we are distributing hay to the cleared stalls, that is, we need to provide the horses with hay for the night, i keep working and working hard, someone has already been invited to dinner, whom i see, igor nikolaevich, hello, from the outside. it may seem like it's something, well, something soft, no, it's more like pieces of wire, something like a porcupine, only on minimum wage, please allow me, i will give my word of honor, i myself don’t like it when they do this, my wife is for healthy eating, she very often takes my plate away, i know it’s annoying, you’ll find her always, yes, i understand, such
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a typical friday visitor to zibetskaya, here he is, look, please, fresh hay... bring it, take out the processed hay, and then also distribute the fermented hay, it turns out some kind of hay cycle in nature, that’s it, so that the idle there were no runs, we load all ours on the way back we’re taking it to someone, we didn’t agree, who said it would be easy, something like nutritional supplements, something healthy, well, yes, like our sauerkraut. and you don’t trust me, because no, i’m showing you, then on your own, i think, maybe this time it will pass, it won’t, okay, if i understand correctly, then for the first 7 years you did all this yourself, together with your wife, well and periodically now you have to do this, but what did you do before
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you came here, out there in the world, let’s call it that, who you were, you served under a contract for 5 years. in internal troops, yeah, then he was engaged in trade, trade, yes, you don’t miss your old life, no, he’s an amazing person, well, something new awaits here every time, that’s for sure, and how many people do you have working for you now, horses, well, every day, it’s a different composition, that is, it’s not the same people working every day, that is , there are always three or four of them, well, plus the one who comes there under a contract, that is, there are four or five more people, they were looking for the first employee for a long time ? no, it somehow gradually found itself on the sly, someone settles from helping, some come based on recommendations, some come on their own and ask, if you can’t dial from advertisements, i imagine
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this advertisement, so maybe that’s enough already? no, it’s not that i’m tired, i have 36 of them - that ’s about one person, you can take two people once, you can go twice, but you need to give the required volume, then we’ll continue, but there are some breeds that, well, maybe this not very professional and correct, but more predisposed to this type of activity, maybe simpler in training in conquering, i don’t know, well, simple horses are, well, all of them are actually not complex, it’s just that some breeds have a more excitable temperament, some more so.
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an idea, i think so, yeah, that is, everyone puts their own understanding into it, that is, it’s a pity for them all, you will treat, look after, serve everyone the same, you will worry about everyone the same, but as for there, well, so to speak, tactical technical characteristics, again for each condition, well, yes, that’s a completely different conversation, so here we go let's give it our all, what's the name, kind, kind, yes, let's check, as it is, that's the name. how old is she? she’s five, yes, she’s still, that is, still, and she’s still a teenager, well, yes, and in the breeding of horses, you are engaged in, well, breeding,
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breeding, well, it’s clear that the horses themselves are engaged in breeding, the breeding itself, well, there are several foals for yourself we breed a year as planned, it’s a whole epic, a whole process, but it’s not so simple, well, we select a stallion, that is, it’s not among our own? well, we had a foal, but we had already removed it, that is, because for many years we were alone you can’t cover either, you need to change your own, so we use it, and what criteria are used to select, so you say, to choose and it takes a long time, as i understand it, that is, this is not a simple process, the process of choosing a stallion, by which crees to select by qualities, by breed there, i just look at what foals there were, on what horses, what kind of foals he gave, yeah, the stallion, and so accordingly. already then you launch it to your own, roughly understanding that you will succeed, that is, it’s a whole show, a long process, preparation, analysis, selection for good reason
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it’s considered science, sometimes it happens that you seem to have found something suitable, good, all from a good family, educated, with a dowry, you bring it here and nothing happens, it happens that you’re born into a mediocre child, something that nothing happens at all, well it happens, it happens, like with people, everything is like with people, let's move on, what's according to our plan, we distribute everything to everyone else, they called the prince on a white horse without throwing away water and bark. wait, it bends, ta, ta, put it on correctly,
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as best i could. it always seemed to me that somewhere here on the saddle there was that treasured handle, and behind that you can grab and feel safe. i want to say right away that a horse doesn’t have such a handle, everything that is in your arsenal is in order not to fall. and there were no 9 days, 40 days later, yes, and these are your legs, back, balance, it ’s incomprehensible to the mind how you gallop on a horse,
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when it’s crazy speed, you need to squat, bend over, while staying in the seat, and you understand that there is not even any way to retreat, your legs are in stirrups, and you can get caught, you can fixate on the horse, he will continue to gallop with you, all these fears overcome you when you find... up here, only then at the very last moment you think about beauty, about how you look here in the saddle, and probably 10-15 minutes after after you stay here, in your first 10-15 minutes of riding, and you begin to relax at least a little, look around, in fact, everything happens the same as what happens when driving a car or some other vehicle, those those who have just learned their license rarely look at on both sides, very rarely, so do i. despite the fact that i’m wearing this charming, dream -stunning scarf, the horse doesn’t care, i concluded that horse riding is hard
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, aching work. skin, concern for the delicate and nervous animal, as well as complete delight. well, run, have fun, and i’ll go on to clean up after you, thank you, it was great, and what time do you arrive, well , you already come here to start your day, well, 7:30, and what time do you leave, well is it always time?
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this is the second year we’ve been trying to downsize. well, it's already late. in my case, it’s good that the sun tends to set; time is finite. of course, i will be able to fully feel the results of everything that i have done here tomorrow, when i will hardly be able to get out of bed, my hands will be more like some kind of whips, and nevertheless i want to thank you very much for that experience , which i initially didn’t believe in when i came here, and that experience that, i won’t be pretentious and say that it opened my eyes, no, it did, but i had a great time today, even though i was tired, damn tired, big respect to you, thank you very much for today, prosper, grow, may the next time, if we come to you, there will already be 70 here, two horses, and you can do it, most importantly, you can, we we will try, thank you, thank you, honor, we have more than enough good times.
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thank you, happy, happy. it seems to me that many residents of the city, despite successes, good earnings and amenities , cannot call themselves happy, but not everyone is ready to escape from the frantic rhythm and conventional comfort to the village. next sunday we will continue to meet such brave souls. see you!
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